The Spade Chronicles Book 0: Eagles Rising

Chapter Miscommunication

The next morning a tray was brought up for the three of us to eat, just as Galen had promised. I ate as he checked my leg again.

“I don’t see any problems but I want you to come back in a couple of days just to be sure. Sylphia will be here in ten minutes for your orientation.” Galen finished and rewrapped my wound before returning to his office at the back of the room. Sylphia swept into the room as I set the tray aside.

“Good morning Allie, I hope you slept well. I’m here to show you around if you’re up for it.”

Five minutes later we were walking deeper into the palace, Sylphia explaining and pointing out some things that were of particular interest or importance.

“These walls are made of solid blackstone, which is one of the hardest substances in this world. The first King and Queen ordered the entire palace to be built entirely using this substance. They felt that it was important for this structure to stand for strength as well as luxury. You might have noticed last night that almost all of the outside windows are made of colored glass. This tradition started to honor the great battles fought and those who have shaped our nation’s history. Because of this, one common nickname for the castle is ‘The Stained Glass Palace’,

Although the official name is Eagle Bastion, both for its location on top of a mountain but also because eagles tend to make their homes on our battlements during times of peace. The eagle has long been a symbol for whomever sits on the throne as King or Queen, but Spade’s crest consists of a shield held in a dragon’s claws which is a crest you can see above various doorways or arches.” While she spoke, I gazed around the various breezeways and corridors with admiration. Each part of the castle was exquisitely crafted. It was all I could do to pay attention to Sylphia as she continued.

“Now we are entering the North Wing of the castle, which is where you and your fellow Hatchlings will be staying in the duration of your training. In Spade, training lasts over the course of four years, and each year is housed in a different wing. Each year a wing is vacated by the graduating trainees and then is prepared to house the next year of initiates. Because of this system, you will stay in the North Wing your entire stay here. Unless, winds forbidding, you fail and get held back a year. Each day you will have five classes; Magic Theory and Practice, History of Ivaline, Armed Combat, Basic Weaponry Creation and Care, and Unarmed Combat. Each class lasts an hour and a half.” My eyes widened at that, and she chuckled. “Don’t worry, there is little to no homework and I think you’ll find these classes are a bit more engaging than those you are used to.” We entered another hallway off to the side, and found this one lined with different colored doors.

“These are the girl’s dormitories. Each doorway is enchanted so a member of the opposite sex can’t enter.” She turned and gave me a pointed look. “There are also guards on patrol after curfew, so keep that in mind if you have any midnight excursions planned.” She turned me to a blue door emblazoned with a dragon lily.

“This is your room. There is a set of clothes on the bed, so why don’t you go change real quick before we go meet the others? It would be a welcome change, I must say. I’ll wait out here.” She suggested, and I stepped inside, ignoring the well intended quip.

Through the door was a spacious room containing a four poster bed with a blue comforter and black sheets. The wall opposite of me was lined with shelves and a window seat lined with light, breezy drapes and a vast multitude of cushions. On the bed there was a set of black pants made of a smooth, light material with a matching purple shirt made of the same material. The new clothes felt wonderful after what I had been wearing for three days straight. I also noticed what appeared to be a dyed black leather pad with a strap. After toying with it a bit I realized it was a shoulder pad for Kyrie to sit without tearing into my shoulder. Without the cloak I was wearing before her talons would have poked through my shirt and straight into my collarbone. While it was a small detail to the outfit it was greatly appreciated as I strapped it onto my left shoulder. As soon as it was secure Kyrie took her usual perch by my head.

“Not bad, huh Kyrie?” I said, pleased with how comfortable my new ensemble was.

“I wouldn’t know, I don’t wear clothes. But I must admit this does seem to be an improvement.”

I set my bag down and pulled Belladonna down to bumble about while I brushed the mass of tangles out of my hair and pulled it into a ponytail. When I turned back to the vanity that had been set against the wall to straighten it I stumbled back in surprise. Before, where my eyes were a dark brown they were now a bright violet that popped against my black hair. After a few minutes of staring at my own reflection, I remembered Sylphia waiting outside. I scooped Belladonna over my shoulder and walked out, Kyrie on the padded shoulder.

