The Transfer

Chapter 39 - Settling Arguments

I walked down the hallway using the towel to dry my hair. It dripped wet on the floor and I desperately tried to avoid it happening. I walked into Lila's room and sat on the end of her bed. She looked up at me from where she was standing, unpacking her bags.

"Are you staying in here with me tonight?" Lila asked me. I shrugged at her. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do

"Not sure. I'm torn," I said. Lila nodded at me and sighed. She put down the clothes in her hands and came over to me. She sat beside me.

"I think you should go with him. Talk it out. He's beating himself up about the entire thing," Lila told me. I sighed and nodded. I knew she was right.

I couldn't avoid Liam for the whole trip. I needed to talk to him and sort all of this out. I didn't need us to get into another bad argument.

"You're right," I sighed out. Lila giggled and nodded at me.

"I always am," she said between giggles. I rolled my eyes at her and punched her arm. She got up again and began to unpack her bags and place her clothes in the cabinet.

My heart stammered when I felt Liam coming down the hallway. His beast was still bothered and I wasn't sure if he was upset or angry. Maybe both.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I said to Lila as I got up. She winked at me and I left her room, shutting the door behind me. Liam had just passed by the room as I stepped out into the hallway. He made his way down to our bedroom and stepped into the room.

He knew I was there, I could see the hair standing up on the back of his neck and I noticed how he didn't tense so much when I stepped out into the hallway.

I made my way into the room and shut the door behind me. Liam was changing into something more comfortable for bed.

It was late and we'd spent the whole day with his family. Tomorrow we were supposed to be going into town where gran needed to get food. Lila told me that she would take me shopping.

I needed some new workout clothes anyway.

Liam pulled his shirt off his body and I gawked. He had the most attractive body that I had ever seen. He had muscles all over, and scars on his back and chest. But they made him look more gorgeous and even kind of dangerous.

Liam looked up at me and I got myself grow speechless. Couldn't he just put a damn shirt on? My beast whined. She didn't want him to put a shirt on at all.

"Can you put a damn shirt on?" I breathed out finally. A smirk tugged at his lips as he grabbed a clean shirt and pulled it over his head. I felt myself calm instantly. It was easier to speak to him when he was fully clothed.

"Better?" Liam asked me with a raised eyebrow. I rolled my eyes.

"Not really, but whatever,” I muttered. Liam's shoulders and chest were defined perfectly in the shirt he was wearing. He had muscles that filled up all of his shirts.

"I'm sorry about today," Liam said, lowering his head a little. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

My beast whined and nudged me to walk over to him. Our male looked sad. He was clearly upset. She wanted me to comfort him.

"She was a potential bond mate, Ali. As much as I really didn't like her, I still had those feelings for her. It was hard to say no to her, because I still had an urge to want to be with her. But he was telling me constantly that I had be to loyal to my true mate,” Liam rubbed his chest in reference to his beast. My heart melted and my knees felt weak.

Liam had wanted to be with Veronica. He'd had feelings for her, similar to the ones that he probably had for me. But his beast stopped him from doing something as tragic as putting his mark on her neck. It made my beast rumble.

"I realised a while ago that I didn't like her for her. I liked her because I was a dumb kid who drooled over the female flaunting her body to him constantly. I could never like her for her personality. There isn't anything to like about it," Liam explained. My heart still twisted painfully and I felt sick again.

Hearing Liam admit that he did have feelings for Veronica once upon a time made every part of my body want to shrivel up. Was I anything in comparison to her?

Veronica was beautiful. Undoubtedly. She had long tanned legs and a flat belly. She was tall and slim, curvy in all the right places. She was blonde and pretty.

Why wouldn't he like her?

The bond cried out in pain. I didn't literally hear any sound but I knew it was screaming rage and sadness. My stomach knotted and I felt like dirt compared to Veronica.

"Even though we were potential bond mates, I realised that I would never want to be with her. So I told her... and then I met you," Liam said, gazing over me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and blinked back the tears.

