The Twelve Days Of Kurai’s Mass

Chapter Part 8


As I lie here, rather uncomfortably, I again begin to wonder why I am the way I am. Why must I kill so many people just to satisfy myself? They all had lives. Ugh… I’m so stupid…but I MUST continue. If I DON’T continue, their lives will have been wasted for nothing.

“Good morning, Cheese,” I say with a big yawn.

“Good morning, Kurai! Let me guess, you are ready for Day 8?” Cheese asks.

“Yep! We need to complete the challenge!” I say.

“Okay, well, day 8 is eight maids a-milking, 7 swans a-swimming, 6 geese a-laying, fiiiiiiive goooooldeeeen riiiiiings! Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtledoves, and a partridge in a pear tree!” Cheese sings.

“Maids a-milking! And what does that mean?! My MOM has milk! Am I supposed to eat her?!” I ask to which my mother looks over and stares the way she always does when I say or do something ridiculous.

“No! In this case, the song is referring to dairy cows! So you gotta swallow 8 cows!” Cheese exclaims. “Do you STILL think you can do it?”

“Ummm, cows are pretty big…” I say, scuffing my feet nervously.

“You can quit if you want. I won’t judge you,” Cheese says with a shrug.

“I can roll you!” Foxy exclaims cheerfully.

“I’m NOT about to give up!” I cry out.

Just for fun, Foxy gives me a little push in the right direction. WHEEEEEEE! I go tumbling away. A lot of cows enjoy living in houses that resemble barns. I guess similar to how my home looks sort of like a den.

“So, how is this going to work? Every cow is at least twice your size,” Foxy inquires.

“Ummmmm, mutant power!” I exclaim. “Realistically? This should kill me, but it won’t. Trust me.”

“Mmmm, okay,” Foxy says.

We make our way to a big red barn house. Surely there will be milk cows inside! I’ve had plenty of practice with my last few sets of victims… That was merely a warm up.

Carefully, I paw the door to the barn house open. Breaking and entering…Ah, how thrilling! As I expected, a few cows are in their beds (stalls). Why drink the milk when you can swallow the entire thing!

I sneak closer and closer and…NOM! I grab a cow’s back hoof in my mouth. She moos, alerting the other cows of my presence. Quickly, I attempt to swallow her entirely which, well, is NOT very easy!

“SHE’S EATING ME!” the cow exclaims, mooing loudly.

Foxy runs to the rescue and forces the cow to stop squiggling. Bit by bit, the cow goes down, whole and alive as intended. Yeah, okay, but that’s just ONE cow. I need seven more!

“Gee, Kurai! You’re not gonna be able to move!” Foxy says. “Hey, here comes a second cow!”

I just barely see Foxy bound away. The cows are all fussing and stampeding around. Foxy chases one to me and GULP! Sloooooooowly I swallow that one as well.

I’mma consume about 16,000 pounds of beef! Am I insane? Yes! I gulp forcefully as the cow’s tail is still dangling. With each cow I swallow, my feet get further from the ground as I am held up by my big round belly. TAKE THAT! Santa! Not even your belly can compare to mine!

“You are the Alpha Wolf for sure!” Foxy says, shoving another cow down my throat.

That’s three cows… Based on the height and width of these cows, I’m going to be just slightly too wide to fit through the door. Luckily, the doors are plenty tall enough. No need to watch my head.

“Ugh…I’m dead,” I groan.

“No, no, you’re still alive. Come on, open wide~!” Foxy teases, chasing another cow towards me.

“Leave meeeee aloooooooone!” the cow moos.

The cow is busy looking at Foxy. She trips and falls right into my waiting maw. Four cows down, four to go. Bleh, I already feel terrible!

I have stretched to unbelievable proportions. The four cows are so tightly packed they can barely move. Or should I say, mooooooooove? HAH HAH HAH!

Foxy is starting to get tired from running circles after the cows. Still, she persists. I wonder, though, would Cheese really know the difference if I cheated her a few cows? Though, I wouldn’t want to be forced to return for an extra cow just to satisfy her if she does notice.

“Cow number 5 arriving soon!” Foxy announces.

I wait patiently, my stomach groaning. I can hear the cows mooing from inside of me. Delicious live beef… Again, I am fed a cow.

Each time grows more and more difficult. I wonder if I could reach the rafters with all these cows propping me up? Surely this is a sight to behold. A great big fluffy black lump.

