The unwanted wife’s unexpected comeback

Chapter 831

Chapter 831: Well, that just makes it more interesting.

Alicia took a calming breath before responding, Caden, whatever we had ended ages ago.

Why are you still chasing this? Love cant be coerced, you know.

Whos coercing anything? he replied in a relaxed tone.

Every year, I pick up a handful of projects on a whim.

It just so happens that this year, yours was one of them.


Bennett, with your wealth, you could easily fund another.

But your resistance makes me wonder could it be that you still have lingering feelings for me? Alicia was momentarily speechless.

Caden continued, Im free these days, Ms.


Just say the word, and I can swing by to pick you up anytime.

Alicia finally snapped.

Go take a hike, Caden! That evening, Corey had arranged for the chef to prepare a la...

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