The Spade Chronicles Book 0: Eagles Rising

Chapter Shots Fired

We held the get togethers on a weekly basis. The only time we took a break was during the last week of November. This, I learned during one of our map room conferences, was a worldwide holiday in Ivaline.

“It’s the Great Gathering. Every year people of the four nations visit their families.” Atalanta explained. Kennedia continued excitedly.

“Yeah, it’s mainly for those who joined other nations. We get to see our families for a whole week! Families, like mine, with members in other countries will meet in the Valley of Avalon. You should see it Allie! There are all of these colored tents and pavilions! There is always something cooking and you can smell it from anywhere in the valley!”

“Don’t forget the gifts, Honeysuckle.”

“Oh! The gifts, everyone gives one gift to each family member. The palace gives each student a budget for gifts, so why don’t we all go to the market tomorrow!” Kennedia arranged for us to meet after breakfast and ride one of the horse drawn carriages that went to and from the palace down to the capital city below by the hour.

Lailoria was the Venice of Ivaline, the glacial water from the mountains created pristine canals running all throughout the city. They ran glowing sand down the bottom of the canals, Each street had dyed the sand a different color. The layout of the city reminded me of the agricultural plateaus that I saw when my family and I visited Peru one summer. Each street had a different elevation than the others, as well as the buildings built on it.

As we stepped out of the carriage and Kennedia dragged us to Daggers and Dresses, one of the most frequented clothing stores for the palace’s students. The palace had given us a bit of money to buy formal wear for the Gathering’s send off banquet the next day. We spent an hour picking through and trying on various outfits and scabbards.

I was trying on a formal gown that ended above my knees. It was a deep purple silk that made my newly neon eyes pop, and the bodice was an off shoulder with a velvet trim. The trim was repeated to outline the basque waist. The sleeves came down to my wrist and tapered over my hand until it came at a point at the base of my middle finger. A cape that ended at my hips hung from the back of my dress that swayed behind me as I posed in front of the mirror.

“Why do all of these dresses end above or at the knee?” I pondered as I slipped knives into their sheathes inside the knee high black leather boots.

“It’s because you can’t kick people in full length dresses,” Atalanta answered, examining her outfit with a hard eye. She wore a tight, sleeveless green shirt patterned with a deep red tiger ready to pounce. It reached mid thigh over the matching silver silk pants. Strapped to her shoulder was a black leather quiver with her arrows. The quiver had the same tiger designs pressed into the leather.

“You have to have special training before you can wear stilettos for similar reasons,” Kennedia added in as the boys walked towards us with their choices.

“Looking good ladies! Check us out!” Daedalus exclaimed as both he and Robin spun around, showing off their ensembles.

“Very beautiful, Honeysuckle, but you knew that.” Robin complemented, spinning Kennedia around in her light orange dress. It was a cheerful piece with a sweetheart neckline and a ball gown skirt. There were three small throwing knives in their place around her calf. Robin was wearing a silver breastplate with a blue silk undershirt. He wore black trousers and a scabbard for his khopesh at his belt. Daedalus, however, seemed to be wearing a red toga with a gold trim, wearing his sword at his back. Spade formal apparel, I observed, didn’t seem to come from a particular point in time, you could find a party outfit from any point in Pangaean history, along with a few unfamiliar ones. You could wear whatever you wanted to formal functions, so long as it looked fancy.

“Very charming.” I commented. “Now I believe we are all happy with our choices, so why don’t we finish up here and start window shopping for our parents’ presents?” Half an hour later we stood in the street debating what to do next. I had to show the cashier manning the store the bracelet marking me a student at the palace, verifying that I was old enough to buy the daggers.

“Why don’t we split into two groups and meet up at the Ebony’s at lunch?” Atalanta suggested, and it ended up she went with Robin to gaze at some music and bookstores while Kennedia and Daedalus went with me to look at some of the Guild’s shops. Kennedia bought little figurines of dragons for her little brothers, each made of a different material so they don’t get mixed up. Daedalus found a stained glass butterfly that was filled with sand so it glowed gently.

“She loves butterflies,” He told me as we were waiting in line with him, “We have a garden at home that’s filled with them every spring.”

