The Vampire And The Orphan

Chapter Chapter Eleven


Lettie stopped them just before they jumped through the void, a panicked note in her voice.

“What is it?” Nathanial asked.

“What if it’s daylight? You’ll start to burn as soon as we pass through! Once we get past the nothing, I reach for the earth, and we’re there. It happens in a literal instant.”

Her voice was full of fear, more so than she’d shown for him before. Was it the trauma from seeing his fall and near death twice? Or had the revelation from that dream affected her? She seemed sad about it, and he didn’t understand why.

“It’s been hours,” Nathanial assured her. “I’m sure the sun is down by now.”

It’s was strange not knowing, vampires learned early on to become very attuned to the sun. In this strange void he couldn’t feel it.

“But what if you’re wrong?”

“Such little confidence in your big bad vampire,” he teased and managed to get a tiny smile from her.

“I won’t be falling down a cliff and breaking every bone in my back this time. If I need to run, I can get into the cave; it’ll be fine, Lettie.” He added in a more serious tone.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure,” he promised her, “we need to get you back on earth and fed.”

“That sounds so weird,” she mumbled as she took his hand.

“It’s all so weird, isn’t it, little faery girl?”

“Yeah, it is, big bad vampire,” she was full-on smiling at that, and it was contagious.

“Ready?” He squeezed her hand, and she squeezed back. They both rushed into the cave’s open mouth; Lettie did her thing. When he opened his eyes again, they were outside the cave and back in their own world.

The sky was becoming dark; he looked around the clearing; it was so similar, very little had changed. He turned to face Lettie, and it was a relief to be able to fully see her again.

“You were right. It’s night,” a shy smile curled over her lips, and he found his eyes lingering.

She was so beautiful, his soulmate, he’d always thought so, but he couldn’t stop noticing her now.

She averted her gaze and started to explore the small area near the mouth of the cave.

“It is so good to feel the earth again,” she said, taking a long breath in. She closed her eyes for a moment as she took it in. Her necklace was still glowing against the night sky.

“Will that keep the black cloud away?”

“I don’t know,” Lettie said honestly, “it was Jael, though. In my head, in those dreams. I’m sure of it now; when we went through that. I remembered all my dreams of the nothing. That’s what he wanted from me. He wanted to know if I could open realms.”

“But why?” Nathanial asked.

“Good question,” Lettie said, “the woman told me never to let him bring me to where he is. I wonder if he’s in another realm?”

“What’s the cloud, though? Is that him?”

“She said it’s dark energy that he controls,” Lettie said, “I felt light energy when I healed you, and it felt so .. powerful. I wonder what dark energy is like.”

“Stay away from it,” Nathanial advised, “I’ve guarded witches that thought they could stay ahead of dark magic. They were always wrong. Dark things can get into your soul and quickly too.”

“Yeah.. you’re right, I’m sure,” she looked up at the sky. “Should we turn our flashlights on from our phones?”

“I dumped them with the car, just in case,” he explained, “I’ll build us a fire that’ll let off some natural light.”

He started gathering some wood as she walked around the clearing.

“What smells so good? Oh!” She walked over to a crabapple tree that sat near the cave.

“There’s a creek down south from here that has better fruit trees,” he told her as she plucked one. “Those will be bitter.”

She popped the tiny apple in her mouth, and her eyes widened in delight. “Not bitter at all! They’re delicious!”

“You’re a weird one, my little Lettie girl,” he said, and she giggled at that. Her laughter filled the air like music to his ears.

He found his thoughts wandering as he worked on building on fire.

He’d found his soulmate... he was still trying to wrap his head around that.

He was perplexed and undeserving. After all he’d done, how could destiny have deemed him worthy of such a thing?

Centuries of servitude didn’t make up for murdering innocent people.

And even if it did, fate was cruel, so why would it reward him?

Because... he realized it as he thought it. Who better to guard someone than their other half? No one would ensure her interests more than him. A mate would lie down their own life in an instant to protect their other half. The witches knew that so they intervened.

It wasn’t for nothing; she mattered; there was something very special about her. If she mattered to witches, that told him she mattered to humanity. He was nearly certain now that he needed to keep her away from The Order.

