The Surgeon: A Curvy Girl MC Romance

The Surgeon: Chapter 5

    ass?’ Andreas ‘Playboy’ Romano asks, eyeing me over the rim of his glass, one dark brow arched in question. ‘You’ve been in a mood all night.’

‘Nothing,’ I lie, shaking my head.

We both know I’m full of shit, but Playboy doesn’t press me on it. He just grunts and goes back to his thousand-dollar brandy, content to wait me out.

Unlike a lot of our brothers, Playboy tends to be on the quiet side. He’s dealt with his fair share of drama, thanks to the shady dealings of his late father. Vincent knew how to make a scene. Playboy is different. He’s playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers. Fifth likes to think we’re some of the smartest men in the club. He’s wrong. Playboy has us all beat by miles. He’s just smart enough to keep his mouth shut. The man is a viper, striking from the shadows.

I pull my phone out and check it for the thousandth time tonight. Samara still hasn’t responded to my last message. I’m guessing she’s still at Scout’s bedside. She’s texted me a few times today, but not often. Every time I called the hospital to check on Scout, she was at her side. I hate that she’s there alone while I’m at the compound like this is any other night. But driving back to Houston tonight isn’t an option when I have to be back here first thing in the morning.

It’s pissing me off. My girls have spent far too much time alone already.

My girls. Fuck, I like the sound of that.

I lift my head, looking for Cash. He’s on the far side of the bar with Hadley, his hand splayed across her belly. I catch his eye and motion him over. He lifts his chin in a nod and then murmurs something to his girl before he kisses her and heads my way, a beer in hand.

Fifth spots him headed in my direction and excuses himself from a conversation with Hacker. He meets Cash halfway. They stroll toward me and Playboy, crossing the bar quickly. Except for Fifth’s olive skin, they could almost pass for biological brothers. They’re both big, with dark hair and darker eyes.

Several of our brothers watch them moving in our direction but no one else follows. They turn back to their conversations, giving us privacy. They all know something is up though. I was distracted all throughout Church. That’s unusual for me and they all know it.

‘What’s up, brother?’ Cash asks, claiming the empty stool to my right.

Fifth opts to stand near Playboy instead of taking a barstool.

‘I’m not going to be around much for a while,’ I say. ‘I’ve got some shit going on in Houston.’

‘A patient?’ Cash asks.

‘A girl,’ Fifth says, smirking.


I narrow my eyes on him. He flips me off in return, taking a pull from his bottle.

‘That’s why you’re in a bad mood?’ Playboy laughs. ‘Shit. I thought you lost a patient or something the way you’ve been acting all night. I was preparing myself for the fact that none of us were sleeping tonight until you were thoroughly wasted. Instead, you’re fucked up over a girl.’

‘Karma’s a bitch,’ Fifth says.

Playboy laughs.

‘Man, fuck both of you,’ I growl. ‘I’m not in a bad mood. I had an emergency surgery in the middle of the night.’

‘Mmhmm,’ Fifth says, smirking.

I turn to Cash, only to find him smirking at me too. Of course he’s loving this too. My friends are all assholes.

‘It’s not just a girl,’ I say, shaking my head. ‘Her niece has a congenital heart defect. I’m operating first thing Thursday morning. I need to be there in case anything goes wrong.’

‘Of course,’ Cash says, his smirk slipping as his expression grows serious. ‘What do you need?’

‘For someone else to deal with Brady,’ I mutter. Sheriff Armstrong was at the office today to discuss him. Jules had to agree to a date to get him to leave.

‘I’ll put someone on it,’ Cash promises.

‘Can we do anything?’ Playboy asks, as serious as Cash. We may give each other hell, but this is what the brotherhood is about. We’re family. No one ever fights alone, no matter the battle. It doesn’t matter if they’ve met Samara and Scout or not. If they’re mine, they’re family. Every man in this club knows what that means.

‘I’d like to bring Samara to meet everyone,’ I say, turning slightly to include him and Fifth in this conversation. ‘But she has…issues with motorcycle clubs.’ I cut my eyes at Fifth. ‘One murdered her sister.’

‘Fuck,’ Cash growls, his dark brows slashing together.