Once outside I asked Sylphia if there was somewhere I could put Belladonna for the remainder of orientation. She was just a pup and I knew it was only a matter of time before nature took its course. She smiled and lead me up a spiral staircase opening up to a small rooftop garden. I was shocked by the sudden cold that hit me when the door opened. I shivered, but Sylphia seemed unbothered.

“These gardens are for the students to spend a bit of their downtime. It’s watched over by gardeners when unoccupied so Belladonna will be watched and cared for during your classes.” She informed, and I set her down on the grass where she started to run around, delighted by the open area. I followed Sylphia into what seemed like a glass dome, eager to get out of the cold.

In reality the dome was a ceiling to a room down below, and as we descended a flight of steps I could see it was a large circular room filled with soft armchairs and couches. There was a fire pit in the middle of the room, and smaller fireplaces dotted the wall. The chairs closest to the center were occupied with teenagers my age. Across the firepit I could see Atalanta and Daedalus waving me over. Sylphia saw what they were doing and smiled.

“Why don’t you go join them? Everything else you need to know you can ask them. Besides, the transition will be easier with friends at your side.” I walked over there grinning, glad of the company and of the warmth the fire presented.

A few moments of chatting later, hot chocolate was brought by some of the maids in the castle. We thanked the man who brought ours. The chocolate was smooth and spiced with a hint of cinnamon. It was perfect to go with the cold morning. For the first time in months, I was content.

That thought was jarring. How could I be content when my parents must be worried sick?

“Do you contact your parents? Mine must be hysterical! I can’t believe I just forgot about them! I’m a terrible person,” I almost shrieked, guilt ripping at my insides. Atalanta put her hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

“Don’t worry, you’ve been through a lot, it’s understandable that your parents were pushed to the back of your mind when you were alone in the wilderness. Well,” she amended, eying Kyrie where she sat on my shoulder, “mostly alone.”

“Regarding contacting them,” interjected Daedalus. “I wouldn’t be too worried, there is a postal system that delivers letters to and from them between worlds. They collect letters every Sunday, so if you write it tonight they’ll pick it up in the morning.”

“But I come from a stale world,” I protested, “If I can’t go back home how is a letter supposed to make it through?” Atalanta furrowed her brow.

“That is a problem. Maybe they’ll send someone to the Tower to find your world’s gateway.” Atalanta suggested.

“The what?”

“The Tower of Ivaline, it’s this massive spire in the center of the world. It lies within neutral territory

“Speaking of family members,” Daedalus continued, “How is that wolf of yours?” We spent the rest of the day up in the gardens playing with Belladonna. My cloak was still ripped in some places, but it was warm enough to keep the freezing wind chill at bay. With it I could take my mind off the cold and finally take in the view the rooftop gardens provided. Eagle Bastion was well named. Spending time up here, with the wind through my hair, I felt like I could just step into the sky and soar through the clouds.

That night I sat by the window with a pen and paper, writing to my parents.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m sorry I up and disappeared without warning. In all honesty I hadn’t planned it myself, it was just something that happened to me. I want you to know I’m safe.

I wrote about how I ended up in Ivaline and the Forest of Trials, about how everything in this world was different. About Daedalus and Atalanta and my new room at the castle. By the time I was finished, I guessed it was past midnight.

I know you want me to be safe and happy. I’m sorry but I truly want to stay here. I have friends and a place to stay, and I’m really excited about class next week. The palace is beautiful and I love my room and Kyrie and Belladonna. I’ll see if I can come visit you soon.


Allie S.

I sealed the letter in an envelope and wrote my address on the back and my name on the front. Kyrie came to rest beside me.

“I could carry the letter to your parents for you.” She offered, and I looked at her, surprised.

“You can travel between worlds?”

“A few creatures can. Have you heard of a psychopomp?”

I had, it was a creature or spirit rumored to usher souls to the afterlife, though I don’t know what that had to do with this situation, I motioned for her to continue.

“The truth is not many of us can actually guide souls, what we can do is travel between worlds and sometimes pull people along with us. What most likely happened in reality is that a raven carried someone into Ivaline or vice versa. The post has a lot to deal with and it could take a while for your parents to receive and respond to your letter. I could take it and be back tomorrow with their response.” She finished, and waited for my reply. I was anxious to hear from my parents, so I took her up on her offer. Moments later I opened the window, letting in a frigid gust of mountain air in the process, and Kyrie flew off into the night. I watched her dark figure fade into the sky, and closed the window. I put a cloth over the ball of glowing sand that lit up the room and drifted off to sleep.

