The Trap Of Ace

Chapter 16

Read The Trap Of Ace [by Eva Zahan] Chapter 16 – Where did everyone disappear all of a sudden?
I was looking around in confusion, until I felt a pair of scorching eyes on me. Turning to him, I found his gaze following every
curve of mine and cuts of the dress, that exposed my sudden ultra sensitive skin to him.
I bit my lip, not wanting to fidget under his stare. “Is it okay?”
With a tight nod, he beckoned me to him. Confused, I glided near. Still his eyes on my body, he handed me a black dress.
“Try this.”
When I unfolded it, my eyes widened. It was even shorter than the one I was flaunting right now. And as a cherry on the top, it
was off shoulder and backless. What the h**l? He could just instead pick a b****i for her!
“I’m not wearing it!”
One of his eyebrows arched. “Why not? It’s a classy branded gown. I think Tess will definitely love it.”
“But it’s too short!” I argued.
I wanted to slap the tilting of his at the side. Whenever he did it, I sensed a challenge was thrown towards me. “Why? Now you’re
having problems with short clothes?”
“I don’t. I just... I can’t wear it before you,” I stuttered.
“Are you being shy before me right now, Rosebud?”
The warmth of my cheeks were embarrassing. Yet again, I rose my chin high. “I’m not being shy or anything. You know what,
let’s just get over with it.” I knew I was going to regret it, but I clutched the dress and turned around.
And I was indeed, regretting once I looked at myself in the mirror. It fitted perfectly, not too tight, not even loose. The end of the
dress reached just an inch above my mid t***h. The long cut neckline displayed my cleavage on show, where the back cut just
stopped three inches from my butt!
Though it was out of my comfort zone, it did look good on me. I looked... s**y. The smooth fabric clung to me like a second skin,
manifesting every curve and dip of mine. Even at the thought of going before him with this on, flutters erupted in my tummy.

I didn’t know why I was even doing it.
A knock landed on the door. The sales lady’s voice floated in, asking if the dress fitted or if I needed a hand.
“No, everything is good. Just a second,” I replied, tugging the neckline a little higher.
Come on, Em! You can do it.
Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and walked out. I found him assessing a beautiful red gown displayed on a d***y. But I
couldn’t decipher the look he’d on as he brushed a finger on the fabric, gaze intense.
And then his eyes tore from the gown and fell on me.
His shoulders tensed as the muscle of his sharp jaw clenched. His hands fisted in b***s. The storm in his eyes turned wild with
his smoldering gaze touching every inch of my body, lingering longer on the deep neckline.
Blood rushed to my cheeks and ran hot through my veins under his flaming stare. It had me squirming in my place.
“Turn around,” he said. The dominance and huskiness of his rich deep Greek accent made me obey.
And as soon as I turned, a low curse reached my ear and followed a sharp intake of breath.
When he didn’t speak for a moment, I fidgeted my fingers. “A-ace?” Even the sales woman was nowhere to be seen. We were
alone in the whole section.
And then I felt him behind me. His hot breath fanning my b**e shoulder making my breath hitch. A brush of warm fingers glided
down my b**e back, erupting goosebumps across my skin. My heart pounded as his hand slipped to the curve of my waist, to the
front of my stomach, to my b**e shoulders.
A slow rumble reverberated his chest.
Struggling not to close my eyes and feel his touch, I let out a shaky breath.
“W-what are you doing?” I whispered, as big hands fell on my hips. I should’ve asked the question to myself. Why was I still not
pulling away?
I heard a murmur under his breath. Though I couldn’t pick out most of the words, I caught something like: driving him crazy.

When I was at the verge of leaning into him, the woman strolled in, making me jump away from his heat.
Her eyes widened, flickering back and forth to me and Ace. “Uh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean any interruption.”
My cheeks turned crimson, when all he looked was, extremely disturbed. The woman turned pale under his hard glare. What’s
wrong with him?
“I- i’ll be back in a minute...”
“No! It’s alright. You didn’t interrupt us at all. We were just about to call you anyway.” I cut her off.
When he didn’t speak and kept scaring that poor woman, I cast him a look.
He gave a curt nod, still glaring. “Yeah, we’re done here. Pack that pink dress, and...” Turning to me, he raked his eyes on me
one more time. I shivered. “This one also.”
He’d give it to Tess?
Again, the same nagging feeling rose in my chest. Though I knew it was ridiculous. She was getting married to his cousin. But
Once I was back in my comfortable jeans and his t-shirt, I padded out and waited for the woman to hand us the bags. Then my
eyes fell on the d***y where that red gown was on. It was now gone. No one was here in the shop, then who took it?
When he told me to wait for him in the car while he did the payments, I didn’t wait a second longer. I was d***g to get some fresh
air. His consistent presence around me was overwhelming me. I needed some space to keep myself in check.
Once he was back, we got in the car and drove away. But after a while, when he didn’t turn to the road that would lead us to the
office, my brows creased in confusion.
“Where are we going? We were supposed to turn Right.”
“We’re on the right path. Don’t worry,” he replied, eyes on the road.
Can he ever answer a straight question?
“We’re supposed to go to the office. No, actually home, because it’s almost night.”

