The Trap Of Ace

Chapter 23

Read The Trap Of Ace [by Eva Zahan] Chapter 23 – “What?” I gasped. “How? How did this happen?”
She shook her head, wiping her tears. “I don’t know. I just got a call from the police station a while ago. And since then I was
calling Achilles non-stop, but he wasn’t picking up his phone! Even our lawyer called him. Where’s he?”
A while ago, means we were in his bedroom then...
Blinking away those thoughts from my mind, I said, “Don’t worry, Tess. Everything will be fine. He’s in his penthouse right now.”
“Alright, let’s...”
The ring of her phone cut her off. Receiving it, she listened to whatever the other person said and then cut the call.
“It was him. He’s waiting for me outside in the car. I gotta go!”
“Wait! I’ll come with you!” I insisted. I didn’t want to leave her alone right now.
She nodded, sniffling. “Alright, let’s go!”
Once we were outside, we found him in the driver’s seat with a rigid form. Though his grip on the wheel was tight, his expression
gave nothing away. Ignoring the memories of what happened up in his penthouse and the flutterings in my tummy, we got into his
car and then drove away.
When the car came to a stop outside the police station, flashes of blinding lights blinded my vision. A small crowd of people with
cameras in their hands huddled outside of the car, throwing bunch of questions at once.
“W-what the h**l? Who called them here?” Tess exclaimed, some more anxiety paled her already pale face.
After a moment of silence, he spoke with his jaws tight. “Let’s go.”
“But Achilles...”
He turned to Tess who sat beside him, features softening. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”
At his assurance, she nodded her head and got out after him as four bodyguards that came along us- I didn’t even notice them
earlier- and protected them from the crazy paparazzi. And as soon as I got out behind them, an arm immediately wrapped

around me, pushing my face into a warm chest.
“What’re you doing!”
I was ready to pull away as he guided me through the chaos with his protective arm around me, but then I decided against it. His
hold and the way hid my face from those hungry cameras told me the reason behind his act. And I really didn’t want my face to
be printed in tomorrow’s newspaper anyway.
Even in this situation, he didn’t forget about my safety. He didn’t go to Tess, but he came to me...
A warm sensation spread across my heart.
Once we were inside, I created some distance between us. The officer behind the big desk was up on his feet as soon as we
strolled in, or should I say Achilles Valencian walked in. Because the draining color from his face was instant.
Carter and a middle-aged man in a black coat and a white shirt with some files in his hand – maybe the lawyer – was already
present there.
Tess rushed to Caleb who stood behind the bars. With a disheveled shirt, messy hair, and dimmed eyes, he looked pretty
shaken. When Tess reached him, he wrapped his arms around her as much as he could with the bars in between.
“Oh G*d! They put you behind the locker. Are you alright, baby?” she asked, eyes sparkling with tears.
He nodded, kissing her hands. “Yes, I’m fine. Don’t worry.” Even after his statement, he’d an edge in his voice. “Achilles is here,
he’ll get me out of here. Everything will be fine.”
The urgency in his eyes confused me. I knew staying behind the bars wasn’t a good thing, but his desperation of getting away
from here hinted to something else.
“How did it happen? Why did they arrest you?” she asked, wiping her wet cheeks.
A long exhale left him as he rubbed his face. “They found d***s in the trunk of my car.”
Both of us gasped at that.
“D***s? But how did they get into your car?” I queried.

“I don’t know. They stopped my car at the road out of nowhere and started searching. And when they found them in the trunk,
they accused me of d**g dealing and brought me here,” he replied.
“I don’t believe this! Someone is trying to trap you!” Anger flashed into Tess’s eyes.
He nodded. “I know. But they won’t just listen to any of my justification.”
“Why don’t you sit first, Mr. Valencian. We can talk then.” The timid voice of the officer made me turn around.
With hands in his pockets, Ace stood before the desk, melting the officer under his steely gaze.
“Why don’t you release my cousin first? And I’m not here to chat with you. Let’s come to the business, shall we?”
“Yes, yes, of course!” The officer eagerly nodded his head and instructed one of his men to let Caleb out. “I’m extremely sorry,
Mr. Valencian. I just got here and got to know that our junior officer charged your cousin with d**g dealings. If I knew earlier, I
wouldn’t have let him do it.”
The moment he mentioned d***s, the sudden stiffness of Ace’s shoulders didn’t go missed by me. But he managed a blank face.
“Then what was he still doing behind the bars when I came here? I believe my assistant and lawyer arrived much before me, am
I right? What were you doing until then?” He cocked his head, a muscle of his jaw ticked.
“Uh!” The officer gulped. “Actually, Mr. Valencian, it’s a case regarding d***s. So we’ve to do some procedure before releasing
the accused.”
“Very well then. My lawyer is here. Read the papers and release him.” He pointed to the black coat man as he came forward and
showed some papers to the officer.
That man didn’t even read them properly before returning them back. No one could with Achilles Valencian’s stormy eyes set on
them like a tiger ready to jump.
Once Caleb stood beside him, he gave him a look and they both exchanged nods among them. The always happy Caleb didn’t
have his smile on today.
Though Ace was a closed off person, even with his family, his love for them wasn’t any less. His actions spoke it more than his
Looking down at his watch, he glanced at the officer. “Where is your phone, officer?”

