The Vampire Ambassador

Chapter 17

"This doesn't change anything," Gael said, "It will just mean we will need to get our shit together a little quicker than we originally planned."

My head was spinning with the anxiety flowing through me. I bit my lip and clenched my fists together to get a grip on myself.

“I’ll begin preparations for talk with the rest of the island,” Luna said as she grabbed her phone and walked out of the room.

“We will need to know what is said in that council meeting,” I said as I pushed down my fear and anxiety, “Any way we can do so?”

“Harry will relay to us the information,” Gael answered, “I wouldn’t worry about anything until after the meeting tomorrow. More than likely they will shut Johnathan down.”

“I hope so,” I replied, putting my hand on my forehead and rubbing my temples.

“We will keep at it throughout the night,” Gale said, “Our queen needs some rest. Go to bed and I or Luna will wake you if anything urgent is needed.”

I nodded my head and turned to leave. Once I got to my room I turned on the shower as hot as it would go and stood in the water for the longest. I tried to wash all of my fear and nervousness away, but it was still lingering.

Once I was finished in the shower I slipped on some sweatpants and a pullover. I needed something to calm me down, so I walked out to the balcony and sat down in the lounge chair. I looked up at the starry sky and wished more than anything that I had a normal life just for a little while.

My love?

I nearly jumped out of my skin when Erik’s voice sliced through the thoughts in my mind. I had no idea what to say, but I couldn’t jeopardize the mission at hand.

You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice, Erik.

I felt a wave of warmth move through me even though the air outside was chilly.

Are you safe? How is it at St. Mary’s?

Thank goodness he has no idea.

It’s actually not so bad. Mainly just a bunch of therapy sessions with psychiatrists. I’ve even made a friend, her name is Luna.

I figured I could at least tell the truth about something.

That’s good to hear. I’m glad it’s not like the torture you see on T.V.

I chuckled as I could picture his smile with his lips turning up on just the one side.

I miss you so much.

I sighed as the sadness welled up inside of me.

And I miss you my love. We will be together again soon. It absolutely kills me what the council has done to you.

I wished I could tell him the truth, but I knew I had to keep him safe.

Don’t worry, they will get a piece of my mind when I get back.

I’ve tried to contact them to tell them how wrong they are by putting you in a mental facility. They won’t return my calls or emails.

They are probably dealing with Johnathan. They did say they would investigate my concerns and how he kidnapped me.

True, but it’s very unlike Patrick to not reply.

I leaned my head back and put my hand on my forehead. I knew the reason they weren’t responding.

Don’t even worry with it. I promise you they will hear from me once I return.

I smiled as I sent him as much of a calming presence I could, trying to ease his mind.

I’m sure you’re exhausted from your first day, love. I will let you get some rest. I just couldn’t sleep until I knew you were okay and safe.

I longed for a kiss in that moment.

I promise you have nothing to worry about. I’m completely safe. Goodnight, Erik. I love you.

And I love you.

I pulled my mind away from his and went back inside, closing the door behind me. I took off my pants and pulled the sweatshirt off before replacing it with a regular t-shirt.

I tried to sleep and I had figured that it would come quickly with me being as tired as I was, but I tossed and turned for a few hours before I finally dozed off.

Those same eyes from my nightmare before were staring at me.

I tried to force myself awake, but it was like something was holding me in my dream. I kicked and punched but nothing happened. It was like the eyes were right in front of me but far away at the same time. I reached deep down inside of me to manifest my powers and throw them at the faceless creature, but they sizzled out inches away from my body.

I screamed as loud as I could, but nothing came out of my mouth. I tried to run away, but it was as if I was suspended in the air and my legs only kicked the emptiness.

I turned around to see the eyes glowing brighter and getting closer. Suddenly I fell onto the hard ground on my back and a black figure was looming over me. I couldn’t move or fight back as the eyes became bigger. They were almost right on top of me before I heard a menacing laugh echoing in the darkness. I tried to cover my ears as the ringing began, but I could not move if my life depended on it.

My heart was racing in my chest as I fixated my gaze on the mist that began to ooze from the figure. My mouth opened as if someone commanded it and I was unable to tear my eyes from the dark irises in the faceless monster.

A growl boomed in the distance and the eyes dissipated into nothingness. I closed my mouth and attempted to catch my breath as claustrophobia set in while the darkness enclosed me. I tried to calm myself down as footsteps echoed in the distance but the fear of whatever was coming kept my heart thumping loud enough to bounce off of the non-existent walls. The footsteps grew closer but I couldn’t see anyone in the pitch black. I felt the movements of someone at my feet and I attempted to sit up and face them.

I immediately woke up when my body slammed into the floor. I opened my eyes in a frantic as I looked around the dimly lit room that I had fallen asleep in.

I grabbed my chest that was covered in a cold sweat, trying to regain control of snapping out of my dream.

“Mel!” Gael shouted from the other side of the door, “Is everything alright? Unlock the door, we all heard you screaming.”

I slowly stood up and walked over to the door, cracking it open just enough to peek my head out. “Sorry, it was just a bad dream.”

“That must have been a hell of a dream,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, “It sounded like a murder in here.”