“Wake up Allie! We have stuff to do today! No more lazing about the castle for you!” Atalanta’s voice was shrill as she shattered whatever hope I had about falling back asleep. I opened my eyes to see her staring me down. My cloak, which was sent to be mended last night, was under her arm. Vaguely, I noticed Belladonna stir from her place on the windowsill. I sat up groggily as Atalanta busied herself with pulling out one article of clothing after another before finally throwing an outfit in my unsuspecting arms.

“I got permission to skip out on practice to show you the finer points of Spade life today, and I plan to give you the full runthrough before tonight’s game. I can’t do that while you’re in bed so move it.” With that, she spun and walked out so I could get dressed before heading off to who knows where. I hastily pulled on what she tossed at me. It turned out to be a knee length purple dress that went over a black undershirt and leggings. The shirt underneath had long sleeves with fur cuffs to keep my arms warm where the dress’ sleeves cut off at my elbow. I pulled on fur lined boots and was out the door. I sat at my vanity, which I was pleased to find was stocked with cosmetics. I gave myself a light layer and a smokey eye bef i re stepping outside.Atalanta leaning against the wall by my door. We walked down the corridors until we made it to the dining hall for breakfast.

The dining hall in the North wing was spacious and bright, the east wall covered with floor to ceiling windows to let in the morning light. At the end of the hall was a row of tables filled with different types of food to form a breakfast buffet. I selected a variety of fruit and a cream cheese covered bagel as my meal while Atalanta was very generous with the bacon and sausage. I began to question her about what she said this morning as we sat down. Our table was in a secluded corner by a window depicting a naval battle between a lone sailor and a serpent the size of a bull. I could faintly feel the cold seeping through the blue tinted glass as I turned to Atalanta.

“So what did you mean by skipping practice?” I inquired.

“Oh, I’m glad you brought that up, because that’s the main thing I was supposed to teach you. Everyone in Spade is required to participate in one or more of five organizations; the Guild of Craftsmen, the Flock of Songbirds, the Dancers, Muses of Literature, and the League of Athletes. The Guilds deal with any type of physical art, like paintings and carvings. The Flock is the main source of music around here, recorded or otherwise. Dancers are self explanatory. The Muses deal with anything to do with communication, languages, alphabets, you name it, they know it. The League is for anyone who loves team sports.” She explained.

“What if you don’t join an Art?”

“Aside from the social ostracism? Certain privileges get revoked. One of the main one is that you’re not allowed to go to the Festival of Colors, if you want something, you have to work for it.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s one of our holidays. In the spring, just before summer starts, all of the Arts come together to hold a festival. The Guild and the Muses sell their wares in stalls, the Dancers perform with the Flock, and the League holds games for passersby to play. It’s one of the biggest tourist draws of the year.” I listened, fascinated, wondering which one I would join.

“What are you?”

“A Songbird, Daedalus is in the League, and today I’m bringing you to visit the bases of each one here in the castle. I think we should be done visiting them by noon, so we can have lunch for you to decide which one you want to join and spend the rest of the afternoon with them.” Atalanta finished, looking excited for me, and that excitement rubbed off on me and soon I was hurrying after her.

We stopped by the Guild first, since they were stationed in the North Wing and it took us only two minutes to reach their doors. Even the entryway was a work of art, made of metal and the stained glass the castle was so famous for. Instead of the subdued blues and purples the rest of the palace windows seemed to favor, the door housed a rainbow of bright and vibrant colors. The glass depicted a forest of deep greens and browns that rose up to meet high mountains painted orange by the sunset, with pink clouds coming to rest over them. I was struck by the intricate detail that was invested into the door, and on closer inspection I found that even the silver door seemed to be made of vines painstakingly woven together to make the immaculate portal before me.

After giving me a few moments to admire the door, she gently pushed me through into the room beyond. The Guild spanned across several levels, those on the bottom working with metal and glass, in the middle wood, and on the top were the painters and other forms of delicate art. I could see the light of dozens of forges from here where metalworkers and glassmakers pounded and warped their materials to their will. After talking to a few artists, I decided I wanted to move on. Though I greatly admired their work, I didn’t feel a passion for creation these people obviously did.