The dark blue uniformed man frowned. “Why?”
And then his phone rang in his pocket. When he fished it out, his eyes widened seeing the name flashing on the screen. And
they literally came out of his sockets after he heard what the other person had to say on the phone.
“I hope you understood what you’re instructed to do?” Ace asked, cocking his head.
The nod was hesitant. “Y-yeah, Mr. Valencian. The termination letter will be sent to our junior officer as soon as possible.”
Of course! The result to cross Achilles Valencian’s path.
I shook my head.
“Good! Now find out who planted them in Caleb’s car and get back to me within two days,” he ordered. “And you know what to
tell the media, don’t you, officer?”
“Yes, of course, Mr. Valencian! Your family’s name will be cleared, don’t worry. And, we’ll try our best to find out who was behind
it as soon as possible,” the officer replied.
Nodding his head, he put his glasses back on and grabbed my hand in his. But before we were out of the door, he stopped and
looked over his shoulder again.
“And yes, Mr. Blake. Be careful of whose family you’re dealing with from now on. Because next time, who knows, it could be you
in your junior’s place.”
As all the color drained from the officer’s face completely, he pulled me into his chest again and walked out of the door.
Once we were secured in the car and drove away, I turned to Caleb who sat on the back seat along Tess with her arm clutched
around him.
She got really scared about all of this.
“Do you know who could be behind this? Who tried to frame you?” Though we didn’t meet for years, I trusted him enough to tell
that he wasn’t a person to be tangled with such issues. He was this happy and positive person, not a d**g dealer.

His gaze met his cousin through the mirror for a fleeting second.
“I’m not sure, but it could be Antonio Reymond.”
“It is him! I’m sure!” Tess hissed. “This time he has crossed all of his limits!”
I frowned. “Who’s Antonio? And why’d he do that to you?”
“He’s the owner of our biggest rival company, AR Industries. That man lives with the agenda to destroy our fame and image to
get back to the top in the market, the place that was snatched by Valencian Corp from them.”
The same company who was competing with our every deal and using the leaked information? Now it all made sense.
“We’re in progress with the Arabians regarding a mega project. If we get this, our clothing market will spread across the whole
middle-east. And that’s what bothering him. So maybe he wants to defame us by this and turn the Arabians to them,” he
continued, lips pressed tight in displeasure.
The whole time Ace remained quiet. But the white knuckles of his on the steering was the proof of the storm brewing in him.
This whole incident was bothering him a lot.
I wanted to reach out and hold his hand, but I held myself back.
“But he couldn’t do it of his own, right? He must’ve used someone to do this.” I pointed out. “Did you see anyone suspicious
around your car today?”
Maybe we could find out who’s leaking information from the office if we get a hold on this person?
He shook his head. “No. I just left home this morning and was coming directly to the office until they stopped me in the middle of
the street.”
“You were at home last night. They must’ve done it either at night or this morning before you left,” said Tess, her brows furrowed.
“But who could that be?” I looked at Tess. “Did someone visit you last night or this morning?”
She nodded. “Yes, some people I called to resize my wedding dress and do some changes. They needed to see it on me before
they fixed it. So they dropped in this morning.”

“Maybe one of them did it? What about the watchman? I mean, he stays there all the time...”
“He didn’t do it,” stated Ace, casting me a look. “He’s been working for us for years now. He’s reliable.”
Caleb nodded, agreeing. “Yeah, Jordan wouldn’t even think of it in his wildest dreams.”
“Oh, okay.” Then something clicked in my head. “What about the CCTV cameras? I saw them installed in your house. You’ve one
outside, right?”
Tess sighed. “Yes, we’ve. But it wasn’t working since the party night, and I was too busy to call someone and repair it.”
From the party night? When a lot of people were present there?
“That means...”
“It was all planned. They did it on purpose so that they could execute their plan easily.” Ace finished for me, his nostrils flaring.
“Oh G*d! And we were so clueless about it,” Tess whispered.
“Did you notice anything weird about those people who came for your dress repair?”
She shook her head. “No, all of them were there with me all the time.” Then a realization crossed over her features. “Yes, Liza
came this morning to collect some files.”
“Liza?” I was shocked.
“No, babe. Don’t go there. I told her to come and collect those files for a meeting I wouldn’t be able to attend at Valencian Corp.
Because I’d some urgent work at OC Textiles. And she is one of the most trustable employees of our company. She can’t do
this,” Caleb said.
Even I agreed. She was a good person and had been a great friend of mine from the days I knew her. Honest and hardworking...
And then something flashed in my mind. Her weird behavior this morning around the corner and...
I set back against my seat and stayed quiet waiting to reach the office, while Tess and Caleb whispered sweet things to each
other at the backseat. And Ace matched my silence. But I could feel it, it was the silence before the storm hit.

As soon as we reached office after we dropped off Tess and Caleb to their house, I ran inside.
Taking the elevator, I went directly to the forty-ninth floor and went to the place where I saw her talking to someone on the phone.
The bin!
Thank G*d it was still here and no one took the rubbish out.
Crouching down before it, I moved some coffee cups and tissues aside. My nose crinkled as I touched those tissues only G*d
knew why was used for. But I’d to do this.
I just hope it’s still there.
With my fingers crossed, I moved some more things until it came into my view. The plastic bag with some white substances at
the bottom corner.
She threw it in here.
With shaky hands, I picked it up.
I hope it’s not what I’m thinking it is.
Opening the bag, I slowly took a sniff. I froze.
It was indeed d***s.

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