‘Satan’s Savages,’ Fifth supplies, letting me know he’s already done some digging for me.

I jerk my chin in a nod, silently giving him permission to tell us what he knows.

‘They ran her off the road right outside of the police station in Dallas,’ he says, speaking quietly. ‘It looks like she was on her way there but her old man and two other members got to her first. They holed up in a bakery across the street after the accident. Her old man decided to shoot his way out once he realized he wasn’t going to walk out a free man. Got himself killed too.’

Jesus. I knew Samara wasn’t joking when she told me they killed her sister, but Jesus.

‘The sister lived long enough to tell them about the baby,’ Fifth says, looking at me. ‘I guess she hid the baby in a bathroom somewhere along the way to keep her safe. She asked them to save her baby and to call her sister.’

‘Jesus,’ Cash whispers, grim fury burning in his eyes. Hadley was in a car accident not long ago. He knows exactly what it’s like to worry about losing a kid. He’ll never admit it, but he still worries. ‘That’s fucked.’

‘Beyond,’ Playboy agrees, his mouth set in a hard, unforgiving line.

‘They found a note with the baby,’ Fifth says. ‘Apparently, the sister found out her old man was trafficking women for the MC and helped several of them escape. Once the MC found out, they locked her up to keep her from going to the authorities.’

‘Did she implicate anyone else from the MC in the trafficking scheme?’ I ask.

‘Don’t know,’ Fifth says, shaking his head. ‘Dallas PD was tight-lipped on that. All they’d say was that they were looking into the allegations against the MC.’

‘No wonder the sister is gun shy about MCs,’ Cash muses, running a hand down his chin. ‘Can’t say I blame her.’ He casts a glance around the clubhouse. The two-story white, plantation-style compound looks more like a home than anything. The bar where we’re sitting stretches across the back wall, with tables scattered around the room. Two pool tables take up the center of the room. Hacker rigged up an old jukebox to a computer and a sound system. It plays anything we want. The speakers are hidden in alcoves along the top of the wall, allowing music to spill out into the room.

Unlike a lot of MC compounds, this one isn’t filled with women. Aside from Gloria and Hadley, not many come through here. Most of our brothers don’t fuck around. Those who do tend to keep that shit out of the club. This place is a second home to most of us. We come here to relax and let loose without prying eyes. But there’s still no mistaking that it’s an MC compound.

Replicas of bikes hang on the walls alongside our emblem. The furniture is dark wood and worn leather. Harsh lighting gives it a club glow. Not even Gloria’s immaculate housekeeping softens the masculine vibe to the place. Bringing Samara here isn’t likely to ease her into anything.

‘Her niece’s surgery is Thursday morning?’ Cash asks.

‘Yeah, first thing.’

‘We’ll be there,’ he says. ‘As many of us as can be, anyway. Bender’s still on tour.’

‘Shit. You don’t have to do that.’

‘You plan on putting a patch on her?’ he asks, cocking a brow at me.

I jerk my chin in a nod. Maybe it’s too soon to be thinking about shit like getting my patch on her or my ring on her finger but that ship sailed about the time she kissed me last night. Hell, I think it sailed about the time I saw her yesterday morning. I’m not going to fight it or deny it.

‘Then we’re doing it,’ Cash says, pointing his bottle at me. ‘She shouldn’t have to go through this shit alone anyway. We’ll keep her company while you put that Ivy League education to work.’

I clasp him on the shoulder, grateful as hell. ‘Thank you.’

‘Don’t thank me. She hasn’t met these fuckers yet,’ he says, smacking me on the back. He chuckles and then heads back across the room toward Hadley.

Fifth gives Playboy a nod, silently telling him to give us a minute. Playboy empties his glass and then rises to his feet without a word. He takes off in the opposite direction from Cash, straightening his suit as he goes.

‘You have something else for me?’ I ask Fifth.

‘Depends,’ he says, taking the stool Playboy just vacated. He wraps his fingers around his bottle, toying with it. ‘How much do you want to know about your girl?’

‘Only what you think I need to know to protect her,’ I say. Anything beyond that, I want to hear from her lips. Her story is hers to tell. I appreciate Fifth for digging, but I’m not interested in what he found. I doubt she’d appreciate knowing I heard it from him either.

