The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 5

I knew Maya wouldn't let me down, and I have to admit she drug me out of my depressive state to go dress shopping. I told her I would pay her back once I was home, but she insisted it was nonsense.

I said my goodbyes to the bartender and Glo, thanking them for their generosity, before we loaded up and left for town. We went to the same dress shop as before so thankfully this time the woman working was extremely nice to me.

We looked through dress after dress before I picked one out that was silver and had mirror-like crystals all over the chest. It was a long sleeve fitted style, with a deep V in the front. It also had a slit on the left thigh, exposing some skin.

"Stunning!" Maya exclaimed as she clapped her hands while I stood in front of the mirrors, "Oh, and by the way, it's a masquerade ball." I groaned at the thought of having something over my face all night, but I reached the conclusion it would help hide my identity until it was the right time to approach Erik.

We checked out, thankful that the dress was on the sale rack. We went down the street and walked into the shoe store to pick out some shoes and accessories.

I nearly puked in the floor when I saw that same blond-haired woman from Erik's bed picking out some shoes.

Great, apparently she will be his date.

I gritted my teeth as I walked over to the heels and appeared to look through them. I listened in on her conversation with one of the saleswomen.

"Oh, yes! These would be perfect. Erik will love them."

The way she drug out his name made bile rise in my throat. Maya looked at me with a cautious look, telling me to keep my hands to myself. I nodded as I pulled out a pair of silver stilettoes and tried them on.

"Do they feel alright?" Maya asked as I stood up and walked a few feet in them. I nodded. "They feel good; a lot of support for tall heels." I put them in the box and walked over to pick out some earrings and bracelets.

"Aren't you Melody?"

I slowly turned my head and looked at the blond haired woman. She was definitely beautiful; she had big gray eyes, perfectly placed makeup, and her hair was neat and tidy halfway pulled back.

"Yes," I answered, "And you are?"

"Heidi," she said, holding out her hand with intentions of shaking mine, "I'm honored to finally meet you. I'm a huge fan." I looked her up and down with a slight glow to my eyes. She retracted her hand and bowed. "So sorry, I forgot my manners." I then reached out my hand and shook hers. "It's nice to meet you."

"Are you going to the ball this weekend?" she asked as I turned my attention to the masks on the wall. I nodded. "Yes, are you?"

"I am," she answered, "King Donovan asked me to accompany him. We have been wondering where you went."

So she knows the down low, and is trying to get a response from me. Not today, Satan.

"Oh," I replied, "I was visiting my uncle."

"Well," she said as she pulled a black hand-held mask from the shelf, "We cannot wait to see you again; I'm sure you will be stunning." I nodded in response and she carefully walked away. I let the breath out that I was holding in and grabbed a silver mask that I could strap onto my face. It had crystal gems lined all around the eyes and matched my dress perfectly.

I walked up to the checkout counter as Maya hurried over to me. We paid for our stuff and went to a little restaurant for lunch. We ordered some mimosas and a large breakfast tray, which I devoured. I sat back after we got done eating and sipped on my drink.

"Did you see that girl in there?" I asked Maya. She nodded her head. "You did good controlling yourself." I threw my head back and laughed at her expression. It was the first time I had laughed in so long.

"So," she started, taking a sip from her glass, "What are you gonna say when you see Erik?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I have no idea. It depends on his reaction to me, really. If he ignores me or treats me like I'm not his soulmate, then I'll just leave. If not, I'm hoping we can pick up on our relationship where we left off."

"You are just made for each other," she said with a sigh, "I mean it: he has been an absolute mess since you have been gone. Doesn't talk, acts out irrationally, and just overall mean." I looked at my glass as the pain began to rise in my stomach. Knowing Erik was hurting made my insides turn and twist.

"I love him," I whispered, "I'll always love him. No matter what he feels toward me, I will always protect him and be there for him. I think that's what hurts the most is knowing that he might not feel that way about me anymore."

"I think," Maya said as she took a drink, "And this is just my opinion, but I think he will surprise you."

Maybe Maya was right; once we connected again that love would come back to the surface and everything would be fine. There was just this gnawing pit in my stomach that I couldn't shake.

We finished our drinks and went back to her car. I realized I had nowhere to go besides the little town, so I knew I had to call someone else for help.

"Can I use your phone for a minute?" I asked Maya. She nodded and I dialed the number.


"Hey, it's Melody," I said to uncle Harry, "I've gotten myself in a predicament and I was wondering if you knew anywhere I could stay for a short amount of time?"

"Of course," he said, "I have our extra add-on at the house. It's an apartment next door. You're more than welcome to stay as long as you need."

"Thank you," I replied, "Will you send me the address?"

"I sure will," he answered, "Is everything okay? I thought you were under the tutelage of your uncle?"

"It's a long story," I said with a sigh, "I'll explain it when I see you."

"Alrighty," he said, "See you soon."

"Bye," I said before I hung up the phone. I gave it back to Maya as the address popped up and she typed it into her GPS.

