The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 35 Three Days Later

I am finally able to hold my eyes open, my vision seems more advanced along with my hearing. I can distinguish the exact window a fly is caught between in the sunroom of the palace, on the back west wing to be exact, that’s if my ears are right. Wow, did I just see a totally different colors of yellow in the sunlight?

I can see Nolan coming down the hall, but I could see as if he was pure energy in movement instead of a solid physical form. Shit! What should I do? Play dead or .. what the hell is wrong with me, this isn’t Kill Bill volume I.

“You’re awake!” Nolan put me in a bone crusher hug. “How long have I been out?” Nolan decides to use our mind link instead of talking. “Three days, you must be hungry.” Wait a damn minute, I’ve been in this semi-comatose state for three days? This has to be a dream, there is no way I lost three entire days. “I am starving, hang on. What’s this in between my legs? No! you let her put an external catheter on me?” Now, I’m more than embarrassed, I am down right mortified. What was the woman thinking?

Your mother thought it was a good idea since putting a traditional catheter wasn’t ideal. I know you are pissed, but it is better than a diaper.” He made his point, so I let it go.

Nolan, I need to talk to you; I never had a chance to tell you..” he interrupts me, ”It can wait till you eat something and rest a little more. I almost thought I lost you because of that piece of shit Ashton.” I am done resting; I have rested for three frigging days. I have to tell him now before more craziness starts to happen.

Nolan rubs his thumb across my cheek before he left. Everything I sense is turned up a notch, I could see Lexi is not here or in the palace. My brother is with our parent’s and Nicole is at the pack house dealing with the aftermath. I took the catheter off, placing it into my bathroom. Yana walks through the door, bounding onto my bed and rubbing her head against mine. She let me see everything I had missed in the three days of my unconsciousness. This cat got around and in everyone’s business.

Nolan returns with a loaded omelet, toast and of course pineapple juice; my mother clearly had jokes. “Where is Lexi?” He pauses slightly, ”That will be an interesting story. I will catch you up on everything you missed. In the meantime, please eat.”

I dig into the omelet, Yana decides to climb into Nolan’s lap and curl her huge body into a ball. I devour every morsel of food. Nolan stood up, taking Yana with him as he removes the tray. I pop out of bed to soak myself in the tub, I needed to get dressed and head to the pack prison. I need to break Ashton’s mind before anything else happens, I need to know where the rest of the Persea ash is being kept.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I am taken aback by his tone; I know he isn’t really asking me that. ”Going to take a bath and then interrogate Ashton, I need to get answers only he can provide.”

Nolan storms into the bathroom behind me, grabbing my arm roughly, “You aren’t going anywhere! I almost lost you and I need to have eyes on you at all times to keep you safe.” Wow, wow, keep me safe? No one can keep me safe but me.

“I can take care of myself; I don’t need a babysitter or guards!” Nolan wraps his arms around me, caging me, “This is not up for debate.” Now I’m going to have to beat his ass, “Like hell it isn’t, Nolan.” I twist my weight to an angle, “I really hate to do this, Nolan, but you leave me no choice.”

You Asked For It

I lift my body up, bringing my legs up ready to spring down to the ground, using Nolan’s strength against him. I toss him over my back dead to the floor. “Enough!” My voice booms in the entire house. My parents and brother run up the stairs, banging on the door. I contain the room, preventing anyone from coming in or out.

My mother links me, ”Elaina, Sweetheart, why are you blocking us out?” I need them to stay out and let me handle my life for once. “Stay out, all of you! This is between me and my mate!” I could see my father put his hand on her shoulder, “Lilah, let her handle this, it is her life after all. Bryant, stand fast just in case.” My brother isn’t having any of it, “Are you two serious right now, she will rip my head off. I’m out.”

It clearly isn’t over, he tackles me to the bed. ”Elaina Renaud, what has gotten into you, don’t make me accidentally hurt you.” Hurt me? That is hilarious, he couldn’t hurt me even if he was given the powers of the Gods. “Is that a promise.” I retort, while grunting.

