The Tears Of My KingThe Tears Of My Kingdom Book 2

Chapter 3 F is for ?

How you gonna up and leave like that when I gave you all I had?

I gave you the real me, told you all my feelings

And you gonna turn around and front like you don't feel me

I put that on my life that I ain't see this comin'

Opened up my heart, I should've never let you come in

But I wish you well though, that's all I could tell you

Maybe in your next life, you'll find everything you wanted

-Sydney renae how you gone act like that-

Omniscient POV

Paws crunching beneath dirt, as Max runs faster towards the east he doesn't know why but his wolf is pushing him in that direction, and he doesn't bother to stop him. As he's running he hears a familiar voice,

"SON STOP" commanded his father Maxwell Sr through link, he was in his wolf form a sight to behold. It was like watching twins facing off, Maxwell Sr was just slightly bigger.

"I know how you feel, but you shouldn't let this take over you. Get over yourself, you have a Pack to lead when I'm dead and gone. How can you lead if your dead ?" Max Sr Finally said continuing with, " You have your Mother, Sister, and twin Brothers waiting for you, yet you want to run off to your death. CUT THE SHIT, COME HOME NOW!" Max Sr said now yelling thru the link.

"I REFUSE, ONLY WAY IM COMING BACK IS WITH HER OR WITHIN A BODY BAG" Max Jr said standing up to his father getting ready for a battle. He knew what he was implementing, he would fight for Alpha right now if his dad wanted him to come back. But that would mean his dad would have to cripple him or lose-and neither choices are eazy to make.

Maxwell Jr growls and flicks his fur out to show he's not backing down, while Maxwell Sr looks at his son knowing he made his mind up all so soon.

Max Sr links "Don't let her choices effect your future, So what she left with Zach. We will find you a suitable Luna son, DONT DO THIS PLEASE!"

"That's why she left ?!" Max Jr screamed through the link.

"Isn't this why your doing all of this?" His father linked back.

Max shakes his wolfy head, "I thought she just rejected me, I didn't think she would live with Zach" he linked suddenly saddened by the thought. His mate, His love chose another.

With her free-will it was nothing he could do to stop the pain he was suffering from now. Why you come around when you had plans to disappear, had me thinking. You know you supposed to be right here. Fuck that your mine still, he did something I want her to tell me herself face to face.

"Father I'm going to see her, either we can go together with a few warriors or I'll go by myself" Max Jr linked his father now determined to get his mate back by any means necessary.

"Good your finally thinking clearly"


Next thing Maxwell Jr knew he was surrounded by a few of his pack mates, they all bowed with respect. It was around 6 of them, he tried to identify they're wolfy forms then they started to link helping him slightly.

"Geeze you run fast Max"

"Let's go I'm ready for a fight"

"Anybody else hungry?"

"Forget food we have to help Max"

"Everybody hush we need to move, the faster we go and come back the better."

"What if she was taken against her will"

He noticed Austin his beta and his father Aaron also a beta, his gamma Justin and there fellow mates. Stacy and his sister Maxine. Nobody knew why Austin mother wasn't there but it had to be a reason she wasn't really a fighter.

"Your sister said you would be stubborn till the end but it looks like she was wrong." Max Sr said though link finally.

Maxine walked up while shaking her fur, "I thought you would be dead by now. Good to see you holding up little brother." She linked with a giggle. It seemed she was slightly enjoying his pain.

Max Jr slowly tried to approach his so called sister, canines extended growling ready for a fight.

Justin's wolf moving in front with a growl, os now protecting his mate Maxine from harm, it makes Max Jr heart clench Mate he thought, he needed his mate.

Maxwell Jr POV

"I didn't need you here" I spat at her before turning to his father, "Should have stayed where you was at nobody wants you here"

Maxine seemed startled by his rebuttle but she didn't back down, "wants and needs are two different things, even if I don't like you I love you." She linked then ran towards the east where i was headed this whole time.

"We don't have time for this, Let's go!" She linked, we all followed pursuit like she was the Alpha of this pack now not my father or me. It showed me regardless of my feelings she was family, nobody could do that if it wasn't me or father. Even mother had trouble with giving commands like a true leader.

As we ran thru the woods I kept thinking how would I get my woman back, if she truly chose him. Here I thought I woulda been the one stomping on her feelings yet my heart is in her control like a puppet.

How ironic how she has the power of the midnight moon pack on her hands, id I couldn't get her back I would let my sister hold the reigns, with my gamma as her mate she would make sure we are never destroyed or harmed whatsoever.

It hurt my stomach to think about but I had to make arrangements just in case, losing your mate is losing your life. If I don't prepare I could kill my whole pack without seeing the damages till it too late.

A weak Alpha isn't a true Alpha.

I look at my Pack and smile inwardly, I have so many people that care about me and my well-being. I private mindlink Maxine

"I'm sorry we didn't have a chance to be close as I wanted, I love you too. If I can't come back please take care of yourself and the pack, if anybody can do it it's you."

"If I do anything it would be to bring you back, kicking and screaming if I have to. Shut up and run, get out of your feelings, we have a future Luna to save" she linked not acknowledging my heart to heart, I shook it off and kept running mind on my mate.

But I could sworn I heard something from her,

"You have to come back with us, I need you lil brother" a whisper like link comes through.

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