The Unthinkable

Chapter The Reaper Returns

Tanya’s POV

‘Drink up peasant’ I spat at the weak idiot that lies below me behind bars as I drop the liquid by her feet.

She does as she’s told, obviously, and I chuckle at the power I have. Little does that worm know, she is drinking medium dosages of reaper shots.

Quick reminder: Reaper Shots are only painful if you fight against your orders, but they seem to always make you weaker and drowsier. One of the scientist’s favourite torture toys so far. Extremely deadly in high dosages and can give long term effects such as high depression, anxiety, night terrors, low muscle strength. (See Chapter 21)

I have managed to collect 57 of the 75 subjects in the arena. Only 1 has not agreed to join the group so I keep her captive. Every time I go to tell her she has no choice but to join me she will chuck back excuses like. ‘Oooo my brother is coming for me! Oooo you will never find Lilie!’ and more bull like that. Sensitive and weak. That’s all Anna will ever be.

‘Tanya!’ Aurick calls out to me and I walk steadily over to him as he walks out of the meeting room.′Sarah wants to talk with us'

I smile triumphantly at the news. If this was some clues to Lilies whereabouts I will happily take it. All I have to do is win this stupid task she set me and then I can live my life in Sky Lander luxury...well along with Aurick. I will not let Lilie ruin this for me.

We step over to the small group of guards that hand us a screen. Sarah's face pops up with a confident smile.

'Hello Tanya, Aurick. I believe you have moved extremely fast with the task I set you both.'

'Yes and we need help finding the stupid brat. Where the hell is she?!' I shout frustrated.

Aurick doesn't dare say anything and I'm annoyed at that as I really wanted to hit someone right now.

'Now, you know the rules. I will only give you hints. Find the remaining subjects, leave Lilie till last. She is the most special and vital subject so no death to her till I give the approval.'

'Uggh! Fine. But where is our hint?' I growl holding back my disappointment and protests. I was really hoping I could cut Lilie up and rip her apart piece by piece till-

'Don't trust all that say they are loyal. Though you have a large number of followers some may pick a different path and you will no longer be on top.'

With that, the screen goes blank and the screen is ripped from my grasp. I furiously punch a nearby tree screaming in anger.

Keep your cool. You get to live in peace after this. So much money. A great life.

'Tanya, I'm going to report this to John and Ali. They are the smartest and should be able to figure out what to do next. You can make the final decision.'

I nod, marching off and back towards the prison cells. Nobody dared to get in my way as I know my face must be bright red and fuming. I grab a thick strap of leather from the side and storm inside the cell.

'Look at me you rat!'

She doesn't move but lies weak on the floor. The reapers shot must have not worn off yet but she starts squirming from disobeying me.

'I said look!'

She rolls over slowly and I see her boney figure which almost looks like a stick insect from the extreme loss of weight.

'Where is she? Tell me!'

She doesn't move but when I slam the leather down on her stomach she topples over in pain.

'I won't stop until you tell me.' I slam the whip down again. 'If you disobey.' and again 'I will whip you' and again 'adding to the reaper shot you have been taking for 3 days straight' I kick her side to get her to look at me. 'So tell me, Anna. Where is Lilie or we may have to invite another friend of yours to visit?'

She still sits motionless and still. Ugh, such an idiot and a little brat. I swing the whip down with even more force letting it hit her cheek and she screams.

So weak. So worthless. Such a waste.

I walk away from the pathetic baby and straight up to the boy guarding her cell.

'Find the searching team 4. We are taking a trip to the mountains.'

Maybe a visitor will help get me the information I need.

A few hours before he is placed in the arena...

Charly's POV

'How about I ask again, son?' Sarah whispers to me as she holds my sweaty hand that is trapped in place. 'Will you follow every order we give you when you are placed in the maze?'

Sweat is dripping endlessly from my forehead as I still try and move from the metal restraints in this torture chair. I still can't get over this horrific situation; my own mother is torturing me into doing evil deeds so she can what. Save the world. Yeah, not happening. There is no way this can save the world by doing it this way. I would know, I have had to sit and watch her build this and commence it till I was thrown in play.

'No' I growl and once again I am greeted with the sharp pain and drowsiness. I feel my eyes drop slightly and I wonder if I can stay awake any longer.

'I am disappointed in you, son. Disobeying me will only make this worse. You don't want your mother to be sad do you?'

'You aren'' I push the words from my mouth as the anger and determination to save my friends fuels me on.

She sighs deeply and squeezes my hand. I shake it away as I rattle against the metal, cutting my hands deeper. My vision starts going and the last words I heard were.

'Looks like we will have to do it the hard way.'

Then it went dark. All I see is the visions of my friends and I grasp on the hope to see them again, safe and sound.

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