The Strays

Chapter Chapter Sixteen

I broke free and made my way over to the kitchen where Jeremiah had laid out a map.

“If this is what I think it is, then I guess you’re good to go now.”

“Don’t be like that, Cae.” Jeremiah sighed as he leaned in the doorway.

“You have absolutely no right to tell me how I should be, or how I should react. This was something you were supposed to help me with, I can handle things in the city because I know the city, but I know nothing about your refuge, for all I know this could be a trap and I made a mistake saving you.”

“It isn’t a trap, I swear. Why would I go to the effort of saving your friends from Ratchet if it were? Why would I continue protecting your friends by messing with their tags on the system?”

“I haven’t made contact with my friends. You and Ratchet could be in this together for all I know. I have to be careful, it’s not just my life on the line anymore.”

I heard Tali and Ty walk into the kitchen.

“You two need to keep the noise down. Half the city can hear your domestic.” Ty sighed as he wiped his tired eyes.

“Are mum and dad fighting again?” Colt teased as he groggily followed Tali.

“Both of you can go and fuck yourselves because this isn’t a game.”

“What’s wrong with her and where’s Ace?” Tali queried, redirecting the conversation.

“Ace is gone. He’s not ready to leave the city because he has some unfinished business. As for Cae, her paranoia is currently getting the better of her and she thinks I’m setting you guys up.” Jeremiah explained with a condescending sigh.

“And why does she think that?” Ty defensively stated as he squared off with Jeremiah

“Why don’t you ask her!?” Jeremiah bitterly replied.

Ty looked over at me and rolled his eyes. “Well? You going to say something or what?”

“Jeremiah isn’t going with us, and this map doesn’t outline E.A.D patrol routes. If Haven is where Jeremiah says it is, then our only route is through the forest, which is due North of Ratchet’s base of operations.” I took a pen and drew a line through one of the hiking trails just off the road. “This whole perimeter is heavily patrolled. If we don’t know shift changes or exact routes, we’ll be going into enemy territory blind.”

Ty stormed past me and grabbed Jeremiah by the throat. With ease, he lifted the weaker boy up and slammed him onto the table. “Are you seriously trying to set us up after Cae and Leo saved your sorry ass?”

“There’s a pig trail that runs parallel to the hiker’s path, the terrain’s tougher and it’s not really all that safe as a single slip could be fatal.” Jeremiah informed us as he winced in pain, blood slowly seeping through his shirt from the bullet wound that hadn’t fully healed.

“Then why isn’t it on the map!” Ty aggressively persisted.

“Because it’s not been in use since the nineties, so this OS map won’t show it.” Colt interrupted as he pulled Ty off of Jeremiah and took the pen from me.

He circled two points on the map and drew a line between them. “That should get us past Ratchet’s patrols.”

“How did you know where that was?”

“I used it a few times to sneak out into the city whilst training.” He admitted with a grin.

“And you’re sure nobody else knows about it.” I looked at both Jeremiah and Colt for confirmation.

“I can’t give any definitive answers because I’ve not used it in years.” Colt confessed.

I continued to stare at Jeremiah

“It runs parallel to the patrol routes, so there’s a slim chance you could be seen if you aren’t careful. I can’t make any promises, but it’s the safest bet you have.” There was no dishonesty in his words.

“I guess that means we don’t have a choice, but I swear to God, if this is a trap, I will hunt you down and you will suffer.”

Jeremiah offered me his signature smug smile. “I would expect nothing less from you. Now I suggest you and your friends get going before the city gets locked down, because if you can’t get past that obstacle, then your little rebellion will be over before it’s started.”

I looked over at my friends. “Are you all packed?”

They nodded their heads.

“Then it looks like we’re good to go.”

Ty and Tali went to get their things and to wake up Leo, whilst Colt pulled me aside. “You got everything you need?”

I held up my backpack. “Everything I got and everything I need is in here, minus my board, but Leo knows where that is.”

