The Twelve Days Of Kurai’s Mass

Chapter Part 10


It’s so bitterly cold outside. However, I could, luckily, fit inside after day 9’s challenge. Even inside, it is cold. Snuggled up on one side is Foxy, snuggling like perhaps the fattest Ying-Yang. I’m resting my weary head on her fluffy bum and she on mine. In between the two of us, Cheese, as comfy as I have ever seen a mouse.

“Good morning,” I whisper, raising my sleepy head.

“Mmmphhh, morning already?” Foxy asks, snuggling her head further onto my squishy belly.

Quick reminder, we are animals and snuggling in piles is perfectly acceptable. Nothing weird going on here. This is especially common in colder months to share and preserve body heat. My stomach gurgles violently and Foxy gets startled, leaping up into the air with a shriek.

“Hah hah! That’s just my stomach!” I say.

Her’s starts grumbling as well. We’re all hungry. Suddenly, there are paw steps at the entrance of the den. I turn my head to look, and you’ll never believe who it is!

It’s Santa Clause!!!! Just kidding. It’s not even Christmas yet. It’s mom AND dad! I leap up, abandoning Cheese, and rush to greet my parents. Something smells different about my mom…I wonder what that smell is…

“Kurai! I missed you!” my mom says, bending and licking me as I leap and squiggle for joy.

“You brought Daddy home! My wishes have come true!” I exclaim.

“Hah hah hah… “daddy”, how cute,” Arashi says as though he isn’t actually my dad.

“Dad, there’s so much we need to catch up on!” I exclaim.

For once, my mom isn’t stepping between Arashi and I. Usually she does everything in her power to prevent us from being so close. Arashi gently licks my fluffy head and I reach up and end up licking his tongue. My mom smiles happily; what in the heck happened that changed her mind?!

“Dad, I’ve been doing this really cool challenge! In fact, I’m about to receive my 10th prompt! I have to find and eat the 12 days of Christmas!” I announce. “Which is why I’m so warm and squishy right now!”

“Oh, you’re ready for day ten? Are you sure you don’t want to stay and hang out with your dad?” Cheese asks.

“I wanna impress daddy! Give me my next prompt!” I urge.

“Okay, well, day ten is ten lords a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, fiiiiiiiiveee goooooldeeeennn riiiiiings! Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtledoves, and a partridge in a pear tree!” Cheese announces.

“Lords! Where am I going to find lords?! We don’t even have royalty in this region!” I exclaim.

“Well, I can help you with that,” Arashi says with a smug grin.

“Really?! How! Are you gonna fling me to a region with royalty?” I ask.

“No. While I can’t promise you actual lords, I know a place you can get the next best thing,” Arashi says. “There’s this park I’ve seen called Lord’s Park. Corgis mostly frequent the place and they are well known for their connection to royalty.”

“Ooooh!” I exclaim. “Wait. You’re okay with me eating ten Corgis?”

“You will spit them up after, right?”

I stare blankly.

“Wait, you ARE going to spit them up…AREN’T YOU?!” Arashi asks.

I smirk. No way, no how. Sorry, daddy, that’s not how this challenge works. My mother sighs and shakes her head in disappointment.

I’m still a bit unstable on my feet, but I think I can make it this time? Not sure. Maybe I’ll walk part of the way and let Foxy roll me the rest of the distance. I head off on my way with Foxy. My daddy will be soooo proud when he sees what I can do!

I’m not even sure where I am going, but my nose will lead the way. I smell…well, a lot of things, really… Dog scent, though, is what I really need to focus on. Dog scent…hotdog scent…hmmmmm… Foxy notices me wandering off my previous trail and gently shoves me back in the correct direction.

Sure enough, after traveling for a bit, my legs grow tired and I fall. Foxy rolls me along, following the same scent I was following. The next half of this journey is just Foxy rolling me into town to the park. Ah, and there it is, Lord’s Park!

“Look! We made it! It’s a bit cold out, so don’t expect THAT many canines to be here,” Foxy says.

“As long as there are ten, that’s good enough for me,” I comment.

I rise to my feet, dizzy from rolling. I shake my fur as though that’ll straighten out my already rattled brain. There, at the park, are at least ten happy little corgis. Much like myself, they have short legs and compact bodies.

