The Unexpected Mate

Chapter Cycle and Bonding

It felt amazing to run right now. This energy in my system was high and needful. I ran as fast as I could and then found a meadow to roll around in. Yes, it might be stupid to be out alone in a new territory, in my cycle but with Axel’s scent on me I felt a little better for it. Also, I didn’t really care to think. I just wanted to be my wolf and ease this tension until my mate was back.

I ran out of the meadow and toward a lake. I decided that I would run around this lake and then head back home. He had to be home by now, had to be close. God the things I wanted that man to do to my body right now were sinful.

I kept thinking about it, and what it would lead to. The desire to feel my teeth in his flesh marking him was as strong right now as the need to feel him knotting me.

I was halfway around the lake when I felt the hair raise up along my back. I slowed in my run and shivered a little. I took a slightly stronger stance and let my gaze sweep the underbrush. I heard a sound then, something fast-moving that was coming behind me. I turned around and let out a snarl. I might be in my cycle, but that did not mean my wolf was suddenly nice. I was a wild animal that looked human. A werewolf was not some domesticated puppy.

A black-colored lycan appeared slowing down seeing me and my lowered head. That my teeth were showing, he responded in kind to the challenge. The lycan was far larger than I was, but I eased my stance as Axel’s scent came to me. Though I felt tense, his black eyes looked a bit more wild, darker. Filled with this edge of darkness that made my insides feel like liquid.

Hot, he was not hiding any of his traits right now. His energy was strong and forceful. It screamed the dominant alpha he was. My wolf wanted to go putty right then and present herself to him.

My more rational mind kept me from doing that immediately, I was not sure of his temperament. He clearly ran out here for me, he was advancing toward me slowly. His front-clawed hands dug into the ground, and I had to tip my head a bit to look up at him.

Are you mad? I asked because I needed to know his state of mind. He had to scent I was in heat. I needed to know how I was going to allow his advancement. His teeth were not showing but I could see the tenseness of his muscles.

You should not be out here. Oh yes, there was a tenseness to his tone. An anger there. I moved as he came forward. I move to circle him slowly keeping myself a little guarded and he turned with me watching.

I could see his desire to pounce, his eyes searching for the right moment. I wasn’t sure still if I was yet ready to let him close with his state of mind. He was talking so that was good. I was also a she-wolf in her cycle. I might want it, but we were notorious teases too.

I can run if I wish. I was not out here with anyone. Did you not see my note? I asked him.

I read it. I saw how he inhaled as the breeze pushed my scent toward him. We are not yet mated, and this was a foolish choice. Guess I will have to fix this issue. He padded forward rather fast. His intent was clear and I took off on impulse.

His speed surprised me a little. He shot forward before me sliding to stop and I nearly ran into him. He immediately got his mouth around the back of my neck and scruff. He instantly forced me down moving over me to hold me there.

Shift. It was said with all the potency an alpha could give in a command. In my current state and seeing as he was my true mate I folded to the command. One second wolf, the next human. He had let go of my neck as this happened and I pushed myself up to move. Axel didn’t let that happen, he grabbed me and dragged me back under him fully, then got me on my back.

It was a little bit of a struggle as I squirmed just a little, this need for chase hitting me. Axel clearly was not going to allow that at all. He kept me below him and a growl came out of his throat. I relaxed and he had himself between my legs already poised to enter me. My body clenched feeling how he pressed to me. His mouth collided with mine for a moment before he spoke against my lips.

“As much as I wanted you in my house waiting and ready, I really love the idea of bonding you here more,” he said and bit my lip sliding into me slowly and I moaned. Yes, oh yes that's what I wanted. His body in mine, I was once again far too sensitive and hot. A needful female for her male. I liked it too being out here, letting the animal in my soul soak up the energy only the wilds could give. It was far more exciting outside than in a house.

“Not going to punish me for not listening?” I said a little breathless. He jerked himself hard into me. His entire length filled me and stretched me. My head tipped back, and a deep moan came out. There was no waiting, just a primal need of male and female right then.

“Of course I am,” his tone more a growl, and his tongue slid up my neck to my ear. “I just want to fuck and mark you first.” He moved with a fluid motion, his body sliding against mine. It was exactly what I wanted. He could do whatever he liked as long as he met my needs right now.


When I entered the house and scented her cycle I could hardly think for a moment. The air was thick with her, but it was also slightly old. I had called out her name moving forward but already knew she was not in the house.

I felt anger rise, and immediately my first thought was why was she not here? Where was she? Was she having her needs met by another male instead of waiting?

If that was so there was going to be blood, but I saw the note passing through the kitchen. I didn’t really remember shifting, I just recall entering the woods and taking off. She was out there for any to scent in her cycle and it made my wolf anxious, needful, and insecure.

True mate or not, we were very used to others lying to us to get what they wanted. Of having to order things about to keep them, and she was not where we asked her to be.

When I caught her scent she was alone and that relieved me greatly. No other wolves were out right now in this area and that helped calm down the dangerous emotions. Then it was a whole different set of emotions pushing up. My one and only thought was to catch her. Catch my female and make sure my mark was upon her. That I get hers.

When I came up to her, she had a fighter’s stance. It enflamed me more if that was possible, even as it annoyed me. Her stance changed though, and when she tried to run that was just unacceptable. I told her how this was going to go, that I was going to mate and bond with her.

