The Spade Chronicles Book 0: Eagles Rising

Chapter Lead

It was quiet when I entered the Den that evening. Kennedia was already there, setting up some platters of snacks while Magnolia fixed some of the glow sand hanging from the rafters.

“Hey Kennedia, sorry I couldn’t join you this afternoon, did you find anything?”

“Not quite, but I did find some books we can read through that might be helpful. Not certain though.” She mused as she put the finishing touches on the buffet table. I walked up to the stage, carrying one of many boxes. I had been called by the Spade Council, stating that they decided to award medals to all of the Dragons. They were all going to be given the Spade medal of recognition of exceptional performance in combat, of Marks of Bravery. I had been given the boxes containing the awards and a thick packet outlining the ceremony and the role I was to play in it. The Queen would be present herself, but I was to hand out a medal to the Dragon as Queen Rhiannon called out their names and shook their hands. Kennedia would be up there as well, handing out framed certificates detailing their performance in battle and the gratitude they inspired in Spade. The Eagles would be receiving awards as well, but given that most of us were otherwise occupied, we decided to hold a separate ceremony at a later date.

“Are those the awards?” Kennedia inquired, nodding at the boxes as she made her way to the dais.

“Yeah, want a peek?” I replied, opening the box and pulling out a blue velvet case. I opened it to see a solid silver western dragon holding a shield in its claws, tail wrapped around the front on the bottom. The Spade national emblem. The medal hung on strips of blue silk

“There lovely.” Kennedia cooed softly.

“They deserve it.” I said, feeling a sense of pride well up within me. I had brought the medals down in the Den to keep an eye on them while we put the finishing touches on the decorations for the afterparty, which would be held down here. The ceremony itself, however, would occur in the Celestial Plaza, it would mark the official end to this year’s Festival of Colors. As we concluded our business in the Den, to Royal Guards came to help us carry the certificates and medals down to the pavilion. As they loaded the boxes into the carriage, Kennedia got dressed for the ceremony. I pulled on a deep sapphire dress, which stopped right above my knee and tapered at the back so it brushed my ankles. The sleeves came down to my elbow, where it flared out. Instead of boots I donned gladiator sandals that had been dyed to match my dress. Kennedia dressed in a one shouldered gown that draped over her in a toga-esque style that hemmed at mid calf. She didn’t wear sleeves, but a gold band circled her bicep. On the way down into the city, I got a call from Ms. Pendragon.

“I’m just calling to see how the search for Lance is going.” She explained after I answered. My shoulders slumped, and I told her about how I had been called back to Lailoria.

“All of the others are looking for him though, so I promise we’ll find him.” I assured, drawing my bangs back from my face.

“I believe you, and I’m sure Rhiannon has her rea- Is that a tiara?”

My hand went to where the circlet rested on my hair. Luckily, before we left Atalanta had the foresight to have me wear it upside down, so it rested on my forehead, the biggest sapphire sat between my eyebrows. She then decided to weave my hair around its form before we set off, both hiding it from view and securing it in place.

“Better try to avoid any tell tale identifying features.” She had noted that morning. “They may not know your face, but that’s no guarantee they haven’t somehow heard of your amulet and circlet.”

As it was, the diadem rested proudly on my head, unbound and unconcealed in its original upright position. I was relieved when I awoke at the bottom of the chasm to find that I hadn’t lost it during my fall. I hadn’t thought about it when I put it on this morning, or when I put my hair up for tonight’s ceremony. However, with Lance’s mother taking note of it, I felt self conscious. Was wearing it a bit too presumptuous?

“Um . . . Yes, it is, it was a gift.”

“ . . .Did my son make it for you?” she interrogated, squinting her eyes to focus on it.

“It’s probably because he wanted to say sorry. I wear gauntlets and my amulet prevents me from wearing any other necklaces so it was the only piece of jewelry he could make for me. It was really nice of him,” I ranted before looking away, staring at my lap.

“Well you were all he talked about when he came home from school.”

My head snapped up. “What?”

“Oh nothing, I’ll probably be in trouble if I say anything more. Good luck at the ceremony, and tell me if you find anything,” she said as she signed off, though I don’t recall telling her about the ceremony. I spent the rest of the carriage ride chatting with Kennedia, until we pulled up to the Celestial Plaza.

It was packed and everyone was already seated, so we made a bit of an entrance. I took the final box filled with medals and Kennedia grabbed the certificates and we made our way to center stage, where there was a tanked prepared for us to set down our load. We went to stand by the table just as Queen Rhiannon made her way to the podium.

