The Trap Of Ace

Chapter 9

Read The Trap Of Ace [by Eva Zahan] Chapter 9 – “So, that means you will stay here now that you’ve been transferred in this
city?” Mom eyed me, stirring the soup on the stove. Her voice radiated felicity.
Peeling another pea, I shrugged. “I don’t know know. I’m thinking to apply for another transfer. Maybe they will consider it?”
Staying here wasn’t an option for me, but leaving this job, well, I couldn’t take this risk. I’d dreamed to work at companies like
this, and now that I finally got the chance, I couldn’t just throw it away. The one thing that didn’t make any sense was, Coopers
Fabrics was one of the most successful textile companies, then what happened all of a sudden that they had to sell it overnight?
“I didn’t know you hate this city that much,” she said, her tone fragile.
I sighed. “I don’t hate it here, Mom. It’s just, I told you, all my plans are made around NY. And I can’t just ignore them just like
“Do you think I’m a fool?” Her brows rose. “Do you think I don’t know why you’re so keen to stay away from California?”
I opened my mouth and then closed it.
She shook her head. “Just because one person, you can’t punish your whole family, Em. You’ve to accept it sooner or later, you
can’t keep running forever.”
Closing my eyes, I rubbed my neck. I didn’t deny anything she enunciated. Because we both knew the truth.
“Anyway, what’s the name of your new employeer? I want to thank him personally for transferring you here. I already like this
person.” Sensing my unease, she changed the topic.
I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know. And honestly, I don’t have any wish to.” For that person I was here again, back to the city where
the devil of my dreams resided.
Mumbling something incoherent under her breath, she took the peas from me and added them into the boiling soup.
“Smelling good, what’s for lunch today?” Tess strolled into the kitchen. Throwing her purse on the table, she took a seat beside
me. “Glad that you’re back! I was really disapointed when I heard of your departure, you know? I couldn’t even spend much time
with you.”

I casted her an apologetic smile. “Something important came up. So i’d to go. And sorry about the dinner, I hope it went well?”
“Do you really think we’d have a family dinner without you?” At her question, my brows creased in confusion. “I cancelled the
dinner as soon as I heard that you left for New York. I want both my and Caleb’s family to come together at this event. And
without you, my family remains incomplete.”
I stared at her. Though I didn’t want to, but her words touched something inside me. Where was that harsh and spoiled Tess I
knew seven years ago? As if I was getting to know my sister in a whole new way.
“You could reschedule it again now that she’s here,” Mom suggested.
“No, Mom. Caleb’s uncle isn’t in the town right now. You know what uncle Arthur means to Caleb and Achilles. After Achilles’s
father’s d***h, he is the one who took care of them. So with his absence, arranging a family dinner isn’t a good idea.”
“Arthur Valencian? He lived in England, right?” He was the only relative Achilles and Caleb had left after their family crisis. But
due to a conflict between Achilles’s father and him, he didn’t live in USA. That’s all I knew about him. I didn’t know he returned to
his homeland.
Tess bobbed her head. “Yes, but he returned after some years of his brother’s d***h. To look after his nephews. He is an
amazing person.”
But what about his mom? Where was she when they needed someone to take care of them?
“Anyway, I’ve to do some shopping today. You know, preparing for the engagement party? And I need my sister to help me with
it. So go get ready, we’re leaving in ten minutes.”
Before I could object, Mom chimed in. “Excellent idea! She needs some shopping to get her mind off things. Take her along, she
needs it.”
“Em, won’t you help your sister with her engagement shopping? I need you there,” said Tess, blinking her blue eyes.
Shaking my head, I got up and went upstairs to get ready. And her squeal followed behind. Maybe Mom was right, going out
could help my mind off the transfer. And this way, my relationship with Tess could progress more. At least I’d to try.

Gliding down the stairs, I found Tess closing the door, holding a huge teddy with an adorable bow around its neck. A involuntary
grin stretched on my face. It was so beautiful and big that she was having difficulties holding it.
“Who brought it? Is it yours?” I asked, admiring the teddy.
“Well, my fiance is too boring to send gifts like this! It’s for you,” she joked, rolling her eyes.
I frowned. “For me? But who’d sent it for me?”
She shrugged. “There’s a note in there, check it out.”
Though I was confused, but the excitement surpassed the confusion and curosity as I grabbed the teddy from her first. I took my
time petting it, feeling its softness against my palms, and then I took out the note. Tess watched me with amusement.
I’ve always loved those. My room used to be filled with huge teddies. I couldn’t even sleep without some beside me. I was so
definitely going to keep it on my bed.
But when I opened the note, I was doubting it.
Welcome home, Rosebud.
Three words, and my excitement drained into the drain, annoyance took place instead. How did he know that I was back? Then
my eyes landed on my sister, who was patiently awaiting to know who sent this enormous gift.
Either her or my stupid of a brother.
“So?” She queried.
“There’s no name on it.” I swiftly put the note in my pocket. An A wasn’t a name. “If you want, you can have it.”
“Why? You don’t like it?”
I shrugged. My arms had a firm grip around it. And when she came forward to take it from me, my treacherous body stepped
back, holding the teddy tight against my chest.