Next were the Muses in the East Wing, they resided in a grand library built of mahogany paneled walls and soaring windows to let in natural light. There were crackling fires in front of plush armchairs and couches. On one couch I saw a boy and girl sitting together. The girl had her legs tucked in with her knees against the armrest with the boys head in her lap. Both were reading different books but occasionally the girl would lean down and show the boy something she found in her book, or vice versa. They would laugh or nod at whatever they were shown, then went back to their peaceful reading. The sight made me smile, and I thought this might be the place for me.

Not wanting to discount the others, however, I followed Atalanta through a tunnel that eventually opened out into a massive coliseum. In the arena there were trees and rock set up to make the center seem like a real forest. There also seemed to be a series of obstacles set within the foliage.

“It’s for tonight’s Capture the Flag game.” Atalanta said before I could ask.

“All this for Capture the Flag?” I responded, bewildered, and she snorted.

“People here live for the game. It’s the Spade national sport. Tonight is the start of the season. Daedalus is on the team, so we can watch him together, right now they’re just practicing though.”

We left them to their preparation and made our way to the West wing.

“This is my personal favorite, Flock headquarters is right down this hall.” She declared, and I didn’t need to take her word for it, because even though we were a ways down the corridor, I could still hear voices and their instrumental accompaniment float towards us. It was a choir, I found out as we stepped through the doors into a bright cylindrical room. There were no windows along the walls but the ceiling was a glass dome much like the North common room. I could see the walls lined with doors that must have lead to practice rooms for those with louder instruments. A few people in the choir were standing around, taking a break, when one girl started to hum a song. The boy next to her joined in, and soon everyone in the room was singing the same song, filling the room with noise. I turned and saw Atalanta lending her own voice to the sound, until the song ended and she turned to me.

“I would like to spend more time here, but we’re running a little behind and we have to bring you to the Dancers soon if we want to have lunch together.” A few people waved at her as she ushered me out the door, and as we were walking down yet another hallway, something occurred to me.

“Why are the Dancers practicing separate? Why aren’t they all together?” I asked, she thought for a moment before answering.

“I imagine it’s in part because of space issues. Unlike the Flock or Guild, the Dancers need space to move around and fully extend their bodies to perform the dance that they want. Some of their performances involve quite a bit of running and jumping around. The other part is probably because men and women have differently built bodies, so their dancing focuses on different skills. That’s a big part of what dancing is really, it’s flaunting the body’s natural capabilities. Because of this, while they often work together, men’s dancing focuses on strength and force while women focus on flexibility and grace.” She finished her thought as we approached the room. It made sense as I contemplated her answer, it reminded me of a time a few years back when I was watching the Olympics with my mom. I asked her why the women had the different events in gymnastics, her answer was similar to the one Atalanta gave. Thinking about my mother made me feel hollow with homesickness.

This time instead of a door, there was only an archway, letting the music be heard easily throughout the hall. It sounded upbeat, filled with violins and guitars, every so often accentuated by drums. When we peered inside, my breath caught.

There on the massive dance floor, were eleven dancers, all in different colored dresses. They were twirling and stepping completely to the music. One girl, in the center covered in a red dress, moved with her eyes closed. She spun fiercely, never for a moment still. She swung her leg upward in front of her face and brought it sweeping down. As I watched, I felt something in me grow restless, as if by watching these girls beckoned it to join them. The girl leapt through the air and landed in a crouch. The music seemed to fill me, to drag me forward as I took a step. In every place we visited today, I’ve never felt so inexplicably drawn towards them like I was now.

I loved it. I desperately wanted to join them, to spin and wave to the music side by side with these girls. These girls who were so graceful and powerful, and I could be one of them.

“Looks like this place calls to you a bit.” Atalanta spoke softly, but still snapping me out of my daze.

“You should go talk to them. The girl in the red is Fey, she’s the one to speak to if you want to join.”

Just a few minutes later, I was a member of the Eagle Bastion branch of Dancers.

