The Subconscious Trials

Chapter 9

*Luke's POV*

As I typed each number - 19, 99, 60, and 88 - I recited them aloud, my voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. With my finger poised above the enter key, I hesitated momentarily before finally pressing down. Anxiously, I watched as the throbber icon circled on the screen.

To my astonishment, the desktop slowly loaded, revealing a prominent P logo in the background. "It worked!" I exclaimed in disbelief. Kendra's eyes widened as she hurried over to my side, her curiosity piqued.

"Why those random numbers?" she asked, furrowing her brow as she tried to decipher their significance.

"They're not random," I explained with a smile. "They represent elements from the periodic table. Nineteen is potassium or K, ninety-nine is einsteinium or E, sixty is neodymium or Nd, and eighty-eight is radium or Ra. Kendra" I smiled up at her.

Kendra looked at me, a mixture of confusion and amazement in her eyes.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "I believe the symbol for Einsteinium is Es, not E," she stated.

"You are correct, it is Es," I replied. "However, the symbol was initially given as E in 1955 before it was later changed to Es. This information is not widely known, as it was not included in the original periodic table, making it a more challenging password to crack," I explained. I couldn't help but feel impressed by her knowledge of the periodic table.

She nodded, absorbing the new knowledge with keen interest. "You truly are a boy genius," she remarked with a chuckle, unable to contain her amusement. I couldn't help but join in her laughter; her joy was infectious.

"Alright, let's get to work," I said as we refocused our attention. I turned back to the screen and began to open up files.

After some investigation, we determined that this facility was a cutting-edge biomedical lab specializing in isolating and treating various diseases and illnesses.

Cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes were just a few of the conditions that would be researched in this facility once it became operational. Unfortunately, it appeared that the lab had not yet opened, judging by the empty rooms we encountered.

I clicked on a file labeled 'Kendra's Project', only to find it was password protected. I attempted to enter '19996088', but quickly realized it was too long for the required 4-digit code. I briefly considered using the elements to spell out 'Luke', mirroring what I had done with Kendra's name, but ultimately decided against it due to the length of the password.

I glanced over at Kendra, who was lying on the floor with her feet stretched out against the wall. Her eyes were closed as she drummed her fingers and hummed a song. I had been so focused on finding information that I hadn't noticed how beautiful her humming sounded.

I smiled and asked, "What are you humming?" Kendra opened her eyes and looked up at me, saying, "I think it was our wedding song." She beamed at me.

"How so?"I encouraged her to share more about her newly recovered memory.

She explained, "I keep getting flashes of a white wedding dress, a beach, and us dancing to this song surrounded by a blurry crowd."

"Can you sing me the song?" I asked and she frowned shaking her head I could already see crimson on her cheeks. She was nervous, I loved seeing how much I could affect her, just as much as she affected me.

"Please?" I tried again. Kendra sat up and smiled, agreeing to sing only a small part of the song. I grinned, excited to hear her angelic voice. I sat crisscrossed in front of her, wanting to feel her close. I closed my eyes, imagining her in a wedding dress as we danced surrounded by family.

(Best Part -H.E.R. ft Daniel Caesar)

It's the sunrise

And those brown eyes, yes

You're the one that I desire

When we wake up

And then we make love

It makes me feel so nice

You're my water when I'm stuck in the desert

You're the Tylenol I take when my head hurts

You're the sunshine on my life

I just wanna see how beautiful you are

You know that I see it

I know you're a star

Where you go I follow

No matter how far

If life is a movie

Then you're the best part, oh oh oh

You're the best part, oh oh oh

Best part

I vividly recall the moment when her honey-colored eyes gazed at me with adoration. I can still hear her whispering "I love you" in my ear as we swayed to our favorite song. But then, the memory faded, replaced by flashes of other moments. I sat motionless, eyes shut tight, as my entire life flashed before me.

Luke nice to meet you I'm Kendra

I love you, Luke

Mr. Evans, I love your daughter and there is nothing I wouldn't do for her. I know I messed up, but my family's values are not ones I share. Please tell her I need to see her I want her to come home.

Baby, please come home. I'm sorry.

Mr. Evans, I came here today to ask for your blessing.

Kendra Evans, will you make me the luckiest man to ever walk this earth and marry me?

I do

Mrs. Parker, I'm afraid you have early-onset Alzheimer's.

Who the hell are you? Get out of my house.

Baby, it's me, Luke. Just put the fork down and let me show you.

Promise me you won't let me forget. Promise me you will always bring me back.

If I can't remember us then I don't want to live.

Oh god, Kendra what have you done?

I'm working on a project baby. I promise I'll find a way for you to remember. You just have to be strong ok? Testing will start soon and after I've found a cure I'll have you come in.

No Luke I want you to test it on me.

Baby you can't ask me to do that. It could be dangerous. I could lose you.

You are already losing me.

You just have to sign here Mrs. Parker.

Are you sure about this baby?


Luke don't bring me back if I can't remember.

I love you Luke.

I love you Kendra.

I took a deep breath and slowly opened my eyes, unsure of what to say now that my memories had returned. Kendra's concerned gaze met mine.

"Are you okay?" she asked, reaching out to gently caress my cheek

"Yes baby, I was just enjoying your voice."I replied with a smile, but then my eyebrows shot up in sudden realization. I had called her baby for the first time during the trials. However, Kendra didn't seem to mind, a smile beginning to form on her face.

"Baby." She paused.

"It gives me hope that things could be like before," she said, her eyes glinting with adoration the same way she would look at me before.

An: So Luke has his memories back. Should we take them away?

From the little snippets, you guys can tell how hard of a life they've had together.

They've lost so much.

But it is the loss that has made them even closer.


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