‘Keep her close,’ he warns me. ‘The Savages are dangerous, and your girl is worth money. She’s made a small fortune for herself in the gaming market. I highly doubt they’ll come after her and the baby but keep her close just in case.’

‘Thanks, brother,’ I say, appreciative as hell. If the Savages think they’re coming after her, they better think again. We don’t have to break the law to be a problem. Every man in this MC can bury them without spilling a drop of blood. We have the type of connections they lose sleep thinking about at night…federal agents, the secret service, Supreme Court Justices, royalty.

I don’t think they’ll be a problem though. At least not for Samara. If they were hanging on to Siobhan because she was pregnant, they were doing it for Scout’s father. With him dead, Scout means nothing to any of them. There’s no reason for them to come after her or Samara.

I’ll still be keeping them close though.

‘Fill Cash in, will you?’ I ask Fifth, climbing to my feet.

‘Will do,’ he agrees.

I pause, turning back to him. ‘Did you look up any of her games?’

He jerks his chin in a nod.

‘Text me the names of them, will you?’

A wolfish grin crosses his face.

I pretend not to see it. Nosy bastard.

‘You’ve been naughty.’

‘Ahh!’ Samara shouts, flinging her phone into the air.

I chuckle, watching as her hand flies to her heart, and she ducks, dodging her phone as it drops back down, landing at her feet with a thunk.

‘Stop doing that!’ she yells, slamming her hands down on her hips to glare at me. She looks angelic with her dark hair up in a messy bun, wispy pieces floating freely around her heart-shaped face. ‘Jesus, Tate!’ And then she seems to realize that I’m actually here instead of in Silver Spoon Falls where I’m supposed to be. Her eyes light up as they prowl across my bare chest, her irritated expression softening. ‘You’re here.’

‘I am,’ I say, tossing my phone on the bedside table and then jack-knifing up from the bed. I prowl across the room toward her, my cock turning to steel the closer I get. ‘Did you miss me?’

‘What are you doing here?’ She cranes her head back to look at me.

‘I decided I like this bed more than my other bed,’ I mutter, reaching out to tap her nose. Truth is, I intended to go to my place in Silver Spoon Falls when I left the clubhouse…but I didn’t. I drove straight here instead, breaking every speed limit along the way. The thought of letting her sleep alone tonight didn’t appeal to me. I’ll wake up early in the morning and make the drive back. Seeing the softness in her eyes right now is more than worth the lack of sleep.

‘I think you like the girl sharing this bed,’ she says, her mouth curving into a sweet smile.

‘Oh, I definitely like the girl sharing this bed,’ I growl, pulling her into my arms. ‘Especially when she’s moaning my name in her sleep. Tate. Tate. Oh, Tate.’

‘I do not sound like that.’

‘You do,’ I whisper, pressing my mouth to hers.

‘Do not.’

‘Less arguing, more kissing.’


She kisses me when I growl, her soft lips melting against mine. Fuck, she tastes like those hard candies my mom used to keep in her purse for her models. She said it made them less irritable when a shoot ran long. Xavier and I stole them constantly. They were sweet and tangy. Samara’s mouth is more addictive than they were.

I stroke her tongue with mine until we’re both panting and then reluctantly break away. She sways in my arms, her cheeks flushed pink. Her lashes flutter, her gold eyes opening. They’re soft and warm, full of liquid desire.

‘You were at the hospital late,’ I murmur, thrusting my hand into her hair. I gently grab a handful, pulling slightly. Her eyes gloss over, her lips parting. ‘Is everything okay?’

‘F-fine,’ she says. ‘I was just visiting with Scout.’

‘Yeah?’ I smile, leaning down to kiss her hot little mouth again. ‘Did you have a good visit, angel?’

‘They let me hold her,’ she whispers.


She nods. ‘They haven’t let me do that before.’

‘I know.’ I run my nose along the side of hers, placing a trail of kisses along her cheek. Dr. Shapiro is old school when it comes to medicine. If it were up to him, kids in PICU would heal in glass bubbles with their families firmly on the outside, watching from a safe distance. There is no convincing him of the power of human touch, regardless of how many studies you wave in his face. I disagree with him entirely.

