The Trade (Coastal Rivals Book 1)

The Trade: Chapter 9

It’s been weeks . . . no, months since I’ve had a girl in my bed. Honestly, the last person I hooked up with must have been Cassidy fuckin’ Viotto back during fall term. This has to be the longest dry spell I’ve had since freshman year.

No wonder I’ve been jerking it in the shower so often.

Leaning against the cold tiles, hot water streaming down my back, I close my eyes and clasp my hand around my cock. My thoughts wander off, straying toward some faceless porn star—large breasts, a fit body, and a cascade of silky hair confined to a ponytail.

But after a half-hearted stroke, my interest wanes out, my dick deflating on me.

Frustrated, I bite my lip, shifting my fantasy to the one I haven’t dared to imagine—fiery red hair, a smattering of freckles, and a short cheerleading skirt. Encouraged, I give myself another stroke. Then another, tightening my grip along the base.

Well, fuck, this is definitely not going to work for me either.

Just as I’m about to resign myself to a failed attempt, a new fantasy works its way into my brain—images of a tiny heart-shaped birthmark, a pile of chocolate curls spilling out of a half bun, and a pair of long, tanned legs peeking out from striped pajama shorts.

Yeah, there it is. My hard-on immediately rebounds.

Tilting my forehead against the shower wall, I give in to the image of her standing in her apartment doorway, a tiny shirt clinging to her curves just so, offering a glimpse of her waist above the band of her shorts. She’s smiling at me, saying my name, leading me back into her bedroom.

Now, it’s her hand working me over, her mouth pressing to my neck. The pace quickens as she journeys from my neck to my jaw to my chest, biting softly at my shoulder before dropping to her knees in front of me. Those perfect lips whisper, “Theo,” right before she wraps them around my cock, sending me over the edge.

“Fuuuck.” I can’t help but groan as I collapse against the cold shower tiles, panting, allowing my climax to wash down the drain. It takes me a few long moments to catch my breath before finally switching off the water.

Now, what the fuck was that all about? Seriously . . . I see the outline of Jade’s tits for five seconds and she’s already starring in my shower fantasies? This is a whole new level of pathetic.

Honestly, this probably only happened because I’m sex-deprived, and Jade’s the most recent girl I’ve been around. Not to mention her body is fucking incredible, which I would’ve realized sooner if it weren’t for that godforsaken hand-me-down sweatshirt.

I mean, I understand her reasons for wearing it better than most. But damn it. That thing, no matter how lucky it is, is truly a detriment to her and to the entire Dayton community.

So yeah, that’s all this was. I was just surprised to see her wearing that tight little pajama set this morning and caught off guard by my sudden attraction to her. I’m sure, by the end of the week, the novelty will have worn off completely.

The next morning, I make a stop at the Grind before heading over to Jade’s apartment. I stand outside her door for a full minute, steeling myself. If she’s inside wearing that barely there outfit again, I’ll just have to avert my fucking eyes this time.

After all, I’ve seen women wear much less . . . and with much more intention.

Drawing a deep breath, I force myself to knock on the door. It swings open to reveal a beaming Shannon, her cheerful greeting instantly easing my nerves. “Hey, West!”

Well, that’s one problem solved.

“Oh, hey, Shan,” I say, forcing a casual smile. “Good morning.”

“Morning,” she murmurs in return, her eyes lighting up with genuine warmth. “Jade just ran to the store. She said you might stop by while she was out.” She steps aside, creating a clear path for me. “Do you want to come in?”

“Oh, yeah, sure.” I nod, making my way inside, even as a strange sense of disappointment tugs at me.

Disappointment? No, it’s just . . . well, surprise that Jade already left, especially since she knew I’d be coming over.

Shannon reaches for the iced latte in my hand. “Here,” she offers. “I can stick this in the fridge for now.”

“Alright. Will Jade be gone long?” I find myself asking, even as I wonder why I care so much.

“I don’t think so,” she reassures me, her gaze flicking toward the door. “She said she’d be right back.”

She glides toward the fridge, her movements graceful and poised. And once she’s placed the drink inside, she ushers us over to the living room couch. As I settle in beside her, my gaze falls on a pair of large posters on the wall—a framed image of the Bobcats’ team mascot and a Superstars action poster from years ago.

Jade’s favorite team, presumably. It’s a bit random, but I suppose she must have grown up somewhere in the state.

“Awesome.” I lean back, draping my arms over the back of the couch, as I force my attention back to Shannon. “I’ll just wait until she gets back, then.”

“Sure,” she says, shifting to face me directly. Her expression turns curious as she asks, “Are you guys . . . So, you’re actually friends now?”

“Yeah,” I affirm quickly, “I’d say we’re friends.”

Her gaze flickers over my face, as if trying to determine the sincerity of my statement. “She told me you asked her to the banquet.”

“Yeah, I did,” I confirm, raising a brow. “I mean, I thought . . . you’re going with Cam, right? It could be a good chance for all of us to hang out.”

“That’s true,” she says, her wary gaze softening into a smile. “To be honest, I was kinda surprised he asked me.”

“Why’s that?” I probe, genuinely curious.

“Well . . . I thought you might ask me.”