I collapsed on the bed, exhausted. After lunch I went to practice with the dancers, it was hectic to say the least. First I had to be fitted for my practice clothes, and then choose the color for them. It turns out that each section of the Dancers consists of no more than twelve people, and traditionally each dancer wore their own color. I was assigned a deep blue, and after that it was nothing but motion. They began by having me stretch muscles I didn’t know existed, and had me do a set of basic dance moves to memorize. They gave me a little leeway on account of my almost healed leg, but not much. This went on until the bell sounded for dinner. Turns out that Fey was an upperclassmen, who lived in the South Wing with the other second years, or Fledglings. She told me to meet with her everyday after class so she could catch me up on all of the dances that we were to perform at the Festival of Colors.

“People come far and wide to see our Dancers, and since we are representing Eagle Bastion we have to be at our best.”

After that I dragged myself to the dining hall to fill my belly before heading out to watch the game. But just as I was about to put out the light I heard a scratching at the window. I turned to see an outline of a bird against the glass, holding something in its talons. As I opened the window I found it was Kyrie, bearing a package the size of my hand accompanied by a black box.

“It took me a while to find where you live, and to deliver the letter to your parents, but I managed. They seemed relieved when they read the letter, so I think they believed you. Granted, there is little else that can explain a missive sealed with wax.”

I tore the envelope, eager to what my parents thought of my situation.

Dear Allie,

We are glad to know that you are safe, and alive. Your father and I were very concerned about you. When we found your letter we didn’t know what to think. We came to the conclusion that despite you not being with us, we know you’re a strong girl and can make your own decisions.

I was relieved to hear that you’re making friends, I knew you were having trouble back at the high school.

We are proud of you.


Venessa and Timothy S.

I sighed and felt a burden lift from my shoulders before I went into the package.

Inside was a Chinese dragon made out of copper, with eyes, claws, horns and tail tip made out of bits of ruby. I gazed at it a moment, enraptured by its beauty. It was around the width of my thumb and coiled around itself. When I went to pick it up it came to life, unfurling its body to two feet long when my finger came into contact with it. Before I could react it launched itself onto my forearm and climbed its way up my shoulder and to my throat. I felt it come to a stop as soon as it curled around my neck. It rested with its head just under the hollow of my throat and its tail curling an inch under it.

I looked to Kyrie.

“Well that was unsettling.” I rasped, still shocked by the sudden movement.

“The package isn’t from your parents, a boy saw me as I was about to leave and told me to give it to you. I wonder what its purpose is, and why someone from your world wanted to give it to you.” She wondered, just as amazed as I was. I tugged at it, and found it wouldn’t come off, increasing my anxiety. I found a note at the bottom of the box

Dear Allie Sage,

Although we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting personally I would like to take the opportunity to establish cordial relationship between us in the hopes that in the future we can be close allies. As a show of good faith the dragon now hanging around your neck is a finely crafted amulet, one of the best. With it you needn’t worry about being caught off guard again. Don’t worry you can easily take it off again by running a finger along its bottom jaw.

All the best,

The Pendragon Family

The place was packed, but there was a section of seats reserved especially for palace students, .so I had no trouble finding a place to sit. Atalanta found me, and explained the rules.

The object of the game was to have at least four of the fifteen players on your team reach the flag. Only practice weapons were used, and once a player was injured, they withdrew from the match. If a player was hit three times in combat with another player, they were captured and sent to the other teams prison. Only one person at a time could escape prison accompanied by an outside teammate. Once the flag was reached, the player was safe unless they moved of their own accord.

Every player was allowed to use their companions, but they were not allowed to interfere with other players, and they were only allowed one animal escort per person.

The flags themselves were put in the same spot every game, but the terrain surrounding it was altered each game to the team captain’s discretion. Granted, the trees planted in the arena stayed in place, but trenches could be dug and barriers erected. Traps were allowed, but if they caused injury, the team responsible had to bench a player.

The game itself began ten minutes after I sat down, Belladonna in my lap and Kyrie on my shoulder. Atalanta pointed out Daedalus, he wore the blue and purple that marked him as a member of the Lailoria Lions, the capital’s minor league team. They were competing against the red and gold Montanaia Wolves, an out of town team traveling from the mountains east of Eagle Bastion.

“He’s still a Hatchling, so he can’t be directly engaged in combat, but he can be tagged out. Mostly, though, he does reconnaissance. Just watch.” She explained, then the starting gong sounded.