“You always travel this light?” He continued.

“It’s not like I can take my computer gear or weapons. They’re too heavy, slow me down.”

“I just thought you’d be more sentimental.” He smiled.

“Practicality comes first. It’s how I survived this long. Now I suggest you go get your things. We leave in ten.”

Jeremiah smiled at me as the room finally cleared. “Thank you for trusting me.”

“Don’t make me regret it.”

“I won’t and I swear to you I will meet you in Haven as soon as I can.”

“Check in. If I don’t hear from you within a week, I’m coming back.”

Jeremiah shook my hand. “It’s a deal.”

We had just finished saying goodbye when Tali reappeared, alone.

“Hey. Where are the guys? We need to get going.”

“They’re just waiting for you.” She explained.

“Then I guess we should get going.”

Tali looked between me and Jeremiah. “About that actually, I can’t go with you, Cae, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, for my brother, but I need to stay here, I can’t face him just yet, not until I’ve put things right. I was actually thinking maybe I could help Jeremiah, if you’ve got any use for me.”

He nodded his head. “Actually, I need someone who knows the city to keep an eye on Ace, shadow him and keep me apprised of his findings, unless you object to that Cae.”

I shook my head. “He has a knack for finding trouble. I don’t think it can hurt for him to have a guardian angel like Tali looking out for him. I assume you already told the guys you won’t be joining us.”

“Yeah. They were really understanding actually, but I’ve promised them I’ll come find you guys again in the future, if you’d be willing to have me back.”

“You’ll always have a home with us, Strays.”

I hugged Tali as Jeremiah took a step back. When we both let go of each other, she had tears in her eyes.

“Well, I guess this is goodbye for now, then.”

“I guess it is. Take care of the guys. Lord knows what they’d do without you.” She smiled.

“I will, and you take care of yourself.” I smiled back as they both left and I went to find the boys.

The sun had just started to rise while we made it out of the city undetected. As we climbed further out of the city limits, I couldn’t help but look back in awe as the sun bathed the city in an almost heavenly glow. From up on the hillside, it almost looked peaceful, normal even, but I knew better than to let appearances deceive me.

“Are you sure this is a good idea Cae?” Ty’s doubts brought me back into the present once again, the bliss of the rising sun now gone.

“We don’t have any other options and at least this way you get to see your brother again.”

“I can’t believe it’s been so long since we last saw him. You know it’s his birthday next week? Eighteen, that’s how old he’s going to be.” He smiled, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

“I didn’t know. We’ll have to do something, celebrate the occasion. It could be a good excuse to boost morale.”

Ty thought about my offer. “I’m not sure. He hasn’t celebrated anything like this since we lost our parents.”

“Then we’ll keep it a surprise. God knows we could all use the downtime.”

“Then that means you’ll have to keep out of trouble because I’m going to hold you to this.”

“No promises on that. Trouble has an uncanny way of finding me, even when I don’t go looking for it.”

“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” He sarcastically retorted, and I punched him in the arm.

Colt and Leo must’ve heard our laughter as they slowed their pace to wait for us.

“What’s so funny?” Colt asked defensively, no doubt paranoid that we were talking about him.

“Nothing really, I was just telling Cae about Linc’s eighth birthday, and let’s just say it was a mess, man he’d be so pissed if he knew I’d told anyone.”

Colt rolled his eyes.

“It’s Linc’s birthday soon, so I figured we should do something. Ty was just giving me an example of what not to do.”

Colt was visibly gritting his teeth as he looked at Ty and I noticed a smirk cross Leo’s face as he glanced at the pair.

“Can we please start picking up the pace, ideally I want to reach Haven by tomorrow night at the latest.” I desperately needed to change the topic of conversation and the ever-growing tension that came with it.

Nobody really said too much after that and I powered on ahead, though that didn’t stop Leo sprinting to catch up.

