The Unthinkable

Chapter Explaining

Day 209 of year 4020

Harry’s POV

14 alive. Around 47 dead.

No, the numbers aren’t the best. But I have my daughter. Sarah will pay for what she has done.

It’s been around two days since we shipped all of them back to the main base. We have counted up the survivors of the experiments, 14, and the final worldwide population has been confirmed.

Now we should have 753,000,038 people left but due to the genetically travelling dioxins we have passed on it has dropped to only 749,763,283. The remaining scientists we have, have worked out no cure meaning our only hope at survival is keeping these children alive.

How am I meant to tell these 14 children that they are the only possible survivers on earth and will be the only living humans in the next 10 years?

There is no easy way.

I pace outside the door and when Ian nods his head to me with a reassuring smile I realise it is time. The doors open and wide to reveal the group of children all spread out across the room in small huddles. They hush from their talking when they see me and I can't help but let my eyes wander over my daughter. A boy steps in front of her giving me a scowl, his arms are crossed firmly in front of him.

'Who the hell are you? And what then hell is going on?'

I smirk at him, then I take in the rest of the kids. They all seem close in age but around half of them are slightly younger than the rest. My little girl is so much bigger and stronger now. Her beauty is just like her mothers and I realise from the confused look she gives me that I still haven't told her yet.

'I am here for Lilie' She doesn't move at first but after a brown haired timid boy gives her a nod she walks with me to the door. As we walk down the corridors to my office I feel my hands start to sweat with fear. What if she walks out in rage? Will she understand? Oh god, I hope she does!

I sit down on the small corner sofa and signal for her to sit with me. She does.

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. You can do this Harry. It's okay. This is your daughter.

'Umm, what is it you needed?' She asks. It snaps me out of my thoughts and then the words just fall out.

'I just ask of you to let me talk before you judge me.'

She nods. Okay here goes nothing.

'Lilie it has been 14years and still, you look so much like your mother. You won't remember me but know that I never wanted to leave but I had to.'

'W-wait...' Her lip trembles and a tear trickles down her flushed cheeks. 'D-dad?...'

I nod looking down in shame. I did not expect a pair of fragile arms to embrace me tight and sob in my shirt. She clings onto me shaking in my arms and soon I can't help but join her. My baby girl is here, finally.

'Where's mum?'

I look down. 'I have a lot to tell you'

She sits on my lap and snuggles into me, nodding in approval and waiting for me to start so I do.

'Your mother got the disease when you were only 2. I didn't know what to do so I ran to the shipping station to beg for their doctors. They tried to chuck me away but I put up a fight. I took down 4 men but they stopped me and proposed a deal. They would heal her if I joined the guards. Of course, I said yes. But then you, my sweet.' I take her face in my hand and rub her soft skin lovingly.

'They wouldn't let you come. I told them they were mad but they refused. So they sent a woman to care for you. I would try and send wages to her if I could but soon it was nearly impossible. I was sent to be permanently in the sky lands.'

'What about mum?' She asks in a frail voice. She already knows what's coming.

'There is no cure. You know that.' She nods her head dropping her head in my chest again.

There was silence for a while as I just take in her little heartbeat and it reminds me of the day she was born. The day I first held her in my arms. My lilie pad. That's what Jenny would call her.

'How did you find me?' She whispers.

I look down to her. She must not remember the day she ran into him.

'I didn't find you Lilie pad, you found me'

A look of realisation poured down her face and she went to open her mouth for confirmation. I nod at her. Tears now dripping down my cheeks.

'It was me. I watched you since day one and ever since I saw you I tried to stop it. I swear Lilie, ever since that day I was gathering a plan and it has worked. You are here...'

We went back into the room of subjects and I left Lilie to explain the situation whilst I sat behind and watched. I could immediately tell how much these people meant to her and a drop of guilty jealousy flashes before me. Our relationship isn't the best. I hardly know anything about her. My own daughter is such a stranger to me.

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