"You sure you're gonna be safe with him?" she asked as we started our drive. I nodded my head. "If there is anyone I can trust on that council, he's the one."

We drove for about forty minutes until we came to the city where the council and their family members lived. We pulled up to the house where uncle Harry sent the address and Maya grabbed my hand before I got out.

"Call me the day of the party," she said, "We will plan this out. Or just text me. And please keep me updated on your day to day stuff." I chuckled. "Don't worry, I will."

"I'll let Rex know you're coming too," she replied with a smile, "She's been worried about you as well."

"Thank you," I said with tears in my eyes, "For everything."

"Girl, you know I've got your back!" she exclaimed. I smiled and grabbed my dress, shoes, and accessories before I began the walk to the apartment next to a two-story modern looking home.

The apartment was already unlocked so I went in. There was a small living area to the right, a kitchen and table with two chairs to the left, and a hallway between the kitchen and living room. Everything was white and open with modern appliances. There was a small bathroom in the hallway with a shower, toilet, and sink. The bedroom at the end of the hall had a queen-sized bed, a small closet, and a TV on the right wall with a dresser underneath it.

I hung my dress up in the closet and set my shoes on the floor under it. I put my accessories on the dresser and sat on the bed. I heard the door unlock up front so I jumped up and went to the kitchen.

"Melody!" uncle Harry exclaimed, holding his arms out to me. I gave him a big hug before I noticed his wife behind him.

"This is my wife, Sonya," he said as she bowed, "I wasn't sure if you remembered her or not."

"I don't," I said as I ignored her outstretched arm and wrapped her in a hug as well, "But it's good to see you again."

"Likewise," Sonya replied, chuckling, "My, you've grown up."

"What happened to your face?" uncle Harry asked. I sighed and leaned against the counter, looking at the floor. "Johnathan is not the nice king you think he is."

"What do you mean?" he asked as he sat on the couch. I walked over and sat in the chair next to the couch as Sonya sat next to uncle Henry.

"You cannot tell the council," I started, "If you do, I'm afraid it will cause another uproar. If Johnathan hasn't reported anything, let it lie."

"Okay," uncle Harry said, "I won't tell them."

"Erik and I went there for brunch to discuss everything with me being heir and all," I said, "And Johnathan spiked our drinks with silver. Or well, mine was silver. I have no idea what he put in Erik's.

"Anyway, I woke up and I was being treated like a lab rat. He was trying to find a way to replicate my powers for himself so that he could be the most powerful king. I have a feeling that him and Malachi were friends, so that's why he was doing what he was doing; to continue Malachi's work now that he's dead.

"I finally made a connection with my powers and was able to escape. I haven't been back to see Erik, because he is heartbroken. He thinks that I left to take the crown, when in reality I never wanted it. Johnathan told him I had decided to stay, and now he has been in a depressed state and seeing other women and who knows what else." I held my head in my hands as I attempted to control my emotions. "Maya wants me to go to this masquerade party this weekend to see Erik and tell him the truth, but I don't know if he will believe me or not."

Uncle Harry sighed and put his hand on Sonya's thigh. My heart pinged, wishing that I had Erik here to do the same for me.

"My dear Mel," he whispered, "I'm afraid there will always be people out in the world who want the powers you possess. They will come in all forms: family, friends, and people you don't know at all.

"The thing you have to do is always keep your guard and wits about you, and be the best ruler you can be. Erik will come to his senses once he hears the truth, I have no doubt about that. Johnathan has always been a sneaky bastard, unfortunately. I was worried when he wanted to meet you that something like this would happen, I just didn't know he would have taken it as far as he did.

"He will get what's coming to him, no doubt. But I promise it will stay between us. And you have our support in whatever it is you decide to do. The council will be at the party this weekend, so you will have us there for assistance. And you can go with Sonya and me so you won't be arriving alone."

This man wasn't even blood related to me, and he seemed like my true uncle. I smiled at him as tears formed in the corners of my eyes. "Thank you, both. For everything. I would love to go with you. I have everything I need for the party, and I want it to go as smoothly as possible."

"We will ensure that happens, my dear," Sonya replied, reaching out and putting her hand on my arm.

"The party is the the night after tomorrow night," uncle Harry said, standing up, "I'll have a maid bring you some clothes to wear around, since I assume that's all you have." He looked me up and down in my jeans and t-shirt I got from Glo and I blushed. "Yeah, I wasn't really packing to stay anywhere when I left home."

He smiled and looked at me. "Go get some rest. We will have the limo out front of the house at seven sharp."

"Sounds good," I replied. He then handed me a small cell phone. "Here's this in case you need it. I've already programmed my number and Sonya's in there for you."

"Thank you," I said, giving them each a hug again. They left and locked the door behind them, leaving me to my quiet space all to myself.

I went to the fridge and grabbed a coke before I retreated to the bedroom to rest my eyes for a while. I eventually fell asleep when the moon rose over the horizon and casted a dim light in the room.

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