“I know. But I want to show you something.”
“You’ll get to see it yourself, soon.”
What was running in his head?
“But where are we going?” I asked, dreading inside for the more time I’ll be spending with him. It wasn’t good for my heart.
And as an answer, I only got a smirk. “Patience, Rosebud. We will be there soon.”
Groaning, I sat back against my seat and looked outside.
“We’re here,” he announced, making me open my eyes. I was almost at the verge of being asleep after half an hour’s drive. It’d
been a long day.
Getting out of the car, he opened the door for me while I stretched my legs and let out a yawn. But the sleepiness cleared out of
my eyes the moment my gaze fell onto the structure that stood across the vast lawn.
A beautiful two story modern villa. One whole side of it was covered with glass, while the other side was a combination of dark
wood and white marble. The lawn was surrounded by a colorful rose garden, a small adorable sitting area was situated in the
It was gorgeous.
“You liked it?” Came a low voice close to my ear.
I nodded, eyes still not moving away from the beauty. “Whose house is it?”
He stayed silent, I could feel his gaze on me. Once I looked up at him, he said, “I bought it last week.”
“It’s yours?” I turned to the villa again. So this was the house he was busy buying and renovating. “It’s beautiful. But why did you
need to buy a house when you already had so many?”

He watched me, intent gaze locked with mine. “They were just houses. I wanted a home for myself. So I bought one, for the near
I blinked. For his future? A family home?
“Come, let me show you inside.” Securing my hand in his, he took me within the building he wanted to make a home out of. And I
let him, still admiring the structure.
And again I was left speechless. The interior was more stunning than the exterior. Though not much furniture was spotted there.
Only some stuff laid on the hardwood floor, yet to unpack.
As he led me upstairs, still holding my hand, I asked, “How many rooms exactly are there?”
“Five bedrooms, two guestrooms, two extra for library and office, and another for gym. In total, ten. Six downstairs and four
upstairs. And yes, three more in the basement.”
Thirteen rooms!
“What in G*d’s name will you do with so many rooms?” I gaped.
Letting out a husky chuckle, he opened the doors of a room. A master bedroom. “I want a big family, Rosebud. And children
need a big home to play and grow up.”
At the image of him with little Ace’s running around the house, my heart bloomed with an unknown emotion, but it withered away
as soon as I thought of some girl who’d be the mother of his children.
“This is where my beautiful future wife will be living with me. Our very own personal bedroom,” he said.
My chest squeezed as my eyes roamed around the beautiful vast bedroom with a round bed in the middle. She’d be living here
with him, sleeping with him on this bed...
But he said he wanted me...
Just because he was interested in me didn’t mean he’d see his future in me.
The nails digging in my palms brought me back to my disturbing thoughts. The possessiveness and hurt I found in my inner
thoughts unnerved me.

Why did he even bring me here to see his future home? One moment he declared that I was his, and the next moment he
showed me his and his future wife’s bedroom?
“Is there anything else you want me to show? Because I want to go home now. I’m hungry and tired.” My tone clipped.
A small crease formed on his forehead sensing my sudden change of mood. And then something flashed over his eyes, the
corner of his mouth twitched.
“Yes, there’s. Come with me.”
Even after my protest, he dragged me to the adjoined balcony. And when I saw the view, my complaints died down.
The balcony was right above the rose garden. Soft night breeze blowing across the open meadow ahead of us, touched my face.
I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with the sweet mild fragrance of roses. The full moon hung high right up in the sky.
“It’s more beautiful during the day. Even the meadow is filled with flowers,” he spoke, standing close behind me.
Suddenly I wanted to come here during the daylight. But with what right? The right of a family friend that he might be interested
in and gonna forget soon enough?
A pressure built at my throat, choking me. My eyes burnt with emotions crashing on my chest.
I shouldn’t have come here.
“I arranged dinner for us. Let’s go downstairs.”
When he aimed for my hand, I stepped back, crossing my arms over my chest: suddenly feeling cold. A frown etched between
his brows.
“I want to go home now. Can we just do that?”
“Emerald, you...”
“Please, Ace. I’m tired.” I cut him off. I was tired of my emotions, my lack of control. I was tired of my constant fighting.
With jaw tight, he nodded his head and led me outside. Again, holding my hand in his. It seemed to become his habit. I tried to
get away, but again, he didn’t have any of my protests.