“Get the fuck off of me before I make you!” Here comes the raging, domineering Lycan I knew he always was. “No! Not till you calm down and tell me what the hell is going on with you!” Nolan turns me around making me face him. All I could do is pant in my vexation. ”I have been trying to tell you for two days and even this morning. You keep interrupting me. Let me go now!” In his classic response, ”No, Elaina!”

I mindlink him. "Alright, if that’s how you want to play it, let’s fight!’’

Breaking his hold, I flip Nolan off the bed. Nolan lunges at me, I caught his elbow, locking his upper arm, connecting two sidekicks to his chest. Following up with a leg sweep, I knock him off of his feet. I straddle my mate, squeezing his sides with my thighs applying pressure, causing just enough pain to keep him subdued.

“What the fuck, Elaina!” Nolan grabs my hips; I quickly raise myself up and clamp my thighs, trapping his arms. He grits his teeth with his canines extended. “Oh, so you’re mad, mad,” I tell him.

I lean down to his ear, whispering, “You wanted to be in between my legs so badly before. How do you like it now?” The distinct sensation of his dick getting hard hit my butt. Is he really getting turned on during a fight?

“You got some fucking nerve to be thinking of fucking me in the middle of this fight!” Somehow Nolan got his hands on my butt, taking me by surprise. I orb off of him and stand in front of my closet. “How did you, what did you just do?” I watch as he gets to his feet. “There is more than that, mate.”

I wink at him, orbing behind him, knocking him several feet forward. Just before his body collides with the wall, I perch on the door jamb to stop his collision. “We don’t want to mess up that handsome face just yet.” I bounce him around the room nonstop. Deep down inside I know I should have stopped playing with him, but he needed a valuable lesson in humility, plus I am still furious.

I stop while letting Nolan wobble in the middle of the floor, breathing hard and clearly dizzy. “You never once told me about the pack kidnappings. If you are my mate, don’t you think that was something I should know or help with? You want me to be so open and honest with you, but you’ve kept secrets since you arrived here. You weren’t here for business or simple pack issues. It’s not like I couldn’t find out the truth anyway, I shouldn’t have to dig in your head to find out anything. Oh, the general your father was so interested in meeting is standing right in front of your face. I commanded one hundred elite warriors; I could lay waste to this entire planet at any given time. Guess what, Nolan? I’m trying to save everyone, even you with your damn chauvinistic behavior!”

He held a look of shame, maybe shock and realization on his face, he has so much to say and nothing to say all at the same time. “You have no idea what it has been like to live like this, with the weight of everyone’s hope riding on your shoulders, thousands of deaths by your own hand. The pain and suffering festering inside of me day after day!”

He tries to speak, “Elaina..” I seal his mouth briefly so I could finish. “Save it! All you want to do is keep a leash on me, just giving me enough slack to feel free. Don’t you think holding on to me so tightly is what will make me slip through your fingers? You never once thought to yourself on how exactly Ashton sustained all those injuries before you found me, or the others that laid dead. If that piece of shit hadn’t sprayed me with Persea ash, we wouldn’t be here right now!”

“Elaina. your eyes!” Looking through my mates eyes, I could see what had him so mesmerized. My eyes have become a swirl of colors in motion. I felt energy surge through me, like I had never experienced before.

My body pulsates with a blinding glow. Nolan tries to come forward, I put my hand up. “Stay back before I hurt you!” My skin erupts all over in ripples, just like on Halloween. I cocoon myself as a ball of energy erupts out of my chest, letting out a loud howling scream.

Everything within the territory shook despite my barrier. I fell to my knees panting; hopefully, it was over for now. Nolan picks me up despite the possible aftermath. “I guess you want out of this train wreck now that you know everything.”

He strokes my hair from my face, “I admit it was a little scary, but I’m in this for an eternity, no matter how badly you can kick my ass.” We both laughs. My mother knocks on the door before opening it, with my dad in tow. “We just wanted to check on you two, making sure you’re okay.”

I wasn’t sure about okay, but I think we can get there. “I think we are going to be fine; can you give us a moment we will be down later so you can break him in.” My parents shut the door behind them. Nolan took me in the bathroom, sitting me on the counter. He starts the tub pouring in bath oils, undresses us both before dunking us in. We both needed this small bit of peace before the chaos. Nolan is going to get a crash course in my world.

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