The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 6 Flip Out

“Elaina Renaud, what happened to your shoes and clothes!” My mother stood in front of us with her hands on her hips. Dad and Bryant bombarded her all at once, she snapped, “What do you fucking mean Ashton shifted to attack Bryant and Elaina shifted, her wolf is what?” All eyes turn to me, all I could do it measure the specs on the tile directly under my feet. I opened my mouth three times, with no words leaving my lips. “Elaina!!” Yeah, that voice calling my name can do it every time.

“I’ve been able to shift ever since last summer, all except Lycan. least not for more than a few minutes. I never said anything because I didn’t want you to dwell on the time left before…” I didn’t even get to finish when my mom cleared the space between us, engulfing me into a tight hug, feeling her tears land on my hair. “Sweetheart, don’t be afraid to tell us anything like that, I will always worry as all mothers do. Yes, I often worry how much time we have left, because I want you to enjoy it as much as possible. Experience everything even love.” I wrinkle up my nose. “Gross, Mom, I’m not even interested in boys yet!” She let out a laugh, wiping her tears.

Later that night I just felt drained, I ordered two more pairs of my running shoes to express ship. My father had another set of gloves he had as a backup for me tucked away. Bryant and I stayed up for hours just talking just like we did when he was little.

Flash Back

I heard Bryant stirring in his crib, but not in a way my parents could hear. I got out of bed, putting on my Finding Nemo slippers, orbing into his room. Bryant was on the verge of crying.

“Are you afraid of the dark? Your night light is on.”

“I don’t want to sleep alone; can you sleep with me, Laina.”

“Ok, I’ll get in with you, scoot over.”

I climbed in the crib, settling his nerves. I pulled the blanket over us. I sang the lullaby our mother always used. Bryant was fast asleep and before I knew it, so was I . I’m sure my parents knew, but they never said anything or tried to stop me. As Bryant got bigger, he would come in my room getting in bed with me, still to this day. I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore drifting into a deep sleep. I began to dream.

“Elaina, you will be mine whether you like it or not, no one will ever tell me no!”

“You’re beyond delusional. I can’t stand you much less would I take you as a chosen mate. In fact, you have a mate. You need to claim her; stay the fuck away from me and especially Bryant or I’ll make you wish you had!”

“Tsk, tsk, Laina, accidents do happen, no matter how strong you are, no matter how fast you are, you can’t be two places at once. Of course, with your family and my parents being dead, you would have no choice. Leave the throne up for grabs; we all know what will happen if you do. I’ll be Alpha and plus the only way you can hold your throne is with a strong mate.” Ashton took his finger to rub against my cheek, I moved before he could graze my face, hitting him with a back handed slap. Ashton’s head whipped violently to the side, drawing blood. As he turned around, I saw his eyes go red, licking the blood stained on his lower lip. Ashton whispered, “I always knew you liked it rough; I will be glad to oblige when you’re mine.” Looking to the left quickly, I saw the date on the calendar, September 2020.

I jumped out of my sleep in a cold sweat, only to realize I wasn’t in bed but floating above it. I almost fell hard face first, instead using my powers to stop myself midair. “Damn premonitions, at least I have seven years to change it.” I reexamined my vision piece by piece until I had it all figured out. It was somewhere on or near the campus of Stanford. Ashton would be twenty-three. It’s clear he wasn’t made Alpha yet, but he had certainly physically matured despite still being a twit. I had the advantage of time, skills that I’ve yet to utilize on this side. I told Bryant everything I saw, he insisted we tell our parents as well as our god parents.

“Bryant, NO! All he will do is change his plan up, plus not everyone is to know that I can see the past, present or future. If Ashton is as unstable as I saw, he could align with the dark ones, leaving the entire supernatural community on this side of the country wiped out. These are things we need to deal with now, so we can head them off in the future. I believe our legion will be able to control this when the time comes. We are the first to exceed fifty members. Until then, let’s use some magic to keep tabs on our godbrother for the next seven years, Agreed?”

Bryant gave me a big sigh, “Agreed.”

With that we orb into a space our parents created as a training facility, it was going to be the headquarters to our legion in the near future. One of the many duties as heir to the throne was enforcing our supernatural laws, similar to a US Marshall, but with authority worldwide. So many responsibilities and not enough time to play. I stood in front of my scrying obsidian mirror concentrating on Ashton, chanting in the tongue of are original ancestors. My eyes immediately glossed over, any and every possible move he would make would be recorded here before he would do it.

Who would have thought the enemy would be closer to home than anything else we would have to experience.

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