The Unthinkable

Chapter Death 2

A thud echos through the room as my heart jumps into my throat. The only people behind me are Josh and Freddie meaning one of them has been hit with the flying knife. I didn’t dare to look that way so instead, I looked over to the attacker and it is obvious who as they stand holding a new knife ready to throw again.


His face is in pure rage as he grips to his new knife confidently. His eyes are glued to the fallen figure behind me not meeting my gaze and almost thinking through his actions there and then. A girl walks up behind him taking the knife from his hand and placing it on the floor slowly. She holds his hand reassuringly and I know that she must be Bess.

I am livid to know that he just murdered someone there and then without any meaning. There was no need for death. But who was the victim? I turn my head slowly to the scene behind me as I start hoping it was all just a nightmare and I will wake up soon sweating and screaming at the top of my lungs. The first thing I see is Anna standing in front of the body looking down at it. Then I see Freddie looking to the floor kicking grass. So, its Josh?


Josh is looking straight at Zenon as if trying to suss him out. So, who took the hit? Who is the victim? I cannot hear anyone crying, in fact, I can hear nobody making any noise at all. Everyone is silently watching in shock. The curiosity inside of me is getting way too hard to handle and I decide that I must check this out. I get off my knees and approach Anna’s side slowly. I first look at her and see she has a single tear down her cheek but keeps a neutral expression hiding everything from view. I then look at the body. A boy in a grey hoodie and dark blue jeans with dark brown curls dropping over his cold face almost covering his closed eyes. In his chest sits the silver knife with only the handle in view and a huge blood stain encircling it in a messy blob. It is an unpleasant sight to behold and I stand there speechless as my mouth struggles to find the suitable words to say.

Two deaths for Group A. Christen. And now Jason.

Just like the first death guards surround us and walk us away from the scene dragging us individually back to our rooms leaving me to think through the situation.

Zenon just killed Jason to save us; and by us I mean me, Anna, Xander, Freddie and...Josh. Thats why. Josh and Zenon were best and very close friends before all this seperation. I finally come to the shocking conclusion that Zenon saved his best friend despite these stupid rules for who kills who.

Though I am glad none of my close friends were the target my weak fragile heart reaches out to the cold and lifeless boy that lies in the meadow. I guess I didn’t pick the murderer in the end. Zenon voulenteered and accepted the role to save his friends by sacrificing another and leaving his mind to deal with the mental scars. It is definetly not easy to convince yourself that spilling blood was the best and only option and I try and consider it myself shivering at the thought.

As soon as I arrive back to the room I find Charly standing there waiting for me. A huge cut is across his cheek and I look down at his wrists seeing a red bloody gash covering every inch forming the shape of the material that must have been holding him down in a metal chair.

‘You watched all that didn’t you? They made you watch it’

He nods his face full of sadness and uncomfort. I wrap my arms around his waist and letting the tears soak his shirt. I am thankful when he strokes my hair, whispering in my ear soft words of comfort and kisses my forehead.

As much as I love his kind heart I know I shouldn’t get to attached. After the event a few minutes ago I realize that if that was Freddie or Josh I would have been an awful mess. If I get too attatched to Charly they will find some sort of way to ruin it and I am in no shape to find out the way they will end him and break my heart. That is why I pull away.

I turn around looking for everyone else finding Josh on the soft chairs head in hands, I can hear Anna in the bedroom talking to Xander and Freddie is nowhere to be seen. I decide to go see Anna first knowing that me and Josh have an extremely awkward situation going on at the moment. As soon as I walk in the room I see Anna kneeling by Xander who lies on his bed shirtless. I gasp at the sight, seeing the deformed and ruined flesh hanging from his skeleton. The burnt rotten flesh hangs by thin threds making it look almost as if he was the left scraps of a predator. Bile rises in my throat as I try and step towards the body.

‘Lilie please. Can you help us?’

Anna turns to me with teary and pleading eyes. It melts my heart and that is the only reason I grab the alcohol and fresh fabrics and deal with the rotten smell.

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