The Tragic Tale of Teddy Woven

Chapter 22

A burst of heat was felt on the right side of me, as I laid there all snug and warm upon his couch. Tired limbs stretched
themselves outwards, toes perked high enough for me to see the scarlet red nail polish I was currently wearing. I wiggled my
toes tiredly, and then laid my weary head upon a plush pillow behind me. Ever so slowly my eyelids closed, while I attentively
listened to the song that came from Teddy’s piano. He was seated on a slim black bench, his fingers pressing upon the keys in
an elegant manner as he performed a song for me. When I opened my eyes I could see the tall white cafe styled mug resting on
the top of his piano, light wavy lines of heat drifting over his hot chocolate. The window was open just a crack, enough for me to
hear the ocean’s waves crashing against the cliffs.
The sound of a music sheet being turned struck the air, but it was not long before Teddy had his two hands upon the blanched
white keys again. I watched his quick movements, the intense focus he demonstrated for anything that had to do with the arts. A
small white coffee table was on the right of me, with a clear flute vase made out of glass at its center. A cluster of yellow irises
rested inside of it; petals as bright as a midday sun blooming wondrously under the dark flavescent glow of the fading sunlight.
Crimson skies hovered over the horizon for the sun was losing the last of its colour as we neared the end of the day. Teddy had
promised me he would take me home before it became too dark, so I knew we had only a short time left before I would have to
leave his place.
The music was slow and somber-like, though it was beautiful all the same. It reminded me of the still peacefulness you get when
there is a light drizzle of rain. My imagination ran away with me, and I could picture glossy cobbled streets with darkened
silhouettes of people stepping under a shower of rain. Teddy may have had the gift of painting imagery with a paintbrush and a
good set of paints, but I had my imagination, and a vivid one at that.
Teddy had reached the end of the song. A long arm outstretched itself to grasp at the pure white mug. He drank his hot
chocolate deeply before settling it down. I watched him turn an easy gaze towards the fire, observing the sunburnt orange flames
flickering in the darkness. He suggested putting on a fire to make the room more cozy, assuring me that once the sun had fully
set the house would descend into an uncomfortably cold temperature.
I rolled over the couch to lean onto my side, pulling a pillow downwards to place it comfortably against my head. It felt so easy to
watch him, to take in this man that was so mysteriously alluring from the start.
“Nearly time to go.” Teddy lifted up a leg and straddled the sleek black bench completely. “Sela?”
“I heard you.”
“I enjoyed it,” he mentioned with a raise of his right hand.

“I enjoyed this evening too, Teddy.”
“We had a bit of a rough day, but things worked out in the end,” he wisely remarked. “And I think we should do it again
I smiled at him, and then buried the front of my head into the pillow because my grin was becoming much too large for me to
even fathom. There was a strange feeling at the bottom of my stomach, a wave of happiness that was beyond comprehension. I
retained my position for a little bit, trying to compose myself in front of Teddy. I felt childish and girly, and this was not the kind of
thing I would normally do.
“While you are laying there like that,” Teddy taunted with a cunning edge to his voice. “Would you like another cup of hot
I rolled over to my left, revealing my face to Teddy at last. My wavy chestnut hair had become wild and untamed after lounging so
long upon his pillow. I brushed it back quickly, but I could feel my cheeks blazing with embarrassment from the look in his eyes.
“No, I am alright.” I brought my hand downwards and stroked my bottom lip, remembering he had not kissed me since we had
lunch together. I was dying to ask him to come over to the couch, but I thought that would only spell trouble.
“You’ve gone quiet,” he observed, while he continued to stare at my telling visage.
“Have I?”
“Yes, you have.”
I pursed my lips tightly; dark eyes darted to the ceiling as I tried to control my facial expressions. This would be a perfect time for
a distraction, but unfortunately Luna was off somewhere fast asleep in Teddy’s house. I let out a yawn while covering my mouth.
It was clear it was time for me to go to bed. “I think I should go.”
“It’s getting late,” he agreed with me.
“Thanks for letting me come here.”
He let out a small laugh that brightened his face. “Thank you for accepting my invitation,” he cleverly quipped. “And for joining me
for dinner. I hope you liked it.”
“You’re a good cook.” He bowed his head in open approval. “And pianist.”