I had to look a bit harder for my gift. Eventually though, I found a blue silk scarf for my mother and a decorative knife scabbard for her husband, who would hunt from time to time. When I was finished, we head off to meet with the others.

Ebony’s turned out to be a small cafe on the corner of a green and blue canal that Robin had discovered earlier in the year. The walls were lined by bookshelves filled to the brim with tomes of all sizes. True to its name, the tables and shelves were crafted out of ebony wood. The owners of the establishment were a sweet elderly couple, Mr. Ebony was a Guild member who had carved all of the furniture and stitched every one of the multitude of pillows. There was a fire pit in the center of the room which cast a warm glow across the cafe. Instead of normal tables and chairs, there were only armchairs and couches with small tea tables or coffee tables.

“So what did you two get for your families?” Inquired Kennedia, and it was Atalanta who answered first.

“I bought my mom and dad instruments, music kind of runs in my family.” Robin waited until bursting into a rant about all of the books he got for all of his little brothers and Dancers. He was cut off by a waiter bringing us our order.

“Oh that’s a good one!” He said, pointing to the book in Kennedia’s hand.

“I know right? He’s such a good writer!” She responded, gladly accepting her plate of pasta. After we finished eating lunch, we all ordered beverages to drink while we passed the time. We spent the next few hours sitting in that cozy cafe. Daedalus and Atalanta were playing table chess while drinking tea while the Muses and I were sitting quietly reading. I had discovered the most delightful beverage gingerbread hot chocolate and was on my third cup when I raised a question.

“What happens to those of us whose families are in other worlds?” I asked, and it was Daedalus who had the answer.

“We go visit our origin worlds, the nations always send convoys to the Tower so the Keeper can send us back into our worlds. We are each given charms that when activated transport them back to Ivaline.” As he finished he looked outside and his eyes widened.

“Blades it’s late, we’d better hurry if we don’t want to walk to the palace!”

When we stepped out into the street I was struck once again by how beautiful the capital city was. With the light fading, the canals began to glow even brighter, eliminating any need for street lights. We hurried to the carriage station, and made it just before the last one made off.

I gazed up to the palace as we neared it, and was shocked not by it’s beauty, which by now I was used to, but how intimidating it was.

The entire thing was made of blackstone, which means it stood out from the rest of the mountains. It was a classic example of gothic architecture, with looming arches and towers shooting into the sky like daggers. The intricate details and stained glass windows exuded wealth and excess. Dragons and eagles dotted the structure as gargoyles with their talons outstretched and teeth shown in a snarl. It was all for the world a dangerous beauty.

The next day was a flurry of activity. I spent most of the day with the Dancers, practicing for the dance. It was one of the few occasions that the Dancers practiced together out on the main lawn instead of their airy studios. We danced along to the Flock’s musical scores. I was currently practicing a waltz with Daniel, who seemed a bit nervous but other than that a good dancer. When the dance ended, I dropped his hand walked towards Daedalus, who was waving me over.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Belladonna’s looking for you, apparently your little turncoat hawk has returned.” Belladonna had grown quite quickly over the past month, and was able to communicate with all of the Eagles, because she trusted all of us. Because of this, she acted as something like an undercover courier. She also served as a lookout for anything suspicious, as well as she could. Usually it ended up being something trivial, given she is still a child. But this seemed important.

I slipped away from field at break and up the stairs. I made my way to the map room, where we had agreed to meet should any developments occur. Robin and Kennedia were already finished decoding the note, and Briar was perched nearby on the back of my chair. Kennedia was the only one who looked up to greet me.

“Oh good, you’re here, this note spells trouble.” She handed the freshly translated note to me.

Dear Constrictor,

It appears that our plans have been discovered, however, it seems that those aware of our schemes are little more than a band of school children. While I doubt anything shall become of this I want to be certain. I am giving you the rare chance to redeem yourself. The youths who must be silenced are named Allie Sage and Kennedia Amaryllis.

Do not disappoint me,


“This is bad.” Robin exclaimed, worried.

“Your last name is Amaryllis?” Questioned Daedalus, who had arrived shortly after I did.

“I heard Belladonna call for a meeting. What’s happened?” Atalanta was just coming down the steps, and we gave her a moment to read through the note.

