The Stripper Slave

Chapter 3

The rest of the night I kind of hid from everyone to gather my thoughts. I was battling with my thoughts and the fact that I was ordinary once again. My body was longing for the Moon Goddess as she took something from me. She took so much out of me now that she is missing. She abandoned us to fend for ourselves. To do what? Where is she? Will she come back? I was in the room of the packhouse staring at the stars. A large thud hid the ground as I saw a black wolf join me. Vince shifted back and joined me. Fully naked, what else? I took off my jacket and carefully put it on his privates. “You know we’re wolves right? We are naked most of the time.” I let out a soft laugh before elbowing him. “Are you hiding from me?” I rested my head on my knees before turning to him. “Yeah... I am. I am waiting for this mark to fade because I want to jump your bones.” If I didn’t have this night vision I would’ve missed the slight blush on his cheeks. “I am not sorry for saving you. I know we never see eye to eye but even with this new mate, you gave me. I still want you. So I am not sorry.” I let my head rest on his shoulder just to feel the bond one second. We stayed there just in silence until the clock hit midnight and it faded. But the bond still was there. “I wish things could’ve been different, but the universe had different plans for us.” Because in a perfect world it would have been him and I, and now it’s just us but in different situations. He turned his body so now he was facing me. “Why not? Athena, nothing is stopping us now, and I am willing to accept whatever heat comes at us.” I felt like the world was shaking as he poured his heart into me. I didn’t want to hurt anyone but I didn’t want to deal with this. “Vincent, no. We can’t ok.” His hands were not on each side of my neck forcing me to look at him. “We can. We’ll just have this continuous empty feeling for as long as we keep fighting it. You can’t tell me that you didn’t think the same when the curse is no longer a worry.” And just like that, my shaking of the head was stopped as his lips connected with mine. The worst part was, I couldn’t stop it. Because my hands were now squeezing his shoulder blades.

It was like we were in a trance and high on ecstasy. But a moan left my teeth which brought me to reality.

I pushed myself from him and avoided eye contact. “No this isn’t right. I am with Jack and he is good to me.” I stood up to start walking back. “So what, I am just disposable?” We now face to face. His face was red in anger. “I told you many times, don’t act so surprised. Why do you insist on pushing it huh? You think I was with Jack until there was no worry, then I would drop him? You don’t think do you?” His hands found my neck again before he kissed me again. My foot lost its balance pushing away from him before I came crashing down of the roof. And just like that everything went black for just a second. “Athena, Athena.” My eyes began to slowly open and I was staring at Vincent. “You know, you’re the most accident-prone person I know.” He reached for my arm and lifted me up. “I really am a clutz aren’t I?” We both laughed at the same time. But I was leaving him tomorrow to hide away from the feelings that are there. “Athena, I won’t stop fighting for you. We deserve to have a real shot.” He enclosed the space between us and rest his forehead on my mind. It was like sudden vibrations were distracting me from the real pain that was on my hips. The vibrations for some reason we’re getting louder and stronger. At the same time, our eyes connected when we both realized it was the ground that was moving us. “What is that?” As the ground began shaking I felt his arms around me keeping me still, until we both couldn’t. Shadows began to emerge from the woods and into daylight. Everyone was coming out of the building to figure out what was happening. Even without good vision, it was hard to see. Until we saw it. The Moon Goddess.

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