The Tie That Binds: A Marriage of Convenience Novel

The Tie That Binds: Chapter 44

I walk into the lobby staring at my phone and accidentally walk into someone. I look up to find one of the guys in PR looking at me, startled.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Ms. Moriani,” he murmurs, flustered.

I sigh and stare at him. “Thomas, right? Thomas from PR? Please just call me Alyssa like you always have.”

He nods awkwardly, and I just about keep myself from rolling my eyes. Everyone has started to treat me differently ever since the press blasted my name and identity all over the tabloids a couple of weeks ago. It’s easier in some aspects, but I do miss being another worker bee. I miss knowing I earned respect of my colleagues because I’m good at my job versus them treating me respectfully because of my last name.

I glance at the stack of contracts on my desk and smile. I managed to bring in five new clients in the last couple of weeks. Daniel has been letting me run DM pretty much entirely by myself, and it’s paid off. I feel a lot more confident now, and I know he’s doing it to prepare me for taking on my role as his co-CEO. These days he’ll be at Devereaux Inc. most of the time while he leaves DM entirely to me.

It’s been tough to get used to him not being there and not being able to walk into his office to ask a quick question. It’s also been weird not seeing him most of the day. Since we both work long hours, we barely get to spend any time together anymore. I miss him, but there isn’t much we can do about it. Thankfully, he’s due to spend some time at DM today.

I’m antsy as I get through the day. I’m impatient to see Daniel. I’m planning on dragging him into his office for a little while, just to kiss the shit out of him. I smile widely when he finally walks through the door. He looks tired, but his eyes light up when they land on me.

“Hey, Lyss,” he says, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. I lean into him eagerly and he chuckles against my lips.

“Come into my office for a bit. I need to speak to you.”

I nod and follow him, the butterflies in my stomach going wild. Every day my feelings for him get stronger, and I’m pretty sure I’m already irrevocably in love with him. I’m pretty certain he feels the same way, but I’ve been scared to say the words. I’m scared he might not say them back.

Daniel closes the door behind us and chuckles when I pull him towards me for another kiss. He kisses me back passionately and lifts me into his arms to place me on his desk.

“I actually needed to talk to you this time, you know,” he murmurs, his lips already finding mine again. He pulls back reluctantly and I hook my legs around his hips to keep him close.

“I’m going to call a board meeting, Lyss. You’ve done so well over the last couple of months. You’ve proven you can take on the role of CEO and I’ve spoken to all the board members, and they agree. The board meeting is just a formality at this point. I’m so, so proud of how far you’ve come in so little time.”

I stare up at him in disbelief. I knew it’d be coming sometime soon, but it’s still somehow shocking to hear him say it.

“Wow,” I whisper. “Are you sure? I don’t know if I’m ready.”

Daniel laughs and kisses me again, his lips lingering on mine. “Baby, you’ve already been doing the job for weeks now. How could you not be ready? You even landed more clients this year than I did.”

I nod and bite down on my lip excitedly. My heart pounds at the idea of becoming Daniel’s co-CEO. It’s all my dad ever wanted for me. Daniel seems to follow my train of thought and his expression softens.

“He’d have been so proud of you, you know. He always told me you’d do it in no time at all. That you’d be a better CEO than either he or I ever could be. He never had a single doubt that you could do it. I wish he were here to see you fulfil the dream the two of you shared.”

My eyes fill with tears, and I bury my face in his neck. Daniel hugs me tightly and rubs my back as I try my best to compose myself.

He buries his hand in my hair and tilts my face up. He gently kisses my forehead before capturing my lips. He kisses me so softly that my heart feels ready to burst.

He leans his forehead against mine and closes his eyes. “I’ve missed you,” he whispers.

I sigh and press my lips back to his. “I missed you too.”

We’ve both been coming home completely exhausted every night. It feels like ages since we’ve had a chance to spend a couple of hours in bed together. Daniel kisses me again, more urgently this time.

“Baby,” he whispers, a pleading look in his eyes. I chuckle and nod, wanting him just as bad. Daniel grins and slowly unbuttons my blouse while I make quick work of his shirt. I’m not as patient as he seems to be, and he laughs when I push the shirt off his shoulders. We’ve been married well over a year now, and I still can’t get enough of his body. I place my lips against his chest and suck harshly, leaving a kiss mark. Daniel groans and returns the favour, leaving a mark on my breast.

He pushes my skirt up as I undo his zipper, and he grins when he finds out that I’m already soaking wet. “Always so eager for my cock, baby,” he whispers. I blush and guide him inside me, impatient. He sinks into me slowly, inch by delicious inch. I lean back on his desk and tighten my legs around his, wanting him in deeper and harder.

“More, Daniel. Please.”

He laughs and grabs my hips, finally giving it to me the way I want it. “Fucking hell, baby. I won’t last long if you want it like that.”

I moan loudly, and he kisses me to shut me up. My fingers find their way between my legs and before long I’m contracting around him. He moans and increases the pace, erupting inside me.

He holds me tightly as the two of us try to catch our breath. Neither one of us has said anything about it, but me becoming Daniel’s co-CEO means we’ve fulfilled the terms of my father’s will. What will that mean for us? Things have been so perfect between us, but even though we’ve been married for over a year, neither one of us has ever said those three little words. The sex between us is amazing and we always enjoy spending time together. But just liking each other isn’t enough to sustain a marriage.

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