The Sugilite Prince

Chapter 16 - Unseen Force

Sugi watched Jimon go with an ache in his heart. He rubbed his arms to warm them thinking how the time alone in the woods had actually been freeing. Oddly enough after seeing his mother, he felt safe here. Here, he didn’t have to worry about catching someone’s gaze and hurting them. Although he had gone in search of Jimon, he had found something more profound. He realized how intolerable the burden of the curse was for him and those around him, and he would do anything to end it. But it was so hard, leaving everything behind. He thought long and hard all night and had made up his mind to find Maeve and make things right with her.

He realized that his father had been unsuccessful in finding the elusive witch because it was Sugi that must find her. His father was away fighting enemies and had no choice but to free Sugi from his imprisonment at the castle. He knew his father cared about him and wanted to help him, but Sugi felt the burden of his disappointment. He wanted to be a good son that his father would be proud of, but instead, he had caused his parents so much pain.

Before he left, his father had spoken to him. He told Sugi he loved him and explained that he had had no choice in making his son a prisoner. The nobles demanding retribution for the deaths and attacks blaming it on the royal family. They even blamed his elf mother, fearing her because she was different. Afterward, they had all left the palace in fear. His mother was also forced into exile. Sugi wondered if his father feared he would not come back. It increased his anxiety, especially since his father could not make eye contact. He left giving his son a hug and before leaving told Jeon, “Take care of him.”

The days dragged on and his only solace was the infrequent visits of his friends, Fay and Vante. So much had gone wrong because of his selfish nature. This was his life lesson and burden. He hadn’t even realized how much he missed living without fear until he met Jimon. But just because he could look at him, the fear was still there that that would change and he would cause him harm. The only way he could be sure Jimon was safe would be to leave him. His decision was made, now he just had to execute his plan.


My heart felt like it was breaking. I knew that if I left to get him food he wasn’t going to be there when I returned. The culmination of my life led me to this moment. My choice cannot be to leave him. I had been searching for a place to belong. Although my head didn’t see it, my heart knew where I belonged and that is with him. Some unseen force had brought us together. It’s our destiny. No matter how much he pushes me away, I can’t leave him. I must fight for what I want and stop letting my insecurities take over my desires.

Fearing that Maeve would come after me, Sugi had given me his mother’s broach. He told me to go far from here and sell it to start a new life somewhere without him. He said that if we were meant to be, we would find each other again.

Jimon left dragging himself away. He started to run the further he got away from him, the more intent he was on helping him. Determined to at least show him he cared by providing for his physical needs. Suddenly he hears the palace guards calling out for Sugi. Jimon quickly ducks, hiding from them. With his heart thundering in his chest, he turns and heads back the way he came to warn Sugi of their imminent approach.

Jimon arrives at the clearing panting for breath. Sugi stares at him startled by his quick return.

“They are headed this way.”

“Who is?”

“Your guards.”

Sugi looks around trying to think what to do.

“Come back with me.”


“Come back. If you are truly serious about doing this, you have to come prepared with the things you will need. Let’s go back. I’m starving and tired. You must be too. Please.”

Jimon returns his gaze, his eyes pleading.

With a gentleness to his voice, Sugi answers, “You’re right. I can come back.” A fond smile plays on his lips as he gets up. “Wait, let me leave her a note. I’ll ask her to meet me here in a weeks time.

Jimon felt relieved. He was pleased that hadn’t lost his prince just yet.

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