The Trade (Coastal Rivals Book 1)

The Trade: Chapter 11

For three solid days, there’s been this gnawing thought inside my brain, this incessant drumming beat that’s given me a headache. It may be ridiculous, but I’ve been wanting to kiss the shit out of Jade.

I know the idea is messed up, convoluted in a way.

Why did she have to throw that curveball at me in the library? It was mostly a joke. A comeback to my own proposition or some weird kind of “congratulations kiss.” Whatever the hell that means. But did she have to smile like that when she said it?

“If you want something from me, then why don’t you just ask for it?”

The girl knows how to use my own words against me, twisting them just to screw with my head.

Truthfully, I only said all that because I was feeling guilty. She called me out on my shady tactics, and she was fucking right about them. I’ve been manipulating the situation, tricking her into getting what I want.

And now, this Trade bullshit is grinding on my nerves, especially because I’m not sure if it’s what I want anymore.

I mean, all this to win some silly competition? Yeah, sure, it’s tradition. I remember, in painstaking detail, those long nights spent cleaning the seniors’ sweaty practice gear. And I would love nothing more than to reap that reward for myself.

But what’s the true cost-benefit analysis of this scenario? The costs: acting like a dick and keeping my distance from Jade. The benefits: free labor next season and a potential night spent with Shannon.

Is that what I really want?

Yeah, Shannon’s smoking hot. Beautiful face, amazing body, and a personality that’s just as sweet as she is pretty. Plus, I’ve been lusting after her ever since my first football game here at Dayton U.

I was running on an adrenaline high, and there she was—with her perfectly curled, honey-red hair, those faint little freckles, and that emerald-green cheer uniform. She was a breath of fresh air in a sea of unfamiliar faces. So, that night, I made it my mission to talk to her.

But then, in what would be the first of many drunken mistakes, I ended up with some random jersey chaser in my bed. Yeah, I’ve been a lust-driven fool since freshman year. I’m well aware.

But before now, if I’m being brutally honest, I didn’t really care who got my dick wet. I was solely focused on getting drafted and finally going pro. Now, I want to get drafted, and I want to kiss the shit out of Jade.

So much so that I’ve spent the last few days avoiding her.

I’ve dropped off her coffee each morning but never stuck around to chat. I think she could tell something was up, especially when I stopped firing off snarky comments and downright ignored her attempts to rile me up.

“Thank you so much, Teddy,” she said this morning, her last-ditch effort to get me to crack. I mean, seriously? Fucking Teddy? Of all the convoluted nicknames to call me, Teddy is what she comes up with.

I much prefer Theo.

But I simply flashed her a fleeting grin, handed over her iced latte, and turned on my heel. Today was the last day of our deal anyway, so I guess things just got easier for me.

Except . . . she and Shan are coming to our house tomorrow night. Because, like the clown I am, I invited them over to watch the UFC fight. And now, I have to spend my time setting up my roommate with the girl I can’t stop thinking about.

There’s something seriously wrong with me, isn’t there?

The next night, I’m running on a live wire by the time Jade and Shannon finally arrive. The fight is already cued up on the flat-screen while a dozen of my teammates cram around our living room couch.

Thankfully, the ratio is somewhat evened out by a few of their girlfriends who came along. Not perfect, but it’ll do.

“Ladies, come on in.” Cam’s booming voice greets them at the front door.

“Hey, Cam!” Shannon bounces back. “This is my roommate, Jade.”

I force myself up from the couch, making my way toward them at the entryway. As they turn to greet me, my heart stumbles, my throat tightens, and my words lock up.

“Hey, Shan.” I manage to force out a casual nod. Then, I swallow, tasting dust as I turn my attention to her roommate. “Hey, Jade.”

Oh, fucking hell. Her low-cut shirt does nothing to hide her curves, and those skintight jeans might as well be painted on. Her dark hair cascades over her shoulders in a waterfall of chocolate curls and soft waves. I want to reach out, to touch her, to—no.

Snap the fuck out of it, West.

Suppressing the urge to let my eyes wander, I clear my throat, forcing my gaze to a neutral spot between the two girls. “Thanks for coming.”

Jade gives me an appraising look, lips pressed into a thin line. Her gaze travels over my tensed posture, that knowing look piercing into my obvious discomfort.

“Can I get you girls something to drink?” Cam interrupts, his offer a welcome distraction.

Shannon politely declines, stating she’s driving, while Jade opts for a beer.

As the girls join Cam in the kitchen, I retreat into the living room, mentally berating myself for acting like such a fucking dweeb. New mission for tonight—avoid Jade at all costs or risk making a complete fool out of myself.

Unfortunately, I fail my own mission within half an hour, finding some half-assed excuse to approach her. “Hey, you want another drink?” I ask, the words tumbling out before I can stop them.

“I’m all good,” she says, flashing me a tight smile. She gestures to her beer, swishing it around in the bottle to show me that it’s still nearly full. It’s a polite dismissal, and it’s certainly a blow to my ego.

“Alright.” I manage to keep the disappointment out of my voice, giving her a curt nod as I retreat to the other side of the room, aiming for the cooler with a heavy heart. Despite my efforts to the contrary, I’ve somehow messed this all up, haven’t I?

Remington Miller, one of our team’s wide receivers, is rifling through the drinks as I approach. He lifts his head at my arrival. “Need another beer?”

“Yeah, man.”

He pulls out a bottle and a can, flipping the latter over to me with ease. With a lean against the wall behind us, he rummages in his pocket, pulls out a key ring, and pops his cap off.