Kids, especially babies, thrive on comfort and care. They need to be held and loved. Samara should have been allowed to hold Scout long before now, so I remedied the situation. Until the surgery, she’ll be allowed to hold her for an hour or two at a time every day. After surgery, it’ll be a while before she’s able to hold her again. I want her to have this time to bond with her now, while she’s able. She deserves that much.

‘You did that?’ she whispers, awe in her voice.

‘I just signed the order.’

‘Thank you.’ She places her hand on my cheek, her eyes meeting mine. Gratitude burns golden in their depths. ‘Thank you.’

‘Did it help?’

‘So much,’ she whispers, blinking rapidly. ‘She’s so tiny and sweet. I didn’t want to leave.’

‘She’s not the only sweet one.’

‘I love her so much, Tate,’ she says.

‘She’s going to love you back the same way.’

‘You think so?’ she asks, worrying her bottom lip.

‘I know so.’ I grin, not surprised that’s her fear. She hasn’t shown a single ounce of fear about stepping up for this fragile baby. She hasn’t balked at caring for her or providing for her or becoming a caregiver at the age of twenty-two. Already, she loves Scout with her whole heart and soul. Her only concern is whether Scout will love her too. It’s as fucking adorable as it is sad that she doesn’t know how infinitely lovable she is. ‘I’m a doctor. I basically know everything.’

‘You are so full of it,’ she laughs, shaking her head at me.

‘Maybe, but in this case, I’m right.’ Scout will adore her. I know this for a fact because I already adore her. She’s too goddamn sweet not to love on sight. Shit. Is that what’s happening here? Of course it is. I’m falling for her. Hard. I gave Cash so much shit for falling for Hadley at the speed of light, but I think I may be beating his record over here. Samara’s already burrowing her way into my soul, claiming parts of it I didn’t even know existed.

Every time she smiles at me, another piece of it falls to her light. Every time she laughs, another section hoists her colors. Soon enough, every square inch will belong to her. My MC brothers think I’ve been running from love my whole life but that’s not true. I’ve been waiting for the right kind of love to find me. This kind. The kind that knocked my dad on his ass the day he met my mom. The kind that took my Uncle Gray out when he met my Aunt Camilla. The men in my family fall hard, holding nothing back.

If I was meant to have it, I figured it’d find me like it did them. I wasn’t wrong. Fate brought Samara into my life. Cash would call it karma for all the bitching I did. He’d be wrong. This right here, this is divine providence. And I can’t fucking wait to belong to this delicate little angel with the warrior’s soul. I was never running from love. I was waiting for her.

‘I’ve been busy while you were gone,’ I murmur, reaching down to scoop her phone up off the floor. I hold it out to her, smiling when she shoves it into her pocket without even finishing whatever she was doing when she walked in.

‘Texting me doesn’t count as busy, Tate,’ she sasses. ‘I don’t see how you got anything done all day. You sent me like nine hundred messages today.’

‘I did not send you that many texts.’ I probably did send her that many texts, but that’s beside the point. ‘What I was talking about, smartass, was this fascinating new game I’ve been playing while waiting for you to get home from visiting Scout.’

‘What game?’ Suspicion furrows her brows, narrowing her golden eyes.

‘Like I said when you came in, you’ve been naughty,’ I growl, running my palm across her round ass. ‘One curvy human and an entire pack of shifters?’

‘Oh. That game.’ Her cheeks heat, turning the sweetest pink.

‘Yeah, that game.’

She practically squirms on her feet.

‘Did it get you hot, thinking about being taken by five men at once like that, Samara?’

‘No,’ she says, scrunching up her nose. ‘But other women like it. You shouldn’t kink shame. It’s not nice, Tate.’

Kink shame? Hell. I’ll give this dirty little angel whatever she wants so long as it doesn’t involve another man. Any fantasy she has, I’ll bring to life. ‘I haven’t blushed since I was a kid, Sleeping Beauty,’ I say, nipping at her ear. ‘Your little game changed that.’

‘Then you definitely don’t want to hear about the VR version Troian wants to develop,’ she says, humor in her voice. ‘It’ll have you clutching your pearls.’

