The Sin's Virtue

Chapter Reply

Balance, is a complicate framework.

Its built just precisely for fourteen people to accommodate around it and uphold as we live. While we do so, it keeps the peace and stability intact around the world but then any mistake on our part, and gone is the equilibrium we aim for.

It has severe consequences with it.

If any of us fails in fulfilling our role, the whole human race suffers. Even with the one gone, the weight splits itself amongst the rest. In short the average shifts creating a huge problem.

Right now the Sins are planning to restore their powers on the balance and raise it back to their original contribution and I am done for.

I am one against seven and even though I have used the mark of Virtue that is not helping me in the slightest. Of course it would not let the balance tip in their favour but it will create a trouble for me and it will keep on increasing its pressure on my soul as the days pass by.

Too much power is never good.

I am programmed for what I am created for. Not all. Just that. And with this new found information, I am sure whatever awaits me is not going to be easy. I am bound to get sick with all the powers exerting on me at once. Upholding the balance, while Sins keep playing against me?

Good lord how am I going to overcome this one?

Why are they so adamant on making my life so tough than it already is at the moment? What was my fault? That I asked for the help? That is it?

I turned to Pride who was looking at me with guilt evident in his expression. I gulped hard, pushing the lump in my throat down and blinked to keep the tears away.

"When?" I asked quietly. If they are going to restore it then he would have to be there too.

"In a few hours." He informed. "I have to be there."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked curious. "I mean, you are technically betraying your brothers. Wouldn't they be mad about this too?"

If they come to know that Pride is channelling their motives in to the chamber of my knowledge, who knows what they will do to make me pay for it.

Pride looked at me as if I had grown two heads.

"That is why I am using this hologram." He looked solemn and I understood just why. "If I help you in looking for the rest of the Virtues now, that will raise suspicions undoubtedly."

I frowned but then realisation hit the nail.

Our bond.

It is still under the wraps.

I nodded.

"So you are leaving?" I asked and however hard I tried to keep my voice void of the loneliness I was feeling already at the thought of it, I failed.

Pride's expressions softened and he shook his head.

"For now? Yes. But I will keep in contact through this." He pointed to himself or his hologram. "I will have to make sure nobody knows here and still be with you."

I bit my lip agreeing with his plan. This is the best to keep the Sins off my tail.

"Shye!" I jumped at the sound of a voice calling for me. Pride looked at me in question and asked if he should be gone already but I shook my head when I recognised the voice in the distance.

"Stay." I told him standing up. "Here, Ignis!"

I called for the element and heard her footsteps approaching in my direction. Pride stood up as well, pushing himself back into his dominant stance. I rolled my eyes.


"Don't what?"

"Don't roll your eyes at me."

"Or what?"

He smirked and a picture of him trying to kiss me flashed in front of my eyes and blush crawled up my cheeks. Thanks the star for the darkness that I was able to hide it though.

"The blush suits you."

Or not?

"Whatever." I grumbled as he snickered at my lost self. I turned away from him as I saw Ignis making her way towards us. She frowned in confusion but then instantly looked at me, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Do all the emotions come without warning?" She teased referring to Pride's unlearned arrival.

"Oh don't worry my dear element, I won't be too hard on your bills." That is saying something.

"Uh huh." Ignis raised a brow at him as she came to stand in front of us. "To think you consider yourself on my shit long bills? Bless your delusional mind."

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from bursting out loud.

Ignis, right there everyone.

"I, often fall out of the affordability radar." Pride said proudly. "Don't act like you can level up to my stance now."


Ignis shrugged her shoulders completely ignoring him but I know she was just avoiding the whole fiasco which was going to arise from their heated introduction which I was thankful for even though it was extremely entertaining in its wake. Shame, I couldn't bring the popcorns in time.

"You need to come with me." She said, all of a sudden looking very serious.

"What happened?"

"There is a letter." She said with a worried look. "From Death."

All of my senses jammed at once. My stomach churned painfully upon hearing her name.

"Wait, what?" Pride's confused gaze found mine and I realised that I have not told him about Death, yet. "What about Death?"

I sighed and told him everything about what happened and why I was here. I showed him the latest letter I got from the unknown sender and about the meeting I had with Aire and why I decided to write to Death. Recalling everything again was getting on my nerves now.

"That is complex." He commented after I was done. I felt an urge to laugh at his words.

Complex? Does that even cover my case right now?

