The Spurned Heir

Chapter 12


I had thought I would die, the speed was so great.

I have never seen a savaged demon before and I guess she is one of them, there was fury in her eyes, her body burn with rage, her claws were so sharp and craved for skin to pierce, she looked so deadly, My eyes went shut tightly as I saw her rush at me with those great powers and magic, it was enough to shred me into pieces.

"Scarlett, please...." I had mumbled under my breath waiting for her strike but then I felt nothing, something strange really happened, It seemed like I was controlled by an unseen force.

It was so unusual and I never thought I could do such a thing, the force came from inside me, with the great speed she had, my hand still caught her throat so easily and before I could know it, I pushed her away forcefully and was shocked at the power I got.

The push made her slam her back to the wall so hard and I shuddered staring at my hands.

"How did I do that?" I asked myself as she slowly got up to her feet staring at me from head to toe, there was a pure surprise in her eyes, she never expected it, I too never saw it coming. " you did that?" She sputtered walking closer to me.

I moved back in fear, just then, the door of the room opened and three guards stepped in, "Luna, the Alpha needs your presence now" one of them informed and I sighed in relief, at least she is leaving. "Okay, I'll be there in a jiffy!" She smiled and they bowed leaving immediately.

"Scarlett was that the power of your wolf??... Did your stinky and good-for-nothing wolf has such a force to push me to the wall so hard!!" She growled with a look of contempt, there was no doubt she hated every single part of me, Including my shadow...

I could say any word as I wondered, I really can't understand how I was able to do that, the power I felt that moment was so great and I noticed my wolf scamper and huddled inside me, I knew I didn't shift into my wolf, it was that strange beast in me, it took control of my hand and I was able to fight Scarlett...

"I can see you ain't easy to kill, I love it, at least you will be alive to see how your pack goes into extinction, I'll wipe you all from the surface of the earth, as for your father...." She paused and smirked. "His body will be sacrificed in the altar of the demons, we will drink his blood and eat his flesh!!!" She growled and laughed croaky.

"I'll tell all this to my dad, I'll report to everyone and let them know you are a demon!!!....I'll tell them you are evil!!!!" I screamed with hot tears rolling down continuously...

She sneered at me and burst into a scornful laugh clapping her hands.

"Poor girl, you will end up being beaten to stupor like always, no one will believe you, after killing your mother and having those strange eyes, who wants to hear a word from a spurned wolf..."

She giggled and held my jaw raising my gaze to her face. "You are trash, don't stress yourself, at least you escaped death today, let me see how many royal members can do the same..."

She laughed again before leaving.

I slumped on the bed weakly as my head pound so hard, I can feel the hotness of my red eyes like it has fire in them, I shut it tightly feeling the heaviness of my heart increase, she was right, I'm trash and no one will believe me especially when it was about the new Luna, they were surely going to beat me up for spitting such a word about her.

"Why can't they just see it? Scarlett, you are a hybrid!" My wolf exclaimed with surprise.

"I guess so because right now, I don't just know I was able to escape death, how I was able to withstand such a great force from her power that could burst me up" I sighed and hissed laying on the bed in hunger.

"I'm hungry" my wolf sulked and I cuddled myself up with tears falling off, "I won't be eating anything till nightfall, that is how they made it. I'm going to be starving from morning till night, unfortunately, they thought I was the demon, they were afraid I'll kill them if I got the strength, Never did they knew the devil was in their midst, I wish anyone would listen to me, Scarlett is the head demon.

I woke up right before anyone could do, it had become part of me, waking up so early no matter how late I slept, I got out of the bed feeling weak but I am not ready for another round of beating or torture, it has been so much recently. I had passed through a lot that I wondered if I should take my life, the hatred was too much, everyone, just every single person hates me deeply and raw, seeing me was enough to spoil their day.

They will always act like I am a kind of monster, I wish I can meet my mother and ask if I really took her life, I knew nothing then, I was still like a feotus, how would I have the mind of killing mom when she was yet to wrong me, my birth took her life and I guess it should be blamed on fate, that may have been the fate assigned for her by the moon goddess but that didn't go that way.

I was made the killer and everyone believed it, the reason why mom died was never known do they concluded especially with my strange eyes, they had no choice but to term me a demon...

