The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 24 A Force To Be Reckoned With

Nolan got up early in the morning, leaving me in the bed to sleep in. He kissed me on the lips and my cheek before leaving. As soon as I sense he is gone I got in the shower. I got dressed in a track suit, grabbing my phone I notice my key cards are under it. He had the sense to finally give them back. I stop in the kitchen to tell Ms. Brown I wouldn’t be having breakfast; I have a meeting to attend in person with my brother. I took my ‘work’ duffle bag out of my truck and place it in the boot of my roadster.

Pulling into the underground parking garage I pull up next to Lennox, Lex and Michelle. “Good morning, commander, you seem to be in a good mood.” Boy was I, nothing like an orgasm to set the rest of your day right. “Did you…No you didn’t?” Look at Lex speculating, Michelle starts sniffing me. “Nah, she didn’t, but I’m sure something close enough happened.” Clicking my tongue, ”Mind on the mission and not what might of happened in my knickers.” Lennox chimes in, “Yes ma’am, let’s get to it. Your uncle should be meeting us here shortly.”

"We leave at 10," I brought the drive to give us our next targets. Bryant will analyze this so we can get this over with before the solstice. We all strip down and suit up in our specialized gear. “Please tell me you all have your gauntlets. We are going up against some of the worst and oldest of Allister’s followers.” They all nod their heads. Uncle Reg this is gonna get messy, please be careful, they might try to deploy silver. I suspect some of us will have a few injuries. Only thing I ask is keep the humans and supes in the area out of the crossfire. Guns only as a last resort.”

We gather around the operations table looking at a live hologram of the location we would enter. Bryant sent buffer drones out to dampen any enemy interference for 100 kilometers. There will be six of us going, with our scouts around the territory for cleanup and back up, if this gets too messy. “Shields up, this will be just as dirty as what we experienced in the realm. They are desperate, with desperation comes blind rage.” I open the portal placing my hooded mask up, everyone follows my lead. We all step through landing in our designated areas.

Dusk has finally set, it was past 6pm and people are settling in for the night. Just then, my ears perk up to commotion coming from my six. They didn’t just have one but three. I believe two of them are for trafficking and the other is the main target. Generating money while achieving their means to an end. “Michelle, I have thirty on ground, four in the van, six warlocks on high perches and the 10 holding the targets”. They were using highly powerful glamours to go unseen.” I got the six in my sight, permission to take them out.”

Without a second thought I give the command. Michelle let loose her infinity bow killing them all in one strike. Their ground forces begin to stir, senses the lack of backup from the warlocks. Uncle Reggie chimes in; “I have 20 on the ground taking up offensive positions. Bryant, Lex and Lennox we’re up.” I watch them take out the twenty before they knew what hit them, some of the rest plucked off by Michelle.

Then, the last ten starting to shoot, taking a running leap from the 200 feet I am posted on, I swan dive down, throwing out my blades once my feet hit the ground. Some didn’t fall as easily, meaning they had orcs with them. Coming in close to the biggest, thrusting my fingers into his ribs as I kick into his larynx, sending him flying back.

I orb behind twisting his neck on a swivel. Pulling out my blade from the one I just killed, I morph my blade into a sica for the last few. “Linafeal hadha bialtariqat alaqadims (let’s do this the old way).” They nod in agreement. I watch as they loaded the three victims into the van reversing, leaving four more to try and take me out. “You five track the van, I got this covered.”

The orcs pull out battle axes, from four points surrounding me. Since this is how they wanted to play it, let me even this out. I generate another sica, holding them firm. The four orcs came charging in high, I took the low ground spinning on my knees slicing through them like butter. I pause with small traces of their blood lingering at the tips of my blades.

They stood still unaware of what I had done, until their dark blood erupts from their mouths. Limbs and heads fell like jigsaw puzzles. Sending an illusion out to hide the bodies until we could retrieve them later. l link everyone, “Where are they now?” Bryant links in; “We have them leaving to the southeast, attempting to cross over in Saudi Arabia. Tracker is planted, ready for a run?”

Of course, I wasn’t. The sand is going to tear me apart at my speed. I took the contact case out of my chest plate, placing the contact in my right eye. “Headed out, coordinates in my line of sight.” We would be so fucked if they made it across the border, we promised the neighboring territories we wouldn’t let them cross . I put my goggles on, hitting 30 mph in the vans direction. Once out of the village I kick it up to 70 mph.

Catching up to my uncle in his hybrid Lycan form, he gives me a nod. “Baby girl , what are you planning to do?” I was going to ram this motherfucker. “I’m going to ram the front and take out the back tires.” Lex and Lennox came in together, “Ah shit, she is going beast mode!” The van hit 90 mph, like they could outrun me, of course they have no idea with whom they were dealing with.