‘You’re not playing with VR cocks, Samara,’ I growl. Hell no. The only cock she’s touching is mine. I don’t care if they’re imaginary or not. It’s not happening. Just playing the damn game had me ready to spank her for writing it.

‘I’m not playing with any cocks,’ she says.

I hear the pout in her voice even though she tries to hide it. My sweet angel is horny. And curious. Fuck. Where has she been all my life?

‘Put your hands in my pants, Samara,’ I order her. ‘Take my dick out.’

‘Tate,’ she moans.

‘Now, angel.’

She places her palm on my abdomen and then slides it downward. My muscles contract beneath her hand, responding to her touch. God, she has no idea how good that feels. Her fingers slip beneath the waistband of my sweats, the tip of her tongue peeking from between her lips as if she’s concentrating hard on her task.

I growl when she runs her knuckles across the swollen head of my cock. Cum spills across her fingers, making her gasp. Her gaze flies to mine.

‘Yeah, baby,’ I say through a chuckle. ‘He’s happy to see you.’

‘Did you just…?’

‘Not yet. I’m going to do that in your sweet mouth. Take him out,’ I say.

She doesn’t slap me or tell me to go to hell, which I take as a good sign. Her tongue swiping across her bottom lip like she trying to taste me on it seems like another good sign.

She wraps her hand around my cock, her grip loose.

‘Tighter. You won’t hurt me. I like it rough.’

‘Of course you do,’ she mutters, rolling her eyes.

I swat her ass, which makes her squeak indignantly. ‘I warned you about rolling your eyes at me, Samara.’

Fire flashes in her gaze, her grip tightening on my dick. My little angel turns into a curvy devil between one heartbeat and the next. She twists her wrist, stroking her hand down my length all the way to my balls.

‘Fuck,’ I groan, trying not to lose it right there.

‘Is this rough enough, Doctor Grimes?’ She does it again, stroking upward this time. I don’t know where the fuck she learned to do that and I’m not about to ask. If it was from some other man, I will lose my goddamn mind. The thought of her with anyone else drives me crazy. Reading her story had possessiveness churning through me. It makes no sense. It’s fiction, purely a figment of her imagination. But it pissed me off, nonetheless.

Is this what Cash meant when he said Hadley turned him into a territorial beast? If so, he wasn’t kidding. I don’t want to share even a single part of Samara. If she’s not thinking about me when she’s touching herself, she’s not touching herself. I’ll be the name she says when she gets herself off from now on. I intend to make sure of it.

‘Keep calling me that and we’ll see how loud you can scream my name with my dick down your throat, Samara,’ I growl, wrapping my hand up in her hair again. I crane her head back, pulling gently. She loves it. Her eyes go glassy, her lips parting on a moan. ‘I suggest you behave before we’re doing a whole lot of shit you aren’t ready to do yet.’

‘Who says I’m not ready?’ she challenges.

‘I do.’ I press a hard kiss to her mouth. ‘You aren’t ready for me yet, angel. Not until you’re ready to give me this part of you too.’ I place my free hand between her breasts, splaying it over her heart. ‘Until then, I’m not taking that sweet little cherry.’

She whimpers her disappointment, shaking my resolve.

‘Shh,’ I whisper, flicking my tongue against her lips. ‘I’m still going to take care of you, baby. While you’re choking on my cock, I’m going to eat your pussy.’

‘Tate,’ she moans. Her hand goes slack around my cock.

‘Stroke me, Samara.’ I deliver a little bite to her bottom lip.

She jolts back into action, squeezing me a little too hard. When I hiss, she immediately loosens her grip. Her thumb sweeps over the head in silent apology. Fuck, she’s a natural at this. I already know when I get in her, it’s going to be over for me. I’ll be addicted. That’s precisely why I need her on the same page before we take that step. If we’re not and she gets spooked, it’s going to rip my fucking heart out of my chest. I’ll chase her, as far and as long as I have to chase her.

I’d rather not have to do it though. She and Scout belong here with me. I’ve been building this life for her for…shit, for most of my life, I think. I’ve been making her a home, gathering a tribe around me, one worthy of her. Now, she just has to let us love her.

She works my sweats down, freeing my cock.

‘Tate,’ she whispers, her voice strangled.

