The Stripper Slave

Chapter 18

Apart of me feels for her. She chose her first child over her mate and that was respectable but she never got over the hurt. She did take it out on us. “What did you do in order to make her upset?” She asked me. Which is a long story full of more questions. “She asked me to basically run her kingdom with her. Which meant I had to leave my family and mate in order to do so. She was so power-hungry and had that mean girl look and it’s just not me. Luna, I am not of importance. I was a stripper in the Kangston pack with no real meaning. I had no important role and now I am one of the most hated people who got her ass beat every day while my mate was fucking the Goddess and planning behind my back. There is no good outcome for me but I can at least try to make things less suckish.” I finally took a deep breath knowing I said it all without stopping. I plopped down on the chair and buried my face in my hands. It went silent and Drew was rubbing my back. “What’s a stripper?” I heard her say which made everyone look at each other awkwardly. I thought for a second and wondered what I could do to explain it. “If I am being blunt. I stripped bare and danced on a pole for money.” She looked at me curiously. “You mean like naked dancing? And people enjoyed that?” I nodded at her. “Well, I am not one to judge anymore. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have any importance, Athena.” She got up from her seat and was now standing in front of me. She grabbed both of my arms and stood me up as we were inches apart. “Importance isn’t defined by who follows after you. It is defined by the ability you carry within. Because even the important people you think of are really alone. Do you think if she didn’t have the power she has that anyone would be behind her? Now you have an army behind you. You saved my son when he needed it and became a friend to him. So you are under my wing. Clary isn’t someone I am afraid of. If anything she is afraid of me. I am not a God but I am immune to her powers. Drew will-” She was caught off when she suddenly looked into my eyes.

Her hands were holding my head as she stared into them. “Ember. Your eyes glow golden. You’re pure. Your daughter is she a wolf?” She asked me. “She is too young but she came from two wolves. She’s a little psychic too.” A smile was now on her face. The first one to be seen since I’ve seen her. “Have you heard the tale of two brothers?” I know I shouldn’t be surprised but I was that she brought that up. “Yes, that the Goddess chose the brother because he was the safe option.” She grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room and around the palace until we landed in a room. “You all just love touching. What’s going on?” She reached for a book that was covered in dust. “You heard the simple version of the tale of two brothers but there was one that history got wrong. This is exciting.” I watched as she turned pages and noticed Alec and Drew were both just as confused as I was. What’s so special about it? We all stood there just watching her basically throw a party about it. “There was this myth that no one really understood is her daughter. Why she was with her chosen mate, she was secretly seeing my father, and then she got pregnant. They took her to so many witches to figure out who the baby could belong to but no one could figure it out until the baby was born. She was born with glowing gold eyes and after DNA became a thing they found out this baby had two fathers. That’s how the tale of two brothers existed. They were both blood-related and well DNA crossed.” My mouth literally dropped hearing that. Could that mean Ryn belongs to both men?

“Yes. Clary and you both have that in yours due to the cross DNA. It means that the reason she is able to see things before they happen, it’s magic. Only the Gods can do something like that. People like this are considered Demi-Gods. They don’t have as much power as one but they have abilities way beyond us. So tell me about your daughter.” She read my mind and wow this was amazing. But what fate does this leave her? “Wait, so does that mean your father is the father to Karina?” She looked at me and nodded. “But he doesn’t know.”

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