The Unthinkable

Chapter The Boy In The Reading Corner

Day 188. Year of 4020.


I groan in annoyance knowing another day of hell is about to start. I feel so comfortable in Charly's arms and there was no way at all I would let him be picked for the evaluation today.

I shuffle around in the mess of pillows removing Charly's arm from my waist and attempting to get up. However, I am pulled straight back down, a pair of brown eyes look down at me confused.

'Come on Charly, we have to go.'

'Uggh! Fine' He grumbles, rolling his eyes.

He gets up, more like limping, and I help him put on a fresh shirt to cover his wounds. We walk to the front door seeing the usual set up. Freddie, Josh, Anna, Charly's so-called mother and the guards. Josh glares at us and Charly just pulls me closer glaring back giving the whole meet up the most awkward vibe. Great.

I walk straight over to Anna holding her hand in reassurance and smiling at her, Charly obviously not too far behind.

'Now that we are all present let us begin. Subject 12 will be picking today-'

'WHAT! No! Charly picks, he went through the pain' I demand furiously at her words.

'And if you would let me finish 12, subject 7 is not in the mix. This is between 11, 10 and 8.'

I swallow my tongue looking down. This still is no better. I still care about Josh and Freddie, no matter what they think of me. Anna well, she's practically a sister to me and she's so vulnerable at the moment it would be cruel to put her through more pain.

'..very strongly. Now subject 12 please pick who participates in today's evaluation.'

I step forward picking a random paper slip from the pot and holding it firmly in my hand. I feel sweat drip from my forehead as I realize truly what that action will cause. A reaction. As said by Newton himself.

Actions always have a Reaction (I know I'm a nerd)

'Now read your chosen subject'

I open it slowly hoping that maybe it would just disappear or be blank or say Yay you win! But this is real life no matter how absurd and barbaric this situation, it is real.

My throat goes dry as my eyes walk over the digits in front of me.


I choke out the words as tears start falling from my eyes. I can't take the guilt as I turn into Charly's strong chest letting my out my sorrow and hoping for forgiveness.

I hear their cries as they get dragged away, trying to fight what is being done. What I have done.

Charly embraces me closer rubbing my back with smooth movements and burying his face in my neck. Then I feel two more arms around me and I welcome them knowing they are Anna's. She may not know them as I did but we are all still family, no matter the fights we tumble into.

'As for the rest of you, we will be back in 10 minutes for your activities. So hurry up'

The guards and Charly's mother walked straight out the door not sparing us a second glance and I look down in shame at the strip of paper.

It is now crumpled in my hand and the ink is smudged from my sweat and tears but it still sits bold and clear for anyone to read. Haunting me. Adding to the pile of guilty actions and events I have caused.



We walk down the same corridor once again this time I'm holding Charly's hand and Anna is behind me with a very calm Josh. He still hasn't freaked out over Freddie's evaluation and it's confusing me. I thought he loved Freddie?

We head straight to the same doors opening into the so-called activity room that I see as an illusion hiding the terrors that lurk inside.

'This activity is different. Find your subject and you win. Lose another subject and you fail. Good Luck'


I see a guard walk up behind Charly and I kiss his cheek before they drag him away leaving us behind to work out their riddle. He must be going to meet Freddie, or maybe even end up watching us. I know Charly would prefer the torture than the spectating. But he has no choice. Neither do we.

'What do they mean by subject?'

I turn around to see Josh standing with crossed arms, looking more annoyed than depressed. His hair is coving his eyes that are busy inspecting the grounds and I look away knowing if he gives me no respect why should I give him some.

'The only subjects we are missing are Freddie and Charly. They wouldn't be here though. They do evaluations every day and Charly's mother always has one of us watch the event.' I respond kicking some rocks with my boots.

'I bet he enjoys that' he mumbles.


I storm up to him inches from his face. How dare he say such things. I stamp my foot annoyed how he can't even look at me. Why did he speak up if he couldn't take the consequences?

'You know nothing Josh so shut it. I had to sit there and watch his evaluation and believe me nobody, not even someone insane could watch it.'

I growl it out lowly trying to hold back my anger.

'He watched you being tortured and did nothing Lilie!'

He shouts it back now looking down at me. His eyes were pleading me to believe him. To come to him.


'You know what Josh why don't you just accept it okay. I don't want you-'

'No No! You gave me up because Freddie told you to so-


'No I gave you up because I stole you from her and thats not right so you can-'


We snap our heads in Anna's direction seeing her trembling hands as she holds a ripped piece of stained clothing. Tears are streaming from her eyes as her knees start to give way and I and Josh run over before more can take place.

I catch her in my arms pulling her close as Josh inspects the fabric. It's khaki green and thin, probably from a t-shirt. It's torn and I can see through it's weak frame there is some sort of sign or symbol on it.

''t be' Josh whispers his face going white.

'What can't be?'

I lay Anna next to a tree and she sobs into her knees. Whatever this is it must be important to her. I take the green strip from Josh's hands rather rudely, just to annoy him some more, but his pale expression doesn't seem to care as he stands still taking everything in.

My eyes shoot down to it in curiosity and instantly start picking it out piece by piece.

It's ripped in places and seems to be cut off of something with a knife or blunt blade. It seemed familiar if it wasn't for the symbols written in s brown crusty substance.

X 9

Then I realize the brown crusty substance is dried blood. Someone's blood. Bile comes up my throat as I realize what this is. I know where the blood is from. I know where this fabric is from. From the first greetings. The boy in the reading corner.


He's Alive. This is a rescue mission.

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