The Trade (Coastal Rivals Book 1)

The Trade: Chapter 39

Jade’s perched on the edge of my bed, her bright eyes tracking my movements as I dart around the room, hastily pulling together the last pieces of my uniform.

The morning has been a fucking whirlwind, to say the least. Between our over-friendly Uber ride, the frenetic cross-country flight, and the white-knuckle speed I hit on the drive back in my truck, we’ve been flirting with the constraints of time.

“Anything I can do to help?” Jade’s voice, soft and gentle, weaves through the chaos.

“No, thanks, babe.” My words are clipped, lost in the rush as I toss my well-worn cleats, a couple of pairs of socks, and a crisp towel into my duffel bag. “I’m ready to go now.”

“Could you drop me off at the Vault on your way to practice?” she asks. “It should only take an extra second.”

Hoisting the bag over one shoulder, I pause to focus on her. “Wait, why?”

“I thought I’d grab a bite to eat.” A simple shrug lifts her shoulders. “Besides, it’s not like I can go back to my apartment right now.”

As if I would’ve entertained that idea in the first place. She’s already here—with me—exactly where she belongs. And fortunately, the girls are also subletting their place for the summer.

Shannon’s tied up working at Sunshine Ranch, the camp where she first met Jade. She was offered a full-time counselor position this year, complete with a scholarship for her kid brother and on-site housing.

Of course, Jade was always planning on staying with her folks back in Washington. So, they’d found Emmy, a fellow cheerleader, to occupy their apartment for the next couple of months. Mica volunteered to cover their rent, just on the off chance they wanted to leave the place vacant, but Jade wouldn’t allow it.

That woman has too much pride because Mica Jennings—one of the highest-paid cornerbacks in the NFL—could’ve easily covered that shit. Five thousand dollars of summer rent is basically equivalent to fifty bucks for that man.

“I thought you’d just stay here,” I tell her, my voice soft.

“You want me to stay here while you’re gone?”

“Of course I do.” I tug at my brow, surprised at her question. “But if you’re hungry, I can always order you something before I head out.”

She tilts her head. “Why?”

“I just like knowing that you’ll be here waiting for me,” I say. “In my house, preferably in my bed.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, you could even take your clothes off if you wanted.”

Her eye roll is punctuated by sweet, soft laughter. “Wow, so generous.”

“I’m serious, though.” Bending down, I plant a soft kiss on her forehead. “Stay here while I’m gone?”

“Your wish is my command.”

A chuckle breaks free. “I gotta say, I like the sound of that.”

“Get outta here, you perv.” Her playful shove sends me off with a grin. “You’re gonna be late for practice.”

She shifts from the edge of my bed toward the middle, stretching her legs out across my mattress. I linger in the doorway, just for a minute or two, unable to take my eyes off her.

She’s beautiful. She’s perfect. And now, she’s all mine.

“I love you,” I murmur, the words hanging heavy in the air.

“And I love you.”

Ah, there it is. Now I can finally tear myself away and head off to practice. The familiar aching in my chest, the one I’ve barely tolerated over the past month, has officially settled.

The moment I touch down on the practice field, I spot the defensive team huddled together, my housemates lingering among them. When they see me headed their way, their faces flush with relief. I know they must’ve been sweating my absence—ill-prepared to cover my back and invent some half-assed excuse for Coach.

So, I throw a quick nod to the offense before moving to greet them.

“Shit, West.” Danny cocks a brow. “We thought you wouldn’t make it back in time.”

Strapping my helmet on, I chuckle. “Almost didn’t. But believe me, it was worth every second.”


A wide, bragging grin spreads across my face. “Jade came back with me. She’ll be staying over for a few nights. Hope that’s alright?”

He gives me a knowing smile. “All good, man. I’ll be at Sofia’s anyway.”

“Awesome.” I turn to Cam next. “Thanks for covering the ticket fare, man. You know I’m good for it.”

“As long as you’re happy.” He jerks his head toward our coach. “You better go join the offense before you piss off Coach, though.”

With a hefty pat on his shoulder, I spin on my heel to join the rest of my crew. Despite the knowledge that I’m in for a brutal practice—both hungover and love drunk—I still feel fucking fantastic. Now that Jade’s back in my life, it’s unlikely anything could knock me off this pedestal.

Emerging from practice three hours later, I’m flushed, soaked in sweat, and running on an adrenaline high from the workout. The lure of the locker room shower is strong, but my eagerness to see Jade is stronger.

We only have this short slice of time together—two and a half days—and I’m not wasting another second of it.

Once I’m home, my bedroom door gives way under the slight pressure of my impatient hand. Jade’s sitting there, cross-legged on my bed with a book in hand, and she glances up as soon I walk in.

