The Trouble With Love: An Age Gap Romance (The Forbidden Love Series Book 1)

The Trouble With Love: Chapter 21

My fingers run through her soft hair as she lays against my chest.

There’s nothing but silence inside the room, the sound of two lovers tangled in this intricate web we have find ourselves in.

Tonight was risky. I know very well that Lex was pissed when I had to leave, especially because I’d been in a mood all night since the phone call inside the limo. On several occasions, he tried to talk professionally, but my head wasn’t in it. Nope, my head had decided to take some fucked-up ride in which every possible scenario taunted me.

Charlie knew something weighed heavily on my mind, quick to pull me aside and ask if everything was okay. She’s always worried about me, just like my mother. What could I possibly say to her? Her daughter is a mindfuck, and there’s no rhyme or reason to why I’m chasing someone so young when surrounding me, I can pretty much have any woman I want.

Nothing makes fucking sense.

When it comes to Lex, though, business always comes first, yet arguably, he’s broken that rule several times.

“I have to go,” I murmur, focusing on her lips.

Dropping her gaze, she breaks eye contact with a heavy sigh. Tilting her chin, I raise her lips to meet mine and place a gentle kiss unlike the frenzied kisses we found ourselves in only moments ago.

“Yeah, of course,” she mumbles, still with a lowered gaze. “You need to sort everything out.”

“I was thinking…” I stand up, buckling my pants and placing my shirt back on. “Next Saturday night. Come to my place. I’ll cook dinner, and we can Netflix and chill.”

She shakes her head, laughter consuming her. If only she understands just how beautiful she is—so raw, so innocent, so fucking perfect. “I didn’t know you can cook dinner, too. All these secret talents of yours.”

“I’m a masterpiece, according to my father.”

“Your father can also burp the alphabet,” she points out in jest.

I chuckle softly. “That he can.”

We both reminisce about the time my dad did this incredibly stupid thing at a birthday party, embarrassing my mom as usual. The more we speak, the more it begins to sink in just how familiar it all is. How easily we just lose ourselves in memories because we have so many together.

“What time are you thinking?’ she asks, toying with the ends of her hair. “I’d have to head back late.”

“I was thinking you could sleep over.” I wait for her reaction, praying that she wants to stay over and can read into what I’m saying without me having to spell it out.

Amelia sits quietly, not showing any emotion unlike any other woman I know. If I counted the last ten women I slept with, the same ones I had to push out the door, they would’ve jumped for joy at the possibility of staying over.

Instead, the reaction is less than enthused, only confusing me even more. Pulling the sheets toward her chest, her long hair falls over her shoulder, a picture-perfect showcase of all her beauty.

“You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to,” she says stubbornly.

“Do what?”

“Invite me to stay over.”

“Well, I want to.” I continue to button my shirt, a smirk playing on my lips. “Besides, you’ve slept in my bed already and from memory, we’ve slept beside each other when we went camping. Granted, you told horror stories which scared everyone in the tent except me.”

Amelia breaks out into laughter again. “Andy couldn’t sleep for weeks. Ava would hide in Mom and Dad’s bed. Their fear of clowns still reigns to this day.”

“You were quite something as a kid.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” She throws her pillow, goading a reaction from me. “Fine, I’ll accept your invitation.”

I lean in to kiss her, wishing I didn’t have to leave but know I have no choice. “No need to pack any sleepwear, I expect you naked the entire time.”

With a wide grin across her face, she stands on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I couldn’t think of anything more perfect.”

The week drags on despite my exit on Saturday night. Lex said nothing more, only asking me briefly if I sorted out the issue. I assured him it was all taken care of and threw myself into business mode to close the deal, spending additional time to make sure we didn’t lose this client.

I barely sleep, working all hours of the day. In between all the madness of work, I need a new assistant. Human Resources has narrowed it down to three women, and all I need to do is interview them. Like I have the fucking time. But I also know it’s in my best interest, given I don’t need someone who would rather suck dick than do the job they are paid to do.

And with Amelia in the picture, the last thing I need is a distraction in the office.

Yet all of my efforts during the week enable me to completely shut off on Saturday night. I want complete attention on Amelia with plans to devour every inch of her body. Although it has been a tough week, her random text messages keep me going, not to mention the dirty texting we often find ourselves in. I’m this close to abandoning everything to drive up to New Haven again but can’t afford to jeopardize all the hard work I’ve been doing because my dick can’t control itself.