I chuckled and looked down at the floor, avoiding his shirtless chest in my face. “Yeah, it happens sometimes. Sorry again.”

“No worries,” he said, stretching, “It’s time for breakfast anyway. See you at the table.”

“See ya,” I said before I closed the door. I sighed and trudged to the bathroom. I made sure to wash my face good and brush my teeth before grabbing some clothes to put on.

I put on a pair of skinny jeans, Nike high top shoes, sweater, and pulled my hair into a bun. I opened the bedroom door and slowly walked down the stairs, a slight shake still in my step as I tried to recover from the awful nightmare.

"Well good morning," Luna chuckled, "Sounded like a massacre from your room this morning."

I rubbed my neck and sat down at the bar next to Quinn. "Sorry about that. Nightmares are a bitch."

"No worries," Luna said as she turned off the stove, "We all have them from time to time." She grabbed her plate and began to pile it full of eggs, bacon, and toast. I followed Quinn as he fixed a plate. I put a small portion of eggs and toast on my plate, forcing myself to eat something.

My stomach was still in knots from the nightmare and I had no appetite. I forced myself to eat some toast and drink some coffee.

"So John told me that their meeting is at lunch," Gael said as he devoured his breakfast, "We will gather during that time to anticipate what happens."

I nodded my head as I took a sip of coffee. "I hope it goes well."

"Me too," Luna said, "I really don't feel like kicking ass just yet." She grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Her eyes lit up and she took her pointer finger toward the glass, causing the water to rise up and swirl around itself.

"Showoff," Quinn mumbled. Luna smiled and splashed a few sprinkles in his face.

"So what is your ability?" I asked Quinn. He groaned. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Oh come on," Luna replied, "Tell her."

"It's embarrassing," he said, "And useless."

"No power is useless," I assured him. He sighed and closed his eyes. There was a rumble in the distance, shaking the house.

"Hey, don't take us out now!" Gael exclaimed as some dirt began to roll around in the floor. I looked down to see dust forming into a small mountain on the floor while a huge pile began to build in front of the window on the other side of the living room behind us.

"That's not useless!" I said, "Don't you realize if you control earth, you control everything inside of it?"

His eyes lit up and he smiled. "I never thought of it that way."

"You could open up the ground to the core of the earth," Gael added, "Send those bitches straight to hell when we fight."

"True," Quinn said, smiling at his realization. He jumped up out of his seat and ran outside, probably to perfect his skill.

"He's our newest recruit," Gael said, "Super young. He is still learning about himself and his abilities."

"Understandable," I replied, taking my empty plate to the sink. I sighed as I rinsed off the plate before sticking it in the dishwasher. Gael and Luna did the same as me and walked into the living room to turn on the news. I looked at the dishwasher and took a few steps back.

Close and turn on.

The door slammed shut and the water began to run inside of the machine, washing the dishes. I grabbed another cup of coffee and nestled into the chair next to the couch, where Luna and Gael were snuggled up together under a blanket.

Gael and Luna were immersed in themselves and the television, so I decided to reach out to Erik again since he was my calm in the storm.

Hey, you.

A surge of happiness overwhelmed me as he connected with our mind link.

Well good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?

I bit my lip as the memories of my dream filled my thoughts.

I slept alright, I guess. Just not as well as I would have next to you in our own bed.

I know what you mean. I didn't sleep good having you away. It was lonely.

I sighed as I realized how much I really missed him. It had only been a couple of days but being away from him was hard.

What's on your agenda today?

I racked my mind for some type of excuse to answer him with.

Just some group therapy here shortly then some anger management sessions. It's all sort of boring.

I held my breath until his reply came through.

I hate you're going through this, my love. I wish I could just come kidnap you.

So do I, Erik. It's awful being away from you and enduring this stupid mental health shit that I don't need.

"Earth to Mel?" Gael said, snapping me out of my trance. I looked over at him to see that he and Luna were both staring at me.

"Sorry," I mumbled, "I was talking to Erik."

"You didn't tell him anything, did you?" Luna asked with a slight feel of animosity towards me.

I shook my head no. "No, I didn't. I promise."

"Good," she breathed, sitting back in the sofa.

"I was saying that we need to keep our ears open today and stick around the house until we hear word of the meeting," Gael said, "That way we can be prepared if anything happens."

"Sounds good," I replied, standing up and stretching, "I'll probably head down to the beach in a little bit. I won't be far, just throw a fire ball at me or something."

"Will do," Gael chuckled as he turned the television back up while some comedian did stand-up.

I set my cup in the sink and linked back to Erik.

I have to go, my love. I will talk to you soon.

I began the walk up to my room and pushed the door open, closing and locking it behind me.

Talk soon, sweetheart. I love you.

I changed my clothes into shorts and a t-shirt with a light jacket. I went to the balcony and jumped down, hitting the ground with a thud. I started my run toward the beach and let my legs stretch.

Once I got to the soft sand I plopped down and laid back, letting the sun hit my skin and keep me warm in the cool weather. The wind was picking up slowly, and it lulled me to sleep as the rays from the kept me comfortable.

I could stay here forever and just ignore everything else going on, but I knew I had a mission to complete.

I fell asleep thinking of Erik and how much I loved him. I promised myself that I would never let him go after this.

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