The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess

Chapter 134 An Exhausting Night

That was a fucking shitshow.
We’ve all returned to Alejandro’s mansion, and Sky’s gone storming to her bedroom. But it’s being fucking watched and right
now, Kataleya and Azura are with her.
The door to the bedroom is open and I’ve also wired up some cameras, which the
women will keep an eye on to see if she does
any weird shit.
I don’t trust her unattended, not at all... there was some fucking communication that
the bastard had with her before he left.
Delsanra’s busy casting spells around the place, although I don’t know how strong they will be. I mean, what went down at the
venue made It fucking clear that there is bigger shit involved.
Raihana and Chris are at the coven with the
Arden twins, with four of my most trusted men. Alejandro also sent some of his own men, including Azura’s brother Atlas.
Catherine and Charlotte are also here since.
Winona asked them to come and with
everything going on, I think her mom needs
the support.
Ken’s in the fucking cells here at this pack,
thanks to Dad. He had tried to run when
Royce had blacked out that place.

Fucking dickhead.
Catherine’s father is here as well, and he has
been ecstatic to meet Winona, Let’s just say
the place is fucking packed.
Catherine has been filled in about both her
sons, and Aleric’s wrongs hit her hard, and it has clearly affected her.
Raven is sitting on the desk, and it’s weird
as fuck, but I notice her feet don’t touch the
floor. 211
She’s fucking tiny. Elijah and Dad are sitting
on the chairs opposite the desk. With Liam and Rayhan standing against the wall.
The room is thick with emotions, stress and
worry paramount.
“So, they didn’t see him?” I ask Rayhan, taking a drag on my cigarette.
He shakes his head. “No, neither Del nor
Azura. It was just darkness, mostly black
and purple smoke that they were fighting
“Fuck.” I say, frowning.
I need to focus... what do we know...

I stare at the floor, trying to clear my thoughts.
“I can’t sense anything from Skyla, usually when a person lies or tells the truth, I can
feel it,” Kiara says, frowning as she crosses
her arms. I can tell she’s upset, and I had heard her pleading for Alejandro not to let them take Royce.
“Aleric’s fucking done something to her,”
Alejandro says coldly as he paces around the office like a beast looking for its next prey.
“Obviously...” I close my eyes, playing out
the scene. “Several times before Sky lashed out, he was communicating with her. There were these intense moments of eye
Focus Leo. 5
“Dante said to Sky – you’ll destroy him referring to Royce... but it was after that, that Sky asked Royce to mark her- “I
“Yeah, we fucking know. Can we not go over that shit again?” Alejandro growls,
punching the wall.
“Baby, he’s helping, calm down, please.” Kiara goes over to him as Liam raises an
“I’m trying to piece shit together,” I growl, glaring at the older man. “Fucking
appreciate it.”
“I know, but knowing my daughter is
somewhat controlled... like... Kiara was all
those fucking years ago... We had to lock her up... I don’t want to do that to Skyla,” he

I look at him, I know, fuck I know but I’m
“I know... let’s get shit on the table... Sometimes going over events helps. When Aleric tried to mark Sky, Royce’s mark
repelled it... what if Dante said that to Sky to instigate her?” 7
“So, you’re saying he’s the reason they did. that shit in my house?” Alejandro growls. 7
I close my eyes, trying to keep my fucking cool. I get that his daughter’s going through shit, but he really is fucking pissing me off.
“Kiara. Get him the fuck out of here, or I’m going to fucking lose my shit, too.” I snarl, glaring at Alejandro.
“He isn’t wrong, Alejandro. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but calm down. I know it’s not easy when you see your daughter in
a position, but this isn’t helping her,” Elijah says quietly.
“I agree,” Raven says quietly.
Alejandro sighs in frustration and I see the
glimmer of pain in his eyes before he
squashes it, as Kiara looks between us
“Please, guys... Al, please, calm down,” she whispers, forcing him to sit in his office
I’m sitting on the couch, and I now lean back, trying to think.
“Did anyone notice that his neck was bleeding quite badly?” Liam asks.
“Whose?” Dad asks sharply.