Her brows quirked, lips twitched at the side as she put her hands on her hips. “Well, seems like your heart had a sudden change
of mind.”
“I’ll be back in a minute.” My ears turned hot. Not knowing the reason behind my own reaction, vexed, I turned around and ran
upstairs to put it in my room. But I was sane enough not to place it on my bed.
“What do you think about this one?” asked Tess, twirling around in front of the mirror in the eleventh dress she’d tried this
afternoon. And only two of them turned out lucky and got selected and bought. Apparently, she was shopping for every function
of her wedding except her wedding gown. That’s for another day.
We even missed our lunch due to her infinite dress hunting.
“It’s beautiful! I think you should take this one for your rehearsal,” I replied from the couch, stretching my legs before me. My legs
was k*****g me from standing on my feet for hours.
Only if I knew. I just hoped she’d get satisfied with her shopping soon, or else I’d just leave her here and go home.
“You’re right! It fits in all right places,” she gushed. Thank G*d! Once she got out of the changing room, she instructed the sales
girl to add the dress to her list and dragged me along to another store.
And when I caught the direction of her gaze, my eyes widened. Victoria Secrets. Though it wasn’t a big thing, I was always shy
of buying my underwear. Most of the time I order them online.
“Uh, Tess, why don’t you just go in and see what you want for yourself? I’d just find some shoes for me.”
She gave a look. “I know you’re just using excuses to not go in there. Jeez, Em! It’s not that you’re going to buy underwear and
lingerie with a man out there. It’s just me. So drop your embarrassment and come with me.”
I groaned as she dragged me into that store. G*d! I was now seriously repenting of coming with her.
“So Em? You didn’t tell me why did you get transferred on the second day of your job?” she asked, running her hand on a silk
lingerie. When a man in the same row glanced at me, I turned more crimson with a small piece in my hands.
“The company got sold all of a sudden. And the new employer wished to transfer some newcomers to another city, and here I
am.” Irritation filled my insides again. Curse whoever that person was!

“Oh? That’s really unusual, but I don’t complain. At least you came back to us.” She smiled. “So what’s this company’s new
name now?”
“OC Textiles,” I replied, remembering the name on the letter.
She stopped whatever she was doing, her gaze snapping to me. Eyes wide, something flashed across her face.
“Uh, you see if you like anything, I’ll be back in a minute.”
“But where are you going?”
She didn’t wait to answer and rushed out of the store. What’s wrong with her all of a sudden?
As I was searching for matching bras with the panties I took for myself, avoiding the sales clerks, someone called out my name
behind me.
“Emerald? Is that you?”
Turning around, I froze in my place. The red head with Ace at the restaurant that night. I still remembered how comfortable they
were with each other, even though Casie confirmed that they were just friends. Matching her hair, she looked stunning in her
body hugging dress and heels, her blue eyes twinkling.
Wait, how did she know my name?
Before I could pronounce my thoughts out loud, she pulled me in a tight hug.
“D**n! I finally got to meet you.” Pulling away, she shook her head. “I’ve heard so much about you that it became my prime wish
to know you personally. And I think my wish got just accepted. Thank G*d! He won’t just let me see you.”
I frowned. “Uh, nice to meet you too?”
“Oh, so rude of me! I’m Leyla, Leyla Collins. Ace’s friend.” She shook my hand.
“T-that’s great. But may I ask, how do you know me? I mean, I haven’t met you before, at least not personally.” My gaze fell on
her ring finger. And indeed there was a diamond ring that screamed married.

“Yeah, we haven’t. But I know everything about you. Achilles and Caleb talk so much about you that I almost feel like I’ve known
you for years!” She snorted, rolling her eyes.
My heart skipped. He- he talks about me to her?
“Leyla? Hi!” Tess had a surprised look on. “What’re you doing here?”
“Hey!” She kissed her cheeks. “Well, why do people come here?”
Tess rolled her eyes, smiling. “Well, I see that you already met Emerald? Em, she is...”
“Oh, she knows. I just introduced myself to her,” Leyla said, cutting Tess off. Then she looked at me from head to toe. “I must
admit, she’s way more beautiful than A...”
A nudge at her ribs halted her in the mid sentence. She looked at Tess with confusion, and then some realization set in as they
talked with their eyes.
“Uh, I meant you’re more beautiful in person than I heard about you from all of them.” Casting a look at Tess, she cleared her
throat. “I gotta go now. I’m getting late for an appointment. It was so nice meeting you, Em! I will see you soon.”
“Likewise,” I said, politely.
Once she was out of sight, then Tess did relax a little. When I asked her why did Leyla look so out of place before her exit, she
just shrugged and told me she’d an urgent appointment to catch on. Maybe she was getting late.
“Where did you go, anyway?”
She averted her eyes. “To make a phone call. Now if your interrogation is over, can we continue our shopping? I’ve still a lot of
things to buy.”
Letting out another groan, I strolled behind her as we left the shop and went to look for some jewelry. Though their odd
interaction still bothered me. What was Leyla going to say before Tess stopped her?

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