Increasing my speed, I throw my shoulder into the front quarter panel taking them off the road, drop my speed taking out the back tires. The van is going to flip, Bryant came in with Michelle air gliding right behind, throwing out a wind funnel leveling out the van. Darting across the front with my claws out, ripping into the hood, pulling out the heart of the engine.

The van is in a complete stop.

“They are going to open fire, Move!” I arch out my wings, blocking out the ricochet, even though I’m nearly impervious I still felt pain, and these armor piercing rounds hurt like a son of a bitch. They learned how to bypass shields with specialized bullets, I had enough of this! “Chelle, Bryant, locking eyes on the shooters, sending specifics now.”

They both send infinity arrows to the coordinates I sent them, little fun fact I can see through walls. Lex and Lennox climb to the top of the van, ripping the top back like a sardine can. They grab two of them out of the van sending them flying into the dirt, the others ran out of the van, Uncle Reg is on them instantly.

The last one left is a fanatical follower, “Qataeat halqaha! (I’ll cut her throat)”, with a blade to the throat of one of the targets. I invade his mind, ”la, lan takhaf min eiqab almishaewadhayn, yajib’an takhafiani ’akthar” (no, you won’t, you fear punishment from the warlocks, you should fear me more). Taking my hood off with my goggles, he sees my eyes. His are bulging out of his head, he knew exactly who I am.

Just before he could think of harming himself or the supe, I grab his hand and his throat, melting the blade in his hand. He screams out in agony; I crush his voice box. I hand him to Bryant, “You know what to do.” Uncle Reggie is moving a little too slowly, I smell silver! Silver hurt fae more than lead.

Lycans could only be taken down by mercury and wolves by mountain ash. I fly to my Uncle; he has a stab wound to his gut. I could see jagged flexes on silver in the lining. I sent out a link to all scouts, “Clean the entire scene, we were never here. Bring the bodies to the lab. Reggie has been hit. I’m taking him back to the command center.”

I orb out to the command center near the palace, it is just noon. I put my uncle on the triage table and get to work fast. Dark veins began to grow, if it travelled to his abdominal aorta, he will be as good as dead. “Uncle Reg, this is going to hurt, bear down on this.” Placing dragons blood wood in his mouth, he did as I instruct.

Cleaning my hands and gloving up, I spotted a free floater in his stomach. I inject him with a local block but had no time for it to take effect. I cut Reggie open, caught the piece and isolate all the small fragments with an energy technique. Uncle Reggie passes out from the pain. I stitch up each layer slowly, making sure I didn’t miss anything. I reluctantly link my parents with what happened.

I wish we still had fire lotus’, which would have fixed this injury and expelled the silver. Of course after the tree was gone, so were the fire lotus’. Reggie is starting to heal, just slowly. Starting an I.V. I put some of my blood into his antibiotic cocktail. I give my uncle a kiss on his head, when my parents walk in, I orb out. I didn’t have the time to talk to them, I have to clean myself up, make sure the casualties are taken care of and get back to my mate before he even suspects anything was wrong.

I orb back to the team in Qatar, everything was cleaned to my specifications. The targets are in a safe house in the realm. All the bodies and van were transported to the lab. Not one speck of our blood or any forms of DNA lingered. I went back to the underground of our tech company. Bryant is analyzing the drive; the others were rehashing the fight. I walk to the showers, stripping my gear into the bin.

My parents link me; I give them the courtesy of an answer. I told them we could talk later. I scrub my body and hair down, scrubbing my hands and nails at a fevered pace till they became red. Dressing back into the same clothes I came in, I feel off. I walk into Bryant’s office, “Hey, baby brother, you did good. What do we have so far on the drive?”

Bryant didn’t look up, “We have three more locations in the next three weeks. We have France, Greece and Siberia.” I roll my eyes, great, more time zones to contend with. “Send out comms to our contacts in those areas. We need complete cooperation, the less interference the better.” My brother could sense I wasn’t completely myself, “How are you feeling, Laina?”

Honestly, I was numb. I just want to go home to Nolan and bury my face in his chest. “I’m good, baby brother, Reggie is fine too. I spiked some of my blood in his bag. He will still be sore for a few days.” Bryant isn’t going to push any further, he saw what happened when our parents pushed after the realm. I could have destroyed the entire territory. “I’d hug you , but I don’t want your mate to smell anything on you, Love you, big sis.” I loved this kid to death, “Love you more!”

Beware(Jay-Z Remix)-Panjabi MC

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