“Aleric’s,” I reply.
“Raihana said Sky marked him, but something isn’t right. It’s not healing and it’s bleeding openly, and he’s getting agitated.
Almost as if his body can’t accept it.” Kiara says.
“Maybe she isn’t his fucking mate!” Alejandro snarls.
“No... they are. I sensed the truth from Aleric at that part,” Kiara admits sadly.
“Hmm,” Rayhan says. “The only other time
we’ve heard of that is when Zidane marked
“Red...” Elijah finishes, his eyes flashing.
“And that was because he was her father...”
Raven muses as she slides off the table and
walks over to Liam.
“Unless....” I begin hesitantly,
“What is it?” Alejandro asks.
“I don’t know but Sky’s mark represents Bastet... Aleric is tied to Apophis... I wonder if that contributed to his body not accepting
I don’t know.”
“That’s a good point,” Liam says seriously, his arms tight around his mate.
“That’s possible,” Dad says.
I nod slowly. “Alright, so this is what we need to do. We need to get Royce out of there, but I know the witches won’t agree so
fast, so maybe a body double or something. Rayhan, see if Delsanra or Raihana can do that shit.” I say.

“I don’t know if that’s possible. The witches don’t let up easily.” Elijah says.
“They won’t,” Alejandro says. “The council are pushing stuff further, too.”
“No harm in fucking trying.” I tilt my head. ” If it’s not possible, then I need to go talk to
him there. See what more he can offer me in
terms of finding some fucking answers.”
Kiara sighs as she sits down on Alejandro’s thigh, and he wraps his arms around her.
“I can’t sense anything... of what’s to
come,” she whispers.
“Yeah, only Dante knows,” Raven says, frowning. “Has he not called?”
“No.” Alejandro adds, “But he did say, don’t lose sight of the goal and he won’t be back for a few weeks.”
“We don’t need to know the fucking future
to counter it. Assessing what we have in
front of us will be enough. There was a time we didn’t have a demi-god here. Stop relying on him as the only solution for
answers,” I say coldly. 7
I get that he knows his shit, but to always be
seen as a fucking psychic or fortune-teller must be fucking exhausting. Isn’t it fucking obvious he’s not here because he probably
can’t do shit or isn’t fucking allowed to be around? 4
“We know that it’s Skyla who has to defeat Apophis, or Aleric Fucking James Dickhead
Arden, in this fucking situation. That’s ultimately the truth. I’m wondering if stories from the past might have answers,” I say
hating that I’m going to refer to such books but I don’t really have a fucking choice
“I think we can look.” Liam nods in

“And if Raihana and Delsanra don’t think a body double that the witches won’t notice. isn’t possible, then I will go speak to Royce
tomorrow,” I say, standing up. “I’m fucking certain he might have some more pieces to the puzzle.
“Sounds fair. I’m going to keep an eye on Skyla for the night. You guys get some fucking rest.” Alejandro says. 7
I nod in agreement. I think we all fucking deserve that shit. It’s been one fucking crazy
blood moon.
Delsanra had gotten injured, and it was Azura who had healed her. I don’t know why but I want to know if her wings have
changed ... there’s something about it that worries
What happens when her wings disappear? Does she lose her power? Or worse? 8
My eyes flash at the thought of something happening to her, but there’s definitely a meaning behind it...
Everyone begins getting ready to leave and I exit the office waiting for Dad.
“So, how did the reunion go?” I ask when he
steps out and we fall into step.
He nods. “It was good... uh, it was good.”
I cock a brow. Why do I feel like he was going
to say some other shit?
“Oh, yeah?” I ask.
“Catherine is a strong woman, and she
rejected Kenneth pretty confidently. Only someone with great willpower could do
that.” He says, sighing heavily.