He had a feeling they probably already knew about her, he only hoped he could stay ahead of them. This hideout would work for a while, but they’d need allies sooner than later. They’d probably have to move and often. If there was a rebellion out there, he needed to find it. The trouble with that being the obvious, they’d want her fae blood. Being mated to her and having blood blond, would keep any honorable vampires away from her, but a rebellion may not care about old school unsaid rules like that.

“I suppose we’ll stay in the cave?” Lettie was peering in cautiously as she popped a few more crab apples in her mouth.

The fire he’d built up outside the cave was roaring already and providing light in and around it.

“Yes, but we’ll make it as comfortable as we can,” he assured her as he stepped inside, “I’ll build a fire in here too.”

Unlike the faux one they’d just come from, they could see the cave walls and dirty floor. It also still contained some of the makeshift crude beds they had built back then. Lettie took a seat on one as he ventured out for more firewood.

Plenty of branches and debris from storms had fallen into the valley over the years, so they’d have plenty of wood. He returned and built a quick fire.

“You trained here?” Lettie asked as he got two torches ready for them to explore.

“With one of the strongest and oldest known vampires, other than The Order, of course,” he confirmed.

“I saw him or heard him, talking to a witch in that dream. I didn’t get a good look at him,” Lettie muttered, “Is he still around?”

“Possibly, but it’d be a long shot we’d find him, or that he’d help us,” Nathanial frowned, “Odd you were able to see what was happening outside of my coffin.”

“It’s all odd, Nathanial,” she said.

“I can’t deny that,” he agreed.

“What are we supposed to do other than keep me away from Jael and The Order?” She asked.

“I wish I knew,” He groaned as he stood. He was holding a torch and handed her one.

They ventured out and made their way to the creek; it was as big and lush as he remembered. It was surrounded by fruit trees and had a fresh stream running through it. It also had a big open area to dive in and swim.

They stuck their torches in the ground as she looked around.

“This looks so refreshing!” She started peeling off layers, and he quickly averted his eyes.

“I’m only stripping down to my camisole and underwear; see, it’s like a swimsuit.” She laughed at his modesty.

Despite himself, he looked over, and it was innocent enough, a fitted lavender top with mini short-style panties. Yet it was the most he’d seen of her, and she was so gorgeous...

His eyes stayed on her as she dove into the water and emerged.

“Get in, Nathanial! It feels good!”

“Enjoy yourself; I’ll just watch,” he said.

“Is the big bad vampire all scared of a little water?” she teased.

“Lettie,” he warned her as a grin started to work its way onto his face.

“I can save you if you drown, don’t be scared,” she giggled.

With that, he stripped down to his boxers and dove in, and she squealed as he dove after her, he caught her quickly, and she squirmed and giggled in his arms, but he held tightly to her.

The air stilled as her laughter ceased, and his eyes washed over her again. Her honey-brown hair hung down her back in a dripping cascade of wet waves, and her violet eyes shimmered in the moonlight. He was taken aback at that moment by her beauty. He found himself wanting to get lost in it, in her.

He couldn’t even recall the last time he’d kissed someone, really kissed them. It was really a tool, a means to an end when he was feeding. He didn’t even enjoy it and yet in that moment he wanted to kiss her, something fierce. It was unlike anything he’d felt before.

“Nathanial?” Her melodic voice rang out in the night air pulling him from his trance. “Are you all right?”

It was sobering and suddenly he was so unsure of what he was doing. So undeserving.. he averted his gaze.

“Just fine, Lettie; we should get back before you get too cold” he pulled away and began to swim to shore. She hesitated a moment but soon joined him. Had she felt that too?

Once they made their way up, he turned his back while she took off her wet undergarments and then put her dry clothes on. He quickly did the same, scooping up a bunch of cherries and other fruit for her before they left.

She shivered as they started making their way back, and he grabbed his jacket and put it around her shoulders; she leaned into him as he did this; it felt nice, so he didn’t pull away. He kept his arm around her as they walked back into the cave.

She sat down close to the fire pulling his jacket around her like a blanket. He added some wood and then came to sit next to her.

“We bought all those clothes and ended up dumping them,” she mentioned, and he laughed.

