The Time Stone, Third Edition (Extended Version)

Chapter 38

James and Tina met with Alexa and a few of her friends from the dome, Romo and Bertza, a young couple who is expecting their first child. Alexa translated during the conversation around an evening campfire, drinking their favorite beverage, a special tea made of naturally sweet leaves from the forest and warm bread from their small round fire oven. They talked and enjoyed each other’s company as they conversed about the usual life apart from the mainstream of society, untouched by the so-called civilized world, and how peaceful yet tedious it was. They also speaks, of their excitement at learning the legend of the tribe, its story, its purpose now being fulfilled, and its future being placed in the hands of the Holder of Stones, which James is reluctant to accept as his destiny.

“Well, then what you are saying is that I am some type of messiah?” James asks.

“Well, James, you do have some powers,” says Tina, “and there have been many talks of the coming of figures that have great power in virtually every known religion on the planet. It is possible some combo of those myths could be true as presented into the story of the tribe.”

“Power,” Alexa says “is what you showed in the wood with the Beasts. I know that it is hard for you to accept,” says Alexa “but it is the truth. And now you must go to unlock your fate.”

“How, what is it exactly that I am supposed to do?” James asks curiously.

“There have been many strange occurrences reported on La Montana del Diablo.”

“Huh?” asks James.

“Devil’s Mountain” says Tina smiling.

“Thanks” says James.

“There have been strange lights seen from even the market. Those lights have never been reported until recently. We do not explain it except as the elders do as a sign that the times of the end will be coming and the destiny of the holder will be fulfilled. It is no coincidence you arrived at this time.”

“Wow” both James and Tina gasped.

“We will point you that way at first light, but you must go alone. The tribe will call for a celebration in your honor upon your return for being the great heroes who overcame the temptation and taunts of La Montana del Diablo…Devil’s Mountain.”

“What if we don’t return?” asks James.

“Now we rest until the dawn.” Alexa finished her thought and laid down on a pair of large leaves to rest. Each of them takes their leaves to lay down to rest where they sit, as is the custom, a custom of sleeping on the ground. James and Tina nodded to one another in recognition that they were used to being homeless and sleeping rough in Chronix Bay.

That night, James dreamt that he was being chased by monsters, beasts, and above all a dragon that was as large as a jumbo jet. He ran and could not face them, even with his new powers. He turns and continues to run endlessly into the darkness of the night, sweating profusely, holding the artifact given to him by the Chief of the tribe. He saw it is blinking wildly, glowing brightly in the darkness of night, and he stops running, turns to the beasts, and raised the item up with his eyes closed and suddenly awoke.

The next morning, James told Tina about his dream and she predicted it may be an omen.

“What is an omen?” asks James.

“You know,” says Tina, “an event regarded as a portent of good or evil. Just call me the human dictionary.”

“I hope our future isn’t to get chased by monsters,” James says.

Then Tina reminded him, “uh, we sort of already have been.”

“Oh right” says James.

They were told of the direction to head to the place called La Montana del Diablo and were given a few days’ worth of food and water and other supplies in an old potato sack. They thanked their benefactors and went off to find their destiny.

As they walked through the forest, they spoke, “I do not know what we’re doing, Tina” says James.

“We are about to go on an adventure unlike any that we ever imagined possible for something greater than the pathetic lives we’ve been living called for. Jumping jimickers, James, we’re on a quest for treasure and adventure. It could be our greatest hope. We don’t need to clear our names and go back to our pathetic lives in Chronix Bay. This could be our new lives right here doing God’s work, literally and figuratively.”

“You think so?” asks James.

“I know so; this could be what we were meant to be doing James. I know about this archeological stuff. I told you I could be valuable to you and you to me. We need one another.”

“Madam Ezelzaba told us to look out for one another.” James recollected. “I literally wouldn’t want it any other way.”

They smile at one another and continue forward, not knowing that they were being watched from above. They approached the perimeter of the mountain after navigating a large area of bush.

“There she is, ‘La Montana del Diablo’. I tell you, these folks have a flare for the dramatic” says Tina.

They both stared up at the massive peak reaching past a ring of clouds and smoke, peering upward. They looked in awe at its majestic tranquility.

“This is scary” says James. “I am hot and humid and sticky. I just want to go away from here.”

“No turning back now. Don’t worry. Look at it this way, we could be remembered as heroes.”

“Great.” James sighed sarcastically. “So what do we know about this mountain?”

“It is supposed to be one of the last remaining active Volcano’s in the region” replies Tina. “Let’s go up!” They began their trek upwards, the path showing little sign of much usage.“Didn’t they say there were strange lights here?” Tina asks.

“Yes, look at that” James pointed up and they both stood in shock as they witnessed a strange whirling golden aura around five orbs. “Just like the symbol,” James whispered.

“Huh?” Tina asks.

“Let’s go. Whatever it is, I don’t think we have a lot of time.” James says and the duo headed up the path.

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