The Stripper Slave

Chapter 25

We all stood there waiting for her to turn around and explain what happened. I think she was trying to process it at the same time. Vanessa was someone who held a lot of pain in and never asked for anything loyalty but she had demons that ran so far back. Rejected, daggered, buried alive, abused. “Luna, what do you mean you tried to kill my sister?” I asked her as I walked closer to her. “It wasn’t her but the body she was in before. When she was born she caused chaos. She was the reason things were out of order. A child with two fathers’ DNA led to a strong wolf. My dad didn’t know that he was also a father and when he did he became obsessed with it. He avoided his family and I was just the adopted human baby with a mix over every supernatural character. I was angry and jealous but it wasn’t that. This curse didn’t only affect the goddess but it affected everyone. She was miserable being with someone other than her mate. They gave her the same fate. What no one knows is the curse didn’t start until after the child was born. She brought chaos. We all were turning against each other but we had to sit back and let it happen because it was the law. Her father had called me and we had a conversation. He told me that the baby needed to die or the curse wouldn’t end and there will come a time where a lot of wolves would die again. No, we know she descended into your body and we know the damage she did to your packs. So I made a deal with him. The baby is to die. And he promised me something in return.” She walked over to the window and the guilt was eating her up you can tell. “What did he promise you?” She was hitting her palm with her fist and her eyes were swelling.

“I was a human who was given the ability of every supernatural character. There was a downfall to being powerful. I was made to never bear children. He told me to do what he asked of and he will grant me that because he had the power to do that. So I-” She choked on her words. “The night she was supposed to be killed I went into the nursery and picked the baby up. I held her and cried. And I-” Now she was fully crying. “You don’t need to give us details.” Drew stopped her but she held her hand up. “Days after Clary had risen for the dead and she was searching for her daughter. She spent the next century looking and hurting who she could until she found her. She had asked me for help but hated me when I turned her down. And now you’re telling me her soul was put into your sister. She is the reason things are this way.” I was now a few feet away from her. “You’re not killing my sister. She is innocent in all of this Luna.” I yelled. “SHE IS A CURSE!” Her Alpha voice was enough to make me submit. “So you want to kill a ten-year-old for what? So that I can be with my mate and we can be on our merry way? She knows she’s alive and Clary is still fucking here making everyone her bitch! I was a slave! So don’t talk to me like my sister dying is going to do anything then piss her off! She is doing things because she can and not because of built-in anger. She is the exact opposite of what a Goddess is supposed to do; she needs to be stopped. If that means me never being with my mate again so be it. She is too young and innocent for any of this don’t you understand?” I finally took a deep breath when I felt a part of my arms around me. I was instantly calm. “Take my mate away, but don’t kill my sister.” She looked back at me and her eyes were serious. I knew what I was asking for. I was never getting a happy ending but I know that no one will have to die. She looked at me with a serious look and she nodded. I made an agreement with her. My mate for my sister. “I will help you with Clary, and I won’t kill your sister, but there is something you can do for me.” I looked at her ready for it. “I am stepping down soon which puts my son Drew in charge. His mate is dead. He needs a Luna.” Oh, look, more complications. I turned back to see everyone’s face. Drew was embarrassed. Jack was pissed. But most of all Vincent was hurt. I think it was time to officially let him go. Same with Jack. “No. I can’t do that.” I cried out. “If asking for your help means taking everything I love away then I am not going to do it. I will do this myself.” I am still looking and something sparked in Vincent’s eyes. “I have an Alpha and he is the only one I listen to. He doesn’t make me decide between the two things I love for life and death. He rides until we ride or die together.” I looked back at her to see her stunned.”

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