The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 16 Bedroom Antics

I can't believe she chose that minute amount of clothing to wear to bed, I didn’t have room to talk, I wasn’t even wearing a shirt. Her body was even more evident in her tank top and shorts. The muscle tone is impressive and still feminine. But her ass is super plump with hour glass hips. I watch her eating out of the corner of my eye, her lips were exquisitely plump.

She stifles a burp after wiping her lips clean and heads to the bathroom, I presume to brush her teeth. Moving the tray and cart to the hallway. I link Charles to pick it up, getting under the covers waiting for Elaina, I couldn’t help but think about how the rest of her body felt.

How is she even real, I dreamt of her several times over the past few years. Never once did I think she was real until I saw her on an advertising billboard for the Rarissime clothing line. Elaina was perfection and more breath taking in person.

No one knew what she looked like, except those who met her in person. The Emperor and Empress were very strict in not allowing photos of them to be taken, which is understandable. Young royals were always at risk for being targeted for kidnapping, something I wish I didn’t know all too well. I had been the target of several attempted kidnappings in Bolivia, after the second attempt my father and mother would not allow me, my brother or my sister to go until we were old enough to defend ourselves with a small contingency of guards at all times.

I was so wrapped up in my own head that I didn’t even realize she came out of the bathroom until I heard her gold bracelets jingle. Watching her climb into the bed, I couldn’t help myself and pull her toward me, removing her scarf . I think I just pissed her off touching it, with her eyebrows furrowed and her nose scrunched up. I wrap a few of her tresses around my fingers bringing her hair to my face and inhaling. Even the scent of her hair was intoxicating. Elaina smacks my hand away, “Are you done? It’s been an exhausting evening.”

That voice was mesmerizing, I could listen to it all day even if she were yelling at me for eternity. “Apologies, princess, I uh, I just can’t believe…never mind.” What was he about to say? Let me take a look see for myself. Wow, he can’t believe I’m a real person. Why would he think I wasn’t real? That is an odd thing to think, I really don’t have the energy tonight to dig in his head. Clearing my throat, “I don’t think sleeping with me halfway on your legs sitting up will be comfortable, but if you’d like to give it a try, I’m game.”

We both laugh at my comment as I slid off his lap. Nolan gave me back my scarf and at this point I didn’t feel like rewrapping my hair. I began braiding it from the neck down, securing the end with a hair tie.

“Would you mind if I turn on the television, I don’t want to disturb you if you’re tired. “What television?" There wasn’t any television in this room but let me just humor him. “Sure, I can sleep through a windstorm.” Nolan hit the remote on the nightstand and a television raised from the foot of the bed. I had seen this design once before at a tech fair Bryant dragged me to years ago, seeing it in this room actually made me like it more. Nolan flips to the history channel making me snort, he was at least over a century old, he was history.

“What’s so funny, princess?” Now I was having a giggle fit. “Please call me Elaina and you’re literally a living piece of history, 12 decades worth to be exact.” His mouth forms an 'oh', like oh no you didn’t . ”Okay, that’s it pillow fight!” Nolan hit me with his pillow almost knocking me out the bed. Of course I wasn’t going to let him win this one, smacking him back with mine. I was now winning, and he decides to be underhanded tickling me. Oh my god, I can’t stand being tickled, he had me almost out of breath. “Do you yield, Elaina?”, Of course not I never yield!

I started to tickle him back getting the upper hand. The bed was now a mess from us playing around and we both finally call a truce. I was catching my breath while he attempts to fix the bed, he really was handsome to look at, too bad this wasn’t going to last. We both reach down at the same time to grab the pillows, with his touch sending a soothing sense of euphoria through my body. I felt like a deer in the headlights, frozen in time, and the most inopportune time to get a vision. All my past visions went by like a view master, but with the man now being visible, they were him, all him! Man, I was in deep shit now!

“Elaina, are you ok?”, snapping out of my daze, realizing he said something. “Umm yeah, I’m fine, just Bryant confirming the things I wanted him to bring over tomorrow.” I was so lying my ass off. I quickly got under the covers acting as if I was going to bed. Nolan turns off the lights and closed the blinds. The television was the only thing illuminating the room. Nolan put himself under the covers a little while later and trails the back of his fingers up and down my arm.

Turning over to face him only for him to be mere centimeters away from mine. Don’t you kiss him! Stick to the plan and be such a brat he rejects you! Too late, our mouths were linked and our tongues intertwining slowly. I royally fucked up now and how was I going get out of this with his hand caressing my stomach. Nolan’s fingers were playing with the waistband of my shorts, yep this is where we stop. I push his hands away and pulling back from our kissing, “Goodnight”, instantly turning my back on him pulling the covers up.

I must have fallen asleep instantly because I don’t remember him saying goodnight back. I hadn’t slept this good in years, it’s clear that I was under tremendous mental stress. The curtains were closed but light streamed through the bottom, letting me know it was morning. While attempting to stretch, I felt extra weight on my body. Wait a damn minute. I know he doesn’t have his arm around me? He does! This is my own damn fault for play fighting with him and kissing him back last night. I need to get out of this bed before I pee on myself.

I attempt to release myself from his grip, he just pulls me right back into him with his morning wood pressing right in the middle of my ass. “Good morning, Princess”, he says in his husky morning voice. “Grand rising, do you like water beds?” he responds with, “Huh”. “Do you like water beds?” He lifts his head up replying, ”No, that was the worst bedding trend. That’s a random question to ask.” Now I’m about to be a smart ass, ”Well, you’re about to have one if you don’t let go of me, I need to go to the bathroom.” Realization hits him finally and he releases me. While I was in there I decide to brush my teeth, wash my face and put my hair up in a bun. This bathroom was significantly bigger than the one I used last night. I’m definitely getting in that tub later on, it’s damn near a swimming pool.

Redbone-Childish Gambino

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