I hated feeling the way I did. I hated feeling like I wasn't anything in comparison to Veronica. I hated feeling like I was lesser than her. I especially hated feeling not good enough for Liam.

"I don't think you understand, Ali,” Liam told me. He came forwards and I let him. My beast whined and pawed at the floor of my brain. She was upset. She hated being jealous and she hated feeling as vulnerable as we did.

"What isn't there to understand? You had feelings for her, so you brought her here to meet your family. The same as you're doing with me, right?" I asked as I looked up at him. Liam weakly smiled at me.

"I quite literally only brought her here with me because she first of all forced her way here and because I thought her and I would hook up. I was dumb and I was naive,” Liam told me. I scowled and rolled my eyes. Liam smiled at me a little more and then grabbed my arms gently.

His thumbs caressed my skin and I felt the tingles shoot up my arms and torso. It was an incredible feeling and it masked my sadness for a little.

"l brought you here because I actually wanted you to meet my family. I wanted you to officially be apart of the Hastings family. I didn't bring you here just because I like you. I brought you here for a lot of other reasons too," Liam said softly. His usually stern and cold face warmed as he smiled weakly and looked down at me as if I was his anything and everything.

I felt like jelly under his gaze. He held my eyes with his intensely before he shook his head and sighed softly.

"I want you. I don't want Veronica or anyone else. I want you and only you, for the rest of my life. You're the one that I've been waiting for my entire life. Now you're here and I'm not going to let you go that easily,” Liam told me, flashing me a toothy smile. His eyes lit up as he looked at me.

The bond was going crazy by now. Liam's touch on my bare arms made so much sense and sent the most wonderful feelings up and down my body. I had never wanted to be so close to anyone in my entire life.

"I hope you know that I'm going to make you work your ass off,” I told him. He smirked and nodded at me. I couldn't help but smile. He made me happy and did the most little things that made me giddy without even realising it.

"I'm fully aware. I had a big talk with the whole family while you and the kids were outside. They all threatened to gang up on me and kick my ass if I ever did anything to hurt you," Liam told me with a shrug. I smiled a little more at him and rolled my eyes playfully.

I liked that Liam's family had liked me. It made everything about being with Liam easier. At least they liked me more than they liked Veronica too.

"So what was Nathan saying today that pissed you off so much?" I asked him, still curious to know exactly what Nathan was saying. Leon had briefly mentioned that it was something inappropriate, but he still didn't say what.

I wanted to know. I'd kick his ass.

Liam rumbled and his chest vibrated. He let go of my arms and turned away after rolling his eyes. He scoffed and walked back over to the bed where he took our bags off the bed and placed them over in the corner of the room.

"Just stuff to piss me off, that's all,” Liam grumbled back. I rolled my eyes at him as I trotted over. "Come on, just tell me. You already beat his ass for me, right?" I pleaded with him. Liam looked over at me and raised his eyebrows as I pulled out the hairbrush from my bag and began to brush my damp hair.

"Are you sure you want to know? I mean, it was kind of gross," Liam asked me, his chest rumbling again. He was getting worked up about it. I nodded at him and he grunted.

"He said that the moment I left the room, he'd be by your side in seconds. He was making comments about your butt and your boobs too," Liam growled out and he shook his head. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

Really? Was that all Nathan was talking about? How immature!

"Sounds like a baby to me. You didn't have to beat him up,” I told Liam. I had expected Nathan to say something really bad. But seeing that it was that simple and Liam had reacted so badly, it proved to me that he was protective over me.

Liam scoffed at me and shook his head. "Any male out there should know that your boobs and butt are only mine to talk about.”

His low growl sent shivers up my spine and I hid my flushed face as I turned around and put my hairbrush back into my bag.

"He was annoying me anyway. He'd been staring at you the moment you walked into the room. I didn't like it," Liam added as I turned around to face him. I nodded at him and walked over to the bed.

"What side are you sleeping on?" I asked him. Liam came around the bed to me. I felt the heat in the room rise and my insides melt. My heart sped up so fast that I thought it would burst out my chest.

