The Trouble With Love: An Age Gap Romance (The Forbidden Love Series Book 1)

The Trouble With Love: Chapter 12

I watch her sleep despite my reluctance to do so.

Before I stepped into the room hours ago, soft moans filtered from behind the closed door. My mind began playing tricks on me—dirty tricks—and instantly, I stepped away and stood on my balcony to clear my runaway thoughts.

The chill in the night air is exactly what I need, a cold slap on my face after what has been a tumultuous night. I don’t nurse the whisky I poured myself for long, downing it in close to one go and allowing the warmth to spread throughout me.

She’s crawling under your skin.

Slow and steady like a creature in the wild.

When I got the call from Lex last night informing me of Amelia’s Friday night adventure into a club, it took a hell of a lot of trawling through her social media, which, thank God, was an open account. She’d posted a story with a picture of a restaurant in SOHO, and I knew precisely which club was located next door.

It was the last thing I wanted to do. I’d just flown in from Chicago after what had been an exhausting day at a business summit. I spent most of the day surrounded by every idiot and their pathetic plea for me to look at their ideas—apps that could do this or that, nothing innovative or remotely interesting, in my opinion.

And Lex is anything but patient when it comes to the so-called safety of his oldest daughter. His bark over the phone was less than pleasing, leaving me no choice but to find her and get her out of there intact.

I didn’t expect to find her drunk, assuming she’d have been more responsible. Her body swayed on the dance floor, men eyeing her with thirst in their mouth-watering stares. A few tried to touch her, slide their hands to places that would’ve compromised her innocence. Anger ripped through me as I stormed through the crowd, unapologetically, pushing people out of the way and almost into a fistfight with one fucker who wouldn’t move.

Then she yelled at me, laughed at me, and did something I didn’t expect—she placed her arms on me and rubbed herself against my body. Of course, my dick was fucking hard. What do you expect? Her tits bounced in the tight dress, and her lips looked like red candy.

Over and over again, I had to remind myself why I came to get her—Lex’s voice replaying in my head, his desperation mixed with fury.

But I shouldn’t have sat here staring at her all night listening to the tiny snores she releases and watching the way her body is spread out in my bed. Thoughts cross my mind, things I should be ashamed of. I need to control myself, act like an older sibling, and not like a man wondering what she tastes like between her legs.

Sweet, I bet.

When the morning light streams through the bedroom, I escape to the kitchen, waiting for her to wake up.

It’s just after eight when I hear feet drag through the hallway.

“Good morning,” I greet with an overbearing smile. “Has death found you yet?”

She sits on the stool, moaning. The shirt she wears pulls up, exposing her thigh, yet she doesn’t seem bothered. I quickly shift my attention, ignoring my dick hardening at the sight. Seriously, get a fucking grip on yourself.

“Remind me never to drink again.”

“Gladly, since you’re nineteen, the law can also remind you.”

“How brotherly of you…” she mumbles beneath her breath before her face cringes. “What’s that smell?”

“It’s called hangover food. A breakfast burrito.”

“Don’t say the word burrito.”

“Take it from an old-timer like myself, it works wonders.”

A smile manages to escape her lips before she takes a bite. At first, she stops mid-chew, her face turning a slight shade of green, but soon after, she swallows and begins to look somewhat normal.

“I told you, right?”

“I do feel much better,” she admits, accepting the coffee I pour for her. “You’re quite the morning host.”

I can see where she’s going with this, but as much as I’d like to put her in her place, I take the softer approach feeling somewhat sorry for her. My first drink was in high school, some party from memory and done so as a dare. Boy, did my parents give it to me the next morning. Dad, of course, laughed, but Mom grounded me. It wasn’t the best of hangovers and definitely memorable.

“Believe it or not, women don’t stay here.”

Her eyes draw up to meet mine with a curious gaze. “How is that even possible?”

“I’m quite particular about my routine and my bed.”

Letting out a small snort, she shakes her head. “I find that hard to believe. You seem to be a man who likes his women, and I assume your interest in them goes well beyond the night and into the early morning hours.”

“Did my mother, or your mother, tell you that?”

“I drew that conclusion when I forgot for a moment where I was and opened your bedside drawer to a bulk pack of condoms.”

My face falls flat, but quick to save face, I tell her, “No glove, no love, right?”

“I didn’t realize a safe sex talk was part of your breakfast burrito cure. Thanks, I guess. Since I’m not exactly having sex with anyone, I think it’s fair to say that I’m as safe as you can get.”

I cross my arms, leaning against the countertop with curiosity. “How about this boyfriend of yours?”

She bows her head. “Nothing to say.”

“C’mon, Miss Edwards always has something to say.”

A laugh, though sinister, escapes her. “There’s literally nothing to say. We barely talk anymore, and I’m pretty sure if you troll his Instagram account, there’s someone else.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Hey…” Her eyes meet mine, but with a hopeful smile, she releases a breath. “It was bound to happen that one of us would find someone new.”

“You’re beautiful. The guys will be lining up, just like my dad pointed out.” The second it leaves my mouth, I regret telling her she’s beautiful even though I can’t stop thinking about it. But also, the thought of her dating, let alone sleeping with other men, shoots anger through me, followed by this pang I have no idea where it comes from.

“Why… um… thank you.” She clears her throat. “And you’re rather handsome, so I guess it isn’t long before someone actually sleeps over in your bed because you want them to.”

She hops off the stool the same time my phone rings, and Lex Edwards flashes on the screen.

“Lex,” I answer, which stops Amelia dead in her tracks. “Is everything okay?”

