The Time Stone, Third Edition (Extended Version)

Chapter 32

Broad Staffnight and his entourage walk towards the gate after their own private security clearance.

“Sometimes it’s good to be the head of a Fortune 500 company and have access to all the political advantages and privileges that come with it.” He pondered to himself. They walk forward to the gates when suddenly there was a slight beeping sound from Chief Hightower’s pocket. He takes out his cellular phone, a specially-designed communications array hooked up to Temporo, Inc.’s computer networks and camera systems throughout town including the airports. The device resembled a small round metal orb. He read the contents of the display screen.

“Sir, we are picking up the DNA signatures of two of the escapees from Sector 11.” Chief Hightower speaks looking at the device in his palm. “It’s James Timewalker and Tina Prescott. They are approximately five to six meters eastbound.”

“Isn’t technology wonderful?” asks Broad rhetorically. “Call central and have them picked up immediately!!!” Broad ordered.

“Central dispatch, we need sector cars ASAP for wanted fugitives James Timewalker and Tina Prescott” says the Chief of Police into his radio.

Within moments, sirens were heard in the distance and lights blazed on top of the squad cars of the Chronix Bay Police Department. The demonstrators scattered fearing the worst and the cars pulled up in front of the terminal entrance on Main Street.Several armed officers exit their vehicles as well as a large van that contained a squadron of officers in full riot gear.

“Men, we are expecting full resistance from two escaped fugitives who are wanted for murder. We are instructed to apprehend and shoot to kill if necessary.I repeat, shoot to kill if necessary” yells Lieutenant Brock Walton, the fair haired policeman in a cheap suit and with fire in his belly, as he led his team, guns drawn, to the battlefield of the airport lobby like predators ready to attend to their prey.

James and Tina saw the squadron enter and in a panic ran towards the gate they were destined for. They saw Broad and his entourage who pointed them out prior to entering the gate to the plane and in turn the duo ran the other way chased by over a dozen armed officers. They ran into a corridor near the gate and were stopped by the man in the dark suit that they had seen several times. He was now riding in a security vehicle like a golf cart.

“Enter the vehicle.” The man uttered in an almost mechanical manner as several shots headed in their direction striking the small security golf-cart-like vehicles and walls around them barely missing them. So they obeyed his words frightened, but sure that his way is better than the alternative they faced and without hesitation or question they ran into the vehicle with him and rode into the gate towards the plane and in the blink of an eye the man grabbed them both by the shirt and vanished in a whirl of bluish light as the cart piloted itself into a wall. By the time the officers led by Lieutenant Brock Walton arrived they were shocked to see no one is there and Lieutenant Walton looks out the window to see the plane is being taxied on the runway and then taking off towards Brazil.

“Damn, how did that happen?” He wondered to himself as they stand by powerless.

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