‘I played your game, Samara,’ I remind her. ‘Don’t pretend you’re shocked they come this big.’ She may be a virgin, but she’s not a delicate little flower, that’s for damn sure. She’s a dirty little thing, with an imagination to rival even Giant’s. God knows, he’s a filthy bastard. ‘You’ll be able to handle me just fine.’

‘I’ve never…’

I quirk a brow. ‘Not even a vibrator?’

She quickly shakes her head.

‘Goddamn, angel,’ I growl, scooping her up in my arms to carry her to the bed before she has me coming all over myself instead of in that hot mouth. ‘You’re not making him any softer.’

‘You’re not making me any less nervous!’ she cries.

‘Trust me.’ I lay her out on the bed and then peel her shoes off, tossing them over my shoulder. ‘When the time comes, you’ll be able to take me. But tonight, I don’t want you thinking about that. Tonight is about making you feel good.’

‘I thought it was about making you feel good.’

‘Angel, eating that juicy cunt is going to make me feel like king of the earth,’ I say, completely serious. ‘Especially if you’ve got your mouth on my dick at the same time. Lift your hips.’

She lifts her hips, allowing me to strip her pants down her legs.

I groan when I see her lacy pink boy shorts. They’re indecent and innocent at the same time. They’re already damp with her juices too, the seam soaked through. I can’t wait to feel those thick thighs wrapped around my head while she’s riding my face. I already know I’m going to have her seated on my tongue as often as humanly possible.

I lean down, kissing a trail up her leg. She startles and then relaxes with a soft sigh. Her legs part slightly, hips canted inward to hide her pussy from me. I can’t get enough of how shy she is one minute and how sassy she is in the next. It’s the sexiest combination.

The closer I get to her pussy, the more she shakes. My mouth waters, my stomach growling as her arousal grows stronger. She smells like heaven. I nip the soft skin of her thigh and then run my nose along the crease of her leg.

‘Tate,’ she moans.

‘Raise up.’ I help her sit up so I can strip her shirt and bra off her body, and then lay her back against the pillows. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. There isn’t a spot on her that isn’t completely captivating, from the smattering of freckles across her chest to her hard pink nipples to the little lines across her belly. Her hourglass figure has my dick ready to break in half. My hands twitch, eager to sink into her wide hips while I’m pumping into her.

Her cheeks turn pink as I stare. She fidgets beneath me, digging her toes into the blankets. One hand creeps across her belly like she’s trying to hide it from my gaze.

‘Nu-uh.’ I grab her hand, shaking my head. ‘Don’t hide from me, Samara.’

‘I just…’ She huffs. ‘You’re looking at me.’

‘I know.’

‘I mean really looking.’

‘I know.’

She rolls her eyes. ‘It’s weird.’

I stand up and strip my pants the rest of the way off, kicking them away. Her gaze follows me, her eyes wide in her flushed face. Her tongue peeks out, swiping across her bottom lip as she looks me over, watching me just as intently as I watch her.

‘Is it weird now, angel?’ I ask, wrapping my fist around my cock.

She silently shakes her head.

‘Looking at you gets me like this,’ I say, stroking my dick. ‘So you’re just going to have to deal with me looking because I plan to do a whole hell of a lot of it. You’re beautiful.’

‘So are you,’ she whispers shyly.

‘Yeah?’ I cock my head to the side, grinning. ‘You think so?’

‘I do.’

I crawl onto the bed with her again, leaning down to kiss her lips. I work my way down this time, stopping to lavish attention on her tits. They’re full and high, fucking magnificent. She likes when I suck and bite her nipples. I leave love bites all over them, admiring every single little splotch that marks her as mine.

I’m not sure which of us is more worked up by the time I reach her pussy. She’s writhing beneath me, whimpering my name in sweet little cries that have my dick leaking cum. I peel her panties from her body, tossing them off the side of the bed. I want to spread her out and eat her until she’s screaming the roof down around us, but I already know if I get my mouth on her before she touches my dick, she won’t be touching my dick. And she wanted to play.

‘Come here,’ I say, settling my hands around her waist. I lift her to her knees and then lay back. ‘You’re going to sit on my face, angel.’

