The Unexpected Mate

Chapter A New Territory

“So, you are building your own medical area?” I asked Axel as he finally let me out of that damn room. This morning I demanded that he let me out of it, I had shifted to my wolf and bared my teeth at him ready to fight. He stood there unfazed and lustful. My mate was a male like no other.

I realized that I had to be strong and forceful with him or he was going to push to get what he wanted. He told me if I kept it up he was going to take me as my wolf and show me what dominance really was. He made me just as mad as he turned me on.

“Yes,” Axel said as we entered the building. I promised that I wasn’t going to try running away. I did not have a home to go back to, but I would like to get my stuff. I told him how my car was packed with everything. Mostly told him this because he seemed to think I might want to run back to Nate. The hell I did, I would just run if Axel turned into that kind of asshole. I told him that too.

“It’s already in use. We are just adding to it, the closest one for any supernatural creature is the one that is owned by North Pack technically, and they have been refusing to let some in. Only the ones that border and have been paying the higher fee like I said,” Axel had a dark tone as he said this.

He told me earlier that the reason they came to the hospital to take was that Nate had taken multiple shipments of the special drugs and medicines their kind needed. Even though Axel and his pack paid for the development and shipment. Axel was supposed to have received them here and then distribute them accordingly as many of the facilities were not receiving anything.

Apparently, multiple territories were getting upset with Nate and how he was running things. I did not know that Nate was apparently in with a couple of other territories that were being unfair and all three were attempting to corner the market seeing that they were the largest and richest territories, outside of Axel’s territory.

Politics was not my strong suit. I knew which alphas or coven leaders Nate seemed friendly with. I told Axel this, I had no loyalty to Nate or my sister. Nate wanted to use me as a breeder, he was going to keep me to mate and nothing more. They treated me like shit there. Now it felt good that I might be able to pay it back and help others. That was if Axel was telling me the truth.

“Well, then here is where I want to work since you forcibly took me from my other place,” I said putting my hair back in a tighter ponytail. He raised an eyebrow at me. Walking next to him I felt petite, more so than normal. He was taller and more muscular like lycans were. However, my attitude and drive very much matched his very presence.

“Is that so? I said I would take you with me to see what is in our main section of territory. I never said you were going to be here to work or stay Layla.” I could feel his eyes on me as I looked about the facility. It was quiet, my senses said that there were not a lot of patients here at the moment.

A good thing, most hospitals were smaller for supernaturals because we did not need them as much as humans. When we did need them was when it was typically most dire.

“And we did, I told you I’m not going to follow you around. This is the mate you got, and she is not going to be hanging on your arm all day needing things. I like healing, and that is what I am going to do,” I said and did not look at him. My head still held high.

I did not need his approval to do what I wanted. Though part of me did want him to agree with it, to know that this was important to me. It was my passion, plus it would show where he would give to.

This was all new, and I still had not bitten him back. Not until I was completely sure of my true mate. As an omega, I was the more vulnerable one. My wolf wanted his protection, but it was also a little intimidated by the alpha attempting to claim her. I heard him inhale through his nose as if finding patience and then a little bit of a grumble that came out in a breath.

“If I said no? Others can do this, and you will be Luna?” He paused in the larger open area with a reception desk. No one was there at the moment. I turned to face him. My silver eyes met the piercing black ones. I held them with no sign of backing down. His gaze slowly left mine and traveled down my body with an obvious heat. I fought not to react. My cycle was very very close. We both knew it, I would be surprised if I did not hit it by this evening or tomorrow.

“What exactly do I have to do as Luna that I could not do here? I think having a Luna involved in the treatment of others, and those coming in from other territories is an excellent show of character and strength. What other Luna do you know isn’t just sitting like a pretty fake ornament on her male’s arm? If that’s what you want, then find another female,” His eyes narrowed a bit and he moved forward toward me.

My head tipped back to look up at him. He reached to slide a hand around the back of my head and leaned down so that his breath rushed across my lips. My heart was racing a little and my womb clenched as his opposite arm came around my waist. It pulled me into the hard strength of his body.

“I will have no other female,”

“You will have no female then if you think to control me, Axel,” I challenged.

“She is the spitfire you need Axel. Don’t lose that backbone, Layla. He needs to be put in his place,” Harper said having come around the corner into the reception area. He clearly heard us talking. I meant to turn my head and look at Harper, but Axel kept a hold on my head and met my mouth in a demanding brief kiss.

“Do not encourage her Harper. She is already a handful,” Axel said raising his head and allowing me to take a step toward the desk there. Harper was dressed smartly and appeared in the doctor role, to be honest.