“Hey there.” I stride toward her, swooping down to peck her lips. “This is certainly a sight for sore eyes.”

Her answering smile makes my heart stutter. “How was practice?”

“Practice was practice.” I toss her a smirk, peeling off my jersey and the layers of padding beneath. “Come shower with me.”

“Wait.” She blatantly stares at my half-naked body, eyes trailing down to the lace-up fly on my pants—the nylon-and-mesh combo clinging tightly to my thighs. “Your housemates could come home any minute.”

“Danny’s staying at Sofia’s tonight.” I grin, fingers fumbling with the lace ties. “And Cam knows you’re here.”

Her eyes darken. “Still . . .”

“Trust me.” I pause my movements. “Even if Cam comes home early, he wouldn’t care. You should’ve heard the noises coming from his room last night.”

Her brows shoot up. “Wait, really?”

“Yeah,” I say awkwardly. “He ended up bringing home that girl from Lucky’s.”

“The one who was flirting with you?”

“Nah.” I brush away her concern with a wince. “He hooked up with her friend.”

“You know it’s okay, right?”

“What’s okay?” I mutter darkly. “That I entertained the idea of picking up some random girl last night when less than a day later, you were already planning to visit . . . It still doesn’t sit right.”

As she twists to face me, her legs gently sway over the side of the bed. “Baby, we weren’t together,” she says softly.

“I’m still insisting it was only a break.”

“Okay, Rachel.” A small, knowing smile graces her features as she shakes her head. “Let’s just agree to keep the past in the past. I want to move forward from now on.”

I thread our fingers together. “I want that, too.”

“Then it’s a deal.”

“Deal,” I echo. “You know, I thought we agreed that you’d be naked when I got back.”

She lets out a humorless snort. “No, you agreed on that.”

“Well, lucky for us, I quite enjoy undressing you.” I give her a playful tug, pulling her toward me. “Stand up.”

She complies without hesitation, gently lifting herself up to meet me. My hands, as if guided by muscle memory, navigate their way to her slim waist, fingers gently bunching up the flimsy fabric of her shirt. In one swift motion, I lift it over her head.

“Theo, you’re all sweaty.”

“Is that so?” I ask, my hands already tugging at her shorts. “Does that gross you out?”

“I—uh, no.” Her breath hitches as I press against her. “It’s a good thing you’re so hot.”

“Mm,” I hum, my hands slipping beneath her shorts, tracing the elastic band of her panties. “But I’m still filthy, baby. Will you help me get cleaned up?”


“Fuck,” I groan out. “I missed—”

Before I can finish, a loud, authoritative knock interrupts us. I reluctantly pull away from my girlfriend and trudge my way over to the door. Swinging it open just enough to peek out, I’m greeted by the disgruntled face of my best friend.

“Hey, man. Sorry to interrupt,” he says, forcing a tight smile. “Just came by to let you know Danny scheduled an emergency practice for tomorrow. Defense wasn’t on their game, apparently. Elliot plans to do the same for y’all.”

The news crushes me. “Fuck, seriously?”

“Yeah, just thought I’d let you know before you made any solid plans.”

“Thanks, Cam. Are you sticking around or . . .?”

“I can take a hint, dude.” He snorts a laugh. “I’ll head out. Just need to grab my stuff, and I’ll be gone.”

“We’ll hang out next weekend, alright?”

“Whatever you say, man.”

With that, I close the door, heaving a deep sigh. Our little bubble of bliss has been burst by reality, the promise of more uninterrupted time with Jade now marred by the unexpected practice.

And before Cam’s intrusion, I was mere seconds away from dipping my fingers inside her—from touching places I haven’t felt in weeks. Even the last time, it was only one stolen night we shared. Before that, it’d been nearly a month since everything was right between us.

Or, fuck, since I created the illusion that everything was right.

But now, we are right—pure—so fucking real that it fills the once-empty pit inside my chest. And I was hoping to spend the next two days reveling in it all.

“I know you’re upset, but it’ll be fine,” Jade rushes to assure me. “I entertained myself just fine today, and I can do the same tomorrow.”

“I’m not upset,” I mutter, running a ragged hand through my hair. “I’m pissed off. We barely have any time together as it is.”

She steps closer, pulling me back in. “Then why don’t you take your anger out on me instead?”


“Be angry at me,” she amends. “Remember how I snuck out on you? Left you here all alone in the middle of the night.”

My heart pounds. “You—”

“Don’t you think I’ve been a bad girl?” Her fingertips trace the lace on my pants. “Maybe I should be punished.”

My dick twitches. “Oh—fuck.”

“Tell me what you want, Theo.” She gazes up at me through thick lashes, fingers poised and ready to unwrap me like a fucking present.

Am I dreaming?

