The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 33 All Hallows Eve

All Hallows’ Eve

“Mom, my wings won’t retract, what the hell am I going to do ? This is a fucking disaster!”

“Calm down, Sweetheart, they should retract by midnight, if not sooner.”

Okay, so how do I explain my costume as Queen Gorgo with wings, which was not a part of 300!”

My mother ponders what to do. “I got it, just help me conjure a cowl for you with horns. You still have your black tutu, right?” Now what is she planning? “Yep, I do, why do you want it?” My mother put her hand up, “Young lady, let me handle it , it will be perfect.” My mother was right, it is perfect, not only am I a horned fae, but she helped me recreate Maleficent. This could work after all, as long as Nolan didn’t look too closely at my wings. I give Bryant a heads up that he supposedly built me realistic animatronic wings.

My mother drapes me with a long cloak to make it look like a dramatic reveal while we celebrate with the children from all the neighboring packs, clans, and covens. I meet Nolan outside the hall and is he a sight for my eyes, he is dressed in period clothing as an aristocrat prince. Hell, these might even be his clothes for all I knew.

“My love, what are you hiding under that cloak?”, this is the moment my mother was waiting for. She pulls the tie and pulls the cloak off in a flourish, I extend my wings immediately. “Maleficent never looked as stunning as my mate does right now.” My mother announces, “Feast your eyes on Maleficent in the flesh!”

Nolan bows to me and says, “My Fae queen, allow me to escort you to the festivities.” I take his hand, “You may my noble king.” I heard Nolan speak, or so I thought I did, “I love her beyond words.” If only he knew I felt the same way. “Elaina, did you just say you felt the same way?” Wait a minute, did we just link each other? I’ll be damned we can link just like my parents.

“Yes, but in my mind.” Nolan decides to test out the link, “Elaina, can you hear me now?” Let me confirm this duh moment, “Loud and clear as my own thoughts.” Nolan dips his head, kissing me on the exposed part of my forehead not covered by my cowl. My mother clears her throat interrupting our intimate moment, ”You two have an eternity to love on each other, but for now we have children to entertain.” She is right, we have an obligation first and foremost.

Nolan and I officiated the apple eating contest, pop goes the pumpkin, Frankenstein bowling and a kid friendly version of beer pong. The kids are fascinated with Nolan being a pureblood Lycan, most have not seen a pureblood Lycan up close before outside of my father. “Show us your canines, Prince Nolan.” He has no problem honoring their requests, “Wooow, they are huge, I think they are bigger than Alpha Roderick’s.”

Another little girl asks another question, “You’re really tall, how tall do you get when you shift?” That’s a good question, even I don’t know how big he is as a Lycan. ”Well kids, I am six feet five inches tall, so I get a few inches away from ten feet.” Those babies have their jaws to the floor, one little boy came to his senses to make a request, “If you’re here tomorrow, could you shift for us so we can see, pretty, pretty please?” Nolan looks at me for approval, I gave him a nod. “Yes I can, we will be here until Sunday evening. How does 11 sound to you guys?” They all erupt in triumph, “Yay!”

The little ones then turn their attention to me. “Princess Elaina, your wings are so cool, are they real?” Oh shit, now Nolan is looking at me, just what I needed, too observant children. “Kind of, they function like wings. They are specially made by Bryant for tonight’s party.” Hoping that will end the curiosity, but I am so wrong. “Can you make them flap for us, please!” Fuck me right now! These frigging kids! “Sure, back up a little for me.” Oh my god, I’m going to die right now, Nolan is readily waiting for it just like the kids. I step back and arch my wings out and flapping them.

“That’s awesome, can they lift you off the ground?” Nolan’s face slightly changes as if in disbelief, now I can hear he isn’t buying the story I told him. He thinks they are real. “Nope kids, sadly they can’t do that.” They look so disappointed, “Aww, they are still really cool though.” I link my mother for some help distracting him from inspecting my wings any further.

“Hey, Nolan, just who I was looking for, I would like to introduce you to a few of the neighboring clan and coven members. Elaina, take the children to the toilet paper mummy contest. I’ll bring your mate to you later.” I could kiss that woman; she saved me yet again.

I am helping the children with the mummy making and laughing too hard at the same time, one pup was wrapped heavily on the top end, no eyes or mouth space.

I have to poke around to open it up for him. Once we are done I sent them over to attack several pinatas we had set up. I am cleaning up the toilet paper and whispering voices struck me, overwhelming me. I am being hit with information overload. I can feel my face shift several times. The only thing I could do is try to link Bryant.