On our way back outside, I saw a huge portrait leaning against a wall, in the open room he said will be his office. The portrait
was covered more than half with a white sheet, but I could see the end. Only a pair of feminine hands could be seen, a ring of
blue diamond adorned her ring finger.
Whose picture is that?
I wanted to ask him, but chose to stay quiet instead. I just wanted to get away from here right now.
A gasp slipped through my lips as I was pulled against a hard frame. Strong arms wrapped around my waist, crushing me
against his solid chest.
Soft warm lips touched the curve of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Rough stubbles poked my skin, making me giggle.
“Ace! Don’t!” I complained, but my eyelids went shut as his warm mouth sucked on my skin, big hands roamed around my body.
A whimper left my lips as hot sensations ran through my veins.
“You like it, Rosebud?” his husky voice murmured in my ear. And my arching my body towards his touch was the reply. A low
chuckle vibrated at my back.
I took a deep breath as another kiss landed just behind my ear. “Ace...”
And then all of a sudden I was cold. Alone standing in the middle of his master bedroom. I looked around in confusion.
Where did he go?
A moan snatched my eyes to the bed which wasn’t there a while ago. Two figures were wrapped around a white sheet, tangled
with each other in a passionate kiss. More groans followed. And when his face peeked out of her shoulder, my breath hitched.
Her hands were roaming over his chest, while he had his one hand around her in a possessive hold, and the other gripped the
blonde locks of her as he pulled her for another kiss. Her moans filled the room.
I choked out a gasp as I felt someone gripped my heart and squeezed it hard. I felt the same pain I felt years ago. My heart
shattered in a million pieces, and at the same time I wanted to destroy something. Destroy her. The scene before me.

But I couldn’t move. As if I was p*******d in my place. I tried to close my eyes but I couldn’t move a muscle. Panic started to rise
in my chest. I wanted to scream, but no vail. I opened my mouth, but nothing was coming out.
And then his stormy grey eyes met mine, and all of a sudden, he was right in front of me. That girl was nowhere to be seen.
He gave me his hand to take, but I couldn’t move my hand. I didn’t want to let him go. Go to that woman again. I wanted him to
stay with me.
Tears ran down my eyes as I struggled with the force that held my body. I wanted to ask him for help, but I couldn’t. I wanted to
call out for him, but I failed.
When I didn’t take his hand, he gave me a sad smile and stepped backwards, slowly vanishing in the air.
My eyes widened. No, no, no! Don’t go! Don’t leave me alone! Not again!
More tears ran as I tried to reach out to him but I was still in my place. And then he vanished in the air. I couldn’t see him
He was gone.
“Ace!” I jerked awake, frantically looking around. A tear had slipped down my eye.
“Emerald? Jeez, are you alright?” I found him right beside me, looking back and forth to me and on the road. Concern latched
into his face. “What happened, baby? Are you okay?”
I let out a shaky breath. My heart thudded in my chest. Closing my eyes, I ran my palms over my face.
I was dreaming. What kind of dream was that?
I looked at him. He threw me worried glances, forehead creased. He was right here.
“I’m fine. Just a bad dream.”
His frown deepened. “What was it?”
I turned away. “Nothing.” I didn’t even want to replay it in my head.

“You called out my name.”
“So? I could call out anyone’s name. Not everything is about you! So that’s none of your business!” My temper flared. I didn’t
have any control on it.
His jaw clenched, his eyes hard on me. “You’re pretty shaken up. What did you see?”
“I said that’s none of your business!”
“D**n it, Emerald! Can’t you just answer my question? I want to know what scared you that much!” he snapped, gaze on the
I didn’t answer. Instead, I looked out of the window.
With a curse, he cupped my chin and made me turn to him. His touch was soft as he brushed his thumb on my cheek.
“What happened, Rosebud? Please, tell me. What did you see?” His gentle tone soothed something in me, as his patient eyes
watched me.
Those grey eyes compelled me to admit.
Gulping, I opened my mouth. He nodded in encouragement.
“I, I saw you with...”
A light fell on my eyes, blinding my vision, followed by some blare of loud horns. Cursing under his breath, he turned the wheel to
the right. The tired screeched on the pitch as the car lost its balance, before crashing against something, hard.

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