Chapter The Pentecost

I have a card for you it has information for a church program this Sunday you must attend; the ministers of this program have very great insight on such matters. They perform such acts as exoticism, if they ate not able to flush the beast out the will help you name it. I too will be present on that Sunday.

The driver in the car behind Symons starts his engine and begins to honk his horn. It seems a diversion has been created and the traffic is no longer at a halt. Symons leaves the woman in order to move his car. He gets in his car, starts his engine but when he looks at the bus stop the woman is no longer the, she has left without leaving her name or number. Symons moves slowly through the traffic but is still unable to recognize any one in the pedestrian crowd wearing the same clothing. He looks at the card the woman gave to him it says it says awakening Pentecostal church of God. Symons continues to head toward home.

Unknown to Symons the Pentecostal church is one different from most others. Catholic religion and Pentecostal religion are different. We can say all religions are different, even if their book of worship is the same, the Muslims possess a different book of worship but still propose they worship the same God of the Christians and so a lot of other religions. This is so because God is universal and the God theory is universal, no matter how many intelligent beings you come across throughout the ages of any dimension the is always a unilateral understanding of the God of the universe, the one before all the space and time. The word religion represents a lot in our lives and community till date. This is because God has existed before us. He as even existed before the further outer galaxies you see in your night sky. Religions are simply a way groups of people choose to fellowship and teach about the God of creation, bear in mind the teachings are not God himself, the teachings are just a mare reflexing of the almighty being himself and are only perceptions of what the group or fellowship belief and follow. More about the Pentecost.

Classical Pentecostalism is a renewal movement [1] within Protestant [2] Christianity that places special emphasis on a direct personal experience of God through the baptism with the Holy Spirit. The term Pentecostal is derived from Pentecost, the Greek name for the Jewish Feast of Weeks.

For Christians, this event commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the followers of Jesus Christ, as described in the second chapter of the Book of Acts in the holly bible. It is distinguished by belief in the baptism with the Holy Spirit as an experience separate from conversion that enables a Christian to live a Holy Spirit–filled and empowered life. This empowerment includes the use of spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues and divine healing. Some Other defining characteristics of Pentecostalism are their commitment to biblical authority, and miracles. Miracles simply meaning people who possess this gift can do and undo the impossible.

Pentecostals tend to see their movement as reflecting the same kind of spiritual power and teachings that were found in the Apostolic Age of the early church. For this reason, some Pentecostals also use the term Apostolic or Full Gospel to describe their movement.

He often thought about what difference it would make, after all he had attended church and had a psychologist peer with his mind and all made no difference, although differences were made in time and points he couldn’t not understand. Pentecostalism emerged in the early twentieth century among radical adherents of the Holiness movement who were energized by revivalism and expectation for the imminent Second Coming of Christ.

Believing that they were living in the end times, they expected God to spiritually renew the Christian Church thereby bringing to pass the restoration of spiritual gifts and the evangelization of the world in the nineteen hundred

Symons contemplated about his encounter with the Pentecost. He often thought about what difference it would make, after all he had attended church and had a psychologist peer with his mind and all made no difference, although differences were made in time and points he couldn’t not understand. Most changes were made at points that only I had seen, all seemed like Symons destiny was being channeled in a direction like he was a mare knight on chess board.

Symons was present on that Sunday and hoped for some sort of miracle, he expected some sort of baptism like Jesus in the river of Jordan. As the preaching went on felt the vibe from the prophet, the pathogen begun to taunt him and show shadows upon the falls and walls, steering Symons in the eyes. Members of the crowd were on unable to see them and Symons remains alone in this torment. The preacher continues to ministers in faith. Zacharias the minister at the altar can perceive the presence on an entity non-human, non-spirit, non-soul. Zacharias was shocked because not many times in his priesthood had he come across a creature such as such. Yet it was still a mystery were the creature was radiating from. Zack new that such a creature would not step into a church on its own, meaning someone must have brought it here or the creature must have followed someone. Zack begun to feel he was in the presence of a demon or an evil being but this wasn’t irregular, the Pentecostal church is one know to have such situations of angels, demons and the possessed. The test of their faith and their power of God was one tested to regularly; situations like this are more common in such a church of Pentecostal Christianity than most other religions. Zacharias continues to preach. He began be to talk about the pathogen, letting the crowed know there is a demon in their presence. Notice and understand that Zack uses the word demon to express the presence of the pathogen because in the human languages their not too many words allocated to all sorts of things. We can only explain something by comparing it to something else and if the comparisons are between the two; scenarios, items, entities are not the same the explanation becomes void or invalid. This is just a point I decided to segregate out because we must understand it’s very hard to explain the unknown to a feeble mind.