“So... You feel like telling me what that was back there?” He grinned, an assumption already formed in his mind.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t play coy with me. Something happened between you and Colt, didn’t it?”

I knew he wasn’t going to let the subject go, so I caved. We were friends, after all. “Fine, he kissed me the other night and things haven’t been quite the same since.”

“That boy moves fast, I’ll give him that. The real burning question I have though, is did you like it and did you kiss him back?”

“That’s two questions, and no.”

“No, you didn’t like it, or no, you didn’t kiss him back?”

“I didn’t kiss him back and I don’t know if I liked it, okay? I’ve never kissed a guy before, except Drew, but that doesn’t count.”

Leo’s smile widened. “I get that it’s the end of the world and all that, but how is that possible? Surely there was a guy before all of this.”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I was never really one for dating, especially not when I had a psycho like Delilah dating my older brother, their relationship was hardly a healthy display of affection, and it was genuinely just off putting to be honest, so I stayed single, guys never really interested me, neither did girls, I was always just comfortable on my own.”

“Wow, that is a lot of depressing information to process at once, especially the bit about Sean and Delilah. I’d have thought if your brother was anything like you he’d have better taste.”

“The girl had a way of twisting people. Even my brother wasn’t immune to her charms, not that I ever thought she had any.”

“Let’s get back to the more important matter at hand. What are you going to do about Colt? He clearly likes you.”

“Really, he does? Maybe you should tell him that, because after we kissed, he told me it was a mistake, and he knew I wasn’t that kind of girl, because I’m not girly enough.”

“In that case, fuck him. We’re going to save the city and then we’re going to find you a decent guy, even if he’s the last of his kind.”

I smiled and laughed, happy to have my old friend back.

We followed the route laid out by Colt and Jeremiah, which meant we narrowly missed the E.A.D patrol, though once we were clear, the settlement was just far enough out of the way that we didn’t encounter any further issues, at least not until we reached the place marked on the map.

“Are you sure this is the right place?” Leo queried, looking at me and Colt.


“He set us up?” Ty asked me.


“How can you be so sure?”

“Because we’ve got company.”

Ty grabbed Leo and Colt pulled me towards him as we realised we were surrounded on all sides.

“I’m starting to think trusting Wraith was a bad idea.”

“For once we both agree on something.” Colt concurred.

“Actually, I’m not so sure you guys are right, if this were a setup, we’d be dead by now, wouldn’t we?” Ty weighed in.

“He’s got a point.” Leo mumbled.

“Would you lot be quiet? I’m trying to work out a way for us to get out of this alive.”

“This is beyond even you, we’re outnumbered four to one.” Colt hissed.

“And might I add, they’re heavily armed, we aren’t.” Ty sighed.

“Who knew you guys could be so pessimistic.”

“This coming from Little Miss Impulsive.” Colt retorted.

A guy in a black leather jacket walked over to us, his face covered in a dark paint-like substance. “I hate to interrupt your lover’s spat, but you lot seem to be a bit out of your depth, you’re a long way from the city. Are you lost?”

“Nope, not lost, we just really, really needed a change of scenery, after all it’s good to get out and try something new, even in the apocalypse. I didn’t realise it was a crime to leave the city to go looking for something new.”

The older guy in the leather jacket looked me up and down, sizing me up. “It’s not criminal, it just isn’t highly recommended. The city is a dangerous place, most of it’s a chaotic mess, but there is some order, some power infrastructure no matter how poor, out here it’s just desperate people seeking some sort of freedom, most would argue that’s far more terrifying than whatever it is you’re running from.”

“We’re not running from anything, actually it’s the opposite, we’re heading toward something and we have a few friends we need to be meeting with, we don’t want any trouble, so you go your way, we’ll go ours, nobody has to get hurt today.”

“This ain’t the city, sweetheart, you don’t have any power or influence out here and you’re in no position to be calling shots. You might be in charge of your cute, little ragtag posse, but that doesn’t mean you get to tell me and my people what to do.”