“Get on your knees, baby.” She listens, sinking down in front of me, her hands still clutching at my pants. “I want you to wrap your pretty little mouth around my cock.”

She smirks up at me, carefully undoing the laces before sliding the fabric off my hips. Her eyes flash at the sight of my erection. I rake my fingers through her curls and fist a tight handful at the base of her neck.

Her tongue darts out to moisten her lips—once, twice, before her jaw drops open, and she leans in. A groan forms in my throat as the heat of her mouth engulfs the head of my cock. My balls pull up tight, and the skin at the base pulls taut.

One of her small hands wraps around me, moving in rhythm with her mouth, sucking the tip between her lips.

“No,” I breathe out, gripping her wrist with my free hand. “I want you to take all of me.”

Her eyes meet mine, hooded and promising. She nods, and I tighten my grip on her curls, guiding her down further. My cock pulses as her tongue massages me, almost suctioning me to the roof of her mouth.

“Open your throat, baby.”

She complies, taking the last inch of me, choking slightly as I bottom out. A tear slides down her cheek, and I swipe it away with my thumb.

“There’s my good girl,” I rasp.

I swear I see a smirk in her eyes. She pulls back, bobbing her mouth a few times on my dick. Then she grabs my free hand and guides it to the back of her head. Oh, fuck. Does she want me to—

Her lips slide off me with a wet smack. “Fuck my face.”

She doesn’t have to tell me twice. I press my palm flat against the back of her head, yanking her into place. Her arms rest gently on her knees as I fuck into her mouth, setting a rough rhythm.

My head falls back. “Fuck—Jade—I—Goddamn.”

My legs tremble, my cock straining and on the brink of release. She pulls back, jerking me off with one hand as she hastily unbuttons her top with the other. Then, with a strangled moan, I come, painting her chest with thick stripes of my release.

The world spins as I grab her shoulders, my breath coming in ragged gasps. I exhale deeply, working to regain my composure.

“I feel like I invented you in a fucking lab,” I murmur.

Her eyes twinkle as she kneels in front of me. “Sugar, spice, and everything nice?”

“Hell yeah.” I smirk. “Sorry you have to deal with my snips and snails, baby.”

“I love your snips.” She laughs, and it’s a rough, throaty sound that sends another twitch of excitement to my dick. Her voice is officially wrecked.

I pull her to her feet. “God, I love you.”

“Will you show me?”

Oh, sweet Christ. This fucking girl of mine.

I guide us over to the bed, grabbing a clean shirt from the nightstand. We sit, thigh to thigh, as I clean the remnants of my release off her chest. After discarding the shirt, I gently lay her back on my bed.

As I reach for a condom, she stops me. “Do you think we could go without one this time? I have an IUD, and I’m clean. Also, I haven’t . . . I mean—I haven’t been with anyone since you.”

My heart jumps into my throat. “You haven’t.”

“Of course not.”

“Of course not,” I echo in a low voice. “I mean—me too.”

“So, you want to?”

My grin breaks free. “Fuck yeah, I want to.”

“I’ve never—”

“Same,” I reassure her, threading our fingers together. “You’re my first.”

Her lips curve upward at the corners, her smile sweet and shy—such a sharp contrast from the fiery girl who, just moments ago, demanded that I fuck her face.

“Kiss me,” she hums.

Eager to obey, I cradle her face, pulling her into a slow, tender kiss. She quickly wriggles out of her shorts and panties, and the contact of her bare skin against mine racks a shiver through my body.

Our hips brush together, and the slickness of her desire warms my thigh. I grab for her waist, dragging my fingertips across the softness of her stomach before dipping down further. My thumb smooths over her pulsing clit.

“You want my hands?” I manage to gasp out.

She shakes her head, her trembling fingers encircling me and guiding me to her entrance. I close my eyes, surrendering myself to the feeling of her wet core pressed against my tip.

With one last ragged breath, I slide my bare cock, inch by gratifying inch, inside her tight pussy. Holy—fucking—shit. I’ve never felt anything this good before. I rock against her, overwhelmed by the untimely need to explode.

She moans my name, her inner walls clenching as she moves. “Baby—don’t—I’m gonna lose it way too early if you keep that up.”

“I don’t care,” she murmurs, hips snapping rhythmically against mine. “Come, Theo.”

Theo. Theo. Theo.

I release a deep groan, losing myself completely as I slide in and out of the woman I love. It doesn’t take long for us to tumble over the edge, climaxing together. Then, I pull her into my arms and murmur sweet nothings against the top of her head.

I love you. I’ll never let you go. You’re it for me.

Because this is it. This is everything I’ve been missing for the last twenty-one years of my life. Not just great sex. Not just sugar, and spice, and everything so fucking nice. But a girl who starts a fire in my heart—one that I’m never willing to let dim.

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