Un-banish-able entities in time

Zacharias continues to preach about the demon and ogres who ever possess it to come forward; he will address the matter and aid the beholder into deliverance. The pathogen shows images of its self on the walls facing the altar. Zacharias can see the demon taunting him, other enlightened spiritual minds can also visualize and feel the demon. Symons is locked inside some sort of trance dream, deferring his attention away from what is happing in the present in the Pentecostal church. A strong wind starts to blow through the church; members become scared and begin to flee the building.

The woman at the bus stop who invited Symons to church few days beforehand is parent at the chapel see’s Symons and remembers him. She has a brief euphony and in a brief moment is inspired. To introduce Symons to Zacharias. she can see from watching Symons that something isn’t quite right, the spirit guiding her knows the off key from the past day encounter with Symons. At the incident of the accident traffic jam. The Zacharias can still sense the pathogen. After the service she induces Symons to Zacharias. Zacharias can sense the pathogen and then calls Symons to an office at the back of the sanctuary. The place is heavily guarded with two men in black at the front. Only those authorized to enter may pass. The woman leaves Symons in the care of the preacher. As they enter the office Symons sits as Zacharias says a short prayer with his eyes closed quietly within himself.

Zacharias: Symons this demon you have within you how did you come about it. Does it speck. How is it able to form this images upon walls, did it guide you over here, would you like me to relinquish the beast.

Symons then told him the whole shebang, the situation of the incident and how he was in a coma for days in the hospital and transcended into another dimension. All the torcher and torment he went through by two spirits living within him Cresol and Balaam. How They gave him an escape out of the coma back to reality and the convent he made with them to get them real bodies to walk the earth.

Zacharias: but if the spirits Cresol and Balaam now walks the earth why do you still possess this creature within you.

The creature is some sort of monitoring demon meant to keep taps on me. Zacharias then tell Symons he shall relinquish him of the beast and tells Symons to kneels down on the floor. As Symons kneels Zacharias starts to walk towards him with his hands stretched out, specking in some sort of christen heavenly language called tong’s. Has he attempts to grip Symons forehead, a rage of static energy reeks from Symons head. The preacher’s hand and Symons head are entwined, Zacharias try’s to push forward, the room is filled with heavy breeze even though the windows are closed. The pathogen starts to flow out wards spilling shadows all over the room, the shadows spin around the room in a vortex motion. The Zacharias is toasted a crossed the room and hits the wall above is study desk and then hits the ground. Symons falls upon the ground and is unconscious. Zacharias stands up in shock he can still see the images on the wall. He makes his way out the room, shuts the door. tells the guards to let no one in, the calls upon two of his strongest Apostol’s tells them the details, they are going to attempt to perform and exorcism.

While Symons is on the floor he falls into an elusive dream. This dream is very vivid, but its dimension is un comprehensive. Everywhere is pitch black and all Symons can see is himself, the is nothing to see from all distances up, down, left and right. Symons tries to manipulate the dream but is unable to. This means Symons is not the only one in this dimension. The pathogen is connecting cresol and ballad in to the elusive dream. Symons scurries all around in some attempt to gain either control or consciousness, it has been a while since Symons has had any encounters with cresol and ballad.