While I am lost in thought, I am fed a sixth cow. Crreeeeeeeakkkkk! My stomach stretches even further somehow. The thrill, the excitement, the electric feeling flowing through my stubby little legs! It’s so dangerous of a stunt, and yet the ridiculousness of it all is hilarious!

“I can’t believe this is happening!” I exclaim with a laugh.

Next thing I know? Cows 7 and 8 are loaded into the ol’ “trailer”. It’s off to the road now! Foxy leaps and scrambles up to the top of the hairy mountain (my back). Then, with a few kicks of her legs, I am sent rolling!

“YEEEEEHAWWWWW!” Foxy whoops.

I’m rolling right towards the barn door and- CRASH! BANG! The door frame has been obliterated! As I am rolling, Foxy is balancing atop, trying to guide my big round body towards home. My mother is going to absolutely lose it when she sees me now!

“TREE!” Foxy yelps, just barely guiding me out of the way in time.

“MOOOOOOOO!” the cows bellow within me.

At last, I roll to a stop just short of accidentally crushing Cheese. She stares at me and quite literally her jaw hits the ground. Yep, that’s a lot of beef! Looks like Day 8 was a success!

What’s this? My mom isn’t home to yell at me??? Where could she possibly be? I thought she was supposed to scold me and remind me how terrible of a person I am being! Pooey, what a shame. Also, I can’t fit inside the den so looks like I’m sleeping outside again!


Tomorrow is the first day of winter. Winter is a particularly interesting time of year… Especially for us she-wolves. Over the course of winter, all the fertile female wolves start what is known as Estrus.

Without going into too much detail, it’s a rather uncomfortable time. All the male wolves begin trying to kill each other for a chance to take as many females as possible for, well, reproductive purposes. I think we all kind of lose our minds this time of year.

Alas, Mr. Ōkami is gone. If it had to be anyone I would have much preferred him. I don’t like to talk about what happened, but he’s gone. He’s never coming back.

I head to the kitchen. Maybe I have some breakfast left? I WOULD like something to eat. Maybe if I eat I’ll feel better. Oh, there’s my adorable, naughty, chubby daughter. She’s just woken up.

“Good morning, Cheese,” Kurai says, giving a very dramatic yawn which I quickly reciprocate.

“Good morning, Kurai! Let me guess, you are ready for Day 8?” Cheese asks.

“Yep! We need to complete the challenge!” Kurai lies.

“Okay, well, day 8 is eight maids a-milking, 7 swans a-swimming, 6 geese a-laying, fiiiiiiive goooooldeeeen riiiiiings! Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtledoves, and a partridge in a pear tree!” Cheese sings.

“Maids a-milking! And what does that mean?! My MOM has milk! Am I supposed to eat her?!” Kurai suggests.

I turn and stare at her. My eyes widen and my mouth falls open. SURELY my daughter wouldn’t eat me, would she? I sure HOPE not, but this IS Kurai we’re talking about.

“No! In this case, the song is referring to dairy cows! So you gotta swallow 8 cows!” Cheese exclaims. “Do you STILL think you can do it?”

“Ummm, cows are pretty big…” Kurai replies and I can tell she’s starting to regret her choice.

“You can quit if you want. I won’t judge you,” Cheese says with a shrug.

“I can roll you!” Foxy exclaims cheerfully.

“I’m NOT about to give up!” Kurai cries out, unfortunately.

With that, Kurai and Foxy head off. Cheese looks at me expectantly. She expects me to go try again to invite Arashi over, probably. I sigh.

“Wellllll?” Cheese prompts. “Are you going to try again to invite Arashi? I would come with you, but I have to be here to watch for Kurai’s return.”

“I… I want to go…” I utter before I even realize what I have said. “I want to go.”

“Then go, Mrs. Ōkami!” Cheese exclaims.

Next thing I know? I’m sprinting out the door! My feet are pounding across the ground as though my life depends on it. Why? Why am I the way that I am?

As I am running, I am stopped suddenly. It isn’t my body freezing up this time. I cannot run any further because, standing in front of me, is a large gray and white wolf. I gasp, skittering backwards and almost crashing into another wolf. No! No, no, no, no, no! I’m surrounded! I let out a yelp for help, but I’m not sure that anyone will come to my aide.

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