The Transfer

Chapter 29 - Tragic Misinderstanding

I woke early the next morning. I wasn't in a rush, so I took my time getting ready. I dressed and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. My beast was giddy for excitement. She couldn't wait to get back into our normal routine again.

Most days, we hated the routines, but this particular day, we were especially excited to be getting back into it.

I met Lila and Brayleigh outside. I grinned at Brayleigh and hugged her tightly as I bounded down the steps. We rubbed cheeks and I giggled happily. I had missed the female. She was a big part of my life now. I knew that.

"I missed you. It was boring without you around,” Brayleigh told me. I exchanged glances with Lila, who's eyes widened as she laughs.

"Our time away with quite eventful. I wish I could say it was boring," Lila said with a chuckle. I nodded in agreement and stretched my arms. We were a little early this morning, despite the fact that I took my time.

"Yeah, Kade filled me in. I'm sorry about what happened in Terialta," Brayleigh told me with a sad smile. I shrugged at her, deciding that I wouldn't get upset about it.

I was away from that now. I was nowhere near Terialta and I didn't have to worry about Brennon anymore. At least not until I saw him again.

"Let's go. Once today's training is over, we can drink wine and gossip all we like," I said with a cheery smile. The girls both nodded at me and we turned.

We started our run, taking our normal trail. I could smell the scent of Leon and another female on the track. This track must have been used earlier.

"Leon's mate returned from her visit to see her family last night. You can probably smell her everywhere," Lila told me quickly. I nodded, a little surprised. I had forgotten that Leon even had a mate.

I remembered Lila telling me when we first met, but I had completely forgotten about it. I couldn't wait to meet her.

We ran fast and hard through the trees. My excitement fuelled my run and my beast was more than excited to spar. She hoped we would spar with someone new. Maybe even Lucas or Leon.

When we approached the pack again, I straight away noticed the group of people crowded together. I glanced at Lila and Brayleigh. They both gave me the same confused look.

"A fight maybe?" I questioned. Brayleigh shrugged and Lila bit her bottom lip as we jogged towards the scene.

I peered past people and into the circle where I saw a pile mauled rabbits in the middle of the circle. I frowned and pushed forwards a little. People around me let me pass and the girls followed. We got to the front of the group and peered down.

There was at least six dead rabbits in a pile on the ground. They were slaughtered, covered in blood and even maggots. They smelt terrible, like they'd been dead for days

They definitely weren't freshly killed.

What the hell were they doing here? Who would drop a heap of dead rabbits in the middle of the dirt?

I sniffed a little more. I only smelt the rot and death of the rabbits and felt encouraged to gag. I heard someone growl.

"Get out the way!" I heard someone hiss. The crowd backed away and Liam and Henry pushed their way through the crowd.

"What the hell is this?" Henry hissed out. No one answered until a guy cleared his throat and motioned towards the pile of dead creatures.

"We found them here when we came out to start training. They were just there,” he said, before dropping his gaze. I crossed my arms as I looked at Henry.

Truthfully, he looked like crap. He had tired and almost sick eyes. His cheeks were almost caved in and he looked skinnier. He rubbed his eyes and sighed, running a hand through his messy hair.

He looked stressed. It must be busy for him right now.

But it wasn't like I felt bad for him though. After I heard him talking about me that day in his office, I had avoided him as much as I could ever since. I hated him for what he had said about me. "Someone get them out of here. Everyone, get to training!" Henry hissed out. People moved away and I stood still.

Was he serious? He wasn't going to question people about how these rabbits mysteriously arrived? He wasn't going to get some tracker wolves to find a scent on them?


My wolf groaned and shook her head in disbelief. I looked back to Lila and saw her and Liam looking at each other. Liam's eyes widened a little and then returned to normal.

"Grey, I want you in my office this afternoon. I'll let Ezra know when you need to come,” Henry said bluntly before he turned around and walked away. I watched him for a moment and then felt like punching him. I really didn't like him.

"Have you seen Alfie?" I asked out loud to anyone who was listening. Liam snapped his gaze away from his sister and to me. They must have been linking.

"He said he was going to be running late this morning. He told me to tell you to have breakfast and then meet him back here later,” Liam replied with a nod. I nodded also and stretched my arms again.

"Breakfast at yours," Brayleigh said giddily as she nudged me and then turned in the direction of my cabin. Lila giggled and then turned to follow her.

I stayed still, studying Liam briefly. He looked good this morning. He wore red shorts and a plain black shirt that hugged his muscles. He looked drool-worthy.

"l have something for you. Come with me, sugar,” Liam said, stepping towards me quickly. He grabbed my hand and tugged me close.

He pulled me in the direction of his cabin, his hand holding mine tightly. I matched his pace and kept close to him, savouring every moment of closeness that we had with each other.

We got to the cabin and when we opened the door, I got a strong waft of hormones. It was like a punch in the face and Liam scowled as he pulled me closer.

"Leon and his girlfriend sexing up the whole place. They've done with with each other at least three times since she got back last night,” Liam told me with an eye roll. I giggled and shrugged at him.

I was happy for Leon. As gross as it was, I was happy that he was reunited with his mate. Lila told me about how much he missed her while she was gone. I could only imagine.

"That's kind of cute, in a way," I told Liam. He looked back at me with a seductive smirk that sent shivers up my back.

"I can be real cute if you want me to,” Liam winked, and I felt my cheeks heat up. He was so damn good at making my cheeks burn red with embarrassment.