It went out slightly incoherently, Bryant got the message. Nikki and my brother get me out of the hall through the back door that went through to the garden. Scales form on my arm, disappearing to be replaced by fur. The fur went away for my skin to then raise in ripples. The whispers intensify, driving me on the edge of a mental collapse. “Laina, the moon is leaving its peak soon, just hold on.” Bryant tries his best to console me, I am sensing every molecule around me. “I’ll have Mom and Dad keep Nolan busy. They’ll tell him something went wrong with your wings. Nikki, I think I need to take her to the realm.”

Bryant picks me up, carrying me deeper into the woods that surround the palace. I couldn’t control it, I sent energy blasts out from my body, almost knocking my brother down. Before Bryant could open a portal, one has already opened. Elder Olivia and Elder Marcus step through, “We can handle it from here, Prince Bryant.” bowing as they speak.

“ What’s…What’s happening to me? Thi... this is worse than any other time.” Elder Olivia holds my head up, gesturing to Marcus to come forward with a small bottle in his hand. “Drink, Princess, this will make it pass. Your body is preparing, please drink. We will explain more when you and your mate come to the realm.” Nolan! What am I going to say to him? What will he do?

Without any further resistance I drink whatever it was they gave me. My body's energy surges calm down and my wings retracted. I’m going to need those back until we end the party. “You two were right on time, thank you. I don’t know if we would have made it to the realm.” They both nod their heads, “We are here to serve you on your journey. Please come to the realm soon, we have much to discuss.” The portal opens with them disappearing.

“We need to head back, we will talk later, I don’t want Nolan looking for me.” Bryant grabs my shoulder, ”Your wings, you need them out before we go back.” Shit, right. “Thank you, baby brother. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” We ran to the back entrance, slipping back to the party.

Sweetheart, is everything handled? Nolan became anxious. It was hard distracting him from looking for you.” Letting out a breath before answering, “We handled it, my wings can retract now. The elders came, I will have to go to the realm with Nolan soon. I will have to talk to him tonight.”

Nolan comes up behind me, wrapping me in his arms. “I was worried about you for a second, wings all fixed?” I hated lying to him, but I had to keep the charade going a little longer. One more hour and I would have the big reveal. “All fixed, babe, come with me and Bryant to hand out the party bags. We are going to wind down soon.” My brother pops into my head, “Laina, the sooner you tell him, the sooner he will adjust.” I side eye my brother, letting him know to shut it. “Bryant, I’m doing it tonight, so calm your tits.” Bryant shrugs his shoulders in defeat.

We sent the last of the children away with only one party bag left, the night was finished. I went with the palace servants to help with clean up, Nolan joined in too. “Babe, I want to talk to you later, it isn’t anything too terrible, but I have a lot to tell you and show you.”

Nolan looks up as he is bending down, picking up a few candy wrappers, “Laina, my love, nothing you could tell me would keep me away from you.” That is reassuring, hope I don’t choke tonight. We are almost done with clean up, my uncles and father came in to help clean up the rest. “You two go relax and get out of your costumes; we got the rest.” They shooed us off in the direction of the stairs.

I go to my mother’s room to retract my wings, which was a little dumb on my part. I could have used them to show him just how different I was. Opening the door to my room, Nolan is halfway undressed, “Let me help you, love.” He unlaces my bodice, allowing me to shimmy right out. No, no, no! He is aroused, if I let him get me on the bed, my confession will never get started.

“Nolan, can I tell you something first?” He pauses, “Yes, lay it on me.” I pull in a deep breath and slowly releasing it, “I’m different, not like hybrid different. I have abilities and certain things about me that are not commonly known outside my family or the realm.” Nolan chuckles, “Like glowing when you climax.”

Wait, I glow? “Sort of but a lot deeper than that. I want to show you tomorrow after you go to shift for the kids. Unlike my mother, my responsibilities are much greater. The things I can do are unique. I’m an anomaly, similar to the movie Divergent.” Nolan’s eyebrows are furrow as he ponders what I am saying.

“Show me tomorrow because my brain is on empty. The more you say the more I may be confused.” He had a point, we had two parties in a row, did a massive clean-up and it is close to 2 in the morning. “Deal, I will show and tell you tomorrow, but just keep an open mind.” Nolan kisses me deeply, “Always my love.”

Blinding Lights-The Weeknd

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