God damn her body was incredible to sink into. I felt my body respond to the pheromones she put off in her cycle. The painful arousal I had grew more so, there was a harder pulse at the base of my shaft and it made me move with harder thrusts. The sensation of pushing to her tight slick channel and feeling it grip the most sensitive part of me was nearly enough to put me over with a few thrusts.

She was moaning and gripping me with her hands. I could feel her nails which were more like claws in my shoulders digging in and dragging down. I fucking loved the feel, just a bit of pain to add to the sweet sensation between her legs.

It was intense the knot and pulsing need low in my body threatening to knot and fill my female. I hoped like hell that she was truly fertile and receptive right now. It made the knowledge of coming inside her a thousand times more potent to me.

I loved how vocal she was. How much she gripped or pulled. The way her body gripped mine begging for release. She was clearly more than stimulated and as she came, I bite down over the mark already on her. It was going to stay there, and I would keep sinking my teeth into her over and over.

Even after I got her mark back. My body was moving frantically in hers searching for that release. It wasn’t going to be enough though, I knew that. The hard-on I had would take a couple of releases, even after knotting before needing a moment.

“Axel.” My name was a sweet loud moan out of her mouth. I knew I was getting rough but could not help it.

“I love how desperate you sound. Like how rough I get?” I more demanded.

“Yeah.” It was a rush of breath that she said it in. “I think you’d like me to be rough too,” she said and her nails dug in hard. Probably drawing blood, but her head came up fast and bite into me hard at the junction of my neck and shoulder.

I could not tell you the sound I made, but I slammed into her body feeling my orgasm and the swell that was more than normal. I made damn sure I was as deep as I could fucking get as I knotted her and filled her body with my seed.


I kept my teeth in him for his entire release. It felt better for it and I had a death grip on him. My eyes closed at the feel of his body locking in mine. It made my orgasm peak even higher. I moaned into his shoulder biting just a little harder. He clearly liked it judging by the sound he made.

Finally, I slowly let my teeth pull from him. My mark very visible there, red and deep. I felt a satisfaction like I never had doing it. Axel was quick to press me back to the soft ground and devour my mouth. It was harsh and demanding, I loved it. I could also feel this sensation of him filling me.

It was like nothing I was prepared for, to see all of Axel at that moment. Like we switched minds. I heard of how this sometimes happened with good pairing, but unless you were with your true mate, you were not guaranteed to have the full bond like we were having.

He was fierce, far more so than I realized. I saw the things he did, the memories. What he was ashamed of, proud of. The events that shaped his life, the secrets that he hid in his heart. The damage done by his pack growing up, and his own family was part of the reason his trust in others was so slow.

Why he knew he had to take, or no one would ever respect him. I also saw the changes in him. What it meant to have a friend at his side, the effect taking Harper and Grace in had. Their impact was strong as were a few others, but I was not prepared to see my effect on his soul. It was humbling and made the sensation of strings pulling us closer more.

You could not change a person that did not want to be changed, but every person you came across was going to shape you. I knew that he saw all the parts of me, saw my regrets, my shortcomings. My strengths and those that shaped me through my memories.

It was as humbling as it was a turn-on. It felt like we were one being for a moment and then back in our own minds. I leaned up slightly a hand on his face and searched his dark gaze. His mouth was close to mine and I saw all the things I wanted to see right then in a mate. Was he dangerous? Yes, but he was so much more than that.

“I must admit sweetness, your soul is far better than mine, but I love knowing you like a bad boy ruining you,” I felt a little smile spread across my face.

“Or fixing you,” I corrected and he had a darker smile on his face. He pulled from me and I wasn’t quite prepared for how he flipped me over and got me on my knees. His hand gripping my hair fiercely to bend me down and hold me like that. He slammed into me and I nearly screamed at the sensation. It was hard and forceful, he started to rock his body in mine all while holding me in a downward dog pose.

“If your method of fixing me is playing whore for me, then baby you’ll get all you want,” I could hear the dark edge of humor in his tone. I just relaxed into what he was doing. He was so damn hard, so thick and it felt more so in this position. I did like it. I like the way he spoke to me just then and the sharp way he suddenly smacked my ass. I knew exactly how he felt about me, what was going to grow and so the darker dirty talk I loved.

“Tell me how you like it Layla, how much you like the feel of my cock filling you. You want it don’t you?” His thrusts were harder and he gripped both my hips to take me fiercely and deep. I stayed down in the pose I was in gripping the ground and tearing it a bit. I cried out hard as he slapped me a couple of times. I knew he did it because I did not answer right away. I felt the burn of his hand on my backside and the rush of wetness it brought to my body.

“Yes! Axel please just fuck me like the whore you want me to be.” I never thought I’d utter such words and mean them. Where before I would have been mortified being asked such a thing, saying it to him, hearing him say it, turn me on like no other.

The sound of his body sliding in and out of the mine was slick and with such ease with how wet I was. I could feel the mix of him and me on my thighs. It had brought me to that edge.

“Good girl.” He growled it and I knew his eyes had to be black. “Good girls get what they ask for,” he said with that dark edge of humor right before he started taking my body in a sweet punishing way I craved. I came crying out for him again and wanting him to tie our bodies together again to heighten it.

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