“And you are,” he began, as he did his best to get off the narrow bench. “A good gardener.”
“I get paid for it,” I taunted with a quick wink in his direction. “But thank you.”
He unconsciously licked his lips as he strode towards me. By the time he was standing in front of the couch, I could tell he was
deliberating what he should do next.
I pulled my legs inwards, providing him enough room to take a seat as well. He stared at the spot for a moment, but the
temptation was too strong for him, and soon enough he took a seat on the small spot I had left for him. An arm rested over the
top of the couch, and then he relaxed his legs enough for it to be outstretched in front of him. I watched Teddy’s left hand stroke
the bottom of his chin, while a thought seemed to overtake him. “When will I see you again?”
“I’m free tomorrow. Unless that is too soon.”
“Tomorrow will work for me.”
“What do you want to do?”
“It will be a nice day,” he sighed out in exhaustion. “I am sure we could go for a trail walk. Most of them naturally lead to the sea,
so you will be able to walk along the sandy coastline. How does that sound?”
I leaned forward in my seat, drawing my arms around my bent legs. “That sounds nice.”
Teddy dragged the tip of his fingers along the front of his outstretched neck, and then let it rest over his bow-tie. “We should
leave,” he declared aloud.
I looked past him to see the red sky darkening over the horizon, a shame really, for I should have liked to stay longer. My feet slid
off the side of the couch and plummeted to the floor. My arms stretched themselves wide while I let out a short exhale in
exhaustion. My body was crying out for sleep, so it was about time that I headed home.
Teddy rose from the comfortable couch first. A hand was offered to me in return, something I eagerly accepted so he could pull
me back upon my feet. I stood in front of him now, recognizing the stark differences in our height when he was so close. He
made no sound, but the earnest look in his dark brown eyes said it all. I lowered my gaze slightly, feeling shy when we were
standing so close together. My hand was taken up, and then a delicate kiss was pressed to the back of it. In an extremely low
drawl, he said: “Thank you for coming.”

I nodded my head timidly. Lips curled inwardly until my cheeks had small dimples in the center of them. An immense sexual
tension filled the air, especially when he still had the back of my hand hovering just over his lips. The look in his eyes was
unmistakable, but would he give in?
“We should go,” he uttered with some difficulty.
“Uh huh.”
It was unfortunate that neither of us were willing to move. My lips pursed together tightly, for the energy radiating from him was
too much to bear.
The inside of his right cheek poked outward, for his tongue was jabbing the inside of it fiercely. I had never seen him so
conflicted so before, so tortured by his inward thoughts. His jaw relaxed, and soon he opened his mouth only to find that no
words would come. Distraught, he turned his eyes away and settled it over the fire.
“Do I make you happy, Teddy?” I asked in a light tone of voice.
“More than,” he stopped himself short. He nodded his head willingly, before uttering: “More than words can say.”
“If it helps, you make me happy too. I am glad I did not take other people’s advice.” He blinked quizzically. “To stay away from
“And who told you that?” he asked with distrust.
“Daphne,” he repeated in a steely tone of voice. My hand was instantly lowered, and I found his hand recoiling from mine until it
fell into his trouser pocket.
“I ignored her. I wanted to judge you...” I paused because the look in his eyes was quite dangerous. “Based on your own
character.” Teddy’s jawline relaxed substantially to the point that the dangerous look in his eyes slowly ebbed away. “I don’t go
down to the village for a reason. Besides, even if they told me the most horrible things about you,” I paused to lay a hand over
the side of his arm. “I still wouldn’t believe it. I can tell that you are a good man, Teddy.”
“Even the purest of men have done wrong,” he countered. “But no, Sela, I have done nothing to cause such...” His eyebrows
lowered over the hoods of his sockets. “Condemnation.”

“Then why do you fear going down there?”
The grandfather clock struck, sounding loudly enough to gather our attention. I looked down at the watch on Teddy’s wrist,
surprised to see it was eight o’clock. In a matter of seconds he reached for my hand, and pulled me away from the comforts of
his living room, determined to bring me into the hallway. “We have to go,” he urged. A finger was pointed to my sandals and tote
bag next to the door. “Put it on.”
“Why the rush?”
“Please,” he begged, which was not his normal manner of speaking to me. “Do as I say.”
I walked away from him to slip on my sandals, deciding it was best to listen to Teddy’s instructions. I could hear him patting the
front of his trouser pockets frantically, searching for something that was out of sight. “I need my keys,” he said with desperation.
“And wallet!” The back of his hand dragged over his brow, while he closed his eyes profusely. “Where did I put it?”
“It could be somewhere in the kitchen,” I suggested.
“Stay here,” he commanded with a pointed finger directed to the floor. “And don’t move.”

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