“I should be asking you that,” his stern voice echoes over the speaker.

“If you’re calling about last night, Amelia is fine.”

“She’s fine?”

“Yes, I stayed around, then she happily agreed to head home, so I drove her back to campus.”

“You drove her back?” he repeated.

I hated lying to him, and why I feel the need to protect her, I have no clue.

“Of course, the streets are no place for a young girl at night. She’s fine.”

A heavy breath releases. “I’m glad you watched out for her. She hasn’t picked up my calls.”

“I know she had an early breakfast catch-up with a friend or something like that. She mentioned it on the ride home. I wouldn’t worry. She’ll probably call you once done.”

“You’re right…” Lex agrees. “I’m still going to have a word with her.”

“I understand, but perhaps, Lex, you may want to go easy on her. Remember, you were once just like her.”

She closes her eyes, listening, though I can see the worry through her expression.

“I’ll try,” his voice softens. “About Thanksgiving, you’ll join us? We’ve decided to come over, though Charlotte will let Amelia know. I insist since you’re part of the family and also because we have some details to iron out before the acquisition.”

“Sure, I’ll be there.”

Lex hangs up the call as Amelia lets out a loud breath.

“Your clothes, by the way, are washed and in the bedroom.”

Amelia nods quietly. “Why did you lie to my dad?”

Her question catches me off guard, mostly because I have no clue why I did it. I shrug my shoulders, unable to look her in the eye.

“Not sure, maybe because you covered for me that time I visited your place and snuck out to attend some party on Melrose. You said you wouldn’t tell, and I was never got caught, so yeah…”

She nods with a knowing smirk. “I was eight. I don’t remember much of it besides hearing something about Aunt Nikki chopping your balls off.”

Laughter escapes me. “They’re in tact, thank God.”

“Good to hear.” She chuckles softly. “Thank you, Will. And you were right. I shouldn’t have endangered myself by going to a club and drinking myself into a stupor. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“It’s okay. Sometimes we do things or act on things which have no rhyme or reason.”

Slowly, her eyes glaze over mine as she bites the corner of her lip. Standing just a few steps away, wearing my tee, I have this urge to reach out and scrape my thumb across her delicate lips. If she were mine, I’d lift the tee off, admire her naked form, then take her into my bed and own her.


Get rid of these thoughts.

“I’m going to get changed.” She breaks my stance, turning away, though her cheeks are flushed. “Thank you again, Will, for not mentioning this to my dad. It’s clear that he respects you.”

“That he does…” I whisper as she walks away. “That he does.”

I insist on driving her home since trains run less frequently on Sunday mornings. For most of the car ride, we talked about the past—funny anecdotes, some I remember and some I don’t.

“So, tell me, when did you realize that crazy stunts could kill you?” I ask with a grin.

She purses her lips, trying to hide her smile. “When I grew boobs and jumping off things became more difficult.”

My hands grip tight on the steering wheel. She has a nice set of tits, all natural and perky, the same type I jerk off to while watching porn.

Think of something else.

“Also, it just wasn’t as fun. I preferred to study. Andy found other interests, and then there’s Ava. We all know how that turned out.”

“How is your sweet little sister?”

“Sweet?” She laughs. “Sinful. But what Daddy doesn’t know, Ava gets away with.”

I pull the car into a parking spot out front and exit to walk to her dorm room, slightly curious to explore the campus since I’ve never visited. As we head toward the building she resides in, she stops and places her hand on my arm.

“Thank you, again, for saving my ass. God knows who I could’ve ended up with.”

I scratch my chin, watching her intently.

“You’re welcome,” I tell her. “But just so you know, there would’ve been no chance I’d have let you go home with anyone else.”

Lowering her head, she grins. “You think you could’ve stopped me?”

My lips part, an inward gaze falling to her mouth. Why the hell are you always drawn to them? Like a goddamn moth to a flame. A heavy weight inside my chest restricts my movements, which, fortunately, is for the best.

I lean in, my mouth an inch away from her ear, enough that she can feel the warmth of my breath. “I could’ve stopped you, don’t underestimate my power when there’s something I want which someone else tries to steal.”

Her breath hitches, the sweet sound sending a stir straight to my pants. Pulling away slowly, she turns around, and I follow her inside the foyer until she stops mid-step, and I crash into her.


Leaning against the door is a younger man, though tall and athletic. He’s carrying a bunch of flowers, looking pissed that she has walked in with me.

“Who’s this?” he asks, with a slight grunt.

“Who? Oh, you mean Will? He’s a cousin.”

Cousin? This makes me sound so incestual when, in fact, we don’t share the same blood.

“Oh, sorry.” He cocks his head. “Thought you were someone else.”

Amelia turns back around to face me, her eyes confused and riddled with guilt as if I didn’t know better. “Thanks again, Will. For everything.”

Stepping away, she moves toward Austin as he wraps his hands around her waist and pulls her in for a tight embrace. Fuck. A growl escapes my throat, and without a goodbye, I exit the building, my footsteps heavy with my fists clenched downward as I walk back to the car.

Inside the car, I lean my head back and close my eyes, ignoring the burning sensation consuming me.

You fucking idiot. What did you think would happen?

She’s too young, and she’s got some kid as her boyfriend.

You’ve got adult stuff to occupy you, pussy on-call. Why the hell is this bothering you so much?

I start the engine and slam my foot on the gas with a vengeance.

No more mind games. Just forget she even exists because you have no choice. She’s everything you can’t have.

And everything you want at the same time.

A deadly combination that never ends well.

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