“At least you aren’t stuck in the fifties dress,” he remarked.

“I thought they were kind of pretty,” she admitted.

“You’re an old soul in many ways,” he commented.

“Guess that’s why I’m your soulmate,” she quipped.

He was glad to hear she seemed happier about it. They couldn’t change it, so he’d hate for her to feel trapped and upset to be tied to him like this.

“I can’t believe I didn’t recognize it,” he mumbled, “I really have shut off.”

“What do you mean? Recognize it? Should I have to?” she asked her questions rapidly, making him smile despite the heavy topic.

“No, but I’m sure there were some things about me you didn’t quite understand,” he said slowly, “explains why you never feared me.”

“I did always feel safe with you,” she agreed.

“Vampires are the most likely of any being to find their mate because they live the longest. For many, it’s the very reason they stay alive for so long; on that off chance, even slight, they might find their mate; it’s worth it.”

“So vampires want to have a soulmate?” She asked with a perplexed look on her face. “I thought you would’ve been annoyed about it.”

“Annoyed?” He shook his head, “No. Lettie, the idea of finding the person your heart and soul belong to, it’s like salvation. It’s like getting your humanity back, like getting to live all over again. It’s a vampire’s biggest desire.”

“It is?” She asked with wide eyes.

“The younger me knew who you were to me the moment I saw you,” he murmured.

“Because I woke you?”

“No, because my heart hadn’t been shut off yet,” he said, her eyes filled with sadness.

“Will you ever open it back up for me?” she asked timidly.

“That’s already starting to happen, little faery girl,” Nathanial admitted, and a relieved smile washed over her face.

I was worried,” she confessed, “that you couldn’t ever love me. I was afraid you would be upset to be stuck with me like this.”

Finally, he understood as he met her sweet but sad gaze. He was so good at many things, but when it came to matters of the heart, he was a novice at best.

She’d expected more of a reaction; she expected love and affection.. the trouble was, he didn’t know how to provide those things. But for her, he’d have to try.

“I was trained control here. Not just over blood, I was taught to control everything, emotions included.” He explained as he poked with the fire, ensuring it stayed blazing hot as her wet hair dried.

“He said it was vital; that I don’t grow attached to my charges,” Nathanial continued, “emotions were a weakness I couldn’t afford. Once I learned to control them, I became so good at it. The only person I allowed in was Greta. When she died, it was painful; I was very quick to shut it off again. Other than brief conversations with an intent to feed, I spent fifty years completely alone.”

“That’s such a long time, Nathanial,” her eyes filled with understanding.

“A very long time, sweet Lettie,” he moved a little closer to her and brushed a hair from her face.

“A part of me thinks it would be better to stay shut off. I could probably protect you better if I don’t allow myself to get distracted over feelings.”

Her eyes narrowed some at that, and she frowned, “I disagree! What better reason to protect someone then caring for them?”

“It’s a moot point anyhow,” he commented with a hint of amusement.

“How so?” She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

“You shut the coffin on me but before you did, did you look at my face in the dream?” He asked and continued when she didn’t answer, “Lettie, like I said, the second you woke my younger self, I knew who you were to me. I was instantly transfixed by you. I was already falling in love with you before you even spoke to me.”

“But... what?”

“I hadn’t learned to shut off yet, so all it took was one look, and you were in my heart,” he confessed.

“But the you now doesn’t... or can’t?”

“I’m the same man,” he told her, “as good as my control is, my heart has been opening since the moment I found you. But this is all so foreign to me. I’m not any good at it.”

“That’s okay!” She assured him with teary eyes. “I’m not good at it either, and my heart is on!”

“Oh, Lettie,” he laughed and pulled her into his arms. She looked at him as he gently brushed a hand over her cheek. “Can you be patient with me?”

“Yes, of course I can,” she cuddled into his chest, burying her head. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and gently stroked her hair.

“I don’t deserve you,” he mumbled softly.

“Yes, you do,” she said instantly. “It’s literally written in the stars, so don’t argue with me about it, either.”

He smiled to himself, he couldn’t argue it. It was written in the stars, and it was only a matter of time before she fully took over his heart.

If he was being honest, that terrified him.

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