Inside my apartment, the air is toasty from the fireplace roaring in the living room. Outside, the temperatures drop drastically with weather forecasts predicting a snowstorm this weekend.

Amelia sits on the bar stool with her hands resting on the countertop and a glass of red wine in front of her. Wearing a low-cut blouse and leather skirt, her crossed legs expose her thighs, making me want to run my tongue down her delicate skin.

Ignoring my hard dick beneath my pants, I continue to stir the sauce the way my nonna taught me, careful not to ruin my perfectly planned meal.

“How very Italian of you,” she comments, with a knowing grin. “Who taught you how to cook?”

“My nonna,” I tell her fondly. “Only when my mom wasn’t arguing with her in the kitchen. I remember she told me when I was young, my Italian blood needed to pass on for generations. She would have a heart attack if I didn’t procreate and give her Italian grandchildren.”

“So, do you…” She clears her throat, then drinks some wine before continuing, “… date Italian women?”

I taste the sauce before leaning over and kissing her lips. “Once, in college, but I prefer the all-American emerald-green-eyed type.”

“You’re just saying that because I’m here, and besides, I’m quarter Cuban. What would your nonna say about that?”

“Probably disown me. Luckily, she’s living it up in Boca. Can’t judge me from her bingo table.”

Amelia grins as I serve her food. We walk toward the table and begin to eat, talking about anything and everything. Despite our difference in age, we have plenty in common, our conversation never falling stale.

My eyes fall upon her every movement from watching her dig the fork into the pasta to swirling it around in a circular motion before bringing the fork to her pink lips. A drop of sauce falls upon her bottom lip, and slowly, her tongue rolls over the exact spot, causing my dick to almost combust on the spot.

Two more bites into her meal and I can’t hold back any longer, pulling her off her seat and demand she lay on the table while I spread her legs and fuck her sweet pussy.

Watching her body convulse around me, I follow suit and collapse onto her with our breaths equally as strangled.

That was…” She chokes, unable to finish her sentence.

“Not enough,” I warn her. “Eat your dinner because you’re going to need the stamina.”

With an amused expression, she tries to hide the playing smirk but fails miserably.

“What happened to Netflix and chill?”

“Just chill,” I tell her sternly. “Now eat.”

In the morning, my arms wrap around hers as we both lay quietly. Despite spending the night tangled between the sheets because I’m greedy and wanted to taste every inch of her, we both fell into a blissful sleep. I can’t recall the last time I slept so well, missing the warmth of a body beside me since I’ve lived a solitary life for a while now.

My greed continues to consume me, entering her while she sleeps and waking her up to her body completely under my spell. Her arousal is wet, making beautiful sounds as we both finish blissfully once again.

Steadying our breaths, she rests her head against my chest.

“Will, I don’t know what you want from me.”

I continue to run my fingers up and down her arm. “Do I need to show you again? Perhaps back door to give you a break.”

She smiles in my embrace. “You’re an ass.”

“I’d like to be in your ass sometime soon.”

My phone begins to ring. I lean over, kissing her shoulder as I lift the screen and see Lex’s name. Amelia’s expression falls as I answer the phone with her still beside me.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“We need a game plan for Murphy. I’m heading to your place now.”

I pull myself up, almost as if a splash of cold water has been thrown all over me.

“You’re heading to my place?”

Amelia pulls the sheet over her, eyes wide with fear. The veins in her neck begin to pop out while she jumps out of bed, naked.

“Yeah, see you in five.”

I hit “end” on the call, placing my phone on the nightstand.

“Don’t panic,” I tell her.

He just said see you in five.” Amelia stumbles for the bathroom, kicking the door frame in the process while she shouts a string of profanities. Returning seconds later, her dress is on though her hair is a wild mess. She exits the room, returning with all her belongings in hand, including her boots.

“It looks like you’ve had sex all over your apartment.”

“Well, we have had sex all over the apartment,” I remind her while trying to put my pants on.

“Why are you not panicking?”

“Because you’ll hide in my room, and all is well.”

“All is not well,” she cries, barely able to breathe. “My dad is coming, and you were just about to stick your dick in my ass.”

“Oh, so you have thought about it?”

“Will.” She places her hands on my chest with a serious expression. “I love you, but seriously, get changed because you’re freaking me out.”