Complexity can be considered when things are out of one's hand or when the odds are not in favour but with the situation thrusted upon me, I don't think so complexity is the right word to describe it. It is one of those rare challenges that are hard to describe. Maybe, close to precise description of whole blunder can be, an affliction?

Its like a disease that is un rolling itself in my life, like a yarn of wool, leaving an embroidery that is hard to place my fingers on. I have no idea what the bigger picture is going to be like and I am doomed either ways.

I know that the Virtues are safe, there is no way that whoever took them will harm them because if they did then every one would have known, even the Creador, and judging by the calm lands around me, I don't think so that is the case. However, I am soon losing the connection between my sisters and me. I can feel it. It was already weak when I had found about their absence, and it remained so up until I used the mark, once I did that, all the powers my sisters had left with which were a lot less by then were gone and they were transported to me by the mark. In the process, the connection snapped too.

But somehow, I just know that they are safe. I mean, they were already being stripped down of their powers by their captor, so its good that the divinity of their soul was not hindered by the filthy doer and they are safe with me for now. That way he won't bother them either.

My action has two reactions.

One, either the captor is going to torture them for any leverage he can get on me or two, he will be frustrated and leave them alone because as I know the Virtues are absolutely of no use to him as they have no powers left with them and may be he would leave them alone.

Hopefully the latter shall be true. I mean I am trying for every possible way I can to find them. The sooner all of this sorts out, the better.

"Yeah, complex." I scoffed under my breath and followed Ignis back to the house inside with Pride following us in as well.

I was extremely nervous about what could be written in reply. I had no desire to find any kind of orders for me to present myself for any execution ceremony. The thought sours my mood even more than it is. I do not want to die before finding my sisters but well Death is Death. Even though nothing matters once we cease and pass through life but still the melancholy can be felt in the those last moments. Perhaps the pain of failure and the grief of leaving without conquering the aim.

I sighed once we made it to her office upstairs and Pride gave me a comforting nod to go ahead and read it. I mentally recollect the words to her from my letter and hoped for the best.

Ignis handed me a neat looking envelope which I took from her and sat down on the couch, afraid that my knees would give up soon from all the pressure I was feeling.

Instantly, the contact tickled my senses and my skin felt the eerie surface. It was strange because this was new to my knowledge. Fresh. No recognition from the past. That is when I knew it was indeed from Death as it was way different from the previous two letters I had received so far.

I rubbed my hands to shake off the uneasy feeling and flipped the envelope over to open the seal. Taking out the letter from inside, I smoothed the crease and read the neatly written words.


Many would fear the choice of words you boldly wrote down to me but somehow, I respect that. As it is, we do need to meet soon.

By the time you find this letter, it shall be dawn in Fuego and Aire must be on her way to collect you.

In wait,


I stared blankly at the page.

What does this mean?

To collect me?

Why? Where is she going to take me?

I looked up to meet Pride's eyes on me. He was looking deep in thoughts as he read the letter over my shoulder.

I bit my lip to stop the panic that was starting to settle in.

This sounds really horrible to step into. Who knows what will she do once I am completely left bare under her presence. I am nothing compared to her.

"Don't go." My head snapped towards Pride who was staring at me blankly.

I think he has gone nuts with all the unwanted mess.

Does he even hear himself?

"And what do you suggest I do otherwise?" I asked giving him a flat look.

"It is not safe." He shook his head like I did not know that already. "She can hurt you."


As far as the limits allow, that could be just physically. What about the mental trauma? At least she is not like Chao, who likes to play with his victim over and over again. Yes, she can hurt me. Possibly that is her plan all along but for now I am living, I know that, and it is enough for me to comply with the instructions in the letter.

If she can play this nicely, so can I.

In fact that makes me safer to live a little more than I expect to.

"I have got no choice. This is some way to get information and who knows if she indeed has all the Virtues with her?" I mused more to myself. I mean I will never know until I don't give this a chance.

Pride glared at me. My agreement to meet Death doesn't suit him much but its too late to think about that anyways.

I felt the atmosphere around me shift suddenly and Pride frowned feeling the same as well. Just on the cue, Aire apparated in front of us, looking just as same as the other day I met her.

Pride gave me a lingering look that asked me to back off right then but I just shrugged my shoulders.

Here goes nothing.

Hey guys.

Sorry for updating so late. Been stuck with a few things. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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