“Spades and welcome guests, we are here this evening to recognize and reward the students of Eagle Bastion for their unflinching resolve in combat and tremendous selflessness in defending those threatened at the cost of their own safety. It is thanks to these valiant youths that not a single civilian was harmed in the vile attack. The perpetrators have been contained and will face the consequences of their actions.

“However, tonight we celebrate and honor the heroes who we owe our gratitude. To each of these noble students we award the Mark of Bravery, a symbol of exceptional bravery and upholding values all of Spade holds dear. To earn the Mark of Bravery is to have faced danger head on for the sake of preserving those who can’t. To have been noble and compassionate in their exploits, all of these students have accomplished this much and more. Before we distribute these prestigious awards, please welcome Hatchling Allie Sage as she offers a few words in regards to her peers.” She concluded to a round of cheers and applause, and I took her place at the podium. I gazed out over the audience, feeling a familiar twist of anxiety form in my stomach. Despite my anxiety, I drew myself up and kept my shoulders back.

“Some of you may know me as the one who lead the charge against the aggressors during the Festival of Colors. However thanks is owed to every student, without whom I would’ve been helpless to stop the tragedy planned for the Festival. Although blood was shed, the day was saved, and for that I couldn’t be happier. This is a great day, not just for us students, but all of Spade. I am proud to have worked with all of you. This success belongs to you and I am grateful to have fought by your side,” I managed to deliver my short piece without stuttering and they must have found it moving because I had to wait for applause to die down before continuing.

“Without further adieu, the awards!” I called out to another round of cheering. I switched places with the Queen once more. She began calling out names, and I would give them their medals after they bowed and shook Queen Rhiannon’s hand. I would place the Mark of Bravery around their neck and shake their hand as well before they did the same to Kennedia before receiving their certificates.

The entire ceremony went well into the night and afterward we all made our way back the Eagle Bastion for the reception party in the Den. While everyone was merry and having a good time, I found it difficult to fully engage in. I found myself climbing the stairway to Hawthorne’s’ tower after a half hour of mingling, carrying my glass of cider with me. I was pleasantly shocked to find three little chicks squirming around in their nest, being watched over by a very tired looking Hawthorne, he greeted me cheerfully nonetheless.

“Good evening, little Violet, I hear it’s been quite the day for you, I must say I’m glad you made the trip up here to visit us.” His voice still held that deep reassurance it always did, though he must have been exhausted.

“When did they hatch? What are their names?” I interrogated, eager to know more about the adorable balls of grey fluff that were currently sleeping in a slightly less tiny ball.

“We won’t name them until we have a better feel for their personality, and they hatched the evening of your departure.”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here to congratulate you sooner.” I apologized with a slight frown, but he waved it off.

“No need to apologize, you had your own task ahead of you. Besides, there is something Ash and I would like to ask you.” He shifted nervously, but made his way to my shoulder as Ash landed in the spot he previously occupied. She cleared her throat.

“Allie, it has been a tradition for Hawthorne and I lay a new clutch, we find a human that will watch over should anything happen to us, and share some of the responsibilities of raising them.” She began, gazing at the chick in the nest before looking up at me.

“Mainly helping with educating them and helping them get used to human contact.” Hawthorne added before Ash continued.

“And given that you have been a good friend to us and shown reasonable success looking after Belladonna we were hoping that you would be godmother, as you humans call it, for this clutch.” I was surprised, I didn’t know they trusted me enough to help with such an important task. The offer warmed my heart, and I couldn’t help but say yes.

“I would be honored.” I whispered, and felt Hawthorne’s wing on my cheek in response.

“We are grateful. Now off to bed with you, with all you have to do in the morning you need as much sleep as you can get.”

I smiled, and left the tower with a sense of calm that always settled over me after talking to Hawthorne and Ash. Which reminded me I still had to call my mom. I sat down at my vanity, asking my compact to make the call as I began unbraiding my hair, taking my circlet off for the night. Once it was off my head, my dragon reverted back to its original copper and ruby color. By the time Mom picked up, my hair hung loose at my waist.

“Allie! Why haven’t you called? I’ve been worried sick!” My mom exclaimed, slightly out of breath. I felt guilt coil in my chest.

“Sorry, Mom, I meant to call you this morning but today’s been kinda hectic.”

“That doesn’t explain what you were doing the days before that.”