The second the words register, a silence falls between us. The doorbell rings, leaving no time to dwell on the three words which escaped her lips in a moment of panic. I pull on my tee, closing the bedroom door and head outside.

The living room and kitchen don’t look that bad. Surely, she’s overreacting as most women do.

I open the front door, motioning for Lex to come in since it would be odd to have this discussion in the hall. That, alone, would raise suspicion.

Dressed in a pair of jeans, knitted sweater, and winter jacket, it’s easy to assume that coming here is out of desperation—his attire rather casual and unlike the normal business suit he wears.

“Did I interrupt anything?”

“No, not at all,” I say, suddenly conscious.

“I’ve forgotten all about bachelor life.” His eyes wander around the apartment, followed by a short chuckle. “Who sucked your dick this time? I hope it’s not that new girl you hired.”

I shake my head, oh the irony of the question. “No more mixing business with pleasure. Just a woman I met at a bar last night. Great set of tits.”

“Nice.” He smirks, removing his jacket. “You gonna call this one back?”

“Yeah, why not?” I say casually. “So, about Murphy, what’s the game plan with him?”

Lex speaks for almost an hour, and while he has some great ideas, my mind is completely elsewhere. I nod on occasion, throw in a couple of suggestions not to look like an idiot, but it doesn’t erase the fact that his oldest daughter is hiding inside my bathroom like a fugitive on the run.

“Listen, I’m going to head off. I’ve got a flight back to LA tonight but hoping to drive to New Haven to see Amelia for lunch.”

“New Haven? They’re predicting a storm, and the roads are icy. Are you sure it’s a good idea?”

Lex scratches his beard. “You’re right, I might just call her now and let her know I might skip this one.”

He dials her number, and I pray to all the gods above that her phone is on silent. Please Please. Please. My heart begins to palpitate, blood pressure rising to catastrophic levels. I pretend to stand here, bored, all the while freaking out that we’ll get caught because of something so stupid.

“Huh, no answer,” he cites, tucking his phone away. “I’m sure she’ll call me back. I want to let her know that her flights are booked to return home for Christmas. We had intended to come here, but Charlotte thinks it’s best for Amelia to come home.”

“Yeah, sure. Why not, right?”

“Hopefully, she won’t argue. If there’s someone in her life, I’ll pretty much know in the answer she gives me. I can bet a million dollars that if she says no to coming back home, it’s because of some boy she’s seeing behind our backs.”

“I’m sure you’ll soon find out,” is all I say.

Lex says goodbye, but not before reminding me of an email I need to send today. With the door closed behind me, I head back toward my room and knock my bathroom’s locked door.

“Are you alive?” I call out.

“Barely.” The door opens, her face looking miserable. “You should keep food in the bathroom for emergencies such as this.”

“Hopefully, that doesn’t happen again. Look, it was awkward, but I believe he doesn’t suspect anything.”

Amelia nods silently. During the time locked inside, she styled her hair into an intricate braid. My hands itched to touch her hair, pull on it from behind as I fuck her senselessly.

“About before,” she mumbles, unable to look at me. “I didn’t mean it in that way. I meant…”

The I love you.

“It’s okay, I get it. No need to explain.”

“Right, thank you. But listen, I probably should get going before the storm hits. I’ve got an early class tomorrow too.”

I pull her into me, caressing her lips. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, why?”

“Well, if you’re okay like you say you are, I wonder how this sexy ass of yours is feeling?”

Placing her hands on my chest, a wicked smile escapes her. “I think we save it for next time, maybe against that window so everyone can see.”

My dick hardens at the very thought of taking her against the glass. “You’re a tease, and the only reason I’ll wait is because I want it to last all night. But for now…” I guide her to the bathroom, turning on the shower and stripping her bare. “Spread your legs apart. I want to taste you.”

And as her hands reach for the bottom of her blouse, pulling it over her head, she follows by removing her skirt and panties, allowing them to fall onto the floor.

Naked and completely mine to devour, I lick my lips in delight.

“Perfect,” I murmur, pulling my pants down and stroking my shaft. “Maybe better if you get down on your knees and suck my cock like the good girl you are.”

With passion burning in her eyes, I watch her slowly kneel. Her gaze shifts up, submissive to my demands. And just as I’m about to command her to take me all in, she runs her tongue along the tip of my cock, causing me to grunt.

“Eyes down, watch me,” she demands sternly. “You’re about to get the best fucking head of your life.”

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