I tilt my head.
Ok, now he’s acting really fucking weird...
“What are you hiding?” I ask, narrowing my
“Nothing at all,” he says a tad too fucking
“Oh, is that so?” Azura’s voice comes, she’s changed into a black fitted t-shirt and yoga pants, which hug her fucking curves so
damn good... Her makeup is still on and she looks fucking fine as hell.
“Yes.” Marcel says, “Come, we should all
head to bed too.”
He leads the way up the stairs and pats
Azura’s head.
She crosses her arms beneath those lush tits,
and I walk over to her. I need a fucking
distraction from this shit and she’s that
perfect fucking distraction even if it’s for a
few seconds.
I grab her waist, pulling her closer and kiss her before she can even speak. Pleasure rushes through me and she reciprocates
fast, plunging her tongue into my mouth. I suck on it hard, my hands roaming her body as I throb against her stomach.
Fuck, she’s fucking perfect.

I force myself back. As much as I want to fucking take her, I know she’s distraught. Skyla is her friend, and I had seen and felt
her fucking agony through the bond seeing Skyla in that position.
“Did you tell him?” Winona’s whisper comes from somewhere above, and I slowly
pull back.
Why do I feel she’s fucking referring to me?
Tell me what?
“Not here Bellissima,” Dad murmurs.
“There’s something fucking up,” I say, as I take my Baby Girl’s hand and tug her up the
Both Dad and Winona are standing at the
door to their bedroom, and I walk over to
them, narrowing my eyes.
“Leo!” she exclaims with a pout, unhappy I
broke the kiss.
“Tell me what?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.
“Leo...” Dad says, clearly not expecting me
to have fucking heard.
What is it?”
They exchange looks before Dad sighs, ” Come on in, the both of you.”
Azura glances at me curiously before we

both step into their room.
“Shut the door Azura,” Dad says, and she
“What is it?” I ask impatiently.
“We...” Winona begins before she goes over to the luggage that sits to the side of the
room and takes out an envelope before she
passes it to me.
She gives Azura a small smile before she
goes over to Marcel and holds onto his arm.
I tear it open and flip open the card. Before it’s even open, by the size and shape, it
fucking hits me exactly what this shit is.
I stare at the sonogram image before my
gaze snaps to the couple.
With two...
Azura sequels before she runs over to her and embraces Winona tightly,
congratulating her.
She’s pregnant...
And that means... these... babies... are my...

my siblings? 5
“We didn’t want to share with everything going on...” I hear Dad say. “It’s uh, a pretty big deal.”
“No shit...” I mutter, unable to say anything
more as I continue to stare at the image.
Fuck, I think this is far too much for even me
to process.
I look up at the happy couple, trying to squash my own emotions.
“Congratulations....” I say. “Good luck with
that shit.”
I turn, glancing at Azura. “Shall we go?” I ask, trying to act fucking normal.
I’m shocked, fuck, I’m shocked.
I didn’t think they’d have kids, but that’s selfish thinking on my behalf.
Winona is fucking young... of course, she’d
want pups...
“Leo... are you ok?” Winona ásks worriedly.
I glance at her and nod.
“Of course. I’m happy for the both of you.” I say, giving them a small smirk. “Good luck with twins, Dad. Hope your age doesn’t
make it too hard for you.” I mock, trying to divert the attention from my emotions.
Dad, Winona and Azura break into laughter
as Azura congratulates them again.
I slip out of the room, heading to our room, and go over to the travel cot where my own. little princess is sleeping.

She’s gorgeous, with her fat little cheeks, a
pout on her lips and long lashes. She’s fast asleep and watching her calms me.
Who am I to ruin their happiness? Cus kids. really are something else...
“Hey, girl... look, you’re going to get two uncles or aunties... only they’re going to be younger... You got to take care of them,
alright? No bullying allowed... cús you might just be another devil like your Mommy.” a
She mumbles something in her sleep, and I
can’t help but smile.
I’ll get used to it.
I know I will.
The door shuts and I stand up straight as Azura comes over and wraps her arms
around my neck.
“You will get used to it. Trust me,” she says softly, pressing her lips to mine in a deep slow kiss.
‘I know I will.’
Because I fucking will.

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