“Is this what you do when you are not robbing a hospital?” I asked tartly and Harper gave a sharp smile. Kind of a wolfish grin.

“A few days a week. I have healing ability, and we don’t have a lot of staff yet. We are looking. Not just in the pack either, perhaps you could help with that. That is if the lord and master is willing to relax a bit. You don’t look like you are going to run to me,” Harper said. He seemed to assess me. Clearly, the way I was acting, and Axel’s scent all over me I wasn’t fighting being here. I was just fighting being controlled.

“I would love to help with that. I would love to help with all of this. I don’t care what the lord and master has to say,” I stated and Harper raised an eyebrow. His look said that I need to be careful with how far I should push. I just stared Harper down, I would not compromise what I wanted. Axel was alpha, and I would support my mate in all the ways he needed in such a role just as he should support mine. There was no reason it could not work well this way.

I stepped up to the desk there. It was large and rounded out into the hall. I did tense a bit as Axel stepped up behind me and put his hands on either side of me on the desk trapping me there. His front to my back, I felt his face brush just behind my ear and heard a little bit of an inhale.

“Is Grace here today Harper?” Axel asked behind me. For a moment I felt this tightness inside. Grace? Who was Grace, and why was he asking about another female? I immediately squished that jealousy. No, and with the way Axel spoke and acted there did not seem to be an interest for him in others.

“Yes, she is here. I can get her, what would you need her for?” Harper asked looking puzzled.

“Because I need you to come with me for a few meetings, and I trust Grace to show Layla the medical facility. Go get her, so we can be on our way. I want to get these meetings over with,” There was a darkness to his tone this time that made my hair stand on end. Harper just gave a nod and left us.

“Who is Grace? Is she a doctor or just a worker?” I asked and was pretty damn sure my tone gave nothing away but curiosity. I felt a swallow as Axel shifted behind me coming a bit closer. His body more against mine. I closed my eyes for a second letting the arousal that hit me wash through me.

“She is Harper’s sister. Smart, driven like you. I think you will like her. However, I have a couple of rules you are going to follow sweetness,” he said lightly kissing just behind my jaw below the ear. I felt a shiver.

“Rules?” I asked darkly.

“Requests.” He amended with what could have been an annoyance. Good boy was my thought.

“Better. Being good will get you more,” I told him, he chuckled and I felt his teeth scrape across my neck moving lower and I thought for a moment he would bite down.

“You’ve no idea how hard it is to control myself around you.” There was definitely an animal-like quality to his voice and with the way that he pressed to me I could feel his arousal.

“Well keep trying. Promise it’s worth your time,” I breathed out and my tone was softer. It felt like the room was way too hot for a moment. His one hand dipped into my pant line over my hip. He was just so free with touching me, and it felt natural. Like he knew exactly where to kiss, touch and tease to get the response he wanted from me.

“Is it?” He said kissing the side of my neck again. “Will behaving for you let me feel the mark of your teeth?” I felt a rush through my body as he bit low on my neck, it was hard but did not break the skin. I did feel where his mark on me was throbbing though. Oh, the wet rush between my legs.

“It increases your chances, yes,” I said a little breathlessly. For a moment I thought he was going to press me forward and down on the reception desk there. It was in the way his body tensed behind me. Just a subtle push against me that spoke of what he was probably thinking.

“This time then I will be good and not pin you to this desk and have my way,” His words affirmed what I thought about his movement. He strongly kissed the side of my neck before speaking again.

“Here’s your chance to earn my trust by being a good girl.” I would have said he was teasing but I knew better. So far I was sure that I was seeing a far better side of Axel than others got. Which I should, especially if he wanted me to return the mark and bond with him.

“Okay,” I said and felt heat rising inside me again. If he kept holding me as he was, lightly touching with his mouth and brushing my ear I must just enter my cycle that was threatening.

“You will stay here and not wander about unescorted. If I am not back for you Grace will take you back home, nowhere else. Think you can follow the request?” His tone was dark again. I could tell that if I refused this I was not going to be staying here.

“This time yes, at some point I won’t. Not if you think to tell me where I can be,” I said back and we could both hear the other two coming. They were lightly talking and I heard Harper laugh.

“Until we are bonded you are at risk. True mate or not, you are to be Luna. That means others may not be receptive until it is official. I don’t trust many. While I know you would attempt to claw everyone’s eyes out who thought to make you do anything, it does not mean you will win my feisty female. Your word then?” He demanded.

“You have my word I won’t wander about and head back home once finished here,” I said.

“Good girl,” he said turning it back on me. Axel quickly made me turn my head to kiss him soundly before giving me a little bit of space as the other two showed.

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