“I’m trying to resolve this amicably without any violence, but honestly I’m tired and my patience is wearing really thin, so either let us go, or get on with whatever it is you plan on doing.” I snapped, squaring up to him.

Colt pulled me backwards, his grip on my arm tight. “This is what I mean when I say you’re impulsive, seriously, what are you thinking, these guys could kill us, why’re you being so hostile?”

I yanked my arm free and glared at him. “I’m being hostile because I am exhausted, I haven’t slept properly in months, and I just got played. Again. So I’m sorry if my fuse is a little shorter than usual.”

“Please tell me you have a plan.” Ty sighed.

“Why do I always have to be the one with the plan? Why can’t someone else make the plans for a change?”

“Because that’s what you do, isn’t it?”

“What did you do before you met me, Ty? It’s not like you never had to deal with this kind of thing at The Paragon.”

“Actually, we never had this kind of trouble before we met you, so no, I’m not used to making plans on the spot to get out of hostile scenarios where people want to kill us.”

I turned to Leo. “It’s an absolute miracle you survived this long running with a clueless clown like Ty.”

“I thought you two were finally getting along.” He replied as Ty slipped my bo staff out of my bag and palmed it over to me.

Colt quickly caught on to what we were doing, and started playing along, as the circle surrounding us closed in. “We really doing this?”

“If we have to, then yeah.”

“What about Leo? N offense to the kid but he can hardly hold his own.”

“Keep an eye on him, if he looks like he’s in trouble one of us will step in. The odds aren’t exactly great, but if we keep our guard up I say we stand a good chance, besides, wouldn’t you rather go down swinging?”

The four us were now pressed up against each other, back to back as we stood our ground.

The guy in the leather jacket took another step towards me and Colt went to step in, but I got there first. “I’ve got this covered, just trust me.”

He stepped down, and I moved closer to the stranger, staring him down. “This is your last chance to let us walk away before this gets ugly.”

The guy in the leather jacket laughed. “Are you really egotistical enough to think you can just make an empty threat like that and I’d let you leave? Be realistic for a minute, sweetheart, you’re outnumbered, unarmed and your friends have no faith in you or your ability to lead. I’ll give you one opportunity to surrender and I can assure you won’t be harmed, neither will your friends.”

“What happens if I say no?”

“This gets ugly. One way or another, you’re coming with us, we’ve got some questions and if I like your answers, well maybe we’ll let you go.”

I shook my head. “I thought about it and that’s not happening. I have people counting on me and I really don’t want to let them down, so I’ll take my chances.” I turned to the guys. “What do you guys think?”

“I think if they throw the first punch, we’ll be the throwing the last.” Colt cockily smiled.

“Hard way it is, then.” The guy in the leather jacket sighed as he grabbed me by the arm.

“Wrong choice.” I sighed as I pressed the button in the palm of my hand, quickly catching the bo staff as it unfurled. I broke free of the stranger’s grip and slammed the staff into his gut, before swinging upwards, it caught him just below the chin and knocked his head backwards, sending him straight onto the floor. His friends went to advance as I put the staff to his throat, but Colt and Ty did a pretty good job of holding them off.

“Call off your friends before this gets any more out of hand, I’ve made my point, but if you keep pushing me, this’ll just end badly for you.”

“I don’t think I got your name.”

“That’s because I didn’t give it.”

“Well, I’m Reach and it’s been a while since a girl had me on my back, though those were certainly some very different circumstances.” He grinned.

“I guess I’m not as sweet as I look, and like I said earlier, my fuse at the moment is incredibly short, so call off your friends before I do something painful.”

“Sorry, no can do.” He sighed as he grabbed the staff with both hands and yanked on it, pulling me to the floor, where he quickly climbed on top of me, pinning me down as he held a knife to my throat.

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