‘I…Tate, I’ve never…’

‘I know,’ I croon, running a hand down her side. I’m jealous over a fucking game she wrote, and my innocent angel has never even been touched. She’s as pure as the driven snow. I can’t wait to experience everything with this woman. ‘I’ve got you, Samara. Trust me.’

She exhales a shaky breath and then nods.

I help guide her into place, chuckling when she hovers over my face like she’s trying to levitate. ‘Baby, my mouth is about to become your new throne. I suggest you sit on it like you plan to stay a while,’ I growl, gripping her hips. She’s so wet, she’s damn near dripping onto my face already. If she doesn’t sit soon, I’m not going to be responsible for what I do. ‘Sit, angel.’

‘You won’t be able to breathe!’ she cries.

‘Did I say I wanted to breathe, or did I say I wanted to eat, Samara? Sit.’

‘Fine, but if you die, I better not go to jail,’ she huffs.

‘Angel,’ I chuckle. ‘Sit your pretty ass down and get your mouth on my cock.’

She tries to ease herself down little by little. After about two seconds, I’ve had about enough of that bullshit and pull her down onto my face. She cries out in shock…and then cries out again when I immediately attack her pussy like a starving man. She falls forward, her hands landing against my abdomen. As soon as her taste hits my system, I decide air isn’t a necessity at all. This pussy though? I’ll be living off it for the next seventy years. Minimum.

‘Oh my God!’ Samara cries. ‘Tate!’

‘Get your mouth on my cock, Samara,’ I growl, yanking her down even lower.

She sobs my name and stretches forward. A moment later, her perfect hand wraps around my cock. I nearly come unglued when her tongue touches the head. She’s timid at first, licking me like a lollipop, experimenting. I can tell by the way she stretches eagerly for more that she likes it. She’s a greedy girl.

She teases me mercilessly, oblivious to exactly what she’s doing to me as she explores. By the time she wraps those plump lips around the head of my cock, I’m in a race to get her off before I lose it down her throat. I’m clinging to control by the skin of my teeth. Every instinct I have screams at me to flip her over and pound into her until she’s mine in every way, but I won’t. I can’t. I refuse to fuck this up by pushing her too far too fast.

I thrust my tongue into her little fuckhole, growling at how tight she is. At how wet she gets. God, where’s she been all my life? I don’t know. But I think I was supposed to meet her now. There’s a reason I came into her life when I did, a reason she came into mine when she did. I don’t believe in much, but I believe that. We’re exactly where we’re meant to be.

I pry her cheeks apart, pressing my thumb against her back entrance. She moans around my cock, tensing and relaxing as if she isn’t sure if she likes it or not. That’s all right though. She’ll learn to love it. I toy with her, slowly getting her used to being touched there. She grinds against my face, riding it from above as her thighs tremble and shake around me. Whatever inhibitions she had about sitting on my face are long gone as she chases her orgasm.

I fuck her with my tongue, trying to hold off my own and get her there. It’s close…damn close when she cups my balls in her hand and gently rolls them between her fingers. My hips arch off the bed, forcing more of my cock down her throat. She gags around my length.

I thrust my tongue deeper into her pussy, grinding my nose against her clit and jiggling my thumb against her asshole at the same time. She cries out around my cock, her body locking down around me.

She comes in a heated rush of liquid honey and throaty cries. Her juices drip down her thighs, soaking my face as she rocks and moans. Her thighs are clamped tight around my head, the walls of her pussy fluttering and pulsing against my tongue. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.

Feeling her coming all over me sets off my own orgasm. I try to lift her off, not sure she’s ready for me to actually come down her throat, but she fights me like a little hellcat. Her nails dig into my thighs, her lips locked around my cock like she intends to stay there permanently. I give up trying to get her off and give her what she wants. My stomach clenches, cum shooting up my shaft.

I roar against her pussy, the world going black. Blood rushes in my ears in a torrent of sound. Everything slows, fading to this moment, to this woman. For one long moment, my world narrows to this…to her. And I realize that I was wrong earlier. I’m not falling for her. I hit the ground hours ago, leaving behind a crater miles wide.

This woman owns me.

Her and the fragile little girl waiting across the street for me to heal her heart.

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