The Transfer

Chapter 31 - Damned Arguments

I trotted into my room and frowned at the bear skin rug that was on the floor. I stared at it intensely, waiting for it to disappear, but it didn't. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I walked over to it and grabbed it off the floor.

I shook it out to make sure that wasn't any dust on it and noticed the note taped to it.

I'm sorry - L

I huffed and pulled the note off. I breathed in deeply and let Liam's scent dance around my nose. He smelt magnificent and I realised how much I missed him. It had been two whole days since our argument. He hadn't spoken to me once since that, nor had I tried to speak to him.

I folded the bear skin and sat on my bed, rubbing my hands along the fur. It was so soft and wonderful. I loved it.

I missed Liam. I missed him calling me that stupid nickname and his hand in mine, I missed his warmth and his seductive smirk. I wanted to talk to him, and I knew I would have to eventually, but I could barely face him.

If I were to speak to him, it would mean we'd have to talk about what happened the other night. I'd have to tell him why I got worked up. I would have to tell him about Brennon.

I wasn't ready for that. I knew that too well. It was like a feeling in my gut that told me that I wasn't ready. I wanted to tell him, but the words would get stuck in my throat anyway.

I wasn't ready and I didn't know when I would be.

The bond twisted as I breathed in again. It pulled and tugged at me. It was a dull ache all over my body and a headache that wouldn't seem to go away. Jenny said that it happened when we argued or when we were apart. It made me want to be with him even more.

I stood again and left my room. I glanced down at the bear skin rug on my bed and sighed. He had given it to me and I gave it back after our argument. Then, he made effort to come into my room and give it to me.

God damn. He made it so hard to be mad at him.

"This is bullshit. He's doing nothing about it, Jen. What if people start showing up dead?" Ezra's voice hissed out. I heard a sigh. Jenny's sigh.

"We can't do anything against his orders, Ez. We'd be kicked out,” Jenny replied. Ezra grunted and I walked into the kitchen.

The two vampires were sat at the table together, drinking coffee and eating biscuits.

"What's going on?" I asked Ezra. He seemed pretty worked up about what we he was talking about. Maybe it was something serious.

Ezra looked from me to Jenny, who nodded. He looked back to me. He sighed deeply and rubbed his forehead.

"There have been some rogue sightings lately and Henry is doing nothing about it," Ezra told me bluntly. Jenny sighed and put his hand over Ezra's.

"Neighbouring packs, including Terialta have been giving reports about rogue sightings. The other night, we had one of our own. Henry is dismissing it as a once off and won't take action,” Jenny explained in better detail. I frowned at this.

What? Rogue sightings? People were seeing rogues around? Terialta too?

"Why would he not do anything about it? Rogues are never good news," I asked. Jenny shook her head and Ezra grunted again. He definitely wasn't happy at all.

"Seeing as our old Alpha and Luna were slaughtered by rogues, you'd think he would take action,” Ezra said angrily. Jenny patted his hand in attempt to calm him down.

My beast was angry now. She knew how terrible rogues were. They had killed my mother and they had killed countless others. Not to mention, my mate's parents were dead because of them.

"You should've seen how distraught everyone was once they were killed. No one wanted to continue on. Their whole family were heartbroken. The kids..." Ezra became suddenly sad. He dropped his head and Jenny rubbed his back.

“Liam and the others were so badly affected. Lucas became so depressed that he stopped leaving his room. He sat in that bedroom for three weeks. Didn't eat a thing, didn't talk. He was so numb," Jenny told me. My heart wrenched and my gut knotted.

"Poor Lila... she was so young when it all happened. The poor girl was in hysterics. Cried and cried for weeks. Spent every moment of every day sat by their graves,” Ezra said softly. I heard the sadness in his voice and felt even more pain.

I was so close to Lila. I couldn't imagine her being that sad. It hurt my feelings to know that she could have been like that.

Rogues ruined everything. They were pissed at the world, so they destroyed everything around them. They didn't care about what they took from other people. As long as people were hurting, they were fine.

"Leon disappeared for two weeks. He sat on the beach for two whole weeks. We thought he might have killed himself. We were so relieved when he came home alive,” Jenny told me. My head throbbed and I felt sick.

"Liam... poor, poor Liam," Jenny started, trailing off as she looked away from me. I blend my breath. What about Liam? What happened?

There was a sudden knock on the front door that startled me. I gasped softly and held a hand to my chest. Jenny stood up and left the room, walking down the hallway. She was too upset to answer the door.

I got up and walked to the front door. I pulled it open and felt sick as I looked down at Lila and Brayleigh

My poor little sister. She must've been through so much pain. She was so strong.

"Why the long face?" Brayleigh was first to speak. I forced a smile and sighed deeply. I pushed my hair back as I looked at them.

"What's up?" I asked them, changing the subject. They both came inside and I shut the door behind them. When they walked into the room I just came from, Ezra was gone.

I didn't blame him. He was probably too upset to talk to people. I understood.

The girls and I sat at the table and nibbled on the biscuits. Jenny and Ezra still had their mugs of coffee on the table. I felt upset knowing that they were upset.

This pack had been through so much. It was amazing how well they'd built it back up again.