All fifteen players surged into motion from their starting point around their home flag. Five from our team set up a defense while six went into enemy territory. One of the athletes from our team had a panther harnessed to be ridden, and they sped across the field. One of the Wolves had a similar tactic, only they rode an elephant in an attempt to bulldoze across the field. I would have worked, but the Lions had anticipated this and arranged their territory so they were blocked by various obstacles. Our player made it to the flag, and she whooped triumphantly. Daedalus, who had nestled himself in a tree on the edge of the field, whistled one piercing note.

“He’s signaling our successes and losses to the Captain, who makes decisions based on his reports.” Atalanta provided at my look of confusion. Not a moment later, he let out low, trembling call in response to one of our players got sent to the prison with his dog.

The Wolves got a player to our flag, as he had used his hawk companion to spot the clearest route and making a run for it. He was quickly followed by another Wolf. She didn’t have a companion, but she was proficient enough in combat to make up for it.

“They’re beating us.” Atalanta grumbled, and my brow furrowed.

Their lead didn’t last long though, as our captain let out three blaring whistles shortly after. Daedalus leapt down from his perch in the trees and charged towards the Wolves’ prison. The other team had pushed most of their forces into the Lion’s side of the field, counting on the fact that most of our team would be too occupied to make a shot at their flag, and left Daedalus with a clear path. Once he freed his teammate, they both ran towards the Wolves’ crimson banner unhindered, and grasped the flagpole at the same time.

A bell rung thrice, signaling the end of the game. All over the field, the glow sand that had been illuminating the stadium turned from white to blue and purple, announcing the Lions’ victory. I grinned, no matter where you were, watching your home team win was always satisfying.

I woke in the middle of the night. I don’t know what woke me up, but after a few moments I realized I wasn’t going to go back to sleep any time soon. I decided to walk through the palace to help calm me. I stepped out the door and made my way to the garden. I stood by the railing, feeling the winds whip at my nightclothes. Looking out at the horizon I wanted to go higher, feel the chill of the clear air in my lungs. I went back to the stairwell that lead to the dorms but instead of climbing back down I stepped up to the top to a gothic archway. I walked into what seemed to be an abandoned watch tower. I went to the railing and gazed out over the surrounding mountains. The view was breathtaking. The North Wing was pointed toward the ocean, and from here I saw the sandy beaches that separated the mountains from the water. Unlike the beaches back home, the sand glowed brightly against the dark night, and I guessed that’s what lit all of the rooms in the castle.

“It seems we have a visitor.” A deep voice came from behind me, and I whipped around, thinking it was one of the guards. Instead, my eyes rested on an eagle’s nest.

Apparently the tower was less abandoned then I had originally assumed.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know there was anyone up here.” I moved to leave, but he stopped me with an outstretched wing.

“Don’t be, I enjoy visitors from time to time, it’s been years since I’ve talked to a student. My name is Hawthorne, what brings you up here?”

“My name is Allie, and I couldn’t sleep, and I’m a bit surprised I can talk to you as well, I was under the impression that I can only speak to ravens.” I confessed and I heard a chuckle.

“Many humans with a significant amount of magic power can speak to more than one species, and I sense a great ability sleeping within you, if you don’t mind me saying so.” We talked for a few minutes and I told him about the dragon around my neck. After speculating as to what it could be I started to yawn, and I heard another low laugh.

“Little Hatchlings should be in bed, but feel free to visit anytime you like. Although I’m usually out hunting during the day, my mate, Ash, will be here. She’s going out for a midnight flight while I watch over the eggs.”

“Why isn’t she in the valley?” I asked, confused, and he seemed surprised as he answered.

“This place is named Eagle Bastion for a reason, this is our refuge. We have watched over the Spade queens and kings for centuries. As for your dragon, I would ask a Muse to help you with it, they usually have a better sense about these things than I do. Now off to dreams with you little Hatchling, or you’ll regret it tomorrow.” I smiled and waved as I descended the stairs. When my hand grabbed the handle to the dorm hall, the dragon around my neck suddenly curled tighter, and through red-tinged vision I saw beyond the door to see a guard patrolling through the hall. With my heart in my throat, I waited until she moved on and the dragon loosened once again before slipping back into my room. It took a few minutes for my pulse to settle once in bed, but after that I quickly descended into sleep.

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