“This is bad,” She concurred, “but it could be worse. Allie and Kennedia are the only ones listed, which shows that whoever is behind this has no knowledge that we have a plan against them. This means we can carry on mostly unhindered, although I would advise both of you to stay on your guard and together whenever possible.” When she finished the bell for lunch rang.

“Let’s go.” I said, thinking quickly. “Make sure that we enter at different times and places. Let’s sit at different tables for a while to. Robin, Kennedia, you two can go together. You’re a known couple so that won’t be as suspicious. Atalanta, Daedalus, you sit together because you always have. Make sure you enter through the same entrances you would if you were coming from practice. I’ll take lunch in my room so I can send Briar on her way. Kennedia, you copied the note down, didn’t you?”

She nodded her response, and we dispersed into the tunnels.

That evening, Atalanta walked with us to the Celebration Hall. It was decorated with an entire rainbow of silks and sands that set the room aglow. I could see couples waltzing around the room. Around, I saw some of my Dancers and Brothers dancing alone, twirling and moving around the floor in whatever way they saw fit. For a moment I was tempted to join them, I felt the pull from the core of my chest, straining to spin and step to the music.

Then I saw Kennedia shift out of the corner of my eye and came back to the situation at hand. Atalanta went off to greet a Flock friend of hers and Kennedia and I mingled a bit on the sidelines. Robin met up with us as a waiter was refilling our cups.

I took a sip of the clear blue liquid, gazing out over the dancer’s once more as they exchanged lover’s greetings. Before I could become too enthralled, however, my dragon coiled around me, and through red eyes I could see Kennedia bring a flaring red glass to her lips, drawing the now lethally scarlet drink to her mouth.

My hand lashed out, an open handed hit to her knuckles sent the drink clattering to the ground. At my throat, I felt the dragon relax.

“Blades Allie, what are you thinking?!” Kennedia exclaimed, trying to rub off some of the beverage that had spilled across the hem of her dress. I wasn’t listening, I was scanning the ballroom, and I just managed to catch a glimpse of the waiter who served us slip through the doors leading to the gardens.

I tore through the ballroom, weaving through paired and single dancers in a mad dash through the the gilded doors. I looked around frantically for a moment before stepping into the garden cautiously. My dragon showed me a shadowed figure creeping behind me.

I whipped around just in time to dodge an axe as it came hurling down. I rolled to the side and barely had a moment to make a sword before he came at me again.

This time I was prepared, and was able to intercept the blow and redirect it before it could do any damage. Even though I knew it was coming, I misjudged the force behind it and fell to the ground. I scrambled to my feet only to be knocked out cold by a brutal hit to the back of my head.

I woke in a wagon, my dragon gave me a view of the horse drawn wagon from above, and we were moving east, away from the palace. There were two people manning the wagon up front, one driving and the other appeared to be a lookout.

“Kyrie?” I whispered, after the vision faded. “Are you there?” I heard a rustle from the corner.

“Yes.” I sighed in relief, she was flying nearby when the attack happened, so she must have followed them and flew in when they weren’t looking. It was better now that I knew I wasn’t alone, and I could feel the building anxiety settle a bit.

“Do you have a plan?” She asked, and a I shook my head. My hands were tied, literally tied. My feet weren’t spared either. I tried to loosen them, but to no avail. My captors, who I could only assume were the Vipers that were mentioned in the malevolent missives, had taken the daggers from my boots.

My eyes widened with exhilaration as I remembered my talent. My enemies could disarm me as much as they pleased but I would always have another blade waiting for them.

It was a struggle to sit up in the swaying wagon, but I managed. I kept my back straight and adjusted my hands so they weren’t in the way. I concentrated, this new blade had to be very small in order for this to work without injuring myself in the process. A few moments later I was sawing through the ropes that restrained me. As soon as my arms were free I took a couple of minutes to move them about to get circulation flowing. Once I was finished cutting my legs free I made my way to the back of the wagon as quietly as I could. I wished the Vipers were speaking to one another, so they would be distracted, instead I prayed they were drowsy in the late night.

The moment I was out of the cabin I dropped to the ground as silently as possible. Despite my efforts, I couldn’t help the dull thud that sounded when my feet slammed into the mountain path. I crouched there silently, heart pounding in my ears as I searched for any sign that they noted my departure. They only continued down the path, oblivious to my absence. Even so, I didn’t dare move until they rounded a corner and out of sight. When they did, I straightened and stretched, relieved to stand after being tied up for Winds know how long.

