The Unthinkable

Chapter You Don't Get a Choice

The guards tie me into a metal chair as I struggle hopelessly. I am meant to be in that room, not Charly. Why is he there and not me?

I may still be mad at him but I certainly didn't want him or pretty much anyone to be tortured the way I was. These people are crazy enough to do anything like this no matter the cause. Speaking of cause what even is it? Torturing people does not exactly match up to science experiments.

My skin starts to irritate under the metal clasps and I stop struggling when I feel small drops of blood trickle down my hand. There is no way out and struggling wasn't going to save Charly now. My heart rate has picked up at an alarming speed making my chest bounce up and down at a lightning pace, my throat going dry from the dehydration I have brought upon myself from uselessly using up all my energy struggling. Sweat is now dripping down my forehead as a thousand thoughts attack my brain. What will happen to Charly and more importantly...what is going to happen to me?

People dressed in white doctors uniforms, like the ones I saw back in the shipping station, enter the room sitting behind me at some sort of control panel. The panel is a glass desk that has all sorts of symbols scattered around it flashing and moving. Each person is dragging them around with the touch of their finger and I knew I would be in awe asking a million questions if I wasn't so distracted or tied up but I am too distracted worrying for mine and Charly's well fair and I am imprisoned in metal restraints.

A hand grabs my face pulling it back to face forward. I see Charly's mother standing smiling but looking uncomfortable and I mentally smirk. Yeah, she should feel uncomfortable, what monster sends their own son in that torture room?

'Now this will only be 10 minutes. Just stay still, don't speak and his pain won't be as bad. Move or talk and it gets worse. You're a smart girl you should know what's best' Her famous fake smile replaces her uncomfortable manner making me scowl back at her with disgust.

'Let us begin' She says facing the people behind me but I realize that my head is now locked in a metal clamp that is set tight around my face meaning I can see nothing but the blank black wall in front of me. I can't move at all.

A screen appears before my eyes revealing Charly who is shirtless and his hands are chained to the ceiling in cuffs. He's tall enough to stand but I can see the pain in his eyes which must be from the metal cuffs rubbing his skin. He hangs his head low trying to hide his emotions, obviously knowing that I am watching, and I feel the tears build up in my eyes but I push them back staying strong. Not for my reputation in front of these a-holes (I couldn't care less what they think) but for Charly.

A green light shines in the corner of the room as a warning signal goes off. Charly raises his head slightly looking around and I realize why. The ceiling is rising. It's starting.

Charly rises in the air only hanging by the metal restraints that are tightly holding his wrists. His muscles are stretched out and I know it's no time to be checking him out but he had an amazing six-pack. Okay, back to how he's in a lot of pain.

'What are you doing to him?' I choke out trying not to let a tear break through the walls I am poorly trying to use to hide my true emotions.


Then he screams in pain. I missed what had happened as my eyes were busy looking at the doctor who was emotionlessly sitting next to me watching her son. She hasn't even blinked, I swear she's even smiling. Anyway, I need to stop getting distracted...and Charly is hurt.

I check him over then realizing his forearm is bright red. It looked like a sunburn but it is definitely not just that simple as huge white bubbles start appearing all over it popping every now and then making Charly flinch in pain. How did that hap-

A colourless liquid sprays from the walls of the room hitting Charly's other forearm. It sinks into his skin instantly reacting and irritating its top layer. Charly screams in pain and the white bubbles appear again in all shapes and sizes coving the red rash until they pop. It is an awful sight to watch. Not only disgusting but it angered me knowing Charly is going through it and not me. WHY ISN'T IT ME? MY NUMBER GOT PICKED NOT HIs!

'What is that stuff?'

She doesn't even flinch and Charly screams louder. A tear escapes my barriers as I see a huge rash on his bare chest crawling up his neck. More tears follow as I see the white bubbles appear and I finally understand what the liquid is doing when I see blood splatter down his chest. The liquid pushes the blood in his arteries forward forming the white bubbles. When the bubbles pop they release the blood everywhere leaving holes in his key arteries. They are going to slowly bleed him to death!

'Stop It! YOU'RE going to KILL HIM!'

I scream at them trying to look away from the bloody mess that used to be Charly in front of me. I am pathetically crying as I start to struggle against the restraints again now screaming Charly's name and telling them to stop.

'STOP!' And Charly screams again. 'NO! Charly no..' I sob losing my voice and hope for Charly's life.

'I'll do anything please just stop!'

They ignore me.

It goes on forever. Me screaming. Charly screaming. Me sobbing. Charly bleeding slowly to his end. Round and round whilst everyone else watches entertained.

I start praying to a God I don't even beleive in not knowing how else to help him. I know that I have tried everything in my power and it still isn't working.

I am not even related to him. I only met him 2 days ago and I hate his guts but I am begging to save his ass. Whilst his own life giver sits here watching him die not even moving a finger. This is so messed up I even think about throwing up. And if that is the case my stomach contents are going all over her. How could Charly call her mother?

A red light shines through the screen and I sigh in relief as Charly is lowered back to the floor. His cuffs automatically unlock dropping him to the floor in a bloody mess. I wildly search for movement and I am so thankful to see his moving chest slowly rise and fall. He survived.

Guards grab my arms ripping my shaking body out of the chair as I realize my restraints have also gone but I must have been to busy being haunted by the events that just took place. They are now on repeat through my head. Haunting me...forever. Then black. Yes, I fainted.

All I want now is to see that:

a) Charly is okay

b) The rest of the group is okay

And most importantly

c) All these scientists and sky people go to hell and stop treating the rest of us like rags.

I was expecting guinea pigs. Not rag dolls. But I guess you don't have a lot of choice in this world now do you?

You don't get a choice

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