Meanwhile in reality Zacharias and two of his best Apostol’s are headed back to the private office behind the church. One of them carries a lap burning with palm and frankincense. They enter the room only to find Symons laying down on the floor. They leave the frankincense to burn while is sent engulfs the room. The other Apostol grabs a can filled with holly water they had once obtain from beach during a night vigil. He pours the water in a circler motion all around Symons. He all so pours some on Symons in an attempt to revive him. But Symons does no respond. They touch his neck and see he is still conscious. They then stood around Symons in a triangle stance. Zacharias standing in front of Symons head. They began to pray and recite verses from the holly book. Symons begins to convulse and shake on the ground. A spiritual shockwave ripples through the room. Zechariah and one of the other Apostol’s appear in Symons vivid dream. Is this a dream or some sort of dimension in the cosmos of the space-time; the fabric of the void. The last of Zechariah Apostol’s is still in realty stock in some sort of day dream. He is in trance. He seems to here nothing but can feel his hand grip on his other two Apostol’s. He looks at them but their eyes are shut. He can see Symons but his movements are much slower. He looks around all the walls on the room he can see the pathogen showing images of crosses on the all. One of the crosses tip over and breakers. More images of fire on the wall. The room continues to blow with traverse winds. The pathogen is trying to distract him in order to break the triangle. If the Apostol’s loses focus he risks breaking the spiritual chain of concentration and then who knows what will happen. Meanwhile in the other dimension present is Symons, Zacharias, the second Apostol, cresol and ballad. Cresol begins to speck why the hassle and stress. Balaam, it seems we must cut the pathogen connection short, Symons you can have full control of it. We are disconnecting are mind grip on it fabric of living entity, you seem to have compromised it being. All this attempts to tap into are plans and vision are irrelevant by the time we awake in the desert where we are, we will be only a few miles away from the cave of great times of gold. Zacharias the says halt do you not recognize the presence of pure and holly power. Cresol laughs, you preachers have no knowledge of what is to become of this planet you call earth, the earth is about to change radically and the is nothing about this the church of all governing bodies can do. We seek to obtain this gold before this new world order comes into existence. Zacharias says what do you mean you mean you demon I shall banish you,

Cresol: what is to banish of one who already exists in this world, Symons is yet to tell we exist because of him and we shall leave the pathogen with as a gift since he has succeeded in alternating and controlling it. Cresol then Spock of the new world order and what was too become of this planet and the preachers we shocked and confused and did not know what to do or how to fight off cresol and ballad. In reality the reverse winds become shuttle and all the shadows from across the room start to retreat slowly back to where Symons is in the triangle. Zacharias and the second Apostol begin to gain consciousness. All the of them standing and talking, the third Apostol has so many questions, and tells Zacharias how he was locked out and was no able to transverse with them. Zacharias tells he about the horrid nature of that they experienced and what was to become of the world in the nearest future. As the continued the conversation Symons began to cuff and gain consciousness. They lift him on to a chair and pour holy water all over him. They begin to pray with him. Still they are unable to release and detach the pathogen from him but it is certain that Symons is now in full of the pathogen and the demons are unable to patch through without consulting Symons. Zacharias then tells Symons not to relates any of the information they had obtain in the other dimension, its defiantly a bluff. The Apostol’s exchange contacts with Symons and give him a calendar of days they have events and would like him to be a close member of the church, to aid him with spiritual help, because they feel he as being chosen to walk this path for a great reason and will have a great role to restore the planet after the new World order. Symons then departs from the church and heads home. Once home he gives me marry jane a call and booked a meeting with me to tell me about his most recent encounter with the pathogen.

Cosmic change and contemplations of the new reality

Well I guess it’s a common thought that we all see space as an invisible fabric were immensely large celestial or planetary bodies exist and occupy. What Symons encounters in his mission in life and what he envisioned in his last spiritually awaking. Show a view of celestial or great space event happing in our life time, the words of revelation in the bible are true and I am about to align The cosmos and spirituality for you. These are things all revealed at the last incident of Symons and is the secret cresol and ballad have been hiding. Another star is entering are solar system and is harboring about three to seven planetary bodies. It is said so say that one of this planets could harbor life and that life has visited use before, the phase is duct accent aliens. Such information was writing about the Pleiades in ascent times. The message am about to share with you should be meditated and thought on and should be shared. Many things will merge or collide. The merging of are gravity the merging of are magnetize fields. The merging of our history, the merging of are being, people or race. Cause they mite be different from use or they mite be the same no one knows if Gods intelligent design is one, what is to say all intelligent beings look like humans. All planets in are solar system Will change. Remember the planet x solar system must first merge with the sun solar system. The natural disasters and climate change that will occurs is not the cause of the intelligence planet following the dwarf sun. But the cause is the merging of the solar systems. They may seem like the enemy but even nature that is causing the margin is not the enemy. Am happy to have shared all in the life of Symons. Grab your telescopes to see it in time, but we shall all eventually see it because it will appear as bright as the sun in the sky, it shall even often appear alongside it. The world shall become a different place before and after the merging incident of solar systems and after the incident they shall arrive as help, they are not the cause of the incident but will humanity accept them. It shall now come to past that all the writings of the ascents were true.

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