“Kyrie, I want you to follow them and see if you can find their camp. But try to stay out of sight, they may know you’re my companion and I don’t want a repeat of last time.” I implored, and she brushed my cheek reassuringly before flying off into the mountains. I watched her go, then turned to gaze at the palace before beginning the long trek to the palace.

I was walking for an hour and a half when I heard a familiar voice.

“Allie!” It was Magnolia, “What happened? Everyone is looking for you!” She landed on my shoulder, and I winced when her talons sunk into my unprotected shoulder.

“What happened? How long has it been since I was abducted?” I asked.

“After the party nobody could find you or Kyrie, we tried everywhere, the studio, map room, the dorms, you were nowhere to be found. Finally Atalanta put two and two together and deduced that the Vipers must have made their move, and when Robin saw signs of a struggle we knew you might have been taken alive. None of the students could leave the Palace after dark without permission, so they sent us instead. Hawthorn took the north, while Luna took the west and Belladonna the south. It must be well past midnight, do you want me to go up ahead and tell the others you’re okay?” She asked, and after a moment’s consideration I shook my head.

“I sent Kyrie on a reconnaissance mission to follow my would be captors, can you back her up?” She did as I asked her, and while I was glad for her company, I was relieved that her talons were no longer in my shoulder. I carried on up towards the palace, all the while appreciative for the Spades’ taste in formal wear.

By the time I made it to the palace, I was exhausted, but I took care to avoid the patrolling guards anyway, silently thanking the person responsible for sending my dragon to me. By the time I made it to the map room I was spent. I collapsed into my blue-backed chair gratefully. In a moment I was flocked by my Eagles, checking me for wounds and questioning my whereabouts.

“Where have you been?”

“How did you escape?”

“Are you injured?”

“Do you know who attacked you?”

Atalanta and Daedalus bombarded me with inquiries until I couldn’t tell one voice from another, and while I could by no means blame them, I couldn’t mask my gratitude when Kennedia and Robin quietly wrapped my hands around a mug of cocoa and pushed a muffin in front of me. I wolfed it down only to have another one provided right in it’s wake, and I was delighted to find the mug filled with gingerbread chocolate, which, Kennedia had informed me, was ordered at Ebony’s and picked up by Robin, who had a prodigious ability for moving undetected. The chocolate had been hanging in the fireplace behind the red backed southern chair.

They let me eat and drink in peace, until at last I spoke.

“We need to up our game.” I said firmly, and all eyes snapped to me.

“We know sweetie, but can you tell us what happened to you? We were very worried and haven’t left the map room since we sent out the scouts.” Kennedia urged.

“We weren’t the only ones concerned, when other students got wind we were looking for you, they looked with us, and we had to impress upon many that the teachers were not to know about it.” Robin added, then looked at my cut shoulder, and with a gentle touch, used his magic to heal them. “Should we have gone to the teachers?” I shook my head and told them what had happened up until I sent Magnolia to follow Kyrie.

“I hope you don’t mind.” I apologized to Kennedia, but she only waved me off and looked to me to continue.

“While I hate to say it, telling the teachers again will mean alerting the whole palace, and that would mean tipping off whoever leading the Vipers. Although I will say this, we can beat them. If tonight has shown me anything, it’s that they have weaknesses, just like us. We just need to stick with our plan and be on our guard.” I said.

“I suggest we reveal the true purpose behind the student sleepovers next gathering.” Atalanta said. “With recent events, we might have more success convincing them of our cause then we would have otherwise.”

“What if one of the students decides to rat us out?” Daedalus interjected, only Robin shook his head.

“Unlikely, if they wanted to, they probably would have already. They’ve had ample opportunity. In all likelihood they will stand by us. These get togethers have made life more exciting for the students at the palace, and gave them a reason to interact with other years outside of their art. That alone has garnered a lot of respect for us and for Allie. When they hear she was captured, they may well want to do something about it, given they are Spades, and we value loyalty more than anything.” As he said it, I realized it was true, the students treated each other like family, and would no doubt be just as protective of each other.

The thought warmed me more than any cocoa.

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