The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 31 Weekend With The Royals

The veil is lifting this time of the year, merging the spiritual world and corporal world. I knew it would be tricky for me to avoid messages from the dead. This was the one night I had zero control of my abilities, plus it was a full moon, what fun times. I practiced what I would say to Nolan a million times, it all panned out with him leaving me, just in my head at least.

I don’t know how he’d react to, “Babe I’m the last primeval heir. I’ve battled an army 5000 deep. Oh, by the way I’m going to be immortal duking it out with Allister to stop the apocalypse in the next 45 years or so, anyways are you hungry.”

Nolan popped my crazy talk bubble placing his hands on my shoulder, causing me to jump slightly. “You were deep in thought, are you second guessing spending the weekend with your parents?” Turning around, I tilted my head up towards him, “No, not at all. Actually far from it. I just.. it’s just…”, just say it and pull the band aid off already.

“I just have some things to show you this weekend. Important things I want to share with you. I never imagined myself here with anyone.” He caged me in his arms, “Don’t think I didn’t know what you’ve been doing before. You were purposely pushing trying to push my buttons the entire time in the beginning in the hopes I would abandon my quest to convince you to be my mate.”

That’s not even the tip of the iceberg buddy. Let’s just say it. “I get where you’re coming from. Everyone that has attempted to win you, only did so in the pursuit of power, to possess you like an object. Not taking the slightest interest to see or find out who you are. I can care less about power.

I won’t lie, it is in a Lycan’s nature to possess their mate. I wanted to possess you the moment I saw you, before seeing you in the flesh. I think at that moment I knew deep inside you would be my destined mate.” With a speech like that, how could I destroy this moment. I’ll definitely confess this weekend, “I love you, Nolan.”


“I want them to be ready to go, we need to move quickly. That bitch has made Nolan fall in love with her. I don’t care what you do with her after you have her DNA. You can keep her as a sex slave for all I care. What do you want with her DNA anyway? The man on the other end was harsh in his response, “It’s none of your concern what I want it for, just do what you’re told.”

Ending the phone call was best, it was giving me frown lines. Elaina will be at her parents with Nolan this weekend. Once Nolan is called away, she will be long gone without a trace. Evelyn formed an evil smile at the thought of her plan.

At the Palace

Now I just had to get through the weekend with my parents, Nolan and Alexus. My parents brow beat me into physically staying the entire weekend with Nolan, Thursday to Sunday night and it would be over. In truth even though we’ve talked, they haven’t seen much of me for the past month. Bryant did not tell them that I am now mated, so surprises all around for everyone. Standing in front of the palace made my nerves stand on end.

“Don’t be nervous, love. Nothing will go wrong this weekend.” So, that just happened. He picked up on my emotions, I wonder if our bond will be just like my parents? Stepping further away from the car, I took Nolan’s arm, bringing me the calm I needed. “It’s now or never. Let’s get this show on the road.”

“Elaina, Sweetheart, I missed you so much!” My mother decided squeezing me to death was necessary. “Munchkin!” my father engulfed us both. After a minute they finally let me go, turning their attention to Nolan. “Prince Nolan”, my mother addressed him with a slight nod of the head with my mate bowing in return.

“Prince Nolan”, my father offered him his hand. “Who is this lovely woman you’ve brought to us?” I almost forgot Alexus was with us. “Good day your majesties. I am Princess Alexus, sister to Prince Nolan and Edwin.” Alexus had such etiquette; I could see my parents already took a liking to her. “You need not be so formal; we are practically family.” Okay then, this is a change I didn’t see coming.

We entered one of the palace parlor rooms, with a huge surprise. My grandparents were here! “Grandma, grandpa!” I ran in my heels leaping on both of them. They planted a kiss on both my cheeks. ”My dearest granddaughter, you’ve changed, Delilah did you not notice your daughter is mated. It is time for you both to plan your handfasting.” My mother and father stood there frozen for a few seconds before turning in Nolan’s direction.

My grandmother linked me, “There is more to discuss with you when you come to the realm.” My mother mouthed mated before actually saying it, “Mated!” My grandmother decided to snap my mother out of her clear denial, “My daughter have you not noticed the change in your daughter’s scent. Titus certainly you noticed the woodsy addition to her normally sweet scent.” My mother stared at me blankly.

Her mouth formed an ‘oh’. Looking between Nolan and I several times, “You two have mated! Elaina why didn’t you say anything? We would have only prepared one room instead of two.” My mother took the news rather well after her realization, a little too well if you ask me. My father hasn’t said anything yet. Looks like Nolan will be accosted at dinner.

One of the palace servants took Alexus to her room while I took Nolan to mine. Yana greeted us at the door, rubbing between me and Nolan. I guess she likes him now, reassures me that I made a good choice. After tomorrow’s early dinner, we would be headed to the adult Halloween party in our grand hall, my parents alternated with my godparents every year, next year would be at the pack house.

As I deduced, my father ran a gambit of questions to Nolan after our arrival. Even though my father knew this day would come eventually; I still don’t think he was truly ready for it. Bryant came in late breaking my father out of his many questions for Nolan.

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