“I was out in the woods and forgot my calling compact. I sent Kyrie to get it, but she didn’t get back until the day before last.” I explained apologetically, and I heard her sigh.

“It must be late over there, so we’ll have this discussion later. Though I must say your room is huge. Is that why you don’t want to come home? If they give you such a luxurious suite they must spoil you.” She commented bitterly.

“I wouldn’t say they spoil me.” I protested, thinking of Snapdragon’s strict training regimen.

“They treat me well, but that’s not why I live here. I don’t know how to explain it. Maybe you can visit sometime and see for yourself.”

“Okay but when are you coming back?” She asked, exasperation starting to show.

“To visit?” I asked, getting a feeling of dread I felt whenever I felt an argument approaching.

“No, when are you coming back for good. You can’t just live there for the rest of your life.” She insisted, her voice hardening. I felt Belladonna putting her head in my lap, sensing my anxiety. I pet her head a bit to calm down before answering.

“Mom I’m not going to live on Pangaea. I’ll visit as often as I can but my home is here.”

“Your home is where I say it is! And I’m not comfortable with you living in a country I know nothing about, in the care of people I don’t know after you vanished without a trace!” Her voice escalated as she spoke, and by the time she finished speaking her voice rasped. I opened my mouth to speak, face hot, but couldn’t find a response that she would like.

“What do you want me to say?” I questioned, completely lost as to how to get through to her.

“I want you to say you’ll stop throwing this temper tantrum and come home and actually take some responsibility before you have to repeat a grade! I’ve been very patient with you, but I’m starting to wonder if that was the right decision!” she shouted, eyes afire. I flinched, taken completely aback, then I registered what she said and my blood boiled with rage. I slammed the compact shut, ending the call before I could say something I regretted. I put my head in my hands, face flushed with anger. I felt Kyrie land on my shoulder and stroke my cheek.

“Seriously? For months on end I’ve been working my blades-cutting butt off to keep people safe and she thinks I’m throwing some fit? Who even does that? No one just leaves home because of a temper tantrum!” By the time I was done my heart was pounding and I was hyperventilating with rage.

“Allie?” Belladonna tentatively caught my attention. “Are you okay?”

“No I’m not okay!” I snapped and stood up sharply, sending the vanity’s padded bench clattering backward. Kyrie flew back, startled.

“My own mother thinks I’m some freeloading runaway intent on gallivanting around without a care!” I paced around my room, until finally going to the window and curling up, arms wrapped around my knees, finally letting myself cry. I felt Kyrie return to my shoulder and stroke my hair, I calmed a little. Belladonna got comfortable on the other end of the window seat. We gazed out over the ocean and the mountains together as my eyes ran dry.

“It will be okay, your mom’s just worried about you.” Kyrie consoled.

“She didn’t have to make it sound like I was being selfish.” I protested.

“I know, but everyone makes mistakes, especially when they don’t have all of the information. I for one, have been with you from your first day in Ivaline, and you actions have been many things, but selfish is not one of them.” She soothed, stroking my hair. Out of the corner of my window, something caught my eye. I opened my window.

“Tide?” I called, opening the window and drawing the attention of the imposing silhouette flying by the palace.

“Allie! I’m so glad I found you! I think I know where Lance is!” He came to a landing right outside my room, bringing his head down so he was eye level with me. I straitened.

“Where?” I queried, anxious to hear news as to whether he was alright.

“He’s along the edge of the Valley of Avalon, I tracked his scent there, but he’s underground so I can’t go after him myself. I need your help.” He pleaded, placing a claw on my window sill. I thought for a moment, then rushed to grab my cloak and communicator. I ran to Kennedia’s room and knocked on the door.

“Magnolia, are you there?” I inquired, and heard a rustle from within.

“Yes.” She answered groggily, having just woken up.

“Tell Kennedia I’ve gone with Tide to look for Lance, okay?” I requested, and was off as soon as I heard her confirmation. I made my way quietly down to the room where we got all of the food for the Sparring Nights. I took a sack that hung by the door and hastily stuffed it with food from the rations section, and hurried out the door. In a matter of minutes I was back in my room.

“What are you doing?” Belladonna asked as Kyrie came to my shoulder. I caught sight of Lance’s circlet, resting on the vanity next to my compact.

“Taking responsibility.” I responded, then I strode across the room, looked my reflection in the eye, and placed the tiara on my head, upside down so it was more secure. I walked to the window and mounted Tide.

“Stay with Kennedia until I get back, okay?” I told Belladonna, and with that, I disappeared into the night.

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