I swallow hard, a tinge of guilt washing over me. Okay, I had just insinuated I wanted to sleep with her a few weeks ago. Now my best friend is inviting her to the banquet while I’m here playing some juvenile game with her roommate.

“Oh, uh, yeah,” I mumble, attempting to gather my thoughts. “Well, Cam and I both wanted to go with a friend this year. He thought of you first. You know how it is.”

Her soft laughter fills the room, the sound easing some of the tension. “I am glad you’re taking Jade, though.”


“Yeah,” she echoes. “She keeps going out with these complete duds. I’ve been trying to set her up with an athlete, but I’m not sure who to choose.” She pauses, twirling a strand of honey-red hair between her fingers. “Maybe she’ll meet someone at the banquet.”

“Wait, are you serious?”

Shannon’s been trying to set Jade up with a random athlete while I’ve been secretly maneuvering her toward Cam. I mean, simply to fulfill the terms of the Trade . . . not to actually date the fucker.


“You’re trying to set her up with someone?” I ask, my tone edged with a mix of disbelief and caution.

“Yeah.” She shrugs, seemingly nonchalant about it all. “She’s not usually into athletes, but we thought we’d give it a try.”

My brain churns, slowly attempting to process this new piece of information. Well, it’s unexpected, but I suppose it works in my favor after all.

“Right,” I drawl, leaning back against the couch, my mind already spinning with possibilities. “Maybe I can help with that.”

Inside, though, I’m not so sure. Despite my best efforts to ignore it, there’s a twinge of something uncomfortable, something heavy and tight, stirring within me.

A teasing light gleams in her eyes as she drags one pert lip between her teeth. “What did you have in mind?”

Ignoring the bitter taste in my mouth, I press forward with my plan. “You two should come over next Saturday night,” I suggest, a hint of urgency creeping into my voice. “A bunch of guys from the team will be streaming the UFC fight.”

It’s the perfect opportunity to nudge the Trade along, subtly but surely laying the groundwork.

“That’s not a bad idea,” she muses, a thoughtful crease forming between her brows. “I’ll see what Jade thinks.”

“Perfect,” I say, winking at her as I lean back, my hands finding their place behind my head again. “Plus, that gives you and I the chance to spend more time together.”

She rolls her eyes, though her lips curl into a coy smile. “West . . .”

My smirk widens at her reaction. “Oh, come on. You haven’t actually been to my place before, have you? Some say that my bedroom’s the best spot in the house.”

“You’re relentless,” she says, though her giggles betray her amusement, a faint blush warming her pale face.

My gaze lingers on her rosy cheeks, tracing the constellation of freckles scattered across her skin. It’s interesting, actually. Jade has freckles, too, a charming sprinkling across her nose and the apples of her cheeks. A stray thought, but it manages to wedge itself inside my mind, stirring an unexpected pang.

“Shan, you don’t even—”

My attempt to flirt is cut off by the front door swinging open, and my attention immediately shifts to Jade. She’s holding two paper bags full of groceries, her hair pulled up into a bun, loose tendrils framing her face. She’s not clad in her tiny striped pajamas this time, but she still looks pretty fucking good.

“Hey!” Shannon calls out, then informs her, “West brought you another drink. It’s in the fridge.”

I give Shannon’s knee two casual taps as a parting gesture before pushing off the couch to join Jade in the kitchen. “Hey, Jade.”

“Hi.” Her smile doesn’t falter as she retrieves her coffee. “Thanks for the latte.”

I quirk a brow at her. “Couldn’t wait around for me this morning?”

“Time stops for no man.”

“Right.” I chuckle, my gaze lingering. “Same reason you shooed me out yesterday?”

“Something like that,” she says, her lips closing around the straw of her coffee.

“Well,” I say, clearing my throat, an unfamiliar awkwardness creeping in. “I wanted to make sure you actually got your drink. You know, gotta hold up my end of the bargain.”

Her lips curve into a knowing smile. “Of course, it’s only fair play.”

“Exactly. Alright, I think I’m gonna head out now.” I throw a glance over my shoulder toward her roommate. “Shan, thanks for the company.”

“Bye, West!”

“Want to meet me on campus tomorrow?” Jade’s question steals my attention back. “You know, for the coffee? My first class is right near the quad.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Alright.” She’s opening the front door now, and I move to slip past her. “See ya, Theo.”

And there it is . . . Theo. My given name escapes from her lips right before she closes the door on me, and it hits me like a punch straight to the gut.

Damn, now I’m standing in an empty hallway, sporting a semi, and those shower fantasies are springing to the forefront of my mind.

I shake my head, trying to clear it. Need to remember the fucking plan, the Trade.

You want Shan, you asshole, not her roommate. No, definitely not her—the one with the corny personal mantras and witty little comebacks. But a corner of my brain rebels at the thought, whispering, Would it really be so terrible if you did want Jade?

Wait, what am I thinking? Of course, it’s fucking terrible, especially since I’ve spent the last few days trying to pawn her off on Cam—my best friend and goddamn roommate.

I just need to stick with the original game plan. I’m going to keep my head down, pass my fucking classes, maybe spend a night with Shan, and then get drafted. There’s no time for other distractions.

Point. Blank. Period.

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