"Doesn't bother me, sugar,” Liam told me. I nodded at him and leaned forwards, crawling into the bed towards the right side.

Before I could pull back the covers, I felt hands grip my hips and pull me onto my back. I giggled as Liam pinned me down and then hovered over me. My beast purred and I held back another giggle. I parted my legs and let Liam rest between them. He held himself up with one arm and held my waist with the other. My lower abdomen was beating with its very own heartbeat. I felt wild.

I opened my mouth to speak but stopped when Liam lowered his head and started kissing along my jaw. His lips were soft and plump and he left the side of my face tingling. His lips moved down my jaw and then down my neck. I bit my lip and held back a moan.

"Liam," I growled a warning at him as I felt his teeth nip at my skin. He chuckled against me and kissed again. I wanted him to mark me, but I wasn't ready. I knew it wasn't the right time for it. Liam's tongue ran along my neck as he sucked, kissed, licked and nipped. He slowly began grinding his lower body against me as his lips trailed back up towards my jaw again.

The pull began to simmer between us and I felt my body shiver at the closeness of the two of us. His blood hummed with excited and hormonal energy. It was addictive.

I felt self conscious underneath Liam. I wasn't sure if he were going to kiss me or if he was going to continue teasing me by kissing up and down my neck. I didn't know if I was a good kisser. I'd only ever kissed one man, and it wasn't a kiss that I had necessarily consented to.

I shuddered and Liam hummed softly. "Don't be scared, sugar. I'd never hurt you.”

Liam's words sent a large reassurance through me, but I was still nervous. I wanted to be the best girl he had ever kissed. I wanted to send him into a world he'd never seen before.

I pulled my hands up, trailing slowly and softly up his back. He kissed a little harder and then growled lowly when I ran my hands through his thick and dark hair. I looked at him. He held my gaze with eyes that were intense, almost threatening.

I held my breath as I looked at him. His eyes flickered from my eyes and then down to my lips. I tugged at his hair a little. He growled lowly.

"Don't do that to me,” he growled out. I felt his arousal and smirked.

I tugged his hair again and he growled some more. He was quick to act after that. He closed the gap between us and covered my mouth in a hungry and passionate kiss. I responded immediately, shocking myself a little.

I kissed him softly, our lips grazing each other. The sparks flew between us like fireworks. The room seemed to intensely brighten and emotions began to float between us. I moaned against his mouth as my whole body tingled in ways I had never tingled before.

Liam's mouth was warm. He tasted sweet and I craved more. I wrapped my legs around his waist and tightened them. I pulled him closer and his chest rumbled in response.

The caress of Liam's lips were softer than I had ever imagined, despite the fact that I felt them on my cheeks all the time. He was gentle, but he was getting more and more passionate and intense. He gripped my hips hard and held me close. His lower body ground harder against my pelvis and I held back another moan as his hand slapped underneath my shirt.

His tongue flickered across my bottom lip and I parted my mouth with a moan as he tongue began to explore the insides of my mouth tentatively. I couldn't stop myself.

Liam grunted and moaned softly as I tugged harder at his hair. His hand travelled up my belly, his fingers leaving nothing but tingles and more sparks

Before his hands could grasp my breasts, there was a loud bang on the wall.

"Shut the fuck up!" Lila and Lucas shouted angrily. Liam pulled away and growled, pushing himself away from me to go and presumably beat up his brother and scold his sister.

I held myself together and grabbed Liam's arm before he could leave the bed. He looked back to me and growled.

"They should know better than to interrupt me,” Liam growled out. I smiled weakly at him and shrugged as I pulled him towards me.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get your panties in a knot, big boy. Just come back to bed,” I told him. Liam smirked as he kissed my lips again chastely before he pulled away and pulled back the blanket.

"Go to sleep, sugar,” Liam mumbled to me as he kissed my neck. I pulled up the blanket and rested it over me as Liam pulled me to him, my back against his torso. He rested his arms around me and placed his legs over the top of mine.

I smiled weakly as I shut my eyes and let myself drift off into a deep sleep.

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