I took three-step to the door and felt a rush of dizziness wave through my body that I staggered back to the bed and plopped down with a loud thud, my head pound so heavily, both of my legs were weakened that I couldn't stand again. The scene of yesterday came filling my mind and I shut my eyes tight holding my temple as I shook my head to shove it off, it was taunting me, the sight of the demon Luna was breaking my heart and making me go mad.

It was so clear to me that she was a demon yet I have no courage to say it to daddy, the first time I mentioned it, he punched me himself, I bled, I fear what he will do this time when I repeat those words, there was no friend around me, no one will hear me out, they all love Scarlett as the second Luna, she is highly respected.

"How then can I make it known that she was here for a bloody mission, her mission to wipe the shadow pack away from the surface of the earth?!"

"Why I'm the only one who knows this!!!" I screamed in pain gritting my teeth as hot tears rolled freely, My lips quivered and I really felt my heart breaking into pieces, it was useless knowing it, I got to see her true identity with the red eyes but then what is the use?.

I'm a slave, I'm nothing!.

Everyone loves hitting me, they hate seeing me...

How can I convince them that I wasn't the demon but the Luna, I growled to myself feeling so angry, angry at everyone in the park, they are all blind and ignorant, Scarlett was going to succeed, I can't help the death looming around, With a deep sigh of exasperation, I got off the bed and head to the kitchen, at first, I had thought I'd be locked up in the room as they once mentioned but that wasn't true, I was only bound from leaving the pack house and not my room. All the work around the park house was still on my head, all the slaves had been sent away, even the omegas are treated well, I have to do all the work by myself...

I got out of my room and scurried to the kitchen to make a quick dish as usual, after some hours, I was done, I began to do the sweeping and cleaning, the hallway which was so large, the hall which looked like a field, I just felt like I will lose my breath, it was so much for one person but they won't see that everyone has rejected me!

Hours were gone before I was done, I had to keep the food on the dining table before the sweeping as I knew I would be late to do that when I begin to clean the house, I must swear everywhere was intentionally littered with all kinds of trash, It was clear that everyone wants me to suffer, the dirt that surrounds the house every morning would make you cry in frustration, but I have to clean it up and wait for another round the next day.

"Hey come over here!" I heard a voice order me from behind, I really forced myself not to hiss when I knew who had the voice, I know quite well who it was, the voice was that of Hazel the daughter of Scarlett.

I turned and met her scornful look, she was really staring at me like a shut and I really felt ashamed at it, she was looking so fresh and beautiful, her red hair was permed and flowed down to her back, she has bright brown eyes which really adorned her tan skin, her full body was elegant, good shape and soft skin.

I had always admired her beauty and wished I was her but not anymore, now she has grown to hate me like her mother. I have also learned to stay away from her, I'm the unfortunate one, she is so much lucky to have the Luna as her mother. "Why are you staring at me? Run over here now!"

She ordered with those little years old voices, as much as I can remember, I am 16 now which means I'm older than her, this really made me feel hurt at how she just ordered me.

I growled deeply walking to her instead of the run she ordered I do, I just wished I wasn't rejected, I wish I have the same right as her, I would have slapped her for shouting at me, she should be calling me big sister but hell no, my world is different.

Just as I got close to her, she slapped me hard to my cheek making my eyes widened in shock, I held my cheek with my mouth agape, "Next time, you run and not walk you filthy demon!" She seethed.

"Scarlett you slapped me??...for real??.." I exclaimed with a raised blow making her laugh scornfully.

"Come over to my room and keep it tidy, clean everywhere, after that, arrange my school uniform, be fast so I won't be late to school..." She ordered and I sneered at her, "I'll be the greatest fool to do all that and mind you, I won't spare you again if you dare to raise your scraggly hand on me!"

I growled and turned away, She rushed at me from behind, I sensed it and turned immediately, a hot slap from her landed on my cheek again and this time I couldn't bear it, I gave her my slap and she fell immediately screaming like she would die anytime soon, "Are you still a kid, I slapped you just once and you are rolling on the floor, screaming like a day-old child!" I scoffed but she screamed louder and that was when I knew I'm doomed, She was screaming to call the attention of Dad and Mom, my heart began to beat so loud and fast, I stared at her as she cried as I slapped her.

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