"Liam is totally beating himself up over this argument that you two are having,” Lila told me. The mention of the argument made the bond twist painfully and I sighed. I hated it.

"Well, maybe he should change his attitude. He needs an ass beating,” Brayleigh coughed out as she sat back in her chair with her arms crossed. I nodded in agreement despite the uncomfortable feeling I got from the idea of my mate getting his ass kicked.

There was a knock at the front door. I heard the door handle jiggle and then heard it get pushed open. I sniffed and the scent of Lucas and Quo wafted through the air.

"Get excited, I brought beer," I heard Lucas chant. I smiled up as the two males walked into the room. Lucas was holding several cans of beer and Quo was already drinking one. They both sat down at the table with us and Lucas started chuckling.

"That brother of ours... he's a dumbass,” Lucas commented as he cracked open a beer. He shoved a can in my direction and I took it opened it.

"Can't argue with that. He's so stupid,” Lila hissed out. She got up and walked into the kitchen. She fetched herself and Brayleigh two glasses of wine and the returned back to the table.

"He's out there trying to beat Leon's ass. But Leon is roughing him up real good,” Quo chuckled deeply as he shook his head. He sipped on his beer and I shrugged.

"He deserves it," I said. I was pissed at Liam, he was being a dick. The argument we had was something I wasn't ready to talk about. I didn't need to tell him everything, but I knew I would have to tell him soon enough.

"Damn right he does. He's not got his head on right. My girl ain't telling him anything that she doesn't want to," Lila said as she nudged my arm. I smiled at her weakly.

I felt like crap. My head hurt and I ached all over my body. This argument was draining me and it was all because of the damn bond.

"You won't be able to go on ignoring him for much longer though. The bond does that to you," Brayleigh said, shaking her head. I nodded and sighed as I rubbed my eyes.

I wanted to talk to Liam. I truly did. But talking to him meant I would have to tell him about everything, and I knew that I wasn't ready for that.


I sat up and sighed. I grabbed a pair of leggings and a hoodie and pulled on some shoes. I tied my hair up and then left the house.

It was late. Probably one in the morning by now. But I couldn't sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, the nightmares would start. I felt scared to sleep in my own room and that scared me more.

A run might tire me out enough to push me asleep.

I snuck out the house silently and jogged down the steps. I made my way to one of the shorter trails and picked up the pace as I began to run.

It was cold outside. My beast and I both knew that we wouldn't have long before the snow fell and we were tied to our cabins for the long winter ahead. I sighed.

I ran hard, letting my energy out on the track. My legs were frozen from the cold but I pushed past it and kept running until the hair on the back of my neck stood and I smelt him.

Liam was here.

I didn't stop to try and find him. I kept running until I heard a grunt from behind me. "Stop running away from me.”

A hand grabbed mine and pulled me to a stop. I huffed in annoyance as I turned to face Liam. He was shirtless and only wearing a pair of red checkered pyjama pants. I tried hard to avert my eyes from his bare torso to focus on being angry at him.

"Ali, come on,” Liam said as he caressed the top of my hand with his thumb. It sent goosebumps up my arms and made my body warm.

I almost scowled at it. I hated the damn bond.

"Don't “come on’ me," I hissed at him as I pulled my hand away. Liam huffed and I crossed my arms angrily. I had missed him and it was hard to see him, looking so good.

"It's been two days, Ali. I'm tired of you being mad at me," Liam said, looking a little defeated. I wanted to punch him in his perfect face and kiss him senselessly at the same time.

"Two days is plenty of time to think about how you screwed up," I said bitterly. Liam nodded at me. "I have thought about it. It's been the only thing on my damn mind since you ran out that night. I'm sorry, Ali, I was a dick, but I was angry. Why couldn't you just tell me that he was your past lover?” Liam shook his head slowly. I scowled at him and pulled a face of disgust.

"He wasn't my past lover! I'm repulsed by him," I hissed out. My stomach felt uneasy at the idea of Liam thinking that Brennon was one of my past lovers.

That was just sick and damn right disgusting. He was three times older than I was!

"Then why did you get so twitchy when I asked?" Liam pushed. I clenched my jaw shut and crossed my arms. It hurt to argue with him but I wasn't going to let him get away with this. He couldn't demand that I tell him everything about me.

"You don't understand, do you?" I growled out lowly. Liam looked at me in disbelief and gaped. His mouth hung. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"It's not like you're trying to help me to understand! You won't tell me anything about you!" Liam finally hissed out. His voice was louder now and I feared that someone would hear if he got any louder. I didn't need the whole pack hearing our argument.

I furrowed my eyebrows at Liam. I felt an ache in my chest and I prayed that it would go away. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to face Liam anymore.

"Fine. Do you really want to know?" I snapped at him. Liam nodded.

"Yeah, I do," Liam snapped back. I curled my fists as I looked at him and I prepared myself to run away.

"He raped me, Liam. He's the whole reason I'm even here. My father didn't want to deal with it, so he sent me away. Are you happy now?" I hissed out, tears in my eyes. Liam looked shocked. The colour faded from his face as he stared at me.

I felt his sadness and the guilt that was coming over him. I hoped it hurt.

I turned around and ran. I ran despite the tears and the aching feeling that spread all over my body. I felt even worse than I did when I first left.

Damn bond.

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