I examine the situation further. The ten who caught my attention are running on a race track. On the track are cute little hurdles… That’s when a plan forms in my mind…

“Alright, so, I need the “lords” to be leaping, so I’m gonna make them hop right into my mouth!” I say.

“Oooh, interesting,” Foxy says.

“This’ll be easy, peasy!” I say.

I run and slip slide over to the track. Quickly, I lie down on the track right where the corgis will land when they hop the hurdle. I open my mouth wide and wait. Sure enough, the small dogs are too invested in their race to see me lying there!

One, two, three, four… The first four hop the hurdle and land right in my mouth. I swallow them all and await the next batch. I wag my tail, happily awaiting the rest of the little doggies to leap right into my waiting maw.

Five, six, seven, eight… Just two more to go! These really must be dimwitted animals if they are so willing to just hop into my mouth. I briefly glance at myself and realize my belly is AT LEAST 4 times my size now.

The corgis still are leaping inside it feels like. I then prepare for the last two who are a bit late coming around the track. Nine and ten, that’s all of them, then! Foxy claps and cheers and I move before and eleventh one could accidentally fall in. I only need ten leaping lords.

“Mmmm, very filling! They’re squiggling a lot!” I exclaim.

“Alright! Now I just gotta roll you home!” Foxy announces.

“Hey, what in the heck guys?!” it’s one of the remaining corgis.

“Ummmm…” I say.

“How dare you eat just ten of us! You should have eaten the entire pack! That’s not fair to us left behind!”

Oh, oh my… Well, I HAVE to leave the rest behind. The number was SPECIFICALLY 10. If I eat any more, that ruins the whole challenge! I give the corgi a sympathetic toothy grin as I roll away.

Is that why it was so easy? Were these corgis actually willing to die? That’s messed up. I feel bad for them, since they clearly lacked basic survival skills.

“Well, what do you think my dad will say when he sees this?” I ask, dizzy as I am rolled around.

“I don’t know. I don’t even know your dad. I’m sure he’d be proud, though,” Foxy says.

We roll all the way home and are greeted by Cheese. The little mouse stands up on her hind legs, waving her front paws in the air. She must be rather excited to greet me. Foxy rolls me back up onto my feet.

“I did it! I ate ten leaping lords!” I announce, my belly still pulsating as they attempt to hop inside me. It’s like one of those ball popper toys, but it’s dogs in my stomach.

“Wow! You sure did it! I wouldn’t recommend entering the house right now, though,” Cheese says with a grimace.

“Why not? I want to show daddy!” I say, walking past Cheese anyhow.

I enter the den. Oh…uhhhhh… Mom and dad are… Oh, oh my… I’ve only ever seen this before in the naughty corner back at Reeds’ Academy… Arashi turns his head and stares me right in the eyes and I just…tilt my weight and roll away.


I spent the entirety of yesterday with Arashi. I didn’t think I would. I’ll probably regret this later, but I did it. For some reason, I crave more?

I awoke today to Arashi’s strong arm wrapped over me protectively. Nobody can hurt me as long as he is near. I sigh, feeling warm, safe, and comfortable. Still, though, I remember Kurai.

“Arashi,” I whisper, licking him until he awakens.

“Suisen?“ Arashi asks, yawning a big yawn.

“I just remembered why I came here in the first place,” I say.

“Oh yeah?” Arashi asks, smirking.

“I have decided that you are welcome in my den for Christmas. ONLY for Christmas. After that, I need you to leave,” I growl.

“Mmm, moody one, huh? I like that,” Arashi says with a grin.

“Come, we have to hurry. Kurai is probably worried about me,” I prompt.

Arashi arises, stretching those well defined muscles of his. As he lifts his tail mid stretch, I try my hardest not to glance at his sacred jewels. As it turns out, he isn’t just some lab who draws blood, he also collects gem stones. I was, very kindly, asked NOT to look at his collection.

I turn and dash for the door. Arashi chuckles and casually walks to the door, opening it for me. Well? We return home and apparently Kurai is still doing her challenge thing. Whatever. Gives me more time to bond with Arashi.

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