“So, how does Shan know that chick?” he asks between gulps.

“Jade’s her roommate.” I keep my response short, taking a sip of my own beer.

Miller’s gaze follows mine, landing on the couches where Jade’s currently standing. “Damn,” he murmurs appreciatively, eyes glazing over. “She’s pretty hot.”

“She is,” I echo, my voice more strained than I’d like.

“Those jeans really do wonders for her ass, don’t they?” His offhand comment rubs me the wrong way, but I keep quiet, unwilling to answer him. He may be acting like a degenerate, but he’s not necessarily wrong in his claims.

I allow myself another quick glance at Jade. She’s leaning against the armrest of the couch now, that perky round ass of hers on full display. Her laughter bubbles up from a joke Cam must’ve just told, and it feels like a sucker punch straight to the gut.

My gaze slides across her frame, from the cute crinkle in her nose down to the sweet curve of her hips. Then it’s back up to her face, and I’m no longer just looking; I’m full-on fantasizing.

She presses those perfect pouty lips to her beer bottle, tipping her head back for a long drink, and I can’t help but picture that same mouth wrapped around the length of me.

The muscles in her throat tense as she swallows the beer, her tongue darting out to catch a little dribble on the rim. But it’s not the neck of the bottle she’s licking. No, now it’s her tongue licking from the base of my dick all the way to the tip.

Oh man, this is not the fucking time or place for this shit.

As I shift on my feet, my focus turns to subtly adjusting the hard-on straining against my jeans. Thankfully, Miller’s attention has already wandered elsewhere.

A few hours pass, and I’ve somehow managed not to make a complete fool of myself. In fact, I’ve barely even glanced in Jade’s direction the entire night. She seems to have cozied up to Cam well enough, which just kind of pisses me off.

So, when the moment finally comes for the girls to head out, my heart kicks into high gear. I hadn’t planned on saying goodbye—didn’t want to risk getting sucked back into her orbit—but, as if on autopilot, I find myself joining them at the door.

“Thanks for having us,” Shannon gushes, her words blanketed in her typical enthusiasm.

“Yeah, it was fun,” Jade chimes in, her smile so genuine it fully shatters my resolve.

“Anytime,” I say, my eyes fixed on the contours of her face. As she turns to follow behind her roommate, my hand extends almost of its own volition, gently swiping the side of her arm. “Have a safe drive.”

Her eyes widen before she gives me a tight nod, lips curling into a subdued smile. “Will do.”

Once the final echoes of the night have faded and the last of the guests have cleared out, I beeline to my roommate. My mouth opens, and I blurt out the first thing that crosses my mind. “Trade’s off.”

“What?” His tone is shocked, confusion pulling at his brows as he stares up at me.

“The Trade’s off the fucking table, as in, I’m not trading Jade. She’s officially off-limits,” I say, my tone brooking no argument. “And you can repeat that to anyone who might give a shit.”

He flashes me a dubious look. “Are you joking?”

“Does it look like I’m joking?”

“Alright, dude.” He holds up both hands in a pacifying gesture. “I got it, okay? Jade’s off-limits.”

My nostrils flare in triumph. “Good. I’m glad we’re clear.”

“You do realize that pretty much destroys any hope I had of pulling off a trade, right?” He folds his arms across his broad chest. “Shan wouldn’t willingly go home with anyone other than you. She’d feel too guilty.”

“You’re right, she wouldn’t,” I concede. “And that’s not my problem.”

His sigh is almost painful, a gravelly groan rumbling deep in his throat. “Fine, but you’re cleaning my gear for at least two weeks next season.”

“Fine. Whatever you want.”

He shoves me lightly with one hand. “So, you like her, huh?”

“What?” I play ignorant, rubbing my shoulder dramatically.

“You like Jade . . . enough to call dibs on her,” he reiterates. “You planning on asking her out?”

“I don’t fucking know, man.” A sigh slips past my lips. “Even if I wanted to, I barely have time to breathe right now. My grades are in the fucking toilet, there’s training camp this summer, and next season is gonna be hell before the draft.”

“Your call. But remember, if you don’t make a move, someone else will. And that’s not even considering the banquet,” he adds, a crease forming between his brows. “You weren’t the only one checking her out tonight.”

A tight knot forms in my stomach, a dark cloud of dread casting a shadow over me. “Who?”

“Miller was asking around, trying to find out if she’s single.”

“That little fucker. He was running his mouth about how hot she is earlier.”

“Can you blame him?” He lets out a disbelieving laugh. “She is hot.”

“I’m well aware,” I snap, the heat rising in my voice.

“Dude, cool down.” He claps me on the shoulder, but his attempt to soothe does little to calm the frustration bubbling inside me. “Just think about what you really want.”

“Alright.” I manage to swallow past the knot in my throat. “I will.”

Later that night, as I’m lying in my bed—restless, unsettled—Cam’s words continue to echo in my mind. He’s got a point. If I don’t make a move on Jade, it’s only a matter of time before someone else does.

But would it even make a difference if I did? Who’s to say she’d be interested in a screw-up like me? A jock with subpar grades, a guy who’s got no business being with someone like her.

Despite my doubts, I grab my phone and fire off a quick text, truly testing the limits of my mental stability.


hey, so miller thinks ur hot




what do u think?


I guess I’m pretty hot, ya


. . .


which one was he again?


green hat


yeah, he’s cute



should I give him ur # then?


if u want




goodnight theo



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