The Tie That Binds: A Marriage of Convenience Novel

The Tie That Binds: Chapter 39

Daniel is tense as we check into our hotel. He seems annoyed and keeps glancing at me as though he’s waiting to see what I’ll do. My stomach flutters at the idea that it might be because he doesn’t want to hide our relationship. Daniel has never publicly admitted to having a partner, even though he’s often been photographed with women. As far as I remember, he hasn’t called a single one of them his girlfriend in the last couple of years. I automatically assumed he’d treat me the same way, but what if that isn’t the case?

Kate looks at us awkwardly. It’s obvious that something is wrong and I feel bad for saddling her with an atmosphere she had no hand in creating.

“Um, this is yours, Alyssa,” she says, handing me a room card. She then hands another one to Daniel while she holds onto the last one. I glare at the card in my hands.

“Is everything okay?” she asks, frowning. I blink and nod at her.

“Yes. Of course.”

Daniel stares down at the floor the entire time. He seems dejected but doesn’t say anything all the way up to our rooms. Daniel and I are on the same floor, but at other ends. I hesitate before I finally walk to my own room.

I sit down on my bed in the lavishly decorated room and stare at my suitcase. It only takes me a couple of minutes to realise I’m being an idiot. I smile to myself and drag my suitcase back out of my room. I press the bell by Daniel’s door and wait. Minutes pass by and I worry he won’t open the door. What if he’s mad at me?

I sigh in relief when the door opens, and a flustered Daniel appears. He’s wearing a bathrobe and his hair is still wet. He glances at me and then at my suitcase, a wide smile transforming his face. He doesn’t say anything. Instead, he opens the door and drags my suitcase in for me, putting it next to his own. I walk into his arms and press my face against his chest. He hugs me back tightly.

“I’m sorry,” I murmur. “I was being stupid. I wasn’t thinking at all. I lasted about three seconds before I realised I can’t spend a whole night without you.”

Daniel leans in and kisses me. His eyes are dark and passionate when he pulls away. “Thank god, because I was about ten minutes away from cancelling my room and joining you in yours.”

I look around his room and laugh. “You’re crazy. You should’ve just thrown me over your shoulder and shown me this suite. Not a chance I’d want to stay in my room then.”

Daniel laughs. “Hmm. I was going to tell you something’s wrong with my room and they’re fully booked, so I have to stay with you.”

I grin. “You really thought that one through, huh?”

He looks so cute as he blushes and looks away. I push away from him and move to unpack my suitcase in the bedroom. I slept through my allocated shower time on the plane and didn’t end up showering. I feel icky and tired.

By the time I walk out of the shower, Kate’s voice and the smell of delicious food fills the suite. I change quickly and join them on the balcony. She looks surprised to find me here, probably because the doorbell didn’t ring and she didn’t let me in.

“Hey, come sit,” Daniel says, patting the seat next to his. I nod and smile at him as he pushes a plate towards me. “I got the wagyu and the sea bass. Couldn’t choose between them, so I thought we’d share.”. I nod and take a bite of the fish as he pours me a glass of wine.

“Feel better now?” he asks. I nod and smile at him. It’s a knowing and intimate smile. Over the years I’ve come to learn some of Daniel’s character traits, and this is one I know well. It’s one he used on my dad a lot. He’s not going to bother hiding our relationship from Kate, but he doesn’t know how to tell me he wants it out in the open either. He’s had to learn the hard way that the only effective way to deal with Moriani obtuseness is by ignoring our silliness altogether. Both my dad and I can be stubborn even when we know we’re wrong.

“Hmm, good,” I murmur, nodding at him. I glance at Kate and smile at her. “Was the flight okay for you?” I ask. She nods but glances at me, looking confused. I’ve always treated Daniel politely, even in private, so it’s probably confusing for her to find us smiling at each other in such a relaxed manner.

Daniel places his hand on my thigh, and I bite down on my lip. He’s definitely going to make it hard for me to keep this from her. Very well. I steal a bite of food from his plate and Kate’s eyes widen. She clears her throat. “Is your room to your liking, Alyssa?” she asks. She keeps glancing between me and Daniel, her brows furrowed.

“Well, to be honest, I like this one more.” I turn to Daniel and smile at him. “Why don’t you let me have this room,” I ask, a dazzling smile on my face.

He blinks at me, his expression softening. “Hmm, it’s yours.”

Kate looks at me in disbelief. She glances at Daniel and genuinely looks worried about him. I just about keep myself from laughing. Looking at her, you’d think I’m taking advantage of him somehow.

Daniel lifts his fork to his lips and I grab his wrist, closing my lips around his fork and stealing his food. He chuckles and brushes a strand of my hair out of my face.

“You want it?” he asks, pushing his plate towards me. I shake my head. “Just wanted a bite.”

He leans back and puts his arm around the back of my seat. “By the way, if you wanted to book any tours for our holiday afterwards, just let Kate know,” he says, a wicked grin on his face.

I shake my head and smile at him. “Hmm, you’re going to make it impossible, aren’t you? Are you gonna be like this throughout the entire trip?” I ask. Daniel grins and bites down on his lip, looking ridiculously cute and unapologetic.

Kate looks at us blankly. “Oh, yes! I’m looking forward to spending some free time here. That was a really good idea, Daniel. You’re the absolute best,” she gushes. “What should we do?” she asks, looking excited.

My smile drops, and I look up at him. She’s staying with us? I thought she’d leave straight after our work here was done. I cross my arms over my chest, suddenly annoyed. I was looking forward to spending some time together, just the two of us. Daniel chuckles at my irritation and throws his arm around me. He leans in and presses a quick kiss to my cheek, startling both me and Kate.

He turns to her and smiles apologetically. “I’m sorry, Kate. I promised my girl some alone time,” he says, glancing at me. “Cancel Alyssa’s room while you’re at it. She’ll be staying with me.”

Kate looks at us in disbelief, and then she smiles, surprising me. “You two finally got together, huh? Good for you,” she says, her eyes twinkling.

I look away, embarrassed. Part of me still thought something had been going on between her and Daniel, but it looks like I was definitely wrong. Daniel visibly relaxes now that she knows, and my heart flutters. I’d been so certain he’d want to keep us a secret, and I’m pleasantly surprised to find I was wrong.

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