Liam lead me down the hallway where we were stopped by Leon stepping out his bedroom with only a towel wrapped around him. I held my breath to try and stop myself from giggling.

Leon's face flushed bright red and he avoided Liam's eyes. "Hey guys."

"Yeah, hey, brother. How's it going in there?" Liam said as he narrowed his eyes on Leon. The poor guy looked like he was about to die of embarrassment.

"Leon, I"

A blonde haired female stepped out Leon's room wearing only a hoodie that I had seen Leon wearing before. The hoodie reached mid-thigh on her.

She opened her mouth to speak but words didn't come out. Leon glanced between Liam and I quickly.

"Hi, I'm Alison. I've heard so many nice things about you," I introduced myself to Leon's partner with a wide grin. Her cheeks went bright pink as she tucked her damp blonde hair behind her ears.

"I'm Cass. It's nice to finally meet you too," she said to me before she glanced at Liam and avoids his eye. "Hi Liam."

"Cass," Liam said quickly. Leon cleared his throat before he stepped to the side. Liam pulled my down the hallway and into his room.

Liam's room was different to what I expected. There was a large bed pushed against the wall, the bed sheets a mess. He had a cupboard which had most of the drawers open. There was a pile of socks in a basket and a nightstand next to his bed.

"This is kind of cute,” I told him as I inhaled his scent. The whole room smelt like him and I knew I could definitely get used to it.

"I could say the same thing about you," Liam said quickly as he tossed blankets around on his bed before he finally grasped a furry looking blanket.

He pulled it and I noticed that it wasn't a blanket. It was a bear skin

"The bear I killed on the hunt made a perfect blanket. I want you to have it," Liam told me as he held it out towards me. I looked down at it and slowly took it from him.

It was so soft that I felt tired just touching it. It smelt exactly like Liam, like he had rolled around on it before he gave it to me. I grinned and wrapped it around my shoulders.

"Thank you, Liam. It's amazing," I told him honestly. Liam smiled and shrugged at me. My beast purred and sighed in annoyance. She was desperate to get a taste of our male.

She wanted his lips on ours and his hands all over our body.

"So are you going to tell me what happened with that guy that your brothers tried to kill or not?" Liam asked me. I opened my mouth to speak. Words didn't come out.

He was still thinking about that? What did he even think of it? Had he spoken to Lila about it? Or his brothers?

"Everyone else seems to know, except me. For Christ sakes, even Leon and Lucas know what it was all about. But no one will tell me,” Liam said, and I felt his frustration. His beast was on edge.

I wasn't sure if he was going to be mad at me or not. I knew I couldn't tell him. I wasn't ready. I didn't feel ready for him to know me like that. He would look at me differently. Everyone always did “Liam—"

"Is he like a family member of yours with a rough past?" Liam asked me. I said nothing. My heart stammered against my chest. The bond pulled. It didn't like the tension and I was beginning to get nervous.

"Was he some guy you... I don't know... dated before me? Some guy you're in love with or something?" Liam pushed some more. My gut twisted painfully and Liam arched his eyebrows at me.

Oh God no. Did he feel my stomach knot?

"Was he some sort of lover before you came here?” Liam asked me. He tensed up and I ducked in a deep breath and my beast cried at the thought.

Lover? No. Monster.

I felt Liam's frustration and his confusion. I listened to his blood hum and realised that it was getting louder and louder. He was getting hotter, like fire. He was burning.

"He was just s—some asshole, Liam. He's n—no one," I stuttered over my words as I felt my legs and hands begin to tremble again. I felt like crying already.

The bond twisted. It knitted and curled up, a dull ache appearing in my gut and chest.

"Why are you lying? I know you are. You can't even look me in the eyes," Liam asked me, stepping closer. I held my breath.

"Was he something to you or not?" Liam asked me sternly. His voice was angry and I feared how he would act out if this continued. I didn't want to get into a fight with Liam. But I didn't want him to think he could interrogate the answer out of me.

"Girl, where are you? Breakfast is ready!" Brayleigh called to me. I ignore her. I felt Jenny come into my mind and I pushed her out. I shut everyone out my mind and turned off all links that were there. "Alison..." Liam growled lowly. He was getting angry. He wanted me to answer. But I couldn't. I couldn't tell him. The words were stuck in my throat and they didn't want to move.

"Did you two have a relationship of any sort? Did anything ever happen between you and him?" Liam asked me again. His voice was dark and brooding. I shuddered and took a cautious step backwards.

"N-No!" I breathed out shakily. Liam frowned so hard that I held my breath. He wasn't happy. He wasn't happy at all

"Why are you lying to me?" He hissed out. His beast was close. I could see the hair protruding through his skin. I felt a little scared. Was he going to lash out at me?

"I don't want to tell you!" I said, hearing the own fear in my voice. I sounded petrified. But I wasn't sure if I was scared of Liam or what he would say once I told him the truth.

"You have to. I'm your mate! Tell me now!" Liam growled out. I was lost for words. I didn't know what to say or how to react.

So instead, I took the bear skin off my shoulders and shoved it at him and then ran out his room.

I ran past Lucas who was in the kitchen. He called out to me as I passed but I didn't stop. I heard thudding and I didn't turn around to see if he was following.

I sprinted out the house and towards the closest trail I could find, and